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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrical Circuit 2 Lab

Experiment "2" (RLC Circuit transient response)

*Student Name:
*ID: *Date: *Day:

Obtain the theoretical & experimental RLC circuit transient response, &
recognize time parameters α, ωo.

For parallel RLC Circuit, Capacitor voltage, and for series RLC, inductor
current, determined by the equations:
vc(t)=Vf + A exp(s1t)+ B exp(s2t)
il(t)=If + A exp(s1t)+ B exp(s2t)
Where s1=-α+ωd, s2=-α-ωd, α: damped factor, ωd: damped natural
angular frequency, ωd2=( α2- ωo2) & ωo: natural angular frequency
Which fall in one of three categories over damped, critical damped and
under damped.

** Equipment:
Matlab Simulink

**Part A
**Procedure series RLC :

1- use the library to construct RLC circuit diagram

2- Fix the component as shown in the figure:

3- Calculate α, ωo and ωd for three cases what C1 lead to critical

damped and C2 lead to under damped.
4- Complete values in the Table 1` to obtain inductor current , plot
figures, & discuss the results
Table 1`
1 Vin=15δ(t) V, vc(0+)=0, il(0+)=0

2 Vin=15u(t) V, vc(0+)=2.5 V , il(0+)=5 A

R 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.1 Ω

C 0.1/6F C1 C2

L 1mH 1mH 1mH



Write Experiments report consists of Introduction, Theory, Procedure, Result

Discussion, and Conclusion

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