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1.1 Background of the Research

English is used as a global language nowadays. In some countries like

Philippines or Singapore, English is even used as a primary language along with

their national language. In Indonesia itself, English is used as a secondary

language, which means people in Indonesia use English as the international

language in order to communicate with foreigners. English lessons have been

given to Indonesian children since young age, mostly since elementary school.

Learning English does not have to be through formal education like school or

course, people could also learn it through media such as internet, music, book, or


Movie is one of many media that can be used as a source of learning English,

especially to train non-English speaker’s listening skill, perfecting the way they

pronounce words in English and broaden their vocabulary. In this scenario,

subtitle holds a big role to make non-English speaker learns English easily.

Bianchi and Ciabattoni (2008) conducted a research regarding movie subtitle as a

tool to learn foreign language. The result of the research said that subtitle can

increase the comprehension of language in terms of vocabulary recognition and

memorization in EFL learning.

Subtitle is a product of Audio Visual Translation (AVT) where a transcription

of dialogue in the movie usually appears at the bottom of the screen. A process of
making subtitle is called subtitling. In order to make a good quality subtitle, a

translator or subtitler must know and understand the strategy in subtitling.

Gottlieb (1992) proposed ten strategies in the making of subtitle, they are

expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation,

decimation, deletion, and resignation. By using those strategies, translator or

subtitler can interpret the meaning from source language into target language.

These subtitling strategies were also applied in the subtitling in A Star is Born

movie, a movie that will be the object analysis of this research with subtitling

strategy analysis as the main topic.

The researcher decided to use subtitling strategy as the research topic because

the application of subtitling strategy can be found in the English subtitle that’s

being translated into Indonesian subtitle. It is also known that translating movie

subtitle is not an easy task. There are obstacles such as duration, the space limit on

the screen, finding the equivalent meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence. In

addition to that, the researcher chose A Star is Born movie as the research object

because there are a lot of utterances that can be analyzed with subtitling strategies

theory by Gottlieb (1992). A Star is Born also chosen because it is a musical film

that was very successful upon its release back in 2018 with several winnings in

award shows such as Academy Awards for Best Original Song category, British

Academy Film Awards for Best Film Music category, Golden Globe Awards for

Best Original Song category, etc.

1.2 Previous Research

Some previous researches that relevant to this study are described as follow:

1. P. W. P. Dhari and I. W. Suarnajaya (Universitas Pendidikan

Ganesha, 2016)

The title of the research isAn Analysis of Subtitling Strategy in the La La

Land Movie. The research was aimed to identify the subtitling strategies

found in La La Land (2016) movie and to describe the subtitling strategy

in the La La Land (2016) movie. This research used documentation

technique to collect the data. The result of the study showed that out of 62

data, there are expansion strategy (19,35%), paraphrase strategy (17,74%),

transfer strategy (16,12%), imitation strategy (16,12%), transcription

strategy (1,16%), and deletion strategy (29,03%). The most frequently

used strategy is deletion, because the subtitler deleted the utterance in the

source language to make a readable translation in the target language.

2. Bobby Michael (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, 2012)

The title of the research is ANALYSIS OF GOTTLIEB’S SUBTITLING

STRATEGIES IN TRANS 7’S ‘HOME STAY’. The research was aimed to

confirm the different utilization of Gottlieb’s strategies, particularly on the

ground of mutual exclusivity of each strategy. This research used

comparative method by comparing the language of the original utterance

and the actual subtitle that appeared on the screen in order to determine the

types of Gottlieb’s subtitling strategies being used. The result of the study
confirmed that Gottlieb’s subtitling strategies did not appear exclusively.

Instead, these strategies often appear simultaneously in combination with

one another, without any evidence of overlapping one another.

3. Endang Dwi Hastuti (SMA Negeri I Sumberlawang, 2015)

The title of the research isAn Analysis On Subtitling Strategies Of Romeo

And Juliet Movie. The research was aimed to identify the subtitling

strategies applied in the subtitling of Romeo and Juliet movie. This

research used descriptive qualitative method along with purposive

sampling technique. The result of the study showed that the subtitling

strategies applied in Romeo and Juliet movie are expansion, paraphrase,

transfer, imitation, condensation, decimation, deletion, taming, and

resignation. Among those strategies, condensation is the most dominant

one due to the limited space and subtitling time appearance because in the

subtitling process

1.3 Position of the Research

The first research done by P. W. P. Dhari and I. W. Suarnajaya with the title

An Analysis of Subtitling Strategy in the La La Land Movie hashas a difference

with this study which is the object of the research where Dhari and Suarnajaya

used La La Land movie. Meanwhile the similarities between the two researches

are both focusing on the analysis of subtitling strategy using Gottlieb’s theory.
The second research done by Bobby Michael with the title ANALYSIS OF


some differences with this study which are the focus of the study where Michael

was focused on confirming the different utilization of Gottlieb’s strategies and

using a children TV program produced by Trans 7 TV station called ‘Home Stay’

as the object of the research. On the other hand, Michael’s research and this

research have a similarity, which is using Gottlieb’s theory about subtitling


The third research done by Endang Dwi Hastuti with the title An Analysis On

Subtitling Strategies Of Romeo And Juliet Movie has a difference with this study

which isthe object of the research where Hastuti used Romeo and Juliet movie.

Meanwhile the similarities between the two researches are both focusing on the

analysis of subtitling strategy using Gottlieb’s theory and used descriptive

qualitative method.

1.4 Problem Formulation

The problems to be answered are:

1. What were the subtitling strategies that used in song lyrics A Star is Born


2. What were the most subtitling strategies used in song lyrics A Star is Born

1.5 Objective of the Research

The objectives of the research are:

1. To identify the subtitling strategies that used in song lyrics A Star is Born


2. To identify the most frequent subtitling strategy used in song lyrics A Star

is Born film.

1.6 Scope of the Research

The researcher limits this research by only focusing on the subtitling strategies

used in translating English subtitle into Indonesian subtitle that appear in song

lyrics A Star is Born film using Gottlieb’s theory about subtitling strategy. The

data are taken from A Star is Born film English and Indonesian subtitle.

1.7 Significance of the Research

This research is intend to be useful for the readers who wants to know

about how subtitling made and expected to be a reference for other researchers

that wants to analyzing about subtitling strategies.

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