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Year Questions
Set - 9
1. To cut apart a person's body is called
A. Amputate
B. Mutilate

C. Ambush
D. Mitigate
Ans ➺ B
2. The use of many words where only a few are
necessary is called
A. Circumlocution
B. Circumspection
C. Circumscription

D. Circumvention
Ans ➺ A

3. A person who is a centre of attraction

A. Debonair
B. Cynosure
C. Iconoclast
D. Insolvent
Ans ➺ B

4. Study of heavenly bodies is called

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A. Astrology
B. Astronomy
C. Stargazing
D. Astrophysics
Ans ➺ B

5. A person who sneers at the beliefs of others

A. Debonair
B. Hedonist

C. Cynic
D. Insolvent
Ans ➺ C
6. An instrument to measure atmospheric pressure
is called
A. Metronome
B. Compass

C. Pedometer
D. Barometer
Ans ➺ D

7. A person who is polished and light hearted

A. Fatalist
B. Iconoclast
C. Insolvent
D. Debonair
Ans ➺ D

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8. Belonging to all parts of the world is called
A. Common
B. Universal
C. Worldly
D. International
Ans ➺ B

9. A leader who sways his followers by his oratory is


A. Demagogue
B. Insolvent
C. Iconoclast
D. Fatalist
Ans ➺ A

10. Loss of memory is called

A. Ambrosia

B. Amnesia
C. Insomnia
D. Forgetting

Ans ➺ B

11. A dabbler not serious in art, science and

literature is called
A. Demagogue
B. Dilettante
C. Impostor
D. Introvert
Ans ➺ B

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12. Feeling inside you which tells what is right and
what is wrong is called
A. cleverness
B. conscience
C. consciousness
D. fear
Ans ➺ B

13. A man who is womanish in his habits is called
A. Impostor
B. Introvert
C. Effeminate
D. Hedonist
Ans ➺ C
14. The highest point is called

A. zenith
B. height
C. zeal

D. ridge
Ans ➺ A

15. A lover of oneself, of one's advancement is

A. Impostor
B. Introvert
C. Hedonist
D. Egoist

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Ans ➺ D

16. Fear of height is called

A. Agoraphobia
B. Hydrophobia
C. Acrophobia
D. Pyrophobia
Ans ➺ C

17. A person who often talks of his achievements is
A. Egotist
B. Hedonist
C. Impostor
D. Introvert
Ans ➺ A

18. Still existing and known is called

A. Introvert
B. Extent

C. Eternal
D. Immanent
Ans ➺ B

19. One who leaves his country to settle in another

country is called
A. Impostor
B. Emigrant
C. Introvert

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D. Hedonist
Ans ➺ B

20. The action of looking within or into one's own

mind is called
A. Observation
B. Examination
C. Introspection
D. Introvert

Ans ➺ C

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