Panthera Divandarega - 2114050034 - Final Paragraph

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Name : Panthera Divandarega

NPM : 2114050034

Prevent Drugs from Entering The Village

The discussion this time is about the importance of evaluating drug prevention for the
general public. What is a drug? Drugs are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants
that can cause loss of consciousness, loss of pain and addiction. I will make an opinion about an
article that I have read about drug cases in one of the areas in Tanjung, North Karawang. The
problem is getting bigger because the dealer is the young people of the villagers. In fact, many
local residents have provided information regarding the behavior of young people who have
entered the world of drugs in the village for a long time, but National Narcotic Agency has taken
action recently. After being interrogated, it turned out that these youths had been involved in
other criminal cases, such as theft.
The village is known as the village of Begal. Meanwhile, there were similar reports that
the National Narcotic Agency arrested village youths in the areas of Jepara and Pati. What
surprising was that the perpetrators who have been caught know each other and establish
friendships. NNA also managed to confiscate 55 kg of marijuana last month of fasting. It is
suspected that the marijuana will be used as a special dish when migrans return home from big
cities. The marijuana will be distributed to villages around Temanggung and Magelang.
Crime is often related to behavior that is often carried out by city people. This happens
because city crime often takes advantage of rural situations to get illegal products. The situation
in the countryside is the pillar of good or bad urban situations. Rural and urban areas are actually
interconnected in building a crime chain. Traditional values in the countryside itself seem to
have been displaced by pop culture. The limited choice of work in the village, some villagers
decide to migrate to urban areas because they are looking for money. The culture of the city is
well spread by these nomads indirectly. Including these migrants who work in vulnerable places
while in the city, for example, working in nightclubs. This can trigger drug trafficking because it
can perfect the nightlife in nightclubs. An example of a case like this happened in Indonesia,
officers from the NNA conducted a raid on a home-made methamphetamine factory in a
boarding house located on Jalan Kartini, Central Jakarta. NNA met young women from Pantura
village who work at nightclubs.
What do you think of when you hear the word "village?” Surely in your mind that village
is an area that has natural beauty, the people are friendly, and help each other. But that
imagination doesn't always happen for now. When we are going to visit a certain village, maybe
we are afraid because of the information that spreads that the village is known as the village of
robbers, the village of drugs, and the village of thieves. Therefore, village officials should carry
out programs and budget support to build and maintain the village. This solution can work with
the NNA because they have a "drug-free village (Desa Bersinar)" program. The program is the
basis for intervention in an area so that the community cares and actively participates in keeping
their village free of drugs. NNA's reach in carrying out the Shining Village program is limited to
the availability of human resources and budget. Then, village funds are also mandated for
programs that are used to meet the needs of clothing, food, and housing.
1) Clothing : Clothing has an important role in surviving hot and cold weather. Clothing is
used to protect the human body.
2) Food : Food here does not only mean food, but also drinks that are consumed every day
by humans. This need should not be unfulfilled because it can lead to death.
3) Housing : Humans are nomadic, which means humans don't always stay in one place. they
have to survive in certain locations because to protect themselves from the weather and evil.
This program is of course to emphasize the crime rate in the area, including from drug
trafficking crimes. Community intervention programs so as not to become entangled in drug
crime networks can be useful. For example, with basic education and health service programs.
The model of preventing drug trafficking can also be carried out in certain communities and is
not only based on regions such as villages or sub-districts. Examples of hobby communities
such as sports communities, music communities, arts communities, and other communities that
can be targets for drug-free community campaigns. Another more effective way that we can do
to be free from drugs is to build a limited group based on the values agreed by the members and
the existence of mutual control.
Areas that are still known as drug villages, such as Kampung Ambon in Jakarta, Kampung
Beting in Pontianak, or Kampung Dalam in Pekanbaru occur because of the delay in the
provision of intervention programs. A friend's complaint that his village in Karawang is starting
to become a drug trafficking area must be addressed early on. If the right action is not taken
immediately, the risk will be similar to that of drug villages in other areas.

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