Lumiere ND Edison

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Lumière brothers:

When the well-known Lumière brothers began with the creation and managed to
complete the design of their cinematograph in 1895, in the Indien Salon of the Grand
Café on the Boulevard des Capucines, in Paris. Most of the technical problems that
occurred in filming and in the exhibition of films had been solved long ago. The
French inventors mentioned above, were responsible for designing a system that
allowed the projection of films in places or large spaces. But at the same time,
through this it was to be able to take the first step towards the creation of modern
movie theaters, which hundreds of thousands of people around the world go to today
to admire the films of their actors and Favorite directors It is fair to say, therefore,
that with the invention of the Lumiere one of the industries that has had the most
influence in contemporary culture and society, cinema, was born.

Thomas Edison:
Thomas Edison (1847-1931), was an American inventor whose development of a
practical light bulb or electric bulb, an electricity generating system, a sound
recording device and a movie projector, has had profound effects on the
configuration of modern society .
The kinetoscope was a device that was created prior to the film projector. This
projector was invented by Thomas Alva Edison and William Dickson in the late
1880s, from the version of the Edward Muybridge zoopraxiscope. This device was
intended to give an individual view of bands of continuous images, but without the
possibility of projecting on a screen. The film that had a permanent movement had to
go through an electric lamp and also under a rotating disc which, in turn, was
perforated and illuminated for a short time each frame that passed freezing the
movement of the film at same time, thus providing about 40 images per second.

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