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Negara negara yang termasuk ke dalam tier 1

1. Australia 8. Germany 14. Norway

2. Austria 9. Ireland 15. Spain
3. Belgium 10. Italy 16. Sweden
4. Canada 11. Luxembourg 17. Switzerland
5. Denmark 12. Netherlands 18. United Kingdom
6. Finland 13. New Zealand 19. United States of
7. France America

Negara negara yang termasuk ke dalam tier 2

1. Andorra 23. Guyana 45. Poland

2. Argentina 24. Hong Kong 46. Portugal
3. Bahamas 25. Hungary 47. Puerto Rico
4. Belarus 26. Iceland 48. Qatar
5. Bolivia 27. Indonesia 49. Republic of Korea
6. Bosnia and Herzegovina 28. Israel South)
7. Brazil 29. Japan 50. Romania
8. Brunei 30. Kazakhstan 51. Russian Federation
9. Bulgaria 31. Latvia 52. Saudi Arabia
10. Chile 32. Lithuania 53. Serbia
11. China 33. Macao 54. Singapore
12. Colombia 34. Malaysia 55. Slovakia
13. Costa Rica 35. Malta 56. Slovenia
14. Croatia 36. Mexico 57. South Africa
15. Cyprus 37. Montenegro 58. Thailand
16. Czech Republic 38. Morocco 59. Turkey
17. Dominican Republic 39. Nepal 60. Ukraine
18. Ecuador 40. Oman 61. United Arab Emirates
19. Egypt 41. Panama 62. Uruguay
20. Estonia 42. Paraguay 63. Vanuatu
21. Fiji 43. Peru
22. Greece 44. Philippines

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