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(You can send in your summaries of the answers or complete answers to Avni ma’am at
note- that it is not compulsory to do so)

Mattew Arnold’s essay

1. Explain Mattew Arnold's concept of disinterestedness as an
important tool/ quality for a critic?
2. What according to Mattew Arnold are the functions and
qualifications of a literary critic?
3. In what ways does ‘the function of criticism at the present time’ by
Mattew Arnold, represent the Victorian criticism/ Victorian era?

‘Intentional Fallacy’ by Wimsatt and Beardsley

1. What are the types of evidences discussed by Wimsatt and
Beardsley in the essay ‘Intentional Fallacy’ and what are their
2. What are the propositions put forth by Wimsatt and Beardsley in
their essay the Intentional Fallacy?
3. ‘The design or intention of the author is neither available nor
desirable as a standard for judging the success of a literary work of
art’ explain this hypothesis or quote by Wimsatt and Beardsley as
expounded or as discussed in the essay the Intentional Fallacy?

‘Biographia literaria’ - by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

1. What is Colderidge’s idea of a good poet, how does he distinguish
between poem and poetry?
2. “Good sense is a body of poetic genius, fancy its drapery, motion
it’s life and imagination the soul that is everywhere”. explain this
quote by Colderidge with his concepts of fancy V/s imagination?

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