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Science in China Ser D: Earth Sciences

© 2007 Science in China Press


NIR-red spectral space based new method for soil

moisture monitoring
ZHAN ZhiMing1,2, QIN QiMing1†, GHULAN Abduwasit1 & WANG DongDong1
Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
Environmental Protection Bureau of Dongcheng District, Beijing 100007, China

Drought is a complex natural disaster that occurs frequently. Soil moisture has been the main issue in
remote monitoring of drought events as the most direct and important variable describing the drought.
Spatio-temporal distribution and variation of soil moisture evidently affect surface evapotranspiration,
agricultural water demand, etc. In this paper, a new simple method for soil moisture monitoring is de-
veloped using near-infrared versus red (NIR-red) spectral reflectance space. First, NIR-red spectral
reflectance space is established using atmospheric and geometric corrected ETM+ data, which is
manifested by a triangle shape, in which different surface covers have similar spatial distribution rules.
Next, the model of soil moisture monitoring by remote sensing (SMMRS) is developed on the basis of
the distribution characteristics of soil moisture in the NIR-red spectral reflectance space. Then, the
SMMRS model is validated by comparison with field measured soil moisture data at different depths.
The results showed that satellite estimated soil moisture by SMMRS is highly accordant with field
measured data at 5 cm soil depth and average soil moisture at 0―20 cm soil depths, correlation coef-
ficients are 0.80 and 0.87, respectively. This paper concludes that, being simple and effective, the
SMMRS model has great potential to estimate surface moisture conditions.

NIR-red spectral space, soil moisture, quantitative remote sensing, soil drought, remote monitoring of soil moisture

1 Introduction the focus must be the real time monitoring of moisture

conditions instead of hysteresis. In addition, the impact
Soil moisture has been the main issue in remote moni- of surface roughness, soil structure and organic matters
toring of drought events as the most direct and important on the reflectance of visible, NIR data has been a main
variable describing the drought. It is a key parameter limitation of optical remote sensing of soil moisture.
describing the water circulation and energy exchange Thermal remote sensing approaches may be summarized
between surface and atmosphere. Due to its different as the thermal inertia method, the vegetation evapotran-
spectral patterns in different wavelengths, remote sens- spiration method and the crop water stress index
ing data ranging from visible to microwave have been (CWSI). These methods are established using the rela-
widely used in soil moisture monitoring. Spectral re- tionship between surface emissivity, temperature and
flectance decreases with the increasing of soil moisture soil moisture by mainly taking advantage of the water
in visible and near-infrared (NIR) range. There have circulation and energy balance principle. The history
been several reports addressing soil moisture modeling
with visible and NIR data, for example, anomaly vegeta- Received October 10, 2005; accepted April 11, 2006
tion index[1], soil moisture reflectance method[2], etc. doi: 10.1007/s11430-007-2004-6

Corresponding author (email:
which is dependent on the interrelations between soil Supported by the Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research (973) Project
(Grant No. G2000077900), the High-Tech Research and Development Program of
moisture and vegetation index. Vegetation indexes may China (Grant No. 2001AA135110) and The Post Doc Fellowship Project from the
serve as an after-effect indicator of drought. However, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.2004035021) Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | February 2007 | vol. 50 | no. 2 | 283-289
of thermal remote sensing of soil moisture can be traced Goward[19], Price[20] developed LST - NDVI feature
back to the beginning of the 1970s. Waston et al.[3] space, Ridd, Gilles, Han, Wang et al. comprehensively
brought forward a method for calculating thermal inertia used the LST―NDVI feature space in soil moisture and
with diurnal temperature difference; then, Price, Kahle, analyzing of surface evapotranspiration[21 26]; Ghulam

England,Zhang, Tian, Yu implemented and further et al.[27] tried to substitute LST with albedo in
improved thermal inertia method in their research work, LST-NDVI feature space, and conducted an approach to
etc.[4 11]. The thermal inertia method is quite effective

monitor drought condition with broad band al-
for bare soil moisture monitoring but demonstrates poor bedo-NDVI based feature space. Due to its close rela-
correlation for highly vegetated surface. Furthermore, tionship with drought conditions, LST-NDVI and al-
obtaining the diurnal temperature difference for thermal bedo-NDVI based spectral spaces are quite effective for
inertia poses a challenge to the widespread use of this drought monitoring. However, spatial resolution of visi-
method. Water supply is the motivation of the ble, infrared and thermal bands of some satellite data
evapotranspiration process and soil moisture content such as TM/ETM+ is not the same and more useful
greatly affects the evapotranspiration rate. Heretofore, information is lost as a result of spectral sampling which
people have sought for an effective method to monitor should be carried out to construct spectral space using
soil moisture using the ratio of effective evapotranspira- NDVI and LST products. Furthermore, retrieval of sur-
tion to potential evapotranspiration. Jackson[12] put for- face albedo and LST contains some uncertainties and,
ward CWSI; Tian developed regression models for soil therefore, the final error on soil moisture extraction
moisture prediction by linking soil moisture with would be magnified.
CWSI[13]. CWSI has clear physical definition, but one In this paper, soil moisture monitoring by remote
needs local meteorological data to inverse soil moisture sensing model (SMMRS) is developed using the
from CWSI. The use of meteorological data obtained NIR-red spectral reflectance space. Because it is easier
from undisclosed weather stations usually results in to obtain the reflectance rather than to retrieve LST and
greater uncertainties, especially for large-scale drought albedo, the SMMRS method is simple and effective.
estimation. Microwave remote sensing of soil moisture
is mainly dependent on the relationship between soil 2 Methodology
moisture and dielectric characteristics of the target and
2.1 Atmospheric correction of satellite data
radar backscatters since there is a remarkable correlation
between them. There have been many reports found in Satellite data used in this study is an Enhanced Thematic
literature that explain soil moisture[14 17]. Being an ef-

Mapper plus (ETM+) image registered on April 17, 2001
fective tool, it can be used at night and so much so that over Beijing and its surrounding region in China. After
even in the presence of cloud cover, remote estimation the geometric correction, sub-image covering the Shunyi
of soil moisture at frequencies in the microwave spec- District which was our study area was subset and
trum becomes a promising field with high predicting mapped out. Digital Numbers (DNs) values were con-
precision and penetrating capabilities. However, it is no verted into spectral radiance and top of the atmosphere
more effective for the retrieval of soil moisture data over (TOA) reflectance, then, atmospheric correction by 6S
vegetated surfaces due to being strongly affected by the was carried out to eliminate the atmospheric perturba-
surface roughness and vegetation. tion and obtain the reflectance at ground level.
Land surface temperature, vegetation index and al- 6S describes how the aerosols and atmospheric gases
bedo are all indicators of soil moisture dynamics and can affect the radiation transfer in the sun-target-sensor path.
be used to delineate drought status in multi-dimensional To achieve accurate correction results, atmospheric con-
feature space. Ergo, combination of visible NIR, thermal dition and isochronous aerosol data are required to input.
and microwave wavelengths may be the future direction However, to obtain field measured satellite isoch-
of soil moisture remote sensing. Wang[18] extracted soil ronous atmospheric properties is too time-consuming
moisture information in sparsely vegetated rangeland and expensive. We chose the standard atmospheric cor-
surfaces with ERS-2/TM synergy by correlating radar rection model (the middle latitude summer atmospheric
backscatters with NDVI and soil moisture; since model) and standard aerosol model (the maritime aero-

284 ZHAN ZhiMing et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | February 2007 | vol. 50 | no. 2 | 283-289
sol model) provided by 6S. We are confident in the ac- rected reflectance of ETM+ band3 (red, 630―690 nm)
curacy of the correction results with this decision since it and band4 (NIR, 780―900 nm). The scatter plot of the
has been proved by relevant reports that the effect on the NIR-red reflectance spectrum demonstrates a typical
accuracy of atmospheric correction obtained from the triangle shape (Figure 1(b)), which is different from pre-
standard atmospheric model is comparable to that ob- viously reported LST-NDVI spectral space but the distri-
tained from in-situ measurements with errors of ±0.02 bution rules of different land cover types in NIR-red
for reflectance and 0.02 for NDVI[28]. The surface was space are similar with LST-NDVI spectral space. Not
assumed to be a non-uniform target. only the surface coverage status can be described, but
2.2 Construction of NIR-red spectral reflectance also the surface drought conditions and drought severity
space can be characterized quantitatively in the space.
Vegetation lamina tissues strongly absorb blue, purple Richardson and Wiegand [29] described NIR-red space
and red lights and intensively reflect green lights espe- constructed with DNs of MSS NIR and red band data
cially NIR spectrum. From red to NIR spectral region, and developed perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) as
the reflectance of bare soil is high but increases slowly. to distribution phenomenon of vegetation in the space. It
The thicker the vegetation density, the smaller the re- can be seen in the space obtained by ETM+ NIR-red
flectance in red and the higher the reflectance in NIR spectral reflectance data that the distribution features of
bands becomes. Because the absorption of the red range vegetation in the space is similar with what Richardson
is saturated quickly, only the increase of reflectance in and Wiegand reported before (Figure 1(b)). Here, AD
line represents the change of surface vegetation cover
the NIR region could reflect the increase of vegetation.
from the high density area (A) and the sparse vegetation
Any mathematical operation which could strengthen the
area (E) to bare soil (D) while BC refers soil moisture
difference between NIR and red could be used to de-
status viz. wet area (B), semi-arid surface to extremely
scribe the vegetation characteristics. Vegetation indices
drought surface (C). As we have seen, B-D-C shows the
such as RVI, DVI, and NDVI are based on this theory. It
direction of drought severity. There are close and com-
is a well known fact that NIR (TM/ETM+ band4) and
plex relationships between the surface spectrum and
red (TM/ETM+ band3) are highly correlated with LAI,
land cover types and surface drought conditions. This
leaf biomass and chlorophyll content, while NDVI is
encouraged us to build a NIR-red spectral reflectance
effective only to monitor vegetation features in the early
space based soil moisture monitoring index which may
stage of growth or in low density conditions. be rather simple but is effective compared to the
In order to delineate the NIR-red spectral space, a LST-NDVI and albedo-NDVI space based methods.
sample region with comprehensive land cover types is
selected in the study area (Figure 1(a)). NIR-red spectral 2.3 Development of SMMRS model
reflectance space is established using atmospheric cor- It is not difficult to see from Figure 1(b) that the drought

Figure 1 (a) Construction of NIR-red spectral space using ETM+reflectance data (remote data); (b) construction of NIR-red spectral space
using ETM+reflectance data (drawing).

ZHAN ZhiMing et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | February 2007 | vol. 50 | no. 2 | 283-289 285
severity gradually rises up from B to C, and reaches its possesses, the nearer it is located to the coordinate origin.
climax at C. Here BC represents the soil line of the re- Generally speaking, objects placed near to the line L are
search area. Suppose that the mathematical expression always bodies of water or are extremely wet regions and
of the soil line can be expressed by the following equa- the soil moisture infinitely closes to 1, whereas in the
tion: most distant area from the line L in the space represents
Rnir = MRred+I , (1) an extremely dry surface. In this case, soil moisture infi-
where Rnir , Rred refer to the atmospherically corrected nitely closes to 0. Thereby, it is possible to establish
reflectance of NIR band and red band respectively, while SMMRS by subtracting normalized values of EF from 1.
M is the slope of the soil line, and I is the interception on 1
SMMRS = 1 − ( Rnir + MRred ) . (4)
the vertical axis. M 2 +1
A line L, which disects the coordinate origin and is The soil line is extracted using the NIR and red band
vertical to the soil line, can be delineated on Figure 2. reflectance of the study area as seen in Figure 3 and its
Therefore, as to the normal function of a line, L can be mathematical formula can be written as eq. (5):
mathematically formulated from the soil line expression. Rnir = 1.40426 Rred − 0.0703 : (5)
It can be seen from eq. (5) that from M =1.4042,
I = −0.0703, introducing into eq. (5), soil moisture can
be obtained over the study area.
SMMRS = 1 − ( Rnir + 1.40426 Rred ) . (6)
1.40422 + 1

Figure 2 Sketch map of soil moisture modeling.

Rnir = − Rred . (2) Figure 3 Soil line extraction.
The distance from any points in the NIR-red reflec-
tance space to the line L represents surface soil moisture
3 Validation and discussion
conditions. That is, the farther the distance, the stronger The Shunyi remote sensing experiment field (116°26′―
the drought, and the less the soil moisture or vice versa. 117°E, 40°―40°21′N), Beijing, China was selected as
Taking a random point E ( Rred , Rnir ) in the NIR-red the study area. The research team of China’s 973 Project
reflectance space, the vertical distance from (Grant No.G2000077900) ‘Quantitative remote sensing
E ( Rred , Rnir ) to line L can be calculated as theory and application of land surface spatio-temoporal
dynamic parameters’ conducted a satellite-airborne-
EF = ( Rnir + MRred ) . (3) surface incorporated comprehensive field test from
M 2 +1 March to June, 2001 and gathered a wide variety of sur-
With respect to a black body, the distance is the least face data including surface temperature, albedo, BRDF
amount which almost equals zero, and it is located just of different surface types, vegetation indexes like NDVI,
at the coordinate origin. In the case of other objects with leaf area index (LAI) and hydrological parameters were
some reflectance, the higher moisture content the target obtained. There are 4 test fields set in the study area;

286 ZHAN ZhiMing et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | February 2007 | vol. 50 | no. 2 | 283-289
they are the central field (C1―C5), the northwest field data, every sample point can be found in geometrically
(NW1―NW5), the northeast field (NE1―NE5) and the corrected satellite data by their geographical coordi-
southeast field (SE1 ― SE5). Soil moisture data from nates.
Pixel level soil moisture is calculated using SMMRS.
different soil depths of 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 100 cm
This model estimated data using NIR-red spectral re-
were collected by both the CNC-503DR-intelligent wa-
flectance space based on the new method which was
ter neutron meter and the weighing-after-drying method
compared with field collected data. It is evident from the
in the northwest field by over 25 ground control points.
results that the satellite-estimated and field-measured
16 points were deployed in fields NW1, NW2, NW3 and
9 in NW4, NW5 during the time when the satellite made data maintain greater coincidence and the graphs of both
its overpass on April 17, 2001. In the weighing-after- are highly accordant (Table 1; Figure 4). Correlation
drying method, soil moisture content is calculated by coefficients are 0.80 and 0.87 with soil moisture at the 5
dividing the water content of a 1000 g sample of earth cm soil depth and an average soil moisture at 0―20 cm
by its dried earth counterpart and then multiplying by soil depth, respectively. Satellite observations of soil
100. moisture have been hampered by vegetation signals that
Effective soil depth for the remote measurement of are superimposed over soil information. In our approach,
soil moisture has been a controversial problem. Li[30] and vegetation interference on soil moisture is not taken into
Guo[31] examined the relationship between satellite de- account. Therefore, the NIR-red spectral reflectance
rived NDVI, brightness temperature and soil moisture, space based model represents mixed information of soil
and reported that satellite data possess correlation with and vegetation. This posed limitations for the precision
soil moisture at a 20 cm soil depth; Liu et al.[2] believe of estimation results together with uncertainties contrib-
that the effective soil depth for soil moisture estimation uted from field measuring conditions such as wind and
of visible and NIR remote sensing data is 10 cm. Con- meteorological factors which have a stronger effect on
sidering the above-mentioned discussions, we chose surface soil moisture collected by CNC-503DR. To con-
field measurements of soil moisture at 5 cm and soil clude, validation results are acceptable and the method
moisture values averaged over 0―20 cm to validate our developed in the paper can be applied to soil moisture
new method. Thanks to high spatial resolution of ETM+ monitoring.
Table 1 Comparison of satellite-estimated and field-measured soil moisture
Satellite estimated soil Average soil moisture over
GCPs Longitude Latitude Soil moisture at 5 cm
moisture 0―20 cm
25 116°34′33.4″ 40°11′41.2″ 0.404907 0.213731 0.284258
26 116°34′34.3″ 40°11′43.6″ 0.163456 0.153242 0.129031
27 116°34′34.0″ 40°11′46.0″ 0.163456 0.108497 0.186132
28 116°34′33.7″ 40°11′48.5″ 0.261047 0.278104 0.327929
29 116°34′37.2″ 40°11′49.0″ 0.263545 0.103496 0.397978
30 116°34′37.5″ 40°11′46.6″ 0.545243 0.445868 0.619867
31 116°34′37.9″ 40°11′44.1″ 0.117159 0.09887 0.178069
32 116°34′38.1″ 40°11′41.8″ 0.32941 0.181735 0.266157
33 116°34′42.4″ 40°11′41.6″ 0.32941 0.239893 0.242699
34 116°34′41.8″ 40°11′46.5″ 0.473299 0.268698 0.407033
35 116°34′41.6″ 40°11′49.0″ 0.522094 0.352105 0.479281
36 116°34′24.8″ 40°11′34.1″ 0.195154 0.069191 0.150935
46 116°34′25.2″ 40°11′30.1″ 0.163456 0.290435 0.347914
47 116°34′31.1″ 40°11′30.4″ 0.097591 0.235605 0.314258
48 116°34′30.8″ 40°11′34.4″ 0.017098 0.204767 0.29371
49 116°34′34.4″ 40°11′34.7″ 0 0.194341 0.238028
52 116°34′34.8″ 40°11′30.6″ 0.160958 0.324175 0.364041
53 116°34′31.7″ 40°11′53.6″ 0.839042 0.886009 0.971363
54 116°34′31.2″ 40°11′56.9″ 1 0.701837 0.825518
55 116°34′37.1″ 40°11′57.6″ 0.468302 0.128927 0.329626
58 116°34′37.5″ 40°11′54.6″ 0.260531 0.039086 0.248479
59 116°34′42.8″ 40°11′54.6″ 0.697652 0.667579 0.801132
60 116°34′42.4″ 40°11′58.0″ 0.504996 0.563223 0.523413
Correlation coefficients 0.80 0.87

ZHAN ZhiMing et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | February 2007 | vol. 50 | no. 2 | 283-289 287
4 Conclusion
In this study, a simple, effective soil moisture monitor-
ing model (SMMRS) is developed using spectral space
derived from the reflectance of NIR and red wave-
lengths. Validation was carried out by the comparison of
SMMRS derived and in-situ measurement data. Satel-
lite-estimated soil moisture with SMMRS demonstrated
very similar trends and a higher correlation with in-situ
data at a 5 cm soil depth and soil moisture averaged over
surface 0―20 cm soil depths (Table 1; Figure 4). Re-
sults indicate that the SMMRS is simple and effective Figure 4 Graphs of satellite-estimated and field-measured soil moisture.
and construction of the model only requires reflectance
data in the NIR and red wavelengths. Having explicit mixed pixel information is used to calculate surface soil
physical definition and connotation, the SMMRS may moisture while neglecting the vegetation spectrum; then,
be a promising tool for addressing the exchange of en- the mathematical expression of the SMMRS and rele-
ergy and water circulation in the surface/atmosphere vant coefficients are established on the ideal case of an
interface and it has a great potential use in soil moisture existing fixed soil line, however, the distribution of the
soil line is highly dependent on the soil type and fertili-
However, there are two limitations in the method:
zation, etc. In this case, a fixed soil line assumption may
first, though the graphs of satellite-estimated and field-
be another reason contributing to main errors. Decom-
measured soil moisture are very similar in trends, corre-
posing the mixed pixel information to separate vegeta-
lation coefficients are a little far from our expectations,
tion and soil information and further developing and
viz. 0.80 and 0.87 with soil moisture at 5 cm soil depth
improving the algorithm is our future wok.
and an average soil moisture at 0―20 cm soil depth,
respectively. We believe that uncertainties may be rooted The authors would like to extend their thanks to Prof. Xu Xiru from the
in the non-vegetative surface assumption in which Institute of RS & GIS, Peking University for his kind suggestions.

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