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VOCABULARY Word formation 1 ‘Words can be formed by adding a prefis to the beginning or a suffix to the end. There are many prefixes and suffixes included in this unit and in Vocabulary 3, Examples of prefixes: us dis im-,mis- tun--+ certain uncertain dis-+ appear disappear im-+ possible impossible mis + understand misunderstand Examples of suffixes: -ness, ful es, ship happy +-ness happiness care+ ful careful end + less endless friend + -ship friendship Words of two or more syllables ending in -y change -yto-i- ‘Add a word from the box to the prefix in each sentence to make a negative word. advantage agree appear employed —_fortunately interesting patient understanding I didn’t read all of the book because I found it uniwseresting....... Cycling has one dis... vuinsnaue «Tt makes you feel hot and sweaty. Sue had a ticket for the theatre, but un. she fell ill that night. ‘Terry can't stand waiting in queues, because she’s very im... You always dis...cuesmnsmnm WheM it time to do the washing-up. After Jack Lost his ob, he was un. for three months. Ob, Fcompletely dis..nsnnmsnnson With you. I think it was a great film. Because of 8 Mis.onn-nnnnnnns half the class went to the wrong classroom. 2. Complete the word in each sentence with a prefix from the box. ot over- under re My alarm clock didnt go off, and so ...0¥r...slept this morning. Pete packed some shirts and socks, some .......mWeat, and his jeans. Its very cold this morning, so Wear YOUE .re.nonuCO8t Our team was completely .....muplayed by the team from Wales. Tve decided to _-write my etter, because I made too many mistakes. SteVE snnuenn.C00Ked the meat, and it was burnt in places Ihave t.. lo my homework because I got all the answers wrong. The staff went on strike because they Were .n....paid and overworked. VOCABULARY 2 WORD FORMATION 1 3. Complete the word in each sentence with a suffix from the box. Make any other necessary changes to the word. jul ery, After two years of fiend..ship.., Kate knew David realy well, If you don't speak the language you feel more like a foreign. Sarah spent a very happy chi -on a small island, In the muddy fetd there were two large pigs and a tiny pig Every teenage. nnn knows that parents worry alt Dont forget to add a p00? enon Of sugar, and some milk We live ina beautfil on the outskirts of the city Tina picked up a hand. of snow, and threw it in my face. ‘Under the floor there was a rumbling sound of machine.. ‘The college sent Suea small BOOK suv. describing its courses. 4 Complete each sentence with a noun made from the verb given. 1 There are over one milion enna iAMMABEEARES.cncenenonnnee i this city, inhabit Greg often suffers from in the school holidays. bore ‘This isthe tallest ssmsensnnsensnn i the Whole of the country. build Some students cant find suitable accommodate was upset by Carol's acy sonnet help me, refuse Ittook Richard years to become a successful. act oo semen i this company has received a pay tse ‘employ You need allot Of vwssnnsunnnrnnennenn sn to write a good story imagine Dont forget to turn off the . 3 before you leave. cook I sawan interesting in the local paper. advertise INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Complete each sentence with a noun ending in -ness made from a word in the box. Make any necessary changes. dark friendly happy lonely short sick ily thin tired thorough The... of the journey surprised me, as I thought it would be longer, Emma was impressed by the wnesnsn . of everyone in her new school. couldnt see anything, as the room was in complete... Old Mrs Holts . ‘was cured when she was given a pet cat ‘The doctor told Peter that his ‘was a result of overwork. ‘Wendy's teacher was impressed by the sounnnenen OF het WOTK We wished the bride and groom - in their new life together. Joe's teachers began to grow tired of his... scene in class, 1 elt rather cold when I arrived because of the of my clothes. Jeam took a tA) een pill, and then she felt much better. 6 Complete the word in each sentence with a suffix from the box. less ly -y ish decal ous Everyone thanked the firefighters for their hero.....¢.. efforts. Paul received most of his music... education from his mother. ‘The government is going to provide more houses for home. w=. People. Lise’s mother... qualities made her a favourite with the children. ‘This road is extremely danger... when the weather is bad. On rain... days, we spend a lot of time indoors watching television. Itwas very fool...» Of you to leave all the doors and windows open.

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