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H.C.F is the highest common factor or also known as greatest common

divisor, the greatest number which exactly divides all the given numbers.

There are two methods to find H.C.F of given numbers, they are:

❖ Prime factorization method.

❖ Division Method.

Follow the steps below to find H.C.F of given numbers by prime factorization

❖ Express the given numbers as product of their prime factors

❖ Check for the common prime factors and find least index of each
common Prime factor in the given numbers

❖ The product of all common prime factors with the respective least indices
is H.C.F of given numbers

Follow the steps below to find L.C.M of given numbers by prime factorization

❖ Express the given numbers as product of their prime factors.

❖ Find highest index in all the prime factors of given numbers.

❖ The product of all the prime factors with respective highest indices is the
L.C.M of given numbers.

Follow the steps below to find L.C.M of given numbers by division method.

❖ Divide all the numbers with the common prime factors.

❖ The division process continues until there is no common factor to the


❖ The product of divisors and remaining numbers with no common factor is the
L.C.M of given numbers

❖ H.C.F of given fractions = H.C.F of numerators/ L.C.M of denominators.

❖ L.C.M of given fractions = L.C.M of numerators/ H.C.F of denominators.

❖ Product of two numbers = H.C.F *L.C.M of the two numbers.


Follow the steps below to find H.C.F of two numbers by division method

❖ Divide higher number with the smaller number

❖ Divide smaller number with the remainder of above division

❖ Then second remainder divides first remainder and the process of division
continues till remainder is zero. Authored by Shiva Prasad Dumpa

❖ Last divisor of division is the H.C.F of two numbers

Question: 01

How many pairs of integers (x, y) exist such that the product of x, y and HCF
(x, y) = 1080?

A. 8
B. 7
C. 9
D. 12

Answer: C

We need to write 1080 as a product of a perfect cube and another number.

Four cases:
1. h = 1, ab = 1080 and b are co-prime. We gave 4 pairs of 8 ordered pairs
(1, 1080), (8, 135), (27, 40) and (5, 216). (Essentially we are finding
co-prime a,b such that a*b = 1080).
2. h = 2, We need to find number of ways of writing (33) * (5) as a product of
two co-prime numbers. This can be done in two ways - 1 and (33) * (5) , (33)
and (5)
number of pairs = 2, number of ordered pairs = 4
3. h = 3, number of pairs = 2, number of ordered pairs = 4
4. h = 6, number of pairs = 1, number of ordered pairs = 2
Hence total pairs of (x, y) = 9, total number of ordered pairs = 18.
Question: 02

Find the smallest number that leaves a remainder of 4 on division by 5, 5 on

division by 6, 6 on division by 7, 7 on division by 8 and 8 on division by 9?

A. 2519
B. 5039
C. 1079
D. 979

Answer: A

When a number is divided by 8, a remainder of 7 can be thought of as a

remainder of -1. This idea is very useful in a bunch of questions. So, N = 5a
- 1 or N + 1 = 5a
N = 6b - 1 or N + 1 = 6b
N = 7c - 1 or N + 1 = 7c
N = 8d - 1 or N + 1 = 8d
N = 9e - 1 or N + 1 = 9e
N + 1 can be expressed as a multiple of (5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
N + 1 = 5a*6b*7c*8d*9e
Or N = (5a*6b*7c*8d*9e) - 1
Smallest value of N will be when we find the smallest common multiple of (5,
6, 7, 8, 9)
Question: 03

The sum of two non co–prime numbers added to their HCF gives us 91.
How many such pairs are possible?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6

Answer: C

Let HCF of the numbers be h. The numbers can be taken as ha + hb, where
a, b are coprime.
h + ha + hb = 91 h(1 + a + b) = 91 h ≠ 1
h = 7 => 1 + a + b = 13 a + b = 12 h = 13=> 1 + a + b = 7=> a + b = 6
Case 1: h = 7, a + b = 12
(1, 11), (5, 7) => Only 2 pairs are possible as a, b have to be coprime.
Case 2: h = 13, a + b = 6
(1, 5) only one pair is possible as a, b have to be coprime.
Overall, 3 pairs of numbers are possible – (7, 77) (35, 49) and (13, 65)
The question is "How many such pairs are possible?"
Hence the answer is "3 Pairs"
Choice C is the correct answer.
Question: 04

There are 2 numbers such that a > b, HCF (a, b) = h and LCM (a, b) = l.
What is the LCM of a – b and b?

A. l
B. (a - b) b
C. (a - b) b / h
D. h (a - b)

Answer: C

Product of 2 numbers = LCM * HCF.

Given a > b, HCF = h, LCM = l
From the above we can say, HCF of (a – b, b) = h

LCM x HCF = Product of 2 numbers

(a – b)b = h x LCM
LCM = (a - b) b / h
The question is "What is the LCM of a – b and b?"
Hence the answer is "(a - b) b / h"
Choice C is the correct answer.
Question: 05

6 different sweet varieties of count 32, 216, 136, 88, 184, 120 were ordered
for a particular occasion. They need to be packed in such a way that each
box has the same variety of sweet and the number of sweets in each box is
also the same. What is the minimum number of boxes required to pack?

A. 129
B. 64
C. 48
D. 97

Answer: D

All sweets need to packed and each box has the same variety.
This implies the number of sweets in each box should be HCF of different
count of sweets
HCF of 32, 216, 136, 88, 184, 120 = 23 = 8
Minimum number of boxes = (32 + 216 + 136 + 88 + 184 + 120) / 8 = 97
The question is "What is the minimum number of boxes required to
Hence the answer is "97 boxes"
Choice D is the correct answer.
Question: 06

Number of students who have opted for subjects A, B and C are 60, 84 and
108 respectively. The examination is to be conducted for these students
such that only the students of the same subject are allowed in one room.
Also the number of students in each room must be same. What is the
minimum number of rooms that should be arranged to meet all these

A. 28
B. 60
C. 12
D. 21
Answer: D

As we can see here that total number of students are = 60+84+108 = 252
Now given condition is that in one room only the students of the same
subject can be there and the number of rooms should be minimum that
means the number of students in a particular room will be maximum. This
Maximum number of students will be HCF (Highest common factor) of 60,
84 and 108 and that will be 12
Hence, number of rooms will be = 252/12 = 21
Question: 07

A red light flashes three times per minute and a green light flashes five times
in 2 min at regular intervals. If both lights start flashing at the same time,
how many times do they flash together in each hour?

A. 30
B. 24
C. 20
D. 60

Answer: A

A red light flashes three times per minute and a green light flashes five times
in 2 min at regular intervals. So red light fashes after every 1/3 min and
green light flashes every 2/5 min. LCM of both the fractions is 2 min . Hence
they flash together after every 2 min. So in an hour they flash together 30
times .
Question: 08

If the sum of two numbers is 55 and the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of these numbers
are 5 and 120 respectively, then the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is
equal to:

A. 55/601
B. 601/55
C. 11/120
D. 120/11

Answer: C

Let the numbers be a and b.

Then, a + b = 55 and ab = 5 x 120 = 600.
The required sum=1/a+1/b=a+b/ab = 55/600=11/120
Question: 09

In Sivakasi, each boy's quota of match sticks to fill into boxes is not more
than 200 per session. If he reduces the number of sticks per box by 25, he
can fill 3 more boxes with the total number of sticks assigned to him. Which
of the following is the possible number of sticks assigned to each boy?

A. 200
B. 150
C. 125
D. None of these

Answer: B

Let the number of sticks assigned to each boy be N.

Let the number of boxes be M. So, number of sticks per box = N/M Now,
if he reduces the number of sticks in each box, the equation becomes
N/(M+3) = N/M - 25 So, 25 = N/M - N/(M+3) From the options,
if N = 150,
then, we get 25 = 150 [ 1/M - 1/(M+3) ] => 1/6 = 1/M - 1/(M+3) => M = 3 So,
the number of sticks assigned to each boy = 150
Question: 10

The traffic lights at three different road crossings change after every 40 sec,
72 sec and 108 sec respectively. If they all change simultaneously at 5 : 20 :
00 hours, then find the time at which they will change simultaneously?

A. 5 : 28 : 00 hrs
B. 5 : 30 : 00 hrs
C. 5 : 38 : 00 hrs
D. 5 : 40 : 00 hrs

Answer: B

Traffic lights at three different road crossings change after every 40 sec, 72
sec and 108 sec respectively.
Therefore, find the L.C.M. of 40, 72 and 108.
L.C.M. of 40, 72 and 108 = 1080
The traffic lights will change again after 1080 seconds = 18 min
The next simultaneous change takes place at 5 : 38 : 00 hrs.
Question: 11

Ram wants to utilize his unused field and plan to plant some trees, he plant
88 guava trees, 132 papaya trees and 220 sugarcane trees in equal rows (in
terms of number of trees). Also, he wants to make distinct rows of trees (i.e.
only one type of tree in one row). Calculate the minimum number of rows?

A. 4
B. 10
C. 7
D. 9

Answer: B

H.C.F of 88,132 and 220=44

No.of rows=88/44+132/44+220/44 =10
Question: 12

A rectangular courtyard 15 meters, 17 cm long 9 meters and 2 cm wide is to

be paved exactly with square tiles, all of the same size. What is the largest
size of the tile which could be used for the purpose?

A. 14
B. 21
C. 42
D. 41

Answer: D

Size of each tile = HCF of 1517 and 902.

= 41 cm2.
Question: 13

There is a number greater than 1 which when divided by 4, 5 and 6 leaves

the same remainder of 3 in each case. Find the largest number, smaller than
1000 which satisfy the given condition?

A. 957
B. 993
C. 960
D. 963

Answer: D

We have to find largest number less than 1000 which is of the form 60x + 3.
The largest multiple of 60 less than 1000 is 960. So answer is 960 + 3 =
Question: 14

In a large school auditorium, the students are made to sit to watch the
programmes. If the teachers make a row of students of 16 each, there will
be 12 students left. If they make rows of 24 each, then there will be 20
students left, if they make rows of 25 each, there will be 21 students left and
if they make rows of 30 each, there will be 26 students left. What is the
minimum number of students present in the school?

A. 1216
B. 1784
C. 1196
D. 2396
Answer: C

16 in a row --> 12 left

24 in a row --> 20 left
25 in a row --> 21 left
30 in a row --> 26 left
In all the 4 cases above, the remainder is 4.
(16 – 12) = (24 – 20) = (25 – 21) = (30 – 26)
Hence the required students = LCM (16, 24, 25, 30 ) – 4
= 1200 – 4
= 1196
Hence the answer is "1196 students minimum"
Choice C is the correct answer.
Question: 15

There are two clocks, one beat 96 times in 5 minute and the other beat 48
times in 7 minutes. If they beat together exactly at 10 am when do they next
beat together?

A. 34/47 minutes past 10 am.

B. 33/48 minutes past 10 am.
C. 32/48 minutes past 10 am.
D. 35/48 minutes past 10 am.

Answer: D

he time for each beat is 5/96 minutes and 7/48 minutes, or 5/96 minutes and
14/96 minutes.
The LCM of numerators = 70
The HCF of denominators = 90
Therefore, the LCM of the fraction =LCM(70,90)/HCF(70,90)=35/48
Hence, they will next beat together at 35/48 minutes past 10 am.V

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