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DOI 10.1007/s00044-016-1611-1

Protective effect of 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone against

inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide in RAW 264.7 macrophage:
in vitro study and in silico validation
Arumugam Sudha1 Jeyaraman Jeyakanthan1 Pappu Srinivasan1,2
● ●

Received: 25 January 2016 / Accepted: 11 June 2016

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract The herb Lippia nodiflora L. (Verbenaceae) has stability of complexes and their interactions. Taken together,
been documented to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, these findings envisage 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone
antitussive, antidiabetic, anticancer, and antimelanogenesis as a potential candidate molecule for the progress of ther-
properties. In the present study, we aimed at evaluating the apeutic strategy against inflammation-related diseases.
anti-inflammatory activity of 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxy-
flavone, a flavonoid from L. nodiflora, using lipopoly- Keywords 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone ●

saccharide induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 Inflammation Cytokines COX-2 iNOS Molecular docking
● ● ● ●

macrophages. 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone signifi-

cantly inhibited nitric oxide production and demonstrated
slight reduction in prostaglandin-E2 level at tested con-
centrations. The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
such as TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β, were obviously reduced by Introduction
5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone in a concentration-
dependent manner. Moreover, 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethox- Inflammation is a host defense mechanism that is produced
yflavone significantly induced reduction in the mRNA in response to tissue injury, harmful chemicals, or infection
expressions of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cycloox- caused by pathogens (Galli et al., 2008; Ashley et al., 2012).
ygenase-2, representing that inhibition occurs at the tran- Macrophages play major roles in innate immunity and they
scriptional level. In addition, we performed molecular recognize the pathogen-associated molecules such as lipo-
docking and molecular dynamic simulations to study the polysaccharide (LPS, a bacterial endotoxin) and trigger
interaction of 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone with innate immune response through toll like receptor (TLR)
inflammatory mediators such as inducible nitric oxide syn- signaling process (Morgensen, 2009; Chatterjee et al.,
thase and cyclooxygenase-2. Docking study showed its 2012). Due to the binding of LPS to TLR4 receptor, an
hydrogen bond interactions with key residues in the active intracellular tyrosine kinase system is upregulated, which in
site of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2, turn leads to stimulation of the transcriptional factor NF-κB
enlightening its possible binding mode at the molecular level. and ultimately results in the production of various inflam-
The results of molecular dynamic simulations showed the matory mediators like nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandins
(PG), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β
and IL-6 (Cohen, 2002). The formation of NO and PG are
catalyzed by inducible forms of nitric oxide synthase
* Pappu Srinivasan (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX-2), which are induced
by cytokines, growth factors, and other inflammatory sti-
Department of Bioinformatics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi muli (Vane et al., 1998). The release of inflammatory
630 004 Tamilnadu, India mediators in macrophage contribute to various inflamma-
Department of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa tion related diseases such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, can-
University, Karaikudi 630 004 Tamilnadu, India cer, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, allergies, and
Med Chem Res

inflammagens. Further, the mechanism of the anti-

inflammatory effect of HTMF on iNOS and COX-2
expression was also validated by in silico analysis.

Materials and methods

In vitro anti-inflammatory study


Dulbecco’s modified eagle’s medium (DMEM), fetal

bovine serum (FBS), and phosphate buffered saline were
Fig. 1 Chemical structure of 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone purchased from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, USA). LPS (Escher-
(HTMF) (Sudha and Srinivasan, 2014) ichia coli, serotype 026:B6), 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-
2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (MTT), Griess reagent,
other autoimmune disorders (Moro et al., 2012; Vogl et al., and sodium nitrite were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co.
2013). The inhibition of adverse macrophage activation or (St. Louis, MO, USA). All other chemicals and reagents
selectively neutralizing the overproduction of macrophage used in this study were of analytical grade.
products was recommended as a promising therapeutic
route against diverse inflammatory conditions (Duffield, Cell culture and culture conditions
2003). Since, the treatment based on steroidal and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs exists to alleviate RAW 264.7, a mouse macrophage cell line was obtained
inflammation have several adverse effects (McGettigan and from National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS, Pune, India).
Henry, 2011), the search for new anti-inflammatory drugs RAW 264.7 cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented
still represents an important field in drug discovery process. with 10 % heat-inactivated FBS, 1 mM sodium pyruvate,
Medicinal plants represent a possible alternative to the 2 mM glutamine, 100 µg/ml streptomycin, and 50 units/ml
discovery of new and safer bioactive compounds (Gautam penicillin. The cells were incubated at 37 °C in the presence
and Jachak, 2009). In fact, natural products engage a of 5 % CO2 and were subcultured every 2 days.
momentous role related to the prevention and treatment of
inflammatory conditions through modulation of various Cell viability assay
inflammatory mediators. Consequently, plant constituents
used in herbal and traditional medicine was considered as The viability of the cells was evaluated by MTT colori-
one of the ongoing research candidates (Nam, 2006; metric assay (Mosmann, 1983). The RAW 264.7 cells
Abdelwahab et al., 2012). Among several compounds that were seeded into 96-well culture plate at a density of
have exposed anti-inflammatory activity, phenolic com- 5 × 104 cells/well and incubated overnight at 37 °C and 5 %
pounds have concerned great attention owing to both their CO2 for attachment. The cells were then treated with var-
large distribution and the array of biological activities that ious concentrations of HTMF with (1 µg/ml) or without LPS
they exhibit (Garcia-Lafuente et al., 2009). We have recently (Shen et al., 2002; Moro et al., 2012; Syam et al., 2014) and
reported the isolation of flavonoid compound 5-hydroxy- incubated for 24 h. After incubation, the culture medium
3′,4′,7-trimethoxyflavone (HTMF) (Fig. 1) from the medic- was removed and 100 µl of fresh DMEM and 20 µl of MTT
inal plant, Lippia nodiflora and it is known to exhibit free (5 mg/ml in PBS) solution were added to each well. Fol-
radical scavenging and antilipoxygenase properties (Sudha lowing 4 h incubation in dark, the media was discarded
and Srinivasan, 2014, 2015). Various studies have been again and 100 µl of DMSO was added to each well for the
undertaken in the present scenario to better understand the solubilization of formazan deposits. The optical density of
molecular mechanism of inflammatory processes. The anti- the cells at 570 nm was measured using an enzyme-linked
inflammatory effect of drugs or natural products was eval- immunosorbent assay plate reader (Bio-Rad Laboratories,
uated using the LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cell CA, USA) and the experiment was carried out in triplicate.
line as widely accepted in vitro model (Hu et al., 2008; Ha
et al., 2012; Moro et al., 2012). Hence, in the present study, Assay for NO production
the anti-inflammatory potential of HTMF was elucidated for
the first time, using LPS-activated RAW 264.7 macrophage To assess the effects of HTMF on NO production, the cell
cells by investigating its inhibitory effects on diverse culture supernatant was examined using Griess reaction
Med Chem Res

Table 1 Primers used for Gene Primer sequences

RT–PCR analysis (F: forward

(Granger et al., 1996). The RAW 264.7 cells were seeded RNA isolation and RT (Reverse Transcriptase)–PCR
at a density of 2 × 104 cells/well in 24-well culture plates analysis
and incubated for 2 h at 37 °C and 5 % CO2 for adherence.
The adhered cells were incubated for 24 h, which indicated The RAW 264.7 cells were seeded at a density of
the concentrations of HTMF (1–40 µg/ml) in the absence 1 × 106 cells/well in six-well culture plates and incubated
or presence of LPS (1 µg/ml). The accumulation of nitrite for 24 h at 37 °C and 5 % CO2 for cells attachment. The
in the culture supernatant was measured as an indicator of cells were treated with HTMF at the adequate concentration
NO production using Griess reagent. The culture super- (40 µg/ml) in the absence or presence of LPS (1 µg/ml) and
natant (100 µl) was mixed with an equal volume of Griess the culture was incubated for 24 h. After incubation, to
reagent (1 % (w/v) sulfanilamide, 0.1 % (w/v) naphthy- examine the effects of HTMF on mRNA expression levels
lethylenediamine dihydrochloride, dissolved in 2.5 % of iNOS and COX-2, total RNA was isolated using the
H3PO4) and the mixture was incubated for 10 min at RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), as described
room temperature. The absorbance of mixture was read at by the manufacturer. The total RNA samples were stored at
540 nm spectrophotometrically and fresh culture medium −80 °C until the further use. The total RNA was reverse-
was used as a blank. The assay was performed in triplicate transcribed using Omniscript Reverse Transcription kit
and the results were expressed as µM. (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). According to the manu-
facturer’s instructions, 1 μg of total RNA was converted to
Assay for PGE2 production complementary DNA (cDNA) by using 10X RT buffer,
oligo-dT primers (10 µM), dNTPs mix (each 5 mM), RNase
To examine the effect of HTMF on PGE2 levels in LPS inhibitor (10 U/µl), reverse transcriptase, and RNase-free
stimulated cells, RAW 264.7 cells (2 × 104 cells/well) were water and made up to a final volume of 20 µl. The reaction
seeded on 24-well culture plates. The cells were treated with mixture was incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. The synthesized
the indicated concentrations of HTMF (1–40 µg/ml) in the cDNA was used in RT–PCR. RT–PCR was performed in
absence or presence of LPS (1 µg/ml) and incubated for 24 h 96-well plates in triplicate on an ABI Prism 7900HT
at 37 °C in a 5 % CO2 incubator. The concentration of PGE2 sequence detection system using the comparative ΔCt
in the culture supernatants of RAW 264.7 cells was quan- method according to ABI manual (SYBR Green PCR
tified using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit (Cayman Master Mix Protocol, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,
Chemical Company, USA) according to the manufacturer’s USA). The reaction mixture (20 µl) consisted of SYBR
instructions. The experiments were performed in triplicate Green PCR Master Mix (10 µl), cDNA sample (1 µl), and
and PGE2 production was calculated relative to that of the forward and reverse primers. The primer sequences were
control value. used as previously reported (Zhang et al., 2007) and are
listed in Table 1. The PCR protocol consisted of an initial
Measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, activation at 95 °C for 20 s, 40 amplification cycles at
and IL-6) production 95 °C for 15 s (denaturation), followed by annealing and
extension at 60–65 °C for 20 s. The relative gene expression
To investigate the effect of HTMF on the production of cyto levels were evaluated and normalized relative to that of
kines from LPS-stimulated cells, RAW 264.7 cells (1 × glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
106 cells/well) were plated onto 24-well culture plates. The housekeeping gene. The data were expressed as fold
cell culture supernatants were harvested after 24 h of incu- change and calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method (Livak and
bation of cells with LPS (1 µg/ml) and HTMF (1–40 µg/ml). Schmittgen, 2001).
These supernatants were tested for quantitation of pro-
inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) using Statistical analysis
mouse specific EIA kits (BD Biosciences, USA) according to
the manufacturer’s instructions. The concentrations were The results were represented as mean ± SD. Data were
determined for three wells for each cytokines and values were statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance
derived from the standard curve and expressed as pg/ml. (ANOVA). p value o 0.05 was considered statistically
Med Chem Res

significant. All calculations were performed using Graph- Molecular docking analysis and binding free energy
Pad Prism Software v 5.01 (GraphPad Software Inc., San calculation
Diego, CA).
Molecular docking analysis is performed to find the possi-
Computational studies ble interactions involved in the binding of HTMF to active
sites of iNOS and COX-2. To evaluate the docking analysis,
All the computational analyses were carried out on a HP PC the bounded ligand H4B and SC-558 were removed and
operated with CentOS V6.2 Linux operating platform run- redocked into the binding site of respective target proteins.
ning with Intel core i5 processor and 4 GB of RAM speed. The docking methodology is reliable, as the RMSD value of
the docked ligand is found to be less than 2.0 Å. The pre-
Ligand structure preparation pared ligand molecule was docked into the active sites of
each protein by using Glide module (Glide, 2013) in extra
Drawing of ligand (HTMF) is performed in ChemSketch precision (XP) mode (Friesner et al., 2004) which uses
version 11.01 ( and imported MCSA (Monte Carlo-based simulated algorithm) based
into Maestro user interface (Maestro, 2013). The 2D minimization. Glide XP mode predicts all practical con-
structure was transformed into 3D structure using ligprep formations for each low-energy conformer in the selected
module embedded in Schrodinger software (LigPrep, binding site. Glide XP score was used to find the best
2013). The preparation of ligand includes addition of conformer with optimum binding affinity. The best con-
hydrogen atoms, bond order fixation, neutralization of former of the HTMF molecule along with the receptors
charged groups, and generation of probable tautomers. iNOS and COX-2 were further subjected to binding free
Finally, the ligand was optimized using OPLS_2005 force energy calculation by Prime/MM-GBSA method in Prime
field. module (Prime, 2013) using OPLS-2005 force field and
GB/SA continuum solvent model.
Protein preparation
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of ligand-bound
The X-ray crystal structures of iNOS complexed with complexes
and COX-2 complexed with SC-558 were retrieved from The protein-ligand complex obtained from Glide’s XP
Protein Databank ( with their docking was subjected to MD simulations using Desmond
accession codes 2Y37 and 1CX2, respectively (Cheshire molecular dynamics system, Version 3.8 (D. E. Shaw
et al., 2011; Kurumbail et al., 1996). The iNOS protein Research, New York) (Desmond, 2014) with OPLS-2005
consists of two identical chains, each complexed with H4B force field. The complex was solvated in an orthorhombic
and heme group. But the COX-2 receptor consists box containing SPC water molecules and was neutralized
of four identical chains, each binding a SC-558 molecule using a suitable number of salt counter-ions. The distance
with other small molecules (HEM and NAG). Therefore, between the box wall and protein-ligand complex was set
one chain of iNOS and three chains of COX-2 with to be more than 10 Å to evade direct interactions with its
other chemical components were deleted from the protein. own periodic image. The energy minimization of the
The crystal structures were prepared by a multi-step process prepared systems was carried out up to a maximum of
through protein preparation wizard (Schrodinger Suite, 2000 steps using a steepest descent method until a gra-
2013). The right bond orders as well as charges were dient threshold at 25 kcal mol−1 Å−1 was reached and
assigned to the protein atoms and hydrogen atoms were equilibrated using the default protocol of Desmond.
added to the crystal structure. The crystallographic This equilibrated system was further simulated at a con-
water molecules were removed and optimized at neutral pH. stant temperature of 300 K and constant pressure of 1 atm
The optimized structure was then subjected to energy with a time step of 2 fs for a time period of 3 ns simulation
minimization using the OPLS_2005 force field with implicit for iNOS and COX-2 protein. The long-range electro
solvation. The minimization was carried out by setting static interactions were calculated using smooth
maximum heavy atom root mean square deviation (RMSD) Particle–Mesh–Ewald method during MD simulations. A
to 0.30 Å. After the cleaning of ligand and protein struc- 9 Å cutoff radius value was used for Coulombic short-
tures, the receptor-binding site was generated as a grid- range interaction cutoff method. The trajectory frames
enclosing box, centered to co-crystallized ligand molecule were captured at each 1.2 ps time step. The RMSD and
in each protein, to enclose the residues within 10 Å from hydrogen bonding interactions of the protein-ligand
their centroid. The generated grid of each protein was used complex was calculated for the entire simulations trajec-
for docking calculations. tory with reference to their first frame.
Med Chem Res

Fig. 3 Effects of HTMF on NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW

264.7 cells. The production of NO was assayed in the culture medium
of cells stimulated with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 24 h in the presence of
Fig. 2 The effects of HTMF on cell viability of RAW 246.7 macro- HTMF (1–40 µg/ml). Data were expressed as mean ± SD of three
phage cells. Data were expressed as the mean ± SD of three experiments. #p o 0.05 represents a significant difference compared
experiments with control group that was not treated with LPS and *p o 0.05
represents a significant difference compared with cells treated with
LPS alone
Results and discussion

Effects of HTMF on cell viability progressions. Therefore, NO inhibitors are necessary for
prevention of inflammatory-related diseases and regulation
The precise determination of cytotoxicity related with pro- of NO production is essential for human health. In the
longed incubation of the cells is the prerequisite for accu- present study, the nitrite level in culture supernatant of
rately assessing the biological properties of individual RAW 264.7 cells was found to be increased significantly
molecules or complex mixtures (Ayissi Owona et al., 2013). (p o 0.05) from 2.5 to 21.4 µM, after 24 h LPS treatment as
MTT assay is used to examine and validate the effect of shown in Fig. 3. NO produced due to LPS treatment was
HTMF on cell growth in RAW 264.7 cells. It was observed inhibited as 7.3, 18.2, 27.4, 47.6, and 63.2 % by the addition
that the exposure of RAW 264.7 cells to the increasing of HTMF at doses of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 40 µg/ml, respec-
concentrations (1–40 µg/ml) of HTMF did not exhibit any tively, and the IC50 was calculated as 23.2 µg/ml. The
signs of cytotoxicity after 24 h incubation. The compound results showed that HTMF significantly (p o 0.05) inhib-
HTMF inhibited the cell growth by 2.2, 4.7, 3.9, 4.4, and ited LPS-induced NO production in a dose-dependent
8.3 % at doses of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 40 µg/ml, respectively. manner and the inhibitory effect was reported not due to
As a result, the cell viability was confirmed to be 490 % at any cytotoxic action on RAW 264.7 cells, as suggested
all tested concentrations (Fig. 2) and HTMF was considered from the cell viability experiment. The obtained result
appropriate at these concentrations for further assays. necessitates that prominent inhibitory activity of HTMF on
NO production could be partly due to its phenolic nature. In
Effects of HTMF on LPS-induced NO production addition to the inhibition of NO generation, the compound
HTMF also renders a direct scavenging effect on NO, and
NO is an important signaling molecule produced by the might serve as a effective therapeutic agent for regulating
iNOS and exhibits a pivotal role in numerous body func- the pathological conditions caused by excessive generation
tions at very low concentrations. However, overproduction of NO.
of NO especially in macrophages may direct to cytotoxicity,
inflammation, and autoimmune disorders (Sarkar et al., Effects of HTMF on LPS-induced PGE2 production
2008; Heo et al., 2012). As LPS is considered to be the most
effective macrophage activation factor, it can elicit iNOS- PGs are a group of AA-derived eicosanoids and are con-
stimulated NO production in various cells (macrophages, sidered as one of the powerful modulators in inflammation
smooth muscle cells, and hepatocytes), to respond to as well as immune responses. The enhanced PGE2 pro-
inflammation, sepsis, and stroke (Nathan, 1992; Shen et al., duction is observed in immune cells, due to relatively ele-
2002). Thus, NO production by LPS may perhaps reveal the vated levels of AA (precursor) in the immune cell
degree of inflammation and used as a marker to evaluate the membrane phospholipids along with the initiation of
potential of drugs or phytochemicals on inflammatory COX-2 in response to cellular stimulation. Several studies
Med Chem Res

Effects of HTMF on pro-inflammatory cytokines


The pro-inflammatory cytokines are notorious to be impli-

cated in the pathogenesis of inflammation, in addition to
NO. In this series, production of the pivotal pro-
inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β
along with COX-2 has been well established through the
activation of macrophage cells during inflammation, and
their excess generation can be related to progress of chronic
diseases like atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis
(Takaki et al., 2003). Recently, the association between
iNOS induction and its dependence on the pro-
Fig. 4 Effects of HTMF on LPS-stimulated PGE2 production in RAW inflammatory cytokine such as TNF-α signaling has been
264.7 cells. The production of PGE2 was assayed in the culture
medium of cells stimulated with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 24 h in the presence reported (Medeiros et al., 2007). Therefore, in inflammatory
of HTMF (1–40 µg/ml). HTMF showed a tendency to inhibit PGE2 diseases, controlling the cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-6, and
production. Data were expressed as mean ± SD of three experiments. IL-1β had predominantly guided to the greatest advances in
#p o 0.05 represents a significant difference compared with control medicine (Moller and Villiger, 2006). Hence, the suppres-
group that was not treated with LPS and *p o 0.05 represents a sig-
nificant difference compared with cells treated with LPS alone sive effect of HTMF on TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β were also
evaluated by quantifying the amount of respective cytokine
production in the LPS-induced cells after 24 h via enzyme-
have reported that the production of PGE2 by LPS in mac- linked immunoassay. The RAW 264.7 cells treated with
rophages is primarily correlated with the transcriptional acti- LPS demonstrated an appreciable increase in TNF-α
vation of COX-2 expression (Lee et al., 1992; Reddy and (4.5-fold), IL-6 (7.4-fold), and IL-1β (16.3-fold) levels in
Herschman, 1994; Kao et al., 2012). PGE2 receives para- the culture supernatants, compared to unstimulated control
mount importance among the PGs and is a foremost target for group (p o 0.05). Based on the observation, it was noticed
anti-inflammation and anticancer research activities (Zhong that the production of those cytokines was significantly
et al., 2012). Hence, natural products that can efficiently (p o 0.05) inhibited by HTMF in a dose-dependent man-
suppress the unusual production of PGE2 might act as ner. Among them, HTMF has moderately reduced TNF-α
potential anti-inflammatory and cancer chemopreventive production by 19 and 31 % at concentrations of 20 and
agents. In this work, the PGE2 levels in unstimulated RAW 40 µg/ml, respectively (Fig. 5a).
264.7 cells are very low and are found to be 174.07 ± 8.06 pg/ On contrary, reduction in IL-6 and IL-1β levels pursued a
ml. But, the stimulation of RAW 264.7 cells by LPS treat- similar pattern, with close inhibition range. At 20 µg/ml,
ment provoked remarkable increase in PGE2 production of HTMF caused 42 and 45 % inhibition of IL-6 and IL-1β pro-
about 1021.3 ± 18.12 pg/ml (Fig. 4). However, LPS treatment duction whereas the highest concentration of HTMF (40 µg/ml)
along with HTMF involvement decreased the production of caused 54 % (IL-6), and 58 % (IL-1β) inhibition (Fig. 5b, c).
PGE2 to 1007.3 ± 6.13, 957.3 ± 24.69, 905.3 ± 6.14, 853.14 These results revealed that compound HTMF remarkably
± 20.63, and 748.6 ± 29.58 pg/ml at doses of 1, 5, 10, 20, and attenuated the production of more than one inflammatory
40 μg/ml, respectively. Thus, HTMF demonstrated 1.3, 6.2, cytokine from LPS-induced cells and thereby signifying its
11.3, 16.4, and 26.7 % inhibition at various tested con- valuable role in controlling inflammatory responses. Likewise,
centrations, compared to cells treated with LPS alone. Even Crouvezier et al. (2001) stated that only a part of polyphenols
though HTMF showed inhibitory effect on PGE2 production in green tea was important in inhibiting LPS-induced IL-1β in
in a dose-dependent manner, the result was not as strong as human whole blood cultures, whereas all the other polyphenols
that displayed in the inhibition of NO production. It was were found unsuccessful to hold up IL-6 and TNF-α produc-
stated that flavonoids demonstrate differential effects on PGE2 tion. Similarly, the phenolic compounds, namely p-coumaric
production in macrophages owing to the presence of hydroxyl acid, syringic acid, homovanillic acid, kaempferol, tyrosol,
moieties in their A-ring (i.e., the 5,7-dihydroxyl groups pos- caffeic acid, and oleuropein glycoside, did not demonstrate
sess higher activity as in case of quercetin than the dihydroxyl inhibitory effect on TNF-α production at a dose from 10−7 to
groups in other positions) (Wu et al., 2008). The present result 10−4 M (Miles et al., 2005). From these observations, it was
supports the above statement; as the examined compound inferred that the inhibition of TNF-α formation might be
HTMF possesses only one hydroxyl group (5-OH) in its A- influenced by the presence of hydroxyl groups on B ring of
ring, it might be the cause for its lower inhibitory activity on flavonoids, with two hydroxyl groups at the 3′ and 4′ position
PGE2 production. being the most efficient, pursued by single hydroxyl group and
Med Chem Res

Fig. 5 Effects of HTMF on pro-inflammatory cytokine production in experiments. #p o 0.05 represents a significant difference compared
LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Culture supernatants from treated with control group that was not treated with LPS and *p o 0.05
cells were immunoassayed for TNF-α (a), IL-6 (b), and IL-1β (c) represents a significant difference compared with cells treated with
production by ELISA kit. Data were expressed as mean ± SD of three LPS alone

absence of hydroxyl group (Comalada et al., 2006). To note, responses (Rossi et al., 2002; Federico et al., 2007). The
the structural characteristics of HTMF might be insufficient in mRNA expression levels for the key enzymes are the
reducing TNF-α formation in the present finding, since the foremost indicators of anti-inflammatory activity and thus
compound HTMF possesses no hydroxyl group on its B ring. inhibition of iNOS and COX-2 can afford a valuable
Collectively, the examined effect on pro-inflammatory cyto- strategy for inhibiting the inflammation. Therefore, the
kines production suggests that HTMF is competent of dis- effect of HTMF on iNOS and COX-2 gene expression was
rupting key signal transduction pathways stimulated by LPS in further studied by RT–PCR analysis, to reveal the
RAW 264.7 cells, consequently preventing the production of mechanism concerned in the inhibitions of NO and PGE2
pro-inflammatory mediators. generation by HTMF in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells.
The RAW 246.7 cells were treated with LPS and
Effects of HTMF on mRNA expressions of iNOS and 40 µg/ml of HTMF for mRNA expression studies, since
COX-2 HTMF showed the best possible anti-inflammatory activity
at that particular dose in earlier findings. The mRNA
Macrophage-derived NO is an important intracellular and expressions of iNOS and COX-2 were scarcely noticeable
intercellular signaling molecule that is involved in the reg- in the control group without LPS and HTMF. On the other
ulation of various physiological and pathophysiological hand, the iNOS and COX-2 on mRNA expression levels
mechanisms in immunological systems (Bogdan, 2001; was found to be markedly increased in RAW 264.7 cells
MacMicking et al., 1997). Moreover, COX-2, the key exposed to LPS after 24 h treatment, and HTMF sig-
enzyme implicated in the synthesis of PGE2, was induced nificantly (p o 0.05) suppressed the upregulated gene
by various stimuli such as LPS, cytokines, and growth expression of iNOS (∼40 %) and COX-2 (∼35 %) at
factors and in turn collectively enhances the inflammatory 40 µg/ml (Fig. 6a, b). The production pattern of NO and
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Fig. 6 Effects of HTMF on the mRNA expression of iNOS and COX-2 group. Data were expressed as mean ± SD of three independent experi-
in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. The relative expression levels of ments. #p o 0.05 represents a significant difference compared with con-
iNOS and COX-2 were determined by RT–PCR relative to the GAPDH trol group that was not treated with LPS and *p o 0.05 represents a
gene and the data were expressed as fold of change from LPS alone treated significant difference compared with cells treated with LPS alone

PGE2 was well correlated with the alterations in the mRNA iNOS and COX-2 are considered as the most significant
levels of iNOS and COX-2, quantified through RT–PCR enzymatic systems for inflammation and with the aim to
analysis. These results denote that the downregulation of validate the experimental results, as HTMF is active in
iNOS and COX-2 gene expression might have contributed to controlling the expression of both iNOS and COX-2 at
the inhibition of NO and PGE2 production, as iNOS and transcriptional level, a molecular modeling study was con-
COX-2 are the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of NO ducted (Syam et al., 2014; Priscilla et al., 2011; Zhang et al.,
and PGE2. This finding also corroborates the fact that iNOS 2012). The docking study demonstrates the binding pattern
suppression might, in turn, have an inhibitory role on induced of HTMF within the active site of iNOS and COX-2 (Figs. 7
pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β and vice versa and 8). From Fig. 7, it was noticed that the predicted pose of
(Fig. 5a, c). In a similar study, Balakrishnan et al. (2010) HTMF compound bind in the major cavity related to the
reported that the L. nodiflora extract and isolated sterol CPP active site of the iNOS and the aromatic moiety of HTMF is
significantly downregulated LPS induced expression of the placed almost perpendicular to the heme group. In their
pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β) in active pocket, the HTMF is surrounded by hydrophobic
PBMC and other important inflammatory mediators (iNOS residues, such as Met368, Tyr367, Trp366, Phe363, Pro344,
and COX-2) in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Therefore, com- Ala345, Val346, Trp457, and Tyr485. It can be concluded
pounds that inhibit iNOS and COX-2 gene expression by that there are hydrophobic interactions and desolvation
transcriptional downregulation have appreciable therapeutic effects in ligand binding. The binding mode analysis shows
effect in the treatment of all major inflammatory and infec- that HTMF makes two hydrogen bond interactions with
tious diseases (Fischer et al., 1999). Several studies reported aromatic Trp366 residue (1.77 Å) and with negatively
the suppressive effect of natural products on the production of charged Glu371 residue (1.82 Å), both of which exhibit a
pro-inflammatory mediators (NO and PGE2) and cytokines crucial role in substrate binding of murine iNOS (Tiperciuc
(Oh et al., 2008; Syam et al., 2014; Heo et al., 2012; et al., 2013). Hence, these residues are reported as key
Abdelwahab et al., 2012). Since there is no report on anti- residues in the design of selective murine iNOS inhibitors in
inflammatory activity of HTMF, the present findings indicates addition to Met368, Gly365, Tyr367, Phe363, Pro344,
that HTMF might mediate anti-inflammatory role in either an Gln257, Val346, Asn364, Arg382, Arg 260, Met349,
iNOS- or a COX-2-dependent manner. Therefore, further Thr370, and Tyr485. The docking score of interaction
studies are desired to make obvious the mechanisms by which obtained was −7.75 kcal/mol (Table 2) and in general, a
HTMF shows different levels of anti-inflammatory effect. negative value (kcal/mol) signifies lowest possible energy at
which high potency of binding between receptor and ligand
Computational studies is accomplished. The hydrogen bond interaction formed by
HTMF with key residues might prove that this compound has
Binding mode analysis of HTMF with iNOS and COX-2 potent activity against iNOS. Moreover, the binding to the
active site of iNOS is achieved by the contribution of
Molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies further 5-hydroxyl and 3′-OCH3 group from the A and B ring of
validated the in vitro anti-inflammatory profiles of HTMF. HTMF, respectively. Based on the docking result, it is also
Med Chem Res

Fig. 7 Binding mode and molecular interaction of HTMF with the iNOS binding site. In the left side of the figure, heme and HTMF is shown in
red and green color stick models, meanwhile the right side of the figure depicts the 2D interaction of HTMF with iNOS

Fig. 8 Binding mode and molecular interaction of HTMF with the COX-2 binding site. In the left side of the figure, HTMF was shown in pink
color stick model, meanwhile the right side of the figure depicts the 2D interaction of HTMF with COX-2

sensible to deduce that inhibition of iNOS expression is an In case of COX-2, it could be exemplified that HTMF
additional possible mechanism by which the compound put forms hydrogen bonds with two aromatic residues in the
forth an anti-inflammatory and antioxidative action. active sites of COX-2, i.e. with Tyr355 and Tyr385.
Med Chem Res

Table 2 Docking score, glide Target Docking score Glide energy ΔGbind Active site residues H-bond
energy, and binding free energy (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) interaction (D…H–A) length (Å)
results of HTMF with iNOS and
COX-2 predicted through XP iNOS −7.75 −41.18 −62.48 CH3 (O)… OH (Glu371) 1.82
docking — — — OH…O (Trp366) 1.77
COX-2 −9.10 −32.08 −58.04 OH (Tyr385)…O(CH3) 2.04
— — — OH…O (Tyr355) 1.58

Fig. 9 The root mean-square

deviation (RMSD, in Å) vs. MD
simulation time of the backbone
atoms for the iNOS/HTMF (a)
and COX-2/HTMF (b)

The compound HTMF could successfully dock into the have played very significant roles in ligand-receptor inter-
COX-2 active site and the docking score of interaction action for the formation of hydrogen bonds. The score
obtained was −9.10 kcal/mol (Table 2). The bond distances might be recognized to its one hydrogen bonding interaction
between 5-OH of HTMF and OH of Tyr 355 is 1.58 Å, with Tyr385 and it is further accountable for showing good
while between 3′-OCH3 of HTMF and OH of Tyr385 is inhibitory activity on COX-2 gene expression, as Tyr385
2.04 Å (H…O) (Fig. 8). The hydroxyl (act as donor) and was reported to be implicated in the abstraction of hydrogen
oxygen-bound methyl group (act as acceptor) of HTMF from C-13 of arachidonate (Thuresson et al., 2001).
Med Chem Res

The hydrophobic and π–π stacking interactions were also during the last 2500–3000 ps. This indicates that binding of
observed between HTMF and the surrounding residues in the compound HTMF with COX-2 has increased the con-
the binding site. The π–π stacking interaction was formational stability of the protein at these time intervals.
observed between HTMF and Arg120 with distance of The root mean square fluctuation (RMSF) of residues in
5.17 Å and angle of 70.34°. It was well predictable from the trajectory of both iNOS-HTMF and COX-2-HTMF
the literature that the active site of COX-2 holds three complexes was presented in Fig. 10. The iNOS protein con-
important regions, viz. a hydrophobic pocket portrayed by sists of residues numbered 77–496, whereas COX-2 protein
the occurrence of Tyr385, Trp387, Phe518, Ala201, includes 33–584 residues. It is known that the bigger change
Tyr248, and Leu352. The second key region is char- in RMSF value takes place due to the softer residues. The four
acterized by three hydrophilic amino acid residues major flexible protein segments corresponding to residues
(Arg120, Glu524, and Tyr355) which are present at the 145–155, 370–380, 395–410, 460–465 were noticed in iNOS-
entrance of the active site whereas the third region is a HTMF complex and the active site residues exhibit a small
side pocket associated with the existence of His90, range of fluctuations (Fig. 10a). Further, the RMSF of residues
Arg513, and Val523 residues (Priscilla et al., 2011). in the active site also shows wavy impression, which could be
From the docking result, it was noted that the bonding of due to the movement of the heme during MD simulation.
HTMF was in the close vicinity of the hydrophobic pocket. However, the RMSF values of the COX-2-HTMF complex
The docking of some COX-2 inhibitors like celecoxib, shows larger fluctuations to residue 50–100, 210–220,
diclofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen has revealed their 264–278, and 400–420 (Fig. 10b). These residues changed
hydrogen bonding interactions with Tyr324, Tyr385, greatly, which proves that the complex is flexible at those
Ser530, Arg120, and Tyr355 residues (Kurumbail et al., positions. Moreover, the fluctuations in the inhibitor binding
1996; Llorens et al., 2002; Dilber et al., 2008; Krishna et al., site residues (Tyr355 and Tyr385) are small. Hence, the result
2013). Moreover, in another study, the virtual screening of shows that the small range of RMSDs reproduced minor
flavonoids against COX-2 protein exposed that the hydroxyl structural movement in the docking complex during simula-
groups present in C5 or C7 or in both could bind with tion time. These observations go in hand with the experimental
Ile517, Phe518, Ser 355, Leu352, and Gln192, respectively. results that the interaction of proteins with ligand frequently
In addition, it should be noted that the C4 carbonyl and the occurs with an increase in protein stability and structural order
substituent moiety at C3′ and C4′ could interact with (Latypov et al., 2008; Celej et al., 2003). From the trajectory
Tyr355 and Tyr385, by which they enhance the inhibitory analysis, it was noticed that HTMF formed stable hydrogen
effect on COX-2 (Li et al., 2011). The current examination bonding interactions with Trp366 and Glu371 residues of
with the comparative analysis of literature data further iNOS. In the COX-2-HTMF complex, amino acids Tyr385
specified that the target compound HTMF might persuade and Tyr355 also showed highly stable interactions with the
the COX-2 protein’s active site confirmation through ligand throughout MD simulations. The results acquired from
interaction with the active site and thereby provokes the the computational approach will be useful for the structure-
anti-inflammatory activity. based lead optimization. Overall, these findings indicate that
HTMF exhibits potential anti-inflammatory properties, that
MD simulations of HTMF with iNOS and COX-2 can act on iNOS and COX-2 and thus it can be developed as
herbal anti-inflammatory agent.
MD simulations were carried out to check the stability of
the iNOS-HTMF and COX-2-HTMF complexes. The
comparative RMSDs along the trajectories of both iNOS- Conclusion
HTMF and COX-2-HTMF complexes have been deter-
mined and plotted in Fig. 9. It is obvious that the coordi- The present study shows that HTMF possesses potent anti-
nates of active site residues of HTMF bound to iNOS was inflammatory effects in LPS-induced macrophage cell line
altered and the analysis of Fig. 9a indicates that the RMSD mediated by inhibition of release of inflammatory media-
values steadily increase from 0 to 600 ps, and reached tors, NO, PGE2, and pro-inflammatory cytokines. The
equilibration after 1500 ps time period. The RMSD was inhibitory effect is mainly correlated to the ability of the
about 3.2 Å after 1.5 ns and it pointed out that the complex compound concerned to downregulate iNOS and COX-2
structure is stable after 1.5 ns of simulation. Similarly, the expression at transcriptional level. The mechanism of
conformation of COX-2-HTMF complex changes to some inhibition exerted by HTMF also seems to be associated
extent, particularly from 0–1000 ps equilibration. But the with the attenuation of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β formation.
complex attained a stable conformation after 1000 ps Moreover, molecular docking was employed to contribute
simulation time and the RMSD value was found to be more useful information of HTMF with iNOS and COX-2,
∼2.7 Å (Fig. 9b). Furthermore, the RMSD gets lowered such as active site, binding mode, and important residues.
Med Chem Res

Fig. 10 RMSF of the backbone

atoms of (a) iNOS and (b)
COX-2 protein in the presence
of HTMF at 300 K

The results of molecular docking studies showed that Compliance with ethical standards
HTMF has more favorable interaction with better docking Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
score, docking energy, and binding free energy. MD interest.
simulations of iNOS-HTMF and COX-2-HTMF complexes
indicated that HTMF displays stable hydrogen bonds. The
findings of in vitro and in silico studies suggested that
HTMF is a capable lead compound that may have future
prospect in progress of anti-inflammatory therapeutics.
Abdelwahab SI, Koko WS, Taha MME, Mohan S, Achoui M,
Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the financial Abdulla MA, Mustafa MR, Ahmad S, Noordin MI, Yong CL,
assistance given by Department of Science and Technology Sulaiman MR, Othman R, Hassan AA (2012) In vitro and
(DST WOS-A), New Delhi, for granting fellowship to A. Sudha in vivo anti-inflammatory activities of columbin through the
(Grant No. SR/WOS-A/LS-237/2010). The authors thank Dr. inhibition of cycloxygenase-2 and nitric oxide but not
B. Kadalmani, Department of Animal Science, Bharathidasan the suppression of NF-κB translocation. Eur J Pharmacol
University, Tiruchirapalli for providing help in in vitro studies. 678:61–70
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