BSMH3033 1 2019 2020

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@y)UUM Universiti Utara Malaysia FINAL EXAMINATION FIRST SEMESTER 2019/2020 SESSION : BSMH 3033 / TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT : 10 JANUARY 2020 (FRIDAY) : 9.00 AM — 11.30 AM (2 % HOURS) :DTSO INSTRUCTIONS: This examination paper contains TWO (2) QUESTIONS in THREE (3) printed pages excluding the cover Page. . You have to answer ALL questions in the answer book provided. Candidates are NOT ALLOWED to take both examination question and answer booklet out of the ‘examination hall, Candidates are bound by the UUM’s RULES AND PROCEDURES ON ACADEMIC FRAUD. (in word ) innit TABLE NO. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION PAPER UNTIL INSTRUCTED CONFIDENTIAL SMH 3033 / TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ‘MATRIC NO: QUESTION ONE (40 MARKS) ‘Synergy Hotel is a four-star hotel and has been considered as a fast growing hotel in Alor Star. itis planning to expand its business to Perlis and Penang. Synergy Hotel's competitive strategy is: ‘Provide superior guest service to differentiate Synergy Hotel properties and thereby increase the length of stay and retum rate of guests’. To support this strategy, ‘Synergy’s management team believe that managers in every department must have good rapport with employees. Recently, the Human Resource Manager, Suhana, was informed by her Training Executive, Daud, that she should revise the training strategy in line with the hotel's strategy. Apart from that, she has been receiving complaints from guests stating that they were not satisfied with the services provided by the Laundry Section. Guests grumbled that their clothes and dresses were not thoroughly cleaned and more specifically, the Front Counter staffs at the Laundry section were not iriendly and rude. This matter troubled Suhana because she knew that her superior will ask for a report about the problem Additionally, with the hotel's plan to expand its business coupled with its business strategy, she also has to prepare a report to expiain to the Board of Directors about the training and development plan for the staff and the training expenses. She had a meeting with Daud and he mentioned that most of the Front Counter employees were newly hired and they only attended a two-day training programme before starting their work. During the meeting, Daud explained the work procedures for the Front Counter employees; that is the practices and procedures to use when dealing with customers/guests. For example, all guests should be greeted in an appropriate manner when they approach or leave the counter, The clothes and dresses should be immediately inspected for any damage or unusual stains so these could be informed to guests. The ticket should be carefully written with the guest's details such as name, telephone number and date. Given the above information, Suhana believes that implententing the right training programme will ensure that employees will acquire the know how to do their jobs the right way. a) Based on the above case, what would you suggest Suhana and her team do first with respect to training, particularly in relation to the company's strategy? (5 marks) b) Explain the business strategy adopted by Synergy Hotel. (5 marks) ¢) Explain TWO (2) factors affecting motivation to learn. (5 marks) SMH 3033 / TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ‘MATRIC NO: 4) Suhana has suggested to Daud that he should consider applying the Reinforcement Theory when designing training programs to ensure that learning occurs among the Front counter employees. Do you agree with Suhana’s suggestion? Justify your answer. (10 marks) e) Discuss THREE (3) levels of training needs analysis (TNA) that Daud needs (o consider. (15 marks) QUESTION TWO (60 MARKS) Razali is a bank manager of the main branch in Penang. Six months ago, the bank employed six new employees. Two of them were assigned to fill the teller positions, two to fil the credit positions and the other two to fil the loan positions. All six of them, aged between 22 to 24 years old, had no previous working experience since they completed their Diploma in Banking at a local college. They began the bank's two-day orientation program immediately after reporting for duty at the headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, after which they reported for duty at the branch. Razali welcomed and introduced them to the other 21 branch employees. The Assistant Branch Manager, June, gave the new employees a quick orientation of the branch and their jobs. For the first week, they were each assigned to a senior employee, and observed the seniors performing their respective job routines. The following week, they began performing their jobs under the guidance of the seniors. After the second week, they were left to perform their jobs independently. After a month on the job, Razali and June observed all six of them performing their jobs for a week without them noticing it. They realized that all six employees had problems communicating with customers and other employees. Razaii received several complaints about the six new employees on several issues. One issue was their rudeness to customers and the other employees. The second issue was their lack of knowledge on the products and services offered by the bank. Razali called June to his office to discuss the possibility of conducting an in-house training for the six new employees and the other branch employees. They decided that a team building training which incorporated (1) communication skills, (2) knowledge on products and services offered, and (3) teamwork skills, would be the best solution to their problem. As none of them had the know-how to proceed, they had appointed you as the training consultant to manage the training process a) Describe the ADDIE approach in the training process. (5 marks) °c) 4) e) o) BSMH 3033 / TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MATRIC NO: Identify and write THREE (3) objectives for the training programme. (6 marks) Develop a comprehensive two-day training plan for the Teambuilding Training programme for Razali's employees. (20 marks) Describe and justify ONE (1) training method most suited for each different type of KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Aptitude) which Razali identified below: (1) Communication Skil, (2) Knowledge on Products and Services, and (3) Teamwork. (8 marks) Discuss the application of Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation in assessing the effectiveness of the training programme. Provide ONE (1) appropriate evaluation method and ONE (1) example for each level. (16 marks) Discuss ONE (1) factor which can enhance the transfer of training in this case. (4 marks) END OF QUESTIONS

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