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When it comes to marketing, strategy and planning are closely linked. Developing a marketing strategy
leads to creating a plan, and neither is complete without the other. For both, it’s necessary for a company
to look both internally and externally, considering your brand, customers, and ways to connect them. Here
are the steps to help you get started:
1. Start with a goal that aligns with your overall business objectives.
2. Conduct a marketing analysis to understand the market conditions and your strengths and
3. Focus on your customers and create customer personas to inform your marketing efforts.
4. Understand your product/service and its unique features using the '4 Ps of the marketing mix':
Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.
5. Define measurable objectives that align with your goals, ensuring they are SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely).
6. Outline marketing techniques and channels that can help you achieve your objectives.
7. Set a budget that ensures you allocate sufficient resources for your marketing activities.
8. Create a detailed marketing plan.
9. Develop a system to analyze and measure the performance of your marketing campaigns using
web analytics and other relevant data to continually improve your strategy.
A communication plan is a strategic blueprint for delivering consistent, coordinated, and targeted
messaging to achieve specified goals. We all know the importance of effective communication.
Developing a communication plan is one way to help ensure your communication efforts are strategic,
coordinated, and consistent. A strong communication plan can help you get your message out and achieve
your goals.
1. Specify Goals:
Begin by clearly defining the specific goals you want to achieve through your communication efforts.
These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For
example, your goal might be to increase brand awareness by 20% within the next six months.
2. Identify Target Audiences and Objectives:
Identify and segment your target audiences. Each audience may have different needs, interests, and
communication preferences. Determine the objectives you want to achieve with each audience. For
instance, if you're a healthcare provider, you may have different communication objectives for patients,
medical professionals, and the general public.
3. Craft Key Messages:
Develop clear and concise key messages that align with your goals and resonate with your target
audiences. These messages should highlight the benefits or value of your product, service, or initiative.
Ensure that your messages are consistent across all communication channels.
4. Determine Communication Strategies:
Select the most appropriate communication channels and strategies to reach your target audiences
effectively. This may include digital marketing, social media, email campaigns, public relations,
advertising, or community engagement. Tailor your strategies to match the preferences and habits of your
5. Develop a Dissemination and Outreach Plan:
Create a detailed plan outlining how you will disseminate your messages. Consider the timing, frequency,
and sequencing of your communications. Determine which channels you will use for each message and
audience. Allocate resources and responsibilities for executing the plan.
6. Create a Timeline:
Develop a timeline that outlines when each communication activity will take place. This timeline should
include milestones, deadlines, and checkpoints to ensure that your plan stays on track. Be flexible and
prepared to adjust the timeline as needed based on real-time feedback and changing circumstances.

7. Measure the Results:

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your communication plan.
These KPIs could include metrics like website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, or
survey responses. Regularly monitor and analyze these metrics to assess whether you are meeting your
goals. Use the insights gained to make necessary adjustments and improvements to your communication
Remember that effective communication is an iterative process. Continuously gather feedback, adapt to
changing circumstances, and refine your communication strategies to ensure that you are effectively
achieving your goals and reaching your target audiences.
You can't operate a business without engaging people, and growing your company starts with establishing
meaningful connections with others. Whether you're building relationships with customers, clients,
vendors or other business leaders, you should aim to connect with them on a deeper level. How can you
show the people you do business with that you genuinely care?
Building authentic business relationships starts with recognizing the importance of viewing everyone as a
person with their own desires, motives and interests. After this, you can use the following techniques for
creating genuine business relationships. These 10 tips have been provided by Forbes Business Council
1. Create a Valuable Product Or Service
Every relationship starts with an introduction, and sometimes for businesses, this is the hardest step. I'm a
believer in an inbound approach. It's much easier to build a relationship when a visitor has discovered you
from something valuable that you've created to help them. Play to your strengths. Do you want to catch
flies with honey or do you want to run around with a net? - James Parsons, Content Powered
2. Identify How You Can Provide Additional Value
Find common ground and identify how you can add value with your time, resources, connections or
expertise. Along with establishing a cadence of check-ins to connect (like setting reminders), these are all
important to building authentic relationships. - Sindhu Kutty, Kuroshio Consulting

3. Have Excellent Customer Service

Customer service is the No. 1 free strategy for growth and relationship building. Work on perfecting every
interaction or moment of truth with your customers to leave them as raving fans about your business.
Advertising is no longer as powerful as it once was. A referral army of fans that experience above-average
interactions will go out of their way to grow your business. - Shaz Memon, Digimax Dental
4. Partner With Other Businesses
Honor your customers and show them your appreciation—don’t just speak the words. Add value by
making them see how much you care. Additionally, support and connect with businesses that feed one
another or work well together. If you sell food, promote a local wine shop! Think of businesses that you
love, seek out their owners and find creative ways to bundle yourselves together because there is power in
numbers! - Hoda Mahmoodzadegan, Molly’s Milk Truck
5. Focus On Mutual Success
Focus on the success of others and be honest. No one wants to work with someone who is in it for
themselves. The best business relationships we have happened when we focused on mutual success and
trust. We know that when times get tough, we'll be in it together. - Scott Wassmer, Appnovation
6. Build Trust And Establish Credibility
The key to relationship building is trust and credibility. Authenticity is a given. At my company, we treat
every single client and project like our own. We are absolutely committed to their success, and we walk
the talk. If we meet a person or organization that might benefit from another connection, we make an
introduction. That’s good old-fashioned networking. What goes around, comes around. - Angela
Delmedico, Elev8 Consulting Group
7. Focus On Relational Value, Not Transactional Value
Cultivate your network and relationships each day. Don't approach people in a transactional nature. Meet
with them or call periodically. Get to know their needs, values and what drives them. Ask yourself, "How
can I be of service and value to them?" Remember, it isn't about you but about them. They will remember
how you made them feel. - David Crean, Coast BioVentures LLC
8. Treat People Like Your Friends And Family
People buy from people they like. Treat them like you would treat your friends and family. Be yourself,
be vulnerable and show a personal interest in the other person in addition to the business value that you
already offer. - Marielle Dellemijn, CRM excellence BV / Fueld
9. Put Your Customer First
Put your customer first even if it costs you to do so in the short run. In the long run, your customer will
remember what you did, and you putting them first will pay off handsomely over the long term. - Harris
Kaplan, Red Team Associates
10. Stay True To Your Business Values
Clear and consistent business and personal core values help align all stakeholders, both internal and
external. Being willing to hire, fire and lose money for your values communicates a strong brand promise
and ensures a shared vision. The shared vision and aligned values serve as the basis of strong
relationships with your employees—and with the right customers, prospects and other peers. - Victoria
Lakers, The Lancer Group


30000 SQ.M.
Subject: Proposal for Commercial Development Project – Lipaya Square
Dear Client,
I am writing to present a comprehensive proposal for the development of a 30,000 square meter lot
located at Cebu City, Philippines for a commercial project, tentatively named “Lipaya Square." This
project aims to create a dynamic and sustainable commercial hub that meets the evolving needs of
businesses and the community.

Project Overview:
The proposed commercial development project encompasses the following key elements:
Lot Area: 30,000 square meters
Project Name: Lipaya Square
Location: Cebu City, Philippines
Project Type: Commercial
Building Types: Office Spaces, Retail Outlets, Restaurants.
Parking Facilities: Surface Parking: This is the most common and cost-effective parking solution. It
involves the creation of parking lots with designated spaces on the ground level of the property. It is
suitable for smaller developments and businesses with moderate parking demands.
Green Spaces: Landscaped Courtyards, Pocket Parks
Our primary objectives for this project include:
Creating a vibrant and economically viable commercial center.
Providing a diverse range of commercial spaces to attract businesses from various industries.
Fostering a sense of community by offering amenities and gathering spaces.
Ensuring compliance with local zoning regulations and environmental standards.
Contributing to the local economy and job creation.

Project Phases:
The development of Lipaya Square will be divided into several phases, including site preparation,
infrastructure development, building construction, and landscaping to ensure efficient execution.
Design and Architecture:
Our team of experienced architects and designers will focus on creating a visually appealing and
functional commercial space. The design will incorporate modern architectural elements, energy-efficient
features, and innovative design concepts to enhance the project's attractiveness.
Amenities and Public Spaces:
Lipaya Square will feature a variety of amenities and public spaces, such as outdoor seating areas,
landscaped courtyards, and communal spaces, to encourage social interaction and collaboration among
businesses and visitors.
Sustainability and Environmental Considerations:
We are committed to sustainable development practices, including energy-efficient building design, waste
recycling, green roofing, and water conservation measures to minimize the project's environmental
Budget and Financing:
A detailed budget estimate for the entire project is available upon request. We are open to discussing
financing options and potential partnerships to secure the necessary funds for the successful completion
of Lipaya Square.
The estimated timeline for the project will be provided after a detailed feasibility study. We aim to
complete the development within a reasonable timeframe while maintaining the highest quality standards.
Community Engagement:
We believe in involving the local community and potential tenants in the development process. We will
conduct meetings and gather feedback to ensure that the project aligns with the community's interests and
We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate on the development of Lipaya Square and create a
thriving commercial center that will benefit businesses, the community, and all stakeholders involved.
Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this proposal
in more detail. We look forward to the possibility of working together on this exciting project.

Ar. Aivan Magsino
ABC Construction Company
123 Main Street
Rizal, 1920



Bachelor of Science in Architecture




Date of Submission
Oct 03, 2023

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