Mixed Tense (Past Sim + Conti Ver)

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Mixed Tense – Practice (Past simple + conti ver)

Bài 1: Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ở thì Quá khứ đơn

1. I/ go swimming/ yesterday.

=> ________________________________

2. Mrs. Nhung/ wash/ the dishes.

=> ________________________________

3. my mother/ go shopping/ with/ friends/ in/ park.

=> ________________________________

4. Lan/ cook/ chicken noodles/ dinner.

=> ________________________________

5. Nam/ I/ study/ hard/ last weekend.

=> ________________________________

6. my father/ play/ golf/ yesterday.

=> ________________________________

7. last night/ Phong/listen/ music/ for two hours.

=> ________________________________

8. they/ have/ nice/ weekend.

=> ________________________________

9. she/ go/ supermarket yesterday.

=> ________________________________
10. We/ not go/ school last week.

=> ________________________________

Bài 2: Sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn: khẳng định, phủ định và nghi vấn cho các
câu sau

1. I (not/drink) any beer last night.

2. She (get on) the bus in the centre of the city.

3. What time (he/get up) yesterday?

4. Where (you/get off) the train?

5. I (not/change) trains at Victoria.

6. We (wake up) very late.

7. What (he/give) his mother for Christmas?

8. I (receive) £300 when my uncle died.

9. We (not/use) the computer last night.

10. (she/make) good coffee?

11. They (live) in Paris.

12. She (read) the newspaper yesterday.

13. I (not/watch) TV.

14.He (not/study) for the exam.

15. (he/call) you?

16. (I/forget) something?

17. What time (the film/start)?

18. He (have) a shower.

19. Why (you/come)?

20. (he/go) to the party?

Bài 3: Hoàn thành câu với từ gợi ý (hãy phân biệt đâu là hành động đang xảy ra,
đâu là hành động chen ngang hoặc những hành động nào đang xảy ra đồng thời)
1. When I __________ to school, I __________ John. (walk/see)
2. When I __________ in the kitchen, Mary __________ . (help/come)
3. While she __________ the soup, the children __________ . (cook/play)
4. While they __________ cards, the baby __________ . (play/sleep)
5. When I __________ in the garden, my uncle __________ . (work/call)
6. Carol __________ TV while Bob and Peter __________ football. (watch/play)
7. When she __________ her hair, the baby __________ to cry. (wash/begin)
8. A strong wind __________ when the plane. (blow/land)
9. When she __________ tennis, it __________ to rain. (play/began)
10. When I __________ TV, the lights __________ out. (watch/go)
11. While he __________ the piano, she __________ to him. (play/listen)
12. While she __________ up her room, he __________ his car. (tidy/wash)
13. The boys __________ in the garden while she __________ the flowers. (help/water)
14. He __________ Mary when he __________ through the park. (meet/walk)
15. We __________ computer games while she __________ a book. (play/read)
16. They __________ (have) tea when the doorbell __________ (ring).
17.Father __________ (smoke) his pipe while mother __________ (read) a magazine.
18. While he __________ (mow) the lawn, it __________ (start) to rain.
19. He __________ (have) breakfast when the toaster __________ (blow) up.
20. When I __________ (come) into the office, my boss __________ (wait) for me.
21. When we __________ (see) Brian, he __________ (drive) a taxi.
22. Father __________ (wait) in the car while mother __________ (do) the shopping.
23. When he __________ (arrive), we __________ (have) dinner.
24. While they __________ (play) chess, we __________ (go) shopping.
25. They __________ (have) a party while he __________ (sleep).
26. He __________ (take) a photo when I __________ (feed) the ducks.
27. They __________ (play) football when the lights in the stadium __________ (go) out.
28. While George and John __________ (clean) their room, she __________ (do) the ironing.
29. Sam __________ (do) the ironing when Jack __________ (phone) her.
30. We __________ (wait) at Victoria station when the train __________ (arrive).

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