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What do you need?

- print ed ret urn label
- Product (s)
- a box

Réf Client:(00)087000002392177019 EXPEDITEUR 1. Pack your product (s) preferably in t he original box and
packaging. If t his is not possible, pack t he product (s) in a
Christelle Launay

+33 327199934
6 Boulevard Pasteur 22 secure way so t hat t hey can be shipped safely.
44450, Divatte Sur Loire 2. Print and at t ach t he ret urn label t o your package. Make
sure t he label is clearly visible and rem ove or cover any old
labels and barcodes t o avoid delivery delays.
3. Take t he package t o your preferred Bpost drop off locat ion
COMPTE CLIENT: 918434 and m ake sure t o request a proof of post ing.

Créé le: 12/12/2023 If you have any quest ions about t he ret urn process, please
N° de colis: 8R 44740 26356 1 refer t o t he Help sect ion on our websit e or app.
Cycleon/Yusen Cycleon
Valenciennes Cedex

59319 Valenciennes


N° de PCH :8R1 59319 918434 0001 000062


0091 500 8R447 4026 3561 0835 2507

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