MCQ Mu DC Sem 8 Sample Questions

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MCQ MU DC Sem 8 Sample questions

Distributed Computing (University of Mumbai)

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Distributed Computing BE | SEM - 8

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Distributed Computing BE | SEM - 8

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Distributed Computing BE | SEM - 8

# Module Details Contents
1. Introduction to 1. Characterization of Distributed Systems: Issues, Goals, and Types of
Distributed Systems distributed systems, Distributed System Models, Hardware
concepts, Software Concept.
2. Middleware: Models of Middleware, Services offered by middleware,
Client Server model

2. Communication 1. Layered Protocols, Interprocess communication (IPC): MPI, Remote

Procedure Call (RPC), Remote Object Invocation, Remote Method
Invocation (RMI)
2. Message Oriented Communication, Stream Oriented
Communication, Group Communication.
3. Synchronization 1. Clock Synchronization, Logical Clocks, Election Algorithms, Mutual
Exclusion, Distributed Mutual Exclusion-Classification of mutual
Exclusion Algorithm, Requirements of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms,
Performance measure.
2. Non Token based Algorithms: Lamport Algorithm, Ricart–Agrawala‘s
Algorithm, Maekawa‘s Algorithm
3. Token Based Algorithms: Suzuki-Kasami‘s Broardcast Algorithms,
Singhal‘s Heurastic Algorithm, Raymond‘s Tree based Algorithm,
Comparative Performance Analysis
4. Resource and 1. Desirable Features of global Scheduling algorithm, Task assignment
Process approach, Load balancing approach, load sharing approach
Management 2. Introduction to process management, process migration, Threads,
Virtualization, Clients, Servers, Code Migration
5. Consistency, 1. Introduction to replication and consistency, Data-Centric and
Replication and Client-Centric Consistency Models, Replica Management.
Fault Tolerance 2. Fault Tolerance: Introduction, Process resilience, Reliable client-
server and group communication, Recovery.
6. Distributed File 1. Introduction and features of DFS, File models, File Accessing
Systems and Name models, File-Caching Schemes, File Replication, Case Study:
Services Distributed File Systems (DSF), Network File System (NFS), Andrew
File System (AFS)
2. Introduction to Name services and Domain Name System, Directory
Services, Case Study: The Global Name Service, The X.500 Directory
3. Designing Distributed Systems: Google Case Study

Note: We have tried to cover almost every important question(s) listed in syllabus. If you feel any
other question is important and it is not cover in this solution then do mail the question on or Whatsapp us on +91-9930038388 / +91-7507531198

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1. A distributed system is a collection of _____________ computing elements that appears to its users as
a single coherent system.
a. Autonomous
b. Dependent
c. All of these
d. None of these

2. The distributed software that drives the distributed system, while providing transparency of
heterogeneity at the platform level is _______________
a. Firmware
b. Middleware
c. Distributed application
d. None of these

3. In distributed system, each processor has its own ___________

a. clock
b. local memory
c. clock and local memory
d. none of these

4. _____________ is a protocol that one program can use to request a service from a program located in
another computer on a network without having to understand the network's details
a. Remote Method invocation(RMI)
b. Stub
c. Driver
d. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

5. Below are the advantages of distributed system. Check one which you find incorrect.
a. Reliability
b. Inherent distribution
c. Modular expandability
d. Data redundancy

6. CORBA is an example of -----

a. Hardware
b. Distributed OS
c. Firmware
d. Middleware

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7. Network transparency is a combination of ----- and ----- transparencies.

a. Replication ,mobility
b. Concurrency, access
c. Access, Location
d. Replication, Performance

8. Use of an electronic mail address such as is an example of -------

a. Location transparency & Access transparency
b. Access transparency & Network Transparency
c. Network Transparency & Access Transparency
d. Location Transparency & Network Transparency

9. ____________ is/are protection against disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals.

a. Reliability
b. Confidentiality
c. Security
d. Authentication

10. ____________ models consider the types of computers and devices that constitute a system and their
interconnectivity, without details of specific technologies.
a. Fault tolerant
b. Fundamental
c. Physical
d. Architectural

11. _______________ and ___________ are two of the most commonly used forms of architectural model for
distributed systems.
a. Master-slave, Peer-to-peer
b. Peer-to-peer, Client-server
c. Multi- tier, Peer-to-peer
d. Multi-slave, Multi-tier

12. Distributed approach based objects are accessed via interfaces, with an associated _________
providing a specification of the methods defined on an object.
a. Interface definition language (or IDL)
b. Interface manipulation language (or IML)
c. Distributed definition language
d. Distributed manipulation language

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13. Intel x86/Linux is an example of ------

a. Middleware
b. Platform
c. Software
d. Operating System

14. The ___________ approach is prevalent – the Web and other Internet services such as FTP, news and
mail as well as web services and the DNS are based on this model, as are filing and other local
a. Multi-tier
b. Peer-to-peer
c. 3-Tier
d. client-server

15. We have ten computers in the lab, we have ten processors with memories available for process an
application and why not we use them as a single system to process an application. – Internet.
This is an example of ___________ system.
a. multicomputer
b. multiprocessor
c. single computer
d. single processor

16. __________ is not a distributed system model.

a. Architectural
b. Client-server
c. Interaction
d. Security

17. RPC stands for _______________

a. Remote Process Call
b. Remote Packet Call
c. Remote Place Call
d. Remote Procedure Call

18. The client ____________ marshal the arguments in invocation requests and unmarshal exceptions
and results in replies.
a. stub
b. driver
c. pointer
d. process

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19. MapReduce and BigTable are components of -------------

a. Google Infrastructure
b. Microsoft Infrastructure
c. Server Infrastructure
d. Process Infrastructure

20. _____________ consist of computer having multiple processors and memory that are connected
through a high speed back plane over the mother board or a simple configuration is to have a high
speed mother board into which CPU and memory cards can be inserted.
a. Multicomputer system
b. Singlecomputer system
c. Singleprocessor system
d. Multiprocessor system

21. Network operating system runs on --------------------

a. server
b. every system in the network
c. both server and every system in the network
d. none of the mentioned

22. The concept of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory, communicating
through a communication network is called as ------------------
a. Parallel Computing
b. Distributed Computing
c. Cloud Computing
d. None of these

23. The _________ model is a distributed application structure that partitions task or workload between
the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters called clients.
a. Peer-to-peer
b. Client-server
c. Hybrid
d. None of these

24. The role of middleware is to ____________

a. enhance the distribution transparency that is missing in network operating systems.
b. provide the replication transparency.
c. Provide the network transparency
d. Enchance the replication transparency

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25. In _____________ computing, the underlying hardware consists of a collection of similar workstations
closely connected by means of high speed LAN.
a. Grid
b. Network
c. Cube
d. Cluster

26. In ____________ system, there is no sharing of main memory.

a. Multiprocessor
b. Singlecomputer
c. Singleprocessor
d. Multicomputer

27. Virtual organization is observed as an issue in ___________ computing system.

a. Grid
b. Cluster
c. Cube
d. Network

28. Distributed ___________ system is a set of information systems physically distributed over multiple
sites, which are connected with some kind of communication network.
a. Computing
b. Pervasive
c. Networking
d. Information

29. RESTful services are a part of __________ architecture.

a. Layered
b. Event based
c. Resource based
d. Object based

30. ____________________ is a concept that involves the passing of data between applications using a
communication channel that carries self-contained units of information (messages).
a. Message Oriented Middleware
b. RPC
c. Connection Oriented Middleware
d. Connectionless Oriented Middleware

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31. _____________ are central to the implementation of the asynchronous interaction model within MOM
a. Stacks
b. RPC
c. LAN
d. Queues

32. A reference model developed to deal with all the communication issues using various levels is ------
a. ISO
b. OSI
c. MOM
d. client-server

33. The standard rules that govern the format, contents, meaning of the messages sent and delivered
are collectively termed as ________________
a. Communication rules
b. Connection-oriented
c. Communication-oriented
d. Communication protocols

34. The telephone is a typical example of ________________ communication service.

a. Connection-oriented
b. Connectionless
c. Communication rules
d. Communication protocols

35. Dropping a letter in mailbox is an example of making use of ____________ communication service.
a. Connection-oriented
b. Communication rules
c. Communication protocols
d. Connectionless

36. Specific parameters of the communication protocol is negotiated when using __________- service.
a. Connection-oriented
b. Connectionless
c. Communication rules
d. Communication protocol

37. Each layer in the OSI model provides a/an ___________ to the layer above it.
a. Interface
b. Protocol

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c. Network
d. Data link

38. The __________ consists of a set of operations that together define the service a layer is prepared to
a. Interface
b. Protocol
c. Data link
d. Network

39. There are ________________ layers is OSI model.

a. Nine
b. Seven
c. Ten
d. Eleven

40. The ____________ layer deals with standardizing how two computers are connected and the
representation of binary levels.
a. Data link
b. Network
c. Physical
d. Presentation

41. The application layer software adds an header to the front of the message and passes the resulting
message across the interface to the _______________ layer.
a. Transport
b. Session
c. Network
d. Presentation

42. __________________ layer of OSI model is responsible for real time streaming of data in various
a. Data Link
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Application

43. ___________ layer of OSI model provides the means to detect and possibly correct transmission errors
to keep a sender and receiver in the same pace.
a. Data Link
b. Transport

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c. Network
d. Application

44. _____________ layer of OSI model contains the protocols to route the message for handling
a. Data Link
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Application

45. ______________ layer is one of the lower level protocols in OSI model.
a. session
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Application

46. The transfer units used in physical layer of OSI model is ------------
a. Frames.
b. Units
c. Headers
d. Bits

47. Grouping of bits into frames is done by ----------- layer in OSI model.
a. Application
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Data Link

48. Checksum is computed in the frame by -------- layer of OSI model.

a. Application
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Data Link

49. The process of choosing the best path to deliver the message from the sender to the receiver is
called _____________
a. Hoping
b. Path selection
c. Network
d. Routing

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50. Upon receiving the message from application layer, the __________ layer breaks it into pieces for
transmission, assigns each one a sequence number and the sends them all.
a. Application
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Data Link

51. Providing the end to end communication without changing the original order is taken care by
_________ layer of OSI model.
a. Application
b. Transport
c. Network
d. Data Link

52. Internet protocol suite supports a connectionless transport protocol called ________.
a. Transmission Control Protocol.
b. Streaming Control Transfer Protocol.
c. Real-Time Transfer Protocol
d. Universal Datagram Protocol.

53. ___________ is a Connection oriented protocol.

a. Transmission Control Protocol.
b. Universal Datagram Protocol.
c. Streaming Control Transfer Protocol.
d. Real-Time Transfer Protocol

54. User programs which do not need connection-oriented protocol uses ------
a. Transmission Control Protocol.
b. Streaming Control Transfer Protocol.
c. Real-Time Transfer Protocol
d. Universal Datagram Protocol.

55. ________________ is a framework protocol in the sense that it specifies packet formats for real time
data without providing the actual mechanisms of guaranteeing data delivery.
a. Transmission Control Protocol.
b. Universal Datagram Protocol.
c. Real-time Transfer Protocol.
d. Streaming Control Transport protocol

56. TCP stands for _______________

a. Transport Control Protocol

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b. Transmission Congestion Protocol

c. Transport Congestion Protocol
d. Transmission Control Protocol.

57. SCTP stands for _______________

a. Secure Control Transport Protocol.
b. Secure Content Transmission Protocol
c. Streaming Control Transport Protocol.
d. Streaming Control Transmission Protocol.

58. Transport protocols consists of ______________

a. Transport layer
b. Network layer & Transport Layer
c. Network Layer
d. Transport Layer and Application layer

59. Higher level protocols consist of _______________

a. All layers above session layer
b. All layers above transport layer
c. All layers above network layer
d. All layers between session and data link layer

60. Network layer provides synchronization facilities.

a. Session layer
b. Data link layer
c. Presentation layer
d. Physical layer

61. Internet ______________ protocol defines the protocol for transferring files between client and server
a. Transmission Control
b. HyperText Transfer
c. File Transmission
d. File Transfer

62. _______________ is designed to remotely manage and handle transfer of web pages.
a. FTP
c. TCP

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63. ______________ is a distributed service that is used to lookup a network address associated with a
name like ‘’
a. Detailed Naming System
b. Domain Name System.
c. Domain Nomenclature System
d. None of these

64. An unit of transfer for transport layer is ----------

a. Bit
b. Packet
c. Message
d. Frame

65. A unit of transfer for network layer is ----------

a. Bit
b. Packet
c. Message
d. Frame

66. With ____________ communication, a message that has been submitted for transmission is stored by
the communication middleware as long as it takes to deliver it to receiver.
a. Transient
b. Efficient
c. Consistent
d. Persistent

67. With ____________ communication, a message is stored by the communication system as long as the
sending and receiving applications are executing.
a. Transient
b. Persistent
c. Consistent
d. Efficient

68. E-mail system is an example in which communication is ____________

a. Transient
b. Consistent
c. Efficient
d. Persistent

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69. With ____________ communication, the sender is blocked until its request is known to be accepted.
a. asynchronous
b. synchronous

70. RPC provides a/an ____________ on the client side, a separate one for each remote procedure.
a. Stub
b. Identifier
c. Name
d. Process identifier

71. A process that is based on IPC mechanism which executes on different systems and can
communicate with other processes using message-based communication, is called ____________
a. Local Procedure Call
b. Inter Process Communication
c. Remote Procedure Call
d. Remote Machine Invocation

72. The remote method invocation __________

a. Allows a process to invoke memory on a remote object
b. Allows a thread to invoke a method on a remote object
c. Allows a thread to invoke memory on a remote object
d. Allows a process to invoke a method on a remote object

73. To resolve the problem of data representation on different systems, RPC define ____________
a. Machine dependent data representation
b. Machine independent data representation
c. Stub dependent data representation
d. Stub independent data representation

74. With __________ RPC, the server, in principle, immediately sends a reply back to the client the
moment the RPC request is received.
a. Synchronous
b. Asynchronous
c. Code
d. None

75. ________________ is a user defined function that is invoked when a special event happens, such as an
incoming message.
a. Stub
b. Method
c. Service

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d. Callback

76. In order to automatically start a process to fetch messages from an input queue, a ---------- is often
used that monitors the input queue.
a. daemon
b. stub
c. method
d. service

77. The ____________ stub contains the procedures called by the runtime system on the server machine
when an incoming message arrives.
a. client
b. server
c. daemon
d. service

78. RMI stands for _______________

a. Remote Method Invocation
b. Remote Model Invocation
c. Registered Method Invocation
d. None of these

79. A ___________ is a communication endpoint to which an application can write data that are to be
sent over an underlying network, and from which an incoming data can be read.
a. primitive
b. socket
c. stub
d. deamon

80. The listen operation of TCP/IP is called only in case of ________ communication.
a. Connection Oriented
b. Connectionless
c. Process Oriented
d. None

81. The ___________ operation of TCP/IP blocks the caller until a connection request arrives.
a. bind
b. listen
c. accept
d. close

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82. The need to be hardware and platform independent eventually lead to the definition of a standard
for message passing simply called the ___________
a. Message Passing Interface (MPI)
b. RMI
c. RPC
d. None of these

83. Support for continuous media is provided using _____________ communication.

a. Message oriented
b. RPC
c. Stream oriented
d. None of these

84. _____________ measures the variation in packet delay, or the time it takes for a packet to reach its
a. Jitter
b. Bandwidth
c. Stream
d. None of these

85. Types of group communication:

a. One-to-many
b. Many-to-Many
c. Many-to-Many
d. All of the above

86. Message oriented communication is classified into two types:

a. Transient and Persistent
b. Connection oriented and connectionless
c. Connection oriented and transient
d. Connectionless and persistent

87. Web access protocols fall under ____________ layer of OSI model.
a. Transport
b. Network
c. Application
d. None of these

88. Packing parameters into a message is called -----------

a. Parameter collection
b. Parameter binding

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c. Parameter marshalling
d. None of these

89. _______________ call semantic can be implemented by retransmission of the (call) request message
on time-out.
a. Maybe
b. Atleast once
c. Atmost once
d. None of these

90. Distributed services provided by the DCE are:

a. Thread services
b. RPC
c. Time service
d. directory services
e. All of the above.

91. The different communication protocols in RPC are:

a. Request protocol.
b. Request/reply protocol.
c. Request/reply/Acknowledgement protocol.
d. All of the above

92. ___________ Synchronization deals with understanding the temporal ordering of events produced by
concurrent processes.
a. Clock
b. Process
c. Data
d. None of these

93. We define the relation ‘->’ __________________ on the set of events of a system.
a. happened-after
b. happened-once
c. assignment
d. happened-before

94. A ________________ clock is a way of assigning a number to an event, where the number is thought
of as the time at which the event occurred.
a. logical
b. physical

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95. Conditions for Deadlock are:

a. Mutual Exclusion Condition
b. Hold and Wait Condition
c. No-Preemptive Condition
d. Circular Wait Condition
e. All of the above

96. Physical clock synchronization algorithms are :

a. christians algorithm
b. berkeleys algorithm
c. All of the above
d. None of these

97. Logical clock synchronization algorithms are:

a. lamport timestamps
b. vector timestamps
c. All of the above
d. None of these

98. Election algorithms are:

a. Bully algorithm
b. Ring algorithm
c. All of the above
d. None of these

99. Mutual exclusion algorithms are:

a. centralized algorithm
b. distributed algorithm
c. token ring algorithm
d. All of the above
e. None of these

100. Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms consists of:

a. Non Token and Token Based Algorithm
b. Singhal’s Heuristic Algorithm
c. Raymond’s Tree based Algorithm
d. All of the above
e. None of these

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101. Suppose that two processes detect the demise of the coordinator simultaneously and both decide
to hold an election using the bully algorithm. In this case, each of the higher-numbered processes
will get two ELECTION messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will proceed as usual.
a. The statement is True
b. The statement is False.
c. Cannot be determined.

102. If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are _______________
a. concurrent
b. non-concurrent
c. monotonic
d. non-monotonic

103. A process can enter into its critical region _______________

a. anytime
b. when it receives a reply message from its parent process
c. when it receives a reply message from all other processes in the system
d. none of the above

104. According to the ring algorithm, links between processes are ________________
a. bidirectional
b. unidirectional
c. both bidirectional and unidirectional
d. none of the above

105. In distributed systems, election algorithms assume that ______________

a. A unique priority number is associated with each active process in system
b. There is no priority number associated with any process
c. Priority of the processes is not required
d. None of these

106. In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected by ____________

a. bully algorithm
b. ring algorithm
c. All of the above
d. none of these

107. In the token passing approach of distributed systems, processes are organized in a ring structure
a. logically
b. physically

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c. both logically and physically

d. none of the above

108. In single CPU systems, critical regions, mutual exclusion, and other synchronization problems are
solved using methods such as ------------
a. semaphores
b. deamons
c. clocks
d. None of the above

109. _________________ clocks determine relative ordering.

a. Physical
b. Logical
c. Synchronous
d. Asynchronous

110. For algorithms where only internal consistency of clocks matters (not whether clocks are close to
real time), we speak of ________________ clocks.
a. Logical
b. Physical
c. Synchronous
d. Asynchronous

111. For algorithms where clocks must not only be the same, but also must not deviate from real-time,
we speak of ____________ clocks.
a. Logical
b. Physical
c. Synchronous
d. Asynchronous

112. ________________ is an active time server approach where the time server periodically broadcasts its
clock time and the other nodes receive the message to correct their own clocks.
a. Berkeley algorithm
b. Christian algorithm
c. Token ring algorithm
d. None of these

113. _______________ synchronization is a method of synchronizing clock values of any two nodes in a
distributed system with the use of external reference clock or internal clock value of the node.
a. Clock
b. Process

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c. Data
d. None of these

114. ____________ algorithm overcomes limitation of faulty clock and malicious interference in passive
time server and also overcomes limitation of active time server algorithm.
a. Berkeley’s
b. Christian’s
c. Round Robin
d. Token

115. _______________ clock synchronization algorithm overcomes issue of scalability and single point of
failure as there is no common or global clock required.
a. Centralized
b. Distributed
c. Token Based
d. Ring Based

116. _______________ clock synchronization is the one in which each node shares its time with other nodes
and all the nodes set and adjust their times accordingly.
a. Internal
b. External

117. Network Time Protocol is an example of ___________ clock synchronization algorithm.

a. Centralized
b. Distributed
c. Token Based
d. Ring Based

118. _______________ is used to provide a partial ordering of events with minimal overhead.
a. Lamport algorithm
b. Passive time server algorithm
c. Token Based algorithm
d. Ring Based algorithm

119. NTP stands for _________________________

a. Network Transmission Protocol.
b. Network Transfer Protocol.

120. The ______________ algorithm makes no assumptions on the accuracy of each clock and does not
require a remote time server
a. Lamport

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b. Berkeley
c. Christian
d. None of these

121. In ___________ mutual exclusion is achieved by passing a special message called token between the
a. Token based algorithm
b. Physical clock algorithm
c. Passive clock algorithm
d. Active clock algorithm

122. In the worst case, the Raymond’s tree-based algorithm requires ______ message invocation per
critical section entry.
a. 2 * ( Longest path length of the tree )
b. Longest path length of the tree +1
c. 2* Number of nodes – 1
d. None of these

123. Synchronization delay for Raymond’s tree based algorithm is ________ with N being number of nodes
in the tree and T being the maximum message transmission time.
a. (T * log N )/ 2
b. (T * log N-1 )/ 2
c. (T * log N )

124. If sd is synchronization delay, E the average CS(critical section)execution time then system
throughput = _____________
a. 1 / (sd + E).
b. 1 / (sd - E).
c. (sd + E).
d. None of these

125. __________ messages per CS invocation in case of Lamport’s algorithm.

a. 3(N-1)
b. N-1
c. 2(N-1)
d. None of these

126. ___________ messages per CS invocation in case of Ricart Agrawala’s algorithm.

a. 3(N-1)
b. 2(N-1)
c. N

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d. None of these

127. Synchronization delay is _________ for Ricart Agrawala’s algorithm.

a. T
b. 3T
c. 2T
d. None of these

128. Synchronization delay is _________ for Lamport’s algorithm.

a. T
b. 3T
c. 2T
d. None of these

129. In Low to moderate loads, average message traffic is ------- messages for Singhal heuristic approach.
a. N-1
b. N/2
c. N(N-1)/2
d. N*2

130. In high loads, message traffic is ------- messages for Singhal heuristic approach.
a. N-1
b. N/2
c. N(N-1)
d. N

131. Synchronization delay is ------- for Singhal heuristic algorithm.

a. T
b. 3T
c. 2T
d. None of these

132. Response time for Raymond’s tree based algorithm is -----------

a. 2T+E
b. TlogN
c. 2TlogN+E
d. T(logN)+E

133. Response time for Singhal heuristic’s algorithm is _____________

a. 2T+E
b. TlogN

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c. 2TlogN+E
d. T(logN)+E

134. Response time for Lamport’s algorithm is _____________

a. 2T+E
b. TlogN
c. 2TlogN+E
d. T(logN)+E

135. Response time for Ricart Agrawala algorithm is _____________

a. 2T+E
b. TlogN
c. 2TlogN+E
d. T(logN)+E

136. Which of the following is not the approach of deadlock detection?

a. Centralized
b. Distributed
c. Hierarchical
d. Token based

137. A process can be thought as three segments namely _____________, ________, _____________
a. data, code, extra
b. data, extra, execution
c. code, resource, execution
d. resource, execution, data

138. Stack, program counter is stored in -------- segment of the process.

a. code
b. execution
c. data
d. resource

139. External assets (printer, etc) needed by the program is referenced in ----------- segment of the
a. Execution
b. Code
c. Resource
d. Extra

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140. Mobility mechanism, in context to code migration, is classified as -------------

a. Strong and weak
b. Only Strong
c. No classification
d. Cloning and migrating

141. In a process, resource segment refers to resources using ------------

a. Process-to-resource binding
b. Resource-to-machine binding

142. ___________ migration is the relocation of process from its source node to another destination node.
a. Process
b. Code

143. A _____________ is basically either a Software or Hardware device used to evenly distribute and tack
the load of multiple processes on a Server.
a. load balancer
b. load scheduler

144. Imagine you are to compare reading a file using a single-threaded file server and a multithreaded
server. It takes 15 msec to get a request for work, dispatch it, and do the rest of the necessary
processing, assuming that the data needed are in a cache in main memory. If a disk operation is
needed, as is the case one-third of the time, an additional 75 msec is required, during which time
the thread sleeps. How many requests/sec can the server handle if it is single threaded?
a. 75
b. 66
c. 25
d. 50

145. Java applets is an example of ____________ migration approach.

a. sender-initiated
b. receiver-initiated

146. Authentication and registration of the client at the server is often required in case of ________
migration approach.
a. sender-initiated
b. receiver-initiated

147. Malicious attacks are possible in _______________ migration approach.

a. sender-initiated
b. receiver-initiated

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148. ___________ yields an exact copy of the original process on a different machine for an instance.
a. Migration
b. Cloning

149. A _____________ server maintains clients state information from one remote procedure call to the
next call.
a. stateless
b. stateful

150. Sessions details are maintained in _________ server.

a. stateless
b. stateful

151. ______________ server does not maintain any client state information.
a. stateless
b. stateful

152. _______________ is a technique to migrate the established TCP state from the original node to the
new node, so that the new node can send packets to the other TCP endpoint directly.
a. TCP handoff
b. TCP handshake
c. TCP/IP protocol
d. None of these

153. The _______________ provides the same interface as available at the server, but hides the possible
differences in machine architectures, as well as the actual communication.
a. proxy
b. stub
c. daemon
d. cookie

154. A ____________ is a computer that runs from resources stored on a central server instead of a localized
hard drive.
a. virtual machine
b. proxy
c. thin client
d. None of these

155. Load --------- approach attempts to avoid idle nodes while processes wait for being processed.
a. Assignment

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b. Sharing
c. Balancing
d. Scheduling

156. DNS stands for

a. Domain Names Services
b. Directory Numeric Service
c. Domain Name Service
d. Directory Name Services

157. URI stands for

a. Universal Resources Identification
b. Uniform Resource Identifiers
c. Universal Resource Identifiers
d. Unique Resource Identifiers

158. URN stands for

a. Unique Resource Numbers
b. Unique Resource Name
c. Uniform Resource Name
d. Uniform Resource Numbers

159. In DNS, ______ Navigation is the standard.

a. Server-controlled
b. Iterative
c. Recursive
d. Security

160. The DNS namespace consists of _____.

a. Modules
b. Addresses
c. Ports
d. Zones

161. Every zone must have at least _____ name servers.

a. Two
b. One
c. Three
d. Five

162. _____ is the command for name resolution and reverse resolution.

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a. Port
b. dig
c. host
d. DNS

163. _____ is the command to query DNS servers for arbitrary info.
a. nslookup
b. Arbi
c. DNS
d. host

164. GNS stands for

a. Global Numeric Service
b. Global Name Service
c. Global Number Service
d. Global Numeric Senders

165. _____ refers to hiding details from the user.

a. Replication
b. Naming
c. Access
d. Transparency

166. Mapping between logical and physical objects is known as _____.

a. Binding
b. Naming
c. Cloning
d. Replication

167. What are the different ways in which clients and servers are dispersed across machines?
a. Servers may not run on dedicated machines
b. Servers and clients can be on same machines
c. Distribution cannot be interposed between a OS and the file system
d. OS cannot be distributed with the file system a part of that distribution

168. What are not the characteristics of a DFS?

a. login transparency and access transparency
b. Files need not contain information about their physical location
c. No Multiplicity of users
d. No Multiplicity if files

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169. What are characteristic of a DFS?

a. Fault tolerance
b. Scalability
c. Heterogeneity of the system
d. Upgradation

170. Which is not a major component of a file system?

a. Directory service
b. Authorization service
c. Shadow service
d. System service

171. What is the advantage of caching in remote file access?

a. Reduced network traffic by retaining recently accessed disk blocks
b. Faster network access
c. Copies of data creates backup automatically
d. None of the mentioned

172. What is networked virtual memory?

a. Caching
b. Segmentation
c. RAM disk
d. None of the mentioned

173. Which is not an example of state information?

a. Mounting information
b. Description of HDD space
c. Session keys
d. Lock status

174. In distributed system each processor has its own

a. local memory
b. clock
c. both local memory and clock
d. none of the mentioned

175. If one site fails in distributed system

a. the remaining sites can continue operating
b. all the sites will stop working
c. directly connected sites will stop working
d. none of the mentioned

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176. Network operating system runs on

a. server
b. every system in the network
c. both server and every system in the network
d. none of the mentioned server

177. Which technique is based on compile-time program transformation for accessing remote data in a
distributed- memory parallel system?
a. cache coherence scheme
b. computation migration
c. remote procedure call
d. message passing

178. Logical extension of computation migration is

a. process migration
b. system migration
c. thread migration
d. data migration

179. Processes on the remote systems are identified by

a. host ID
b. host name and identifier
c. identifier
d. process ID

180. In distributed systems, link and site failure is detected by

a. polling
b. handshaking
c. token passing
d. none of the mentioned

181. The capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called
a. scalability
b. tolerance
c. capacity
d. none of the mentioned

182. Internet provides _______ for remote login.

a. telnet
b. http
c. ftp

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d. RPC

183. Transparency that enables multiple instances of resources to be used, is called

a. Replication transparency
b. Scaling transparency
c. Concurrency transparency
d. Performance transparency

184. A paradigm of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory, communicating through
a computer network, is known as
a. Distributed computing
b. Cloud computing
c. Centralized computing
d. Parallel computing

185. Type of architecture that is considered responsible for success of

a. Two-tier architecture
b. Three-tier architecture
c. n-tier architecture
d. Peer-to-Peer architecture

186. A global system of interconnected computer networks is known as

a. Ethernet
b. Intranet
c. Internet
d. Ultra-net

187. RPC connectors and message queues are mechanisms for

a. Message retrieving
b. Message passing
c. Message delivering
d. Message Syncing

188. Parallel computing is also known as

a. Parallel computation
b. Parallel processing
c. Parallel distribution
d. Parallel development

189. Connections that grows exponentially into a new dynamic network of networks, is known as
a. Dynamic

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b. Static
c. Transparent
d. Opaque

190. One of first uses of grid computing was breaking of a

a. Critical computed code
b. Tabulated code
c. Cryptographic code
d. Decryptographic code

191. Centralized computing covers many data centers and

a. Minicomputers
b. Mainframe computers
c. Supercomputers
d. Microcomputers

192. To provide high-throughput service is measures taken by

a. Efficiency
b. Adaptation
c. Dependability
d. Flexibility

193. In distributed system each processor has its own

a. local memory
b. clock
c. both A & B
d. none of the mentioned

194. Which technique is based on compile-time program transformation for accessing remote data in a
distributed-memory parallel system.
a. Cache coherence scheme
b. computation migration
c. remote procedure call
d. message passing

195. In distributed systems, link and site failure is detected by

a. polling
b. handshaking
c. token passing
d. none of the mentioned

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196. The capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called
a. scalability
b. tolerance
c. capacity
d. none of the mentioned

197. Internet provides ________ for remote login.

a. telnet
b. http
c. ftp
d. RPC

198. A system which is the result of interaction between computational processes and the physical
world’s known as
a. Cyber-processing system
b. Controlled-processing system
c. Controlled-physical system
d. Cyber-physical system

199. A parallel computer is the computer system capable of

a. Parallel computing
b. Centralized computing
c. Decentralized computing
d. Distributed computing

200. The process of writing parallel programs is often referred to as

a. Parallel processes
b. Parallel development
c. Parallel programming
d. Parallel computation parallel programming

201. Three-tier architecture simplifies application's

a. Initiation
b. Implementation
c. Deployment
d. Maintenance Deployment

202. A dynamic connection that grows into dynamic networks of networks, is called
a. Cyber cycle
b. Internet of things
c. Cyber-physical system

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d. Multithreading Internet of things

203. The ability of distributed systems to run well in HPC and HTC applications, is known to be its
a. Efficiency
b. Flexibility
c. Dependability
d. Adaptation

204. Distributed systems can run well in application of

a. HPC
b. HTC
c. HRC
d. Both A & B

205. The market-oriented high-end computing systems is derived from a strategic change from an HPC
a. HTC paradigm
b. SOA paradigm
c. MPP paradigm
d. Virtualization

206. In many applications, HPC and HTC systems desire

a. Transparency
b. Dependency
c. Secretive
d. Adaptivity Transparency

207. An architecture in which no special machines manage the network resources is known as
a. A. Space based
b. Tightly coupled
c. Loosely coupled
d. Peer-to-Peer

208. Distributed systems have significant characteristics of

a. 2 types
b. 3 types
c. 4 types
d. 5 types

209. Peer machines are built over

a. 1 Server machine

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b. 1 Client machine
c. Many Client machines
d. Many Server machines

210. The HTC applications are of type

a. Engineering
b. Science Business
c. Media mass
d. Business

211. An architecture that creates virtualization of one single address space, is called
a. Peer-to-Peer
b. Space based
c. Tightly coupled
d. Loosely coupled

212. The transparency that enables multiple instances of resources to be used, is called
a. Replication transparency
b. Scaling transparency
c. Concurrency transparency
d. Performance transparency

213. A paradigm of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory, communicating through
a computer network, is known as
a. Distributed computing
b. Cloud computing
c. Centralized computing
d. Parallel computing

214. Cloud computing and web service platforms are focused on applications like
a. HPC
b. HTC
c. HCC
d. HRC

215. The type of architecture that is considered responsible for the success of
a. Two-tier architecture
b. Three-tier architecture
c. n-tier architecture
d. Peer-to-Peer architecture

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216. CPS stands for

a. Cyber-physical system
b. Controller physical system
c. Cyber processing system
d. Controlled-processing system

217. Grid and cloud platforms are regarded as

a. Parallelized services
b. Innovative services
c. Utility service providers
d. Cyber services

218. The connections that grows exponentially into a new dynamic network of networks, is known as
a. Dynamic
b. Static
c. Transparent
d. Opaque

219. In the grid computing model, servers or personal computers run

a. Dependently
b. Independently
c. Concurrently
d. Horizontally

220. HTC stands for

a. High-turning computing
b. High-tabulation computing
c. High-technology computing
d. High-throughput computing

221. An architecture that move the client's query to a middle tier so that stateless clients can be used is
a. Peer-to-Peer architecture
b. Master/slave architecture
c. Client/Server architecture
d. Three-tier architecture

222. One of the first uses of grid computing was the breaking of a
a. Critical computed code
b. Tabulated code
c. Cryptographic code

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d. Decryptographic code

223. The speed of HPC systems has enhanced from Gflops to

a. Tflops
b. Pflops
c. Eflops
d. Mflops

224. All the resources are shared and integrated within one OS, in the computing paradigm named
a. Distributed computing
b. Parallel computing
c. Cloud computing
d. Centralized computing

225. In a distributed system, information is exchanged through

a. Memory sharing
b. Message passing
c. Exceptions
d. Cloud Computing

226. All the resources are tightly coupled in the computing paradigm of
a. Cloud computing
b. Centralized computing
c. Distributed computing
d. Parallel computing
227. A set of highly integrated machines that run the same process in parallel is known to be
a. Tightly coupled
b. Loosely coupled
c. Space based
d. Peer-to-Peer

228. DLP stands for

a. Data-level processing
b. Degree-level processing
c. Data-level parallelism
d. Degree-level parallelism

229. Centralized computing covers many data centers and Minicomputers

a. Mainframe computers
b. Supercomputers
c. Microcomputers

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d. Singleframe computer

230. The primary goal for HTC paradigm is to provide

a. Low-flux computing
b. High-flux computing
c. Computer utilities
d. High ratio Identification

231. To provide high-throughput service is the measures taken by

a. Efficiency
b. Adaptation
c. Dependability
d. Flexibility

232. A model in which components of a software system are shared among multiple computers is known
a. Centralized computing
b. Parallel computing
c. Distributed computing
d. Decentralized computing

233. The applications that run on any available servers in some edge networks are known to be
a. Parallel cloud
b. Distributed cloud
c. Virtualized cloud
d. Centralized cloud

234. Computer technology has gone through the development generations of

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

235. In an execution model, the utilization rate of resources is known to be its

a. Efficiency
b. Dependability
c. Flexibility
d. Adaptation

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236. Providing Quality of Service (QoS) assurance, even tinder failure conditions, is the responsibility of
a. Adaptation
b. Flexibility
c. Efficiency
d. Dependability

237. Interprocessor communication takes place via

a. Shared memory
b. Message passing
c. Centralized memory
d. Both A and B

238. An architecture where clients first communicate the server for data then format and display it to the
users, is known as
a. Client/Server architecture
b. Three-tier architecture
c. Two-tier architecture
d. Peer-to-Peer architecture

239. Technologies like Peer-to-Peer leads to the development of

a. Computational grids
b. Data grids
c. Norming grids
d. Both A and B

240. The HPC applications are of type

a. Science
b. Media mass
c. Business
d. Management Science

241. A computing paradigm in which all computer resources are centralized in one physical system is
known to be
a. Centralized computing
b. Parallel computing
c. Distributed computing
d. Cloud computing

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242. The transparency that enables accessing local and remote resources using identical operations is
a. Concurrency transparency
b. Access transparency
c. Performance transparency
d. Scaling transparency

243. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are formed for

a. Manual file sharing
b. Distributed file sharing
c. Connected file sharing
d. Cloud file sharing

244. Most of the web applications are of

a. Master/slave architecture
b. Peer-to-Peer architecture
c. Three-tier architecture
d. Client/Server architecture

245. In a peer-to-peer architecture, peers can serve as

a. Clients
b. Servers
c. Middle-system
d. Both A and B

246. The processors are either loosely coupled with distributed memory or tightly coupled with
centralized shared memory in the paradigm
a. Cloud computing
b. Distributed computing
c. Centralized computing
d. Parallel computing

247. The internet was introduced in

a. 1967
b. 1968
c. 1969
d. 1970

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248. The reliability and self-management from the chip to the system and application levels are the
measures of
a. Dependability
b. Flexibility
c. Adaptation
d. Efficiency

249. Uni processor computing is known as

a. Centralized computing
b. Parallel computing
c. Distributed computing
d. Grid computing

250. A computing model of a distributed architecture of large numbers of computers connected to solve
a complex problem is called
a. Linear computing
b. Grid computing
c. Layout computing
d. Compound computing

251. Utility computing focuses on a

a. Business model
b. Scalable model
c. Cloud model
d. Data model

252. Distributed systems should?

a. high security
b. have better resource sharing
c. better system utilization
d. low system overhead

253. An RPC (remote procedure call) is initiated by the:

a. Server
b. client
c. both (a) and (b)
d. neither (a) nor (b)

254. What is not true about distributed system?

a. It is a collection of processors
b. All processors are synchronized

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c. They do not share memory

d. None of the mentioned

255. What are characteristics of processor in distributed system?

a. They vary in size and function
b. They are same in size and function
c. They are manufactured with single purpose
d. They are real-time devices

256. What are characteristics of distributed file system?

a. Its users, servers and storage devices are dispersed
b. Service activity is not carried out across the network
c. They have single centralized data repository
d. There are multiple dependent storage devices

257. What are types of distributed operating system?

a. Network Operating system
b. Zone based Operating system
c. Level based Operating system
d. All of the mentioned

258. What are characteristic of Network Operating Systems?

a. Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
b. They are transparent
c. They are simple to use
d. All of the mentioned

259. How are access to resources of various machines is done?

a. Remote logging using ssh or telnet
b. Zone are configured for automatic access
c. FTP is not used
d. All of the mentioned

260. What are characteristics of Distributed Operating system?

a. Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
b. Access is done like local resources
c. Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
d. They have multiple zones to access files

261. What are characteristics of data migration?

a. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required

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b. transfer the computation rather than the data

c. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
d. none of the mentioned transfer

262. What are characteristics of computation migration?

a. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
b. transfer the computation rather than the data
c. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
d. none of the mentioned

263. What are characteristics of process migration?

a. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
b. transfer the computation rather than the data
c. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
d. none of the mentioned

264. What are characteristic of a DFS?

a. Fault tolerance
b. Scalability
c. Heterogeneity of the system
d. Upgradation

265. What is networked virtual memory?

a. Caching
b. Segmentation
c. RAM disk
d. None of the mentioned

266. What are the different ways in which clients and servers are dispersed across machines?
a. Servers may not run on dedicated machines machines
b. Servers and clients can be on same machines
c. Distribution cannot be interposed between a OS and the file system
d. OS cannot be distributed with the file system a part of that distribution

267. What are not the characteristics of a DFS?

a. login transparency and access transparency
b. Files need not contain information about their physical location
c. No Multiplicity of users
d. No Multiplicity if files users

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268. What are the different ways file accesses take place?
a. sequential access
b. direct access
c. indexed sequential access
d. all of the mentioned

269. Which is not a major components of file system?

a. Directory service
b. Authorization service
c. Shadow service
d. System service

270. What are the different ways mounting of file system?

a. boot mounting
b. auto mounting
c. explicit mounting
d. all of the mentioned

271. What is the advantage of caching in remote file access?

a. Reduced network traffic by retaining recently accessed disk blocks
b. Faster network access
c. Copies of data creates backup automatically
d. None of the mentioned

272. What is networked virtual memory?

a. Caching
b. Segmentation
c. RAM disk
d. None of the mentioned

273. What are the characteristics of Unix semantics?

a. Easy to implement in a single processor system
b. Data cached on a per process basis using write through case control
c. Write-back enhances access performance
d. All of the mentioned

274. What are the characteristics of transaction semantics?

a. Suitable for applications that are concerned about model are interested coherence of data in
the atomicity
b. The users of this model are interested in the atomicity property for their property for their
transaction transaction

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c. Easy to implement in a single processor system

d. Write-back enhances access performance.

275. _____of the distributed file system are dispersed among various machines of distributed system.
a. Clients
b. Servers
c. Storage devices
d. All of the mentioned

276. _____is not possible in distributed file system.

a. File replication
b. Migration
c. Client interface
d. Remote access

277. Which one of the following hides the location where in the transparent network the file is stored?
a. transparent distributed file system
b. hidden distributed file system
c. escaped distribution file system
d. spy distributed file system

278. In distributed file system, when a file's physical storage location changes
a. file name needs to be changed
b. file name need not to be changed
c. file's host name needs to be changed
d. file's local name needs to be changed

279. In distributed file system, ______is mapping between naming logical and physical objects.
a. client interfacing
b. naming
c. migration
d. heterogeneity

280. In distributed file system, a file is uniquely identified by the combination of _____
a. host name
b. local name
c. the combination of host name and local name
d. none of the mentioned

281. There is no need to establish and terminate a connection through open and close operation in
a. stateless file service

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b. stateful file service

c. both stateless and stateful file service
d. none of the mentioned

282. In distributed file system, file name does not reveal the file's location
a. local name
b. physical storage location
c. both local name and physical storage location
d. none of the mentioned

283. Which one of the following is a distributed file system?

a. andrew file system
b. network file system
c. novel network
d. All of the mentioned

284. What are the parts of global unique identifier?

a. Local unique time stamp
b. Remote time stamp
c. Clock number
d. All of the mentioned

285. Which are the two complementary deadlock-prevention schemes using time stamps?
a. The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
b. The wait-n-watch scheme
c. The wound-wait scheme
d. The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme

286. In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with _____

a. each instruction
b. each process
c. each register
d. none of the mention

287. If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are ______
a. concurrent
b. non-concurrent
c. monotonic
d. non-monotonic

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288. If a process is executing in its critical section _____

a. any other process can also execute in its critical section
b. no other process can execute in its critical section
c. one more process can execute in its critical section
d. none of the mentioned

289. A process can enter into its critical section _____

a. anytime
b. when it receives a reply message from its parent process
c. when it receives a reply message from all other processes system in the system
d. none of the mentioned

290. For proper synchronization in distributed systems

a. prevention from the deadlock is must
b. prevention from the starvation is must
c. prevention from the deadlock & starvation is must
d. none of the mentioned

291. In the token passing approach of distributed systems, _____ processes are organized in a ring
a. logically
b. physically
c. both logically and physically
d. none of the mentioned

292. In distributed systems, transaction coordinator

a. starts the execution of transaction
b. breaks the transaction into number of sub transactions
c. coordinates the termination of the transaction
d. all of the mentioned all of the mentioned

293. In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected by

a. bully algorithm
b. ring algorithm
c. both bully and ring algorithm
d. none of the mentioned

294. In distributed systems, election algorithms assume that

a. a unique priority number is associated with each active process in system
b. there is no priority number associated with any process
c. priority of the processes is not required

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d. none of the mentioned

295. According to the ring algorithm, links between processes are

a. bidirectional
b. unidirectional
c. both bidirectional and unidirectional
d. none of the mentioned

296. What things are transaction coordinator is responsible for?

a. Starting the execution of the transaction
b. Breaking transaction into a number of sub transactions
c. Coordinating the termination of the transaction
d. All of the mentioned

297. Single coordinator approach has the following advantages:

a. Simple implementation
b. Simple deadlock handling
c. bottleneck
d. All of the mentioned

298. What are the parts of global unique identifier?

a. Local unique time stamp
b. Remote time stamp
c. Clock number
d. All of the mentioned

299. Cloud computing offers a broader concept than

a. Centralized computing
b. Utility computing
c. Decentralized computing
d. Parallel computing

300. The transparency that allows movement of resources and clients within a system is called
a. Concurrency transparency
b. Performance transparency
c. Replication transparency
d. Mobility transparency

301. A distributed computer running a distributed program is known as

a. Distributed process
b. Distributed application

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c. Distributed computing
d. Distributed program

302. The market-oriented high-end computing systems is derived from a strategic change from an HPC
a. HTC paradigm
b. SOA paradigm
c. MPP paradigm
d. Virtualization

303. In many applications, HPC and HTC systems desire

a. Transparency
b. Dependency
c. Secretive
d. Adaptivity

304. An architecture in which no special machines manage the network resources is known as
a. Space based
b. Tightly coupled
c. Loosely coupled
d. Peer-to-Peer

305. All the resources are shared and integrated within one OS, in the computing paradigm named
a. Distributed computing
b. Parallel computing
c. Cloud computing
d. Centralized computing

306. In a distributed system, information is exchanged through

a. Memory sharing
b. Message sharing
c. Message passing
d. Exceptions

307. All the resources are tightly coupled in the computing paradigm of
a. Cloud computing
b. Centralized computing
c. Distributed computing
d. Parallel computing

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308. A set of highly integrated machines that run the same process in parallel is known to be
a. Tightly coupled
b. Loosely coupled
c. Space based
d. Peer-to-Peer

309. Three-tier architecture simplifies application's

a. Initiation
b. Implementation
c. Deployment
d. Maintenance

310. A dynamic connection that grows into dynamic networks of networks, is called
a. Cyber cycle
b. Internet of things
c. Cyber-physical system
d. Multithreading

311. A global system of interconnected computer networks is known as

a. Ethernet
b. Intranet
c. Internet
d. Ultra-net Internet

312. ________ is used for connecting resources and users

a. Resource Sharing
b. Scalability
c. Openness
d. Transparency

313. Communication is hidden from users means ________

a. Resource Sharing
b. Scalability
c. Openness
d. Transparency

314. How it deals with failures like message loss, network partitioning, etc. is represented as ____
a. Fault Tolerance
b. Scalability
c. Openness
d. Transparency

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315. Below figure is an example of ______________ architecture style

a. Layered Architecture
b. Object-based Architecture
c. Data-Centered Architecture
d. Event-Based Architecture

316. Below figure is an example of ______________ architecture style

a. Layered Architecture
b. Object-based Architecture
c. Data-Centered Architecture
d. Event-Based Architecture

317. Below figure is an example of ______________ architecture style

a. Layered Architecture
b. Object-based Architecture

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c. Data-Centered Architecture
d. Event-Based Architecture

318. Below figure is an example of ______________ architecture style

a. Layered Architecture
b. Object-based Architecture
c. Data-Centered Architecture
d. Event-Based Architecture

319. _____________ model is a representation of the underlying hardware elements of a distributed system
a. Physical
b. Architectural
c. Fundamental
d. Security

320. __________ model defines the way in which the components of the system interact with each other
and the way in which they are mapped onto an underlying network of computers\
a. Physical
b. Architectural
c. Fundamental
d. Security

321. The purpose of ___________ model is to make explicit all relevant assumptions about the system we
are modeling.
a. Physical
b. Architectural
c. Fundamental
d. Security

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322. ________ model is based on establishing the trustworthiness and role of each component such as
trusted users, trusted servers, trusted administrators and client
a. Physical
b. Architectural
c. Fundamental
d. Security

323. ________ model deals with performance and are used for handling time in distributed systems i.e. for
process execution, message delivery, clock drifts etc
a. Interaction
b. Architectural
c. Fundamental
d. Security

324. ____________ ensures that the distributed system should be perceived as the single entity by the
a. Transparency
b. Reliability
c. Failure Handling
d. Flexibility

325. The __________ of distributed system is determined primarily by the degree to which new resource-
sharing services can be added and be made available for use by a variety of client programs
a. Openness
b. Resource Sharing
c. Transparency
d. Scalability

326. Hide differences in data representation and how a resource is accessed is known as ___________
a. Access
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

327. Hide where a resource is located is known as ___________ transparency

a. Access
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

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328. Hide that a resource may move to another location is known as ___________ transparency
a. Access
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

329. Hide that a resource may be moved to another location while in use is known as ___________
a. Access
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

330. Hide that a resource is replicated is known as ___________ transparency

a. Replication
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

331. Hide that a resource may be shared by several competitive users is known as ___________
a. Concurrency
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

332. Hide the failure and recovery of a resource is known as ___________ transparency
a. Failure
b. Location
c. Migration
d. Relocation

333. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of middleware

a. Client Server Model

b. Vertical Distribution Model

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c. Horizontal Distribution Model

d. Peer-to-Peer Model

334. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of middleware

a. Client Server Model

b. Vertical Distribution Model
c. Horizontal Distribution Model
d. Peer-to-Peer Model

335. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of middleware

a. Client Server Model

b. Vertical Distribution Model
c. Horizontal Distribution Model
d. Peer-to-Peer Model

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336. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of middleware

a. Client Server Model

b. Vertical Distribution Model
c. Horizontal Distribution Model
d. Peer-to-Peer Model

337. ______ is an extension of client server model

a. Vertical Distribution Model
b. Horizontal Distribution Model
c. Peer-to-Peer Model
d. Hybrid model

338. ___________ Model is a decentralized communication model

a. Vertical Distribution Model
b. Horizontal Distribution Model
c. Peer-to-Peer Model
d. Hybrid model

339. Distributed Operating System are referred as ____________

a. Loosely Coupled Systems
b. Loosely De-Coupled Systems
c. Tightly Coupled Systems
d. Tightly De-Coupled Systems

340. Network Operating System are referred as ____________

a. Loosely Coupled Systems
b. Loosely De-Coupled Systems
c. Tightly Coupled Systems
d. Tightly De-Coupled Systems

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341. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Distributed Operating System

b. Network Operating System
c. Middleware Operating System
d. None

342. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Distributed Operating System

b. Network Operating System
c. Middleware Operating System
d. None

343. Below figure is an example of ______________

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a. Distributed Operating System

b. Network Operating System
c. Middleware Operating System
d. None

344. Novell Netware is an example of __________

a. Distributed Operating System
b. Network Operating System
c. Middleware Operating System
d. None

345. Below figure is an example of ______________ Model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

346. Below figure is an example of ______________ Model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

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347. Below figure is an example of ______________ Model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

348. Below figure is an example of ______________ Model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

349. _____ model is used when large amount of computing power is required for a short time
a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

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350. The V system is an example of ________ model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

351. Cambridge distributed computing system is an example of ________ model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

352. ARPAnet is the example of a __________ model

a. Mini computer
b. Workstation
c. Workstation server
d. Processor pool

353. In ___________ a timeout mechanism is used that prevents the caller from waiting indefinitely for a
response from the callee.
a. Possibly or May-Be Call Semantics
b. Last-Once Call Semantics
c. Last-of-Many Call Semantics
d. At-Least-Once Call Semantics

354. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of persistent communication

a. Persistent Synchronous Communication

b. Persistent Asynchronous Communication
c. Transient Asynchronous Communication
d. Receipt based Transient Synchronous Communication

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355. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of persistent communication

a. Persistent Synchronous Communication

b. Persistent Asynchronous Communication
c. Transient Asynchronous Communication
d. Receipt based Transient Synchronous Communication

356. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of persistent communication

a. Persistent Synchronous Communication

b. Persistent Asynchronous Communication
c. Transient Asynchronous Communication
d. Receipt based Transient Synchronous Communication

357. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of persistent communication

a. Persistent Synchronous Communication

b. Persistent Asynchronous Communication
c. Transient Asynchronous Communication
d. Receipt based Transient Synchronous Communication

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358. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of persistent communication

a. Transient Asynchronous Communication

b. Receipt based Transient Synchronous Communication
c. Delivery based Transient Synchronous Communication
d. Response based Transient Synchronous Communication

359. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of persistent communication

a. Transient Asynchronous Communication

b. Receipt based Transient Synchronous Communication
c. Delivery based Transient Synchronous Communication
d. Response based Transient Synchronous Communication

360. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of many to many communication

a. No Ordering
b. Absolute Ordering
c. Consistent Ordering

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d. Casual Ordering

361. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of many to many communication

a. No Ordering
b. Absolute Ordering
c. Consistent Ordering
d. Casual Ordering

362. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of many to many communication

a. No Ordering
b. Absolute Ordering
c. Consistent Ordering
d. Casual Ordering

363. Below figure is an example of ______________ type of many to many communication

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a. No Ordering
b. Absolute Ordering
c. Consistent Ordering
d. Casual Ordering

364. ____________ is the bottom layer of OSI Model

a. Physical Layer
b. Data Link Layer
c. Network Layer
d. Application Layer

365. ________________ is a clock synchronization algorithm is used to synchronize time with a time server
by client processes
a. Cristian’s Algorithm
b. Berkeley algorithm
c. Network Time Protocol
d. None

366. The ___________ is a method of clock synchronization in distributed computing which assumes no
machine has an accurate time source
a. Cristian’s Algorithm
b. Berkeley algorithm
c. Network Time Protocol
d. None

367. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Dispatcher Worker Model

b. Team Model
c. Pipeline Model
d. None

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368. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Dispatcher Worker Model

b. Team Model
c. Pipeline Model
d. None

369. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Dispatcher Worker Model

b. Team Model
c. Pipeline Model
d. None

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370. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Monotonic Read
b. Monotonic Write
c. Read Your Write
d. Writes Follow Read

371. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Monotonic Read
b. Monotonic Write
c. Read Your Write
d. Writes Follow Read
372. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Monotonic Read
b. Monotonic Write
c. Read Your Write
d. Writes Follow Read

373. Below figure is an example of ______________

a. Monotonic Read
b. Monotonic Write

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c. Read Your Write

d. Writes Follow Read

374. In __________ all processes see only those memory reference operations in the correct order that are
potentially causally related
a. Casual Consistency
b. FIFO Consistency
c. Sequential Consistency
d. Release Consistency

375. __________ model tells whether a process is entering or exiting from a critical section so that the
system performs either of the operations when a synchronization variable is accessed by a process
a. Casual Consistency
b. FIFO Consistency
c. Sequential Consistency
d. Release Consistency

376. In ____________ every shared data item is associated with a synchronization variable
a. Entry consistency
b. FIFO Consistency
c. Sequential Consistency
d. Release Consistency
377. ____________ refers to the ability to roll back to the previous stable and consistent state when an
operation on a file is aborted by the client
a. Recoverability
b. Robustness
c. Availability
d. None

378. ____________ refers to power to survive crashes of the storage files and storage decays of the storage
medium on which it is stored
a. Recoverability
b. Robustness
c. Availability
d. None

379. ____________ refers to the fraction of time for which the file is available for use.
a. Recoverability
b. Robustness
c. Availability
d. None

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380. __________ is suitable with structured files

a. Record level transfer model
b. Record level transfer model
c. Block level transfer model
d. None

381. AFS stands for _________

a. Andrew File System
b. Andrew Fault System
c. Arnold File System
d. Arnold Fault System

382. ___________ is a series of computer networking standards covering electronic directory services
a. X.500
b. DNS
c. AFS
d. None

383. GFS stands for _________

a. Google File System
b. Google Fault System
c. Geo File System
d. Geo Fault System

384. VFS stands for _________

a. Virtual File System
b. Virtual Fault System
c. Voomar File System
d. Voomar Fault System

385. ________ is a platform independent remote file system technology created by Sun
Microsystems (Sun) in 1984
a. NFS
b. GFS
c. VFS
d. None

386. __________ is a very large scale distributed table indexed by row, column and timestamp (built on top
of GFS and Chubby
a. Bigtable
b. MapReduce

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c. NFS
d. None

387. ___________ DFS provide the flexibility to the users to use different computer platforms for different
a. Heterogeneous
b. Homogeneous
c. Multi-Processor
d. Multicomputer

388. _______ is the average amount of time required to satisfy the client requests
a. Performance
b. User Mobility
c. Scalability
d. None

389. In _________ migration, an entire process has to be moved from one machine to another
a. Process
b. Code
c. Both Process & Code
d. None

390. _____________ is the process of allocating system resources to many different tasks
a. Job scheduling
b. Code Migration
c. Process Migration
d. None

391. __________ Algorithms in ___________ class use the processor and process characteristics to allocate
processes to nodes
a. Deterministic
b. Probabilistic
c. Both Probabilistic and Deterministic
d. None

392. Algorithms in __________ class use information regarding static attributes of the system such as
number of nodes, processing capability, etc
a. Deterministic
b. Probabilistic
c. Both Probabilistic and Deterministic
d. None

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393. In ________ method, nodes contain managers to send processes and contractors to receive processes
a. Bidding
b. Pairing
c. Shortest
d. Threshold

394. _____________ policy selects a random node and checks whether the node is able to receive the
process then it transfers the process. If the node rejects the transfer then another node is selected
a. Bidding
b. Pairing
c. Shortest
d. Threshold

395. Each node has a predefined threshold value in ______ Policy

a. Static
b. Dynamic
c. Both Static and Dynamic
d. None

396. The threshold value for a node is dynamically decided in ______ Policy
a. Static
b. Dynamic
c. Both Static and Dynamic
d. None

397. Centralized mutual exclusion algorithm is used for _________

a. General allocation
b. Small group processes that does not change group membership
c. Process in ring configuration
d. None

398. Distributed mutual exclusion algorithm is used for _________

a. General allocation
b. Small group processes that does not change group membership
c. Process in ring configuration
d. None

399. Token Ring Centralized mutual exclusion algorithm is used for _________
a. General allocation
b. Small group processes that does not change group membership

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c. Process in ring configuration

d. None

400. Delay for message is ____ message for Centralized mutual exclusion algorithm
a. 2
b. 2(n-1)
c. 0 to n-1
d. 3(n-1)

401. Delay for message is ____ message for Distributed mutual exclusion algorithm
a. 2
b. 2(n-1)
c. 0 to n-1
d. 3(n-1)

402. Delay for message is ____ token for Token Ring mutual exclusion algorithm
a. 2
b. 2(n-1)
c. 0 to n-1
d. 3(n-1)

403. ___________ is the problem in Centralized mutual exclusion algorithm

a. Entire system can go down due to single point of failure, bottleneck.
b. N points of failure.
c. Detecting the lost token and regeneration is difficult.
d. None

404. ___________ is the problem in Distributed mutual exclusion algorithm

a. Entire system can go down due to single point of failure, bottleneck.
b. N points of failure.
c. Detecting the lost token and regeneration is difficult.
d. None

405. ___________ is the problem in Token Ring mutual exclusion algorithm

a. Entire system can go down due to single point of failure, bottleneck.
b. N points of failure.
c. Detecting the lost token and regeneration is difficult.
d. None

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.19) In isochronous transmission mode, it is necessary that data units are 2 points

transferred on efficiency

transferred on time

transferred on availability

transferred on network

Clear selection

Q.25) Suzuki–Kasami’s broadcast algorithm is a 2 points

token based

quoram based

tree quoram algorithm

non token based

Clear selection

Q.5) Raymond’s tree-based mutual exclusion algorithm uses a spanning 2 points

tree to reduce

the number of messages exchanged per CS execution

network traffic

message complexity

Synchronization delay

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.20) Lamport distributed mutual exclusion algorithm are executed in the 2 points

order of their





Clear selection

Q.22) One of the performance matrics of mutual exclusion algorithm is 2 points

Liveness property

Safety property

Synchronization delay


Clear selection

Q.1) Network operating system runs on ___________ 2 points

both server and every system in the network



every system in the network

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.6) The technology used to distribute service requests to resources is 2 points

referred to as _____________

load balancing

load scheduling

load performing

network traffic

Clear selection

Q.24) In distributed systems, link and site failure is detected by 2 points




token passing


Clear selection

Q.15) Raymond’s tree-based mutual exclusion algorithm uses a spanning 2 points

tree to reduce

network traffic

message complexity

Synchronisation delay

the number of messages exchanged per CS execution

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.17) ..........ensures that concurrent access of processes to a shared 2 points

resource or data is serialized


shared memory

Mutual exclusion

distributed nature

Clear selection

Q.12) Internet provides _______ for remote login. 2 points





Clear selection

Q.10) Middleware Communication Protocols worked on 2 points

Transport Layer

Application Layer

Session Layer

Presentation Layer

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.4) Ricart–Agrawala algorithm is a...... 2 points

Token-based approach

timestamp based

Non-token-based approach

Quorum-based approach

Clear selection

Q.23)MPI assumes communication takes place within a 2 points

known group of processes

unknown group of processes

group processes


Clear selection

Q.11) Which routing technique is used in a distributed system? 2 points

fixed routing,virtual routing & dynamic routing

fixed routing

virtual routing

dynamic routing

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.8) Remote procedure calls and remote object invocations contribute to 2 points


Network Transparency


Naming Transparency

Access Transparency

Clear selection

Q.7) In distributed system, each processor has its own ___________ 2 points

local memory

both local memory and clock


shared memory

Clear selection

Q.3) Remote Procedure Call is proposed by 2 points

Postel and Reynolds


Birrell and Nelson

Horowitz and Lunt

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.21) The HOLDER variables are used in 2 points

Maekawa’s algorithm

Lamport algorithm

Raymond’s tree-based mutual exclusion algorithm

Ricart–Agrawala algorithm

Clear selection

Q.16) All communication in distributed systems is based on sending and 2 points

receiving (low level) messages because of

Shared RAM

Cache memory

Presence of shared memory

Absence of shared memory

Clear selection

Q.14) The first quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithm is 2 points

Lamport algorithm

Ricart–Agrawala algorithm

Maekawa’s algorithm

Raymond tree algorithm

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9/27/2020 Mock Test- Computer Engineering

Q.2) Processes on the remote systems are identified by ___________ 2 points

host ID

host name and identifier

process ID


Clear selection

Q.13) Examples of a complex streams are 2 points





Clear selection

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Question Question
1. Token based algorithms require 2 or more successive rounds of message exchanges among the
2. Synchronization delay is
a. The time interval a request waits for its CS execution to be over after its request messages
have been sent out.
b. The time required after a site leaves the CS and before the next site enters the CS
c. The rate at which the system executes requests for the CS.
d. None of the above
3. The response time is
a. The rate at which the system executes requests for the CS.
b. The time required after a site leaves the CS and before the next site enters the CS.
c. The time interval a request waits for its CS execution to be over after its request
messages have been sent out
d. None of the above
4. System Throughput is
a. The rate at which the system executes requests for the CS
b. The time required after a site leaves the CS and before the next site enters the CS.
c. The time interval a request waits for its CS execution to be over after its request messages
have been sent out.
d. None of the above
5. Lamport's algorithm for mutual exclusion requires
a. 4(n-1) messages per CS invocation
b. (n-1) messages per CS invocation
c. n messages per CS invocation
d. 3(n-1)messages per CS invocation
6. Ricart and Agrawala’s algorithm for mutual exclusion requires
a. (n-1) messages per CS invocation
b. n messages per CS invocation
c. 2(n-1) messages per CS invocation
d. None of the above
7. In which algorithm the execution of a CS requires √N REQUEST, √N REPLY and √N
RELEASE messages in
a. Ring Algorithm
b. Maekawa algorithm
c. Lamport's algorithm
d.Ricart and Agrawala’s algorithm

8. A failed message from Si to Sj indicates that

a. Si cannot grant Sj’s request because it has currently granted permission to a site with a
higher priority request.
b.Si would like to find out from Sj ,if it has succeeded in locking all sites in its request set.
c. Si is returning the permission to Sj.
d. None of the above
9. A yield message from Si to Sj indicates that

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a. Si cannot grant Sj’s request because it has currently granted permission to a site with a
higher priority request.
b. Si would like to find out from Sj ,if it has succeeded in locking all sites in its request set.
c. Si is returning the permission to Sj
d. None of the above
An inquire message from Si to Sj indicates that
10. a. Si cannot grant Sj’s request because it has currently granted permission to a site with a
higher priority request.
b. Si would like to find out from Sj ,if it has succeeded in locking all sites in its request set
c. Si is returning the permission to Sj.
d. None of the above
Communication in distributed systems is based on
a. High level message passing
b. Low level message passing
c. Middleware message passing
d. Layered protocol
12. In distributed systems which of the following models are used for communication
a. Message -oriented RPC
b. Remote Procedure call
c. Data Streaming
d. All of the above

13. Parameter Marshaling means

a. Sending parameters into a message
b. Receiving parameters into a message
c. Packing parameters into a message
d. None of the above

14. A remote procedure call is

a. inter-process communication
b. a single process
c. a single thread
d. a single stream

15. An RPC application requires

a. specific protocol for client server communication
b. a client program

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c. a server program
d. all of the mentioned

16. The local operating system on the server machine passes the incoming packets to the
a. Server stub
b. client stub
c. client operating system
d. none of the above

17. Which RPC is useful when a reply will be returned but client is not prepared to wait for it
and do nothing in meantime?
a. Synchronous RPC
b. Asynchronous RPC
c. One-way RPC
d. Deferred RPC

18. There are number of services that form part of DCE(Distributed Computing
Environment) itself. Which service provides a transparent way of accessing any file in the
system in the same way worldwide.
a. Directory Service
b. Security Service
c. Distributed File Service
d. Distributed time Service

19. Language-level objects, from which proxy and skeletons are automatically generated.
Depends on the particular language are called as
a. Transient objects
b. Compile time objects
c. Runtime objects
d. Persistent Objects
A client binds to a distributed object: an implementation of the object’s interface,
20. called a , is loaded into the client’s address space.
a. Skeleton
b. Proxy
c. Client stub
d. Server Stub
21. The data stores in client centric consistency models have

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a. No simultaneous updates
b. Very strong consistency models
c. Inconsistencies that cannot be hidden
d. None of the above
Eventual consistency essentially requires only that updates are guaranteed to propagate
22. to all replicas
a. True
b. False
23. Eventual consistent data store provides better performance when no of replicas accessed is
limited to
a. 2^no. of clients
b. 2^no. of clients-1
c. One
d. Both a and b
24. If a process has seen a value of X at time t, then it will never see an older version of X at a
later time. This consistency model is
a. Monotonic writes
b. Monotonic reads
c. Monotonic writes and reads
d. None of the above
25. A write operation is always completed before a successive read operation by the same
process, no matter where that read operation takes place. This consistency model is
a. Read after writes
b. Writes after reads
c. Read your writes
d. Writes your reads
26. In writes follow reads consistency models, the updates are propagated as a result of
previous read operations
a. True
b. False
c. Selectively true
d. Selectively false
27. If no updates take place for a long time, all replicas will gradually become consistent. This
form of consistency is called
a. Local consistency
b. Strict local consistency
c. Eventual consistency

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d. Strict Eventual consistency

In token-based algorithm for mutual exclusion, which of the following statement is true
a. A unique token is shared among all sites
b. A site is allowed to enter its CS if it possesses the token
c. Sequence numbers are used instead of time stamps
d. All of the above
29. Which algorithm uses heuristic approach to select a site for sending token request
a. Suzuki kasami algorithm
b. Raymond’s algorithm
c. Maekawa’s algorithm
d. Singhal’s algorithm
Synchronization delay for Raymonds’s tree-based method is
a. log N
b. 2T
c. (T.log N)/2
d. T.log N
Suzuki kasami broadcast algorithm requires messages per CS invocation
a. N
b. √N
c. 2(N-1)
d. N/2
32. Raymond’s algorithm is prone to deadlocks
a. True
b. False

Design issue in Suzuki kasami algorithm is

a. Outdated requests
b. Current requests
c. Outstanding requests
d. All of the above
Which algorithm requires N/2 messages per CS execution
34. a. Lamport’s algorithm
b. Suzuki kasami algorithm
c. Maekawa’s algorithm
d. Singhal’s algorithm
35. In Raymond’s tree-based method, the holder variable of root site points to

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a. Left sub tree

b. Right sub tree
c. Root
d. Root site does not have holder variable

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Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Koparkhairne Navi Mumbai

Department of Computer Engineering
MCQ Question Bank (Even Semester 2019-20)
Semester /Division : VIII/A&B Name of Subject: Distributed Computing
Name of Subject Incharge: Prof. Chitra Wasnik & Prof. Jyoti More

Question Questions
1 The transperancy that enables multiple instances of resources to be used is
called -----
Options Replication transperancy b. location transperancy c. Migration
transperancy d. scaling transperancy
2 Which of the following is not a part of grid computing architecture
Options Fabric layer b.Collective layer c. connectivity layer d. Presentation layer
3 The key feature of cluster computing is
Options Serial Computing b. Homogenity c. Hardware Independence d. None of the
4 In grid computing, the grid middlware layer consists of the following-
Options Collective Layer b. Connectivity layer c. Resource layer d. All of the above
5 In earlier enterprise middleware systems was a component that helped in
providing a logical division of work and allows accessing of multiple
Options Cluster b. TP monitor c. Middleware c. Web server
6 Remote Procedure call (RPC) operates at _ level
Options Object b. Application c. Middleware d. Database
7 Which of the following is not a goal of distributed system
Options Openness b. resource accessibility c. security d. Scalability
8 In RPC, while a server is processing the call, the client is blocked

Options a) unless the client sends an asynchronous request to the server

b) unless the call processing is complete
c) for the complete duration of the connection
d) unless the server is disconnected
9 An RMI Server is responsible for _
Options a. Creating an instance of the remote object
b. Exporting the remote object
c. Binding the instance of the remote object to the RMI registry
d. All mentioned above
10 Which of the following architectural styles is not meant for distributed systems
Options a. Layered b. Object based c. Event based d. RPC based
11 MPI is a communication protocol for
Options Parallel programming b. Multitasking c. Physical layer d. Database

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12 An object acting as a gateway for the client side is ---

Options a. skeleton b. stub c. remote d. server
13 Which of the following is not a type of Distributed system model
Options Physical b. Architectural c. Scalable d. Fundamental
14 In communication, messages are stored at each intermediate hop
along the way until the next node is ready to take delivery of the message.
Options Transient b. Persistent c. Synchronous Transient d. Group
15 In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with -----
Options a. Each instruction b. Each process c. Each register
d. None of the above
16 --------- communication is used in audio and video streaming
Options a. Group b. Transient c. Stream oriented d. Message oriented
17 If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are _

Options a) concurrent b) non-concurrent c) monotonic d) non-monotonic

18 In the token passing approach of distributed systems, processes are organized
in a ring structure

Options a) logically b) physically c) both logically and physically

d) none of the mentioned
19 In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected by

Options a) bully algorithm b) ring algorithm

c) both bully and ring algorithm d) none of the mentioned
20 ------ is a permission based algorithm for mutual exclusion
Options Lamport’s b. Maekawa’s c. Suzuki-Kasami d. Raymond’s

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