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My Daily Habits

Everyone has daily habits. I have a routine to have a great day. Here's what my day looks like.

I start my day with a big smile and a stretch. It helps me feel refreshed and ready for the day.
Next, I brush my teeth. Brushing is super important to keep my teeth strong and healthy.
After that, I have a breakfast. Eating breakfast is like putting fuel in a car. It gives me the energy.
Sometimes I have rice and curry, and other times it's toast with jam. Yum! Then, I get dressed
and pack my school bag. Now, I am ready to catch the bus to school.

Off to school I go! I enjoy going to school and learning new things. I listen to my teacher, ask
questions, and play with my friends during recess. I have lots of fun at school.

When I come back home, I have a little snack or light meal. It keeps my energy up for homework
or playing. I also have chores to do, like taking out the garbage, or helping in the kitchen. It's
important to help at home, and it makes my family happy.

In the evening, I have dinner with my family. We talk about our day, and I tell them what I
learned at school. It's our special time.

Before bedtime, I wash my face and brush my teeth. It helps me relax and gets ready for sleep.
Then, I change into my pyjamas. Finally, it's time for bed. I close my eyes and think about all the
fun things I'll do tomorrow. So, these are my daily habits.

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