IoT Solution For Energy Optimization in Industry 4.0

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2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)

IoT Solution for Energy Optimization in Industry 4.0:

Issues of a Real-life Implementation
Guillermo del Campo, Silvia Calatrava, Guillermo Cañada, Jorge Olloqui, Rocio Martinez and Asuncion Santamaria
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Madrid, Spain

Abstract— The fourth industrial revolution -the so called Regarding productivity, optimizing energy use in industry
Industry 4.0 strategy- fosters to provide devices/assets/machines is a decisive competitive factor. Currently, industrial processes
at industrial plants with a reliable connectivity, by means of the need to reduce costs and increase production. Process
use of innovative technologies such as Cyber Physical Systems, optimization in production plants would be possible by
Internet of Things, Cloud and Big Data services. Energy
detecting energy efficiency improvements and reduction of
consumption monitoring in manufacturing plants provides useful
information to save energy while reducing CO2 emissions, but person-hours spent on the processes. For this purpose, it is
also for predictive maintenance or process optimization necessary to solve some problems for which there is currently
applications what results in costs reduction. This paper describes no commercial solution: e.g., the development of advanced
an Open-IoT solution to measure energy consumption in factories sensor devices that enable analysis and data management by
that reveal in detail the use of energy at each industrial machine means of flexible communication technologies with IoT
and the energy consumed to perform a particular industrial (Internet of Things) capabilities and that must be integrated
process. This solution, based on BatNET wireless communication with signals present in the industrial environment,
technology, has been installed worldwide at 16 factories dedicated implementing also the appropriated security.
to the manufacture of steel and aluminum parts for the
automotive industry. BatNET is built on open and standard
In this paper, an Open-IoT solution is presented, with the
protocols and it was initially envisaged for building and Smart aim to contribute to the creation of an intelligent industry by
City applications. Some adaptations in hardware, firmware and measuring energy consumption at machine and process level,
software have been required to fulfil the industrial harsh therefore calculating the costs associated with each phase of the
environment. The implementation issues faced when installing production process. The solution consists on a three-phase
this Industrial IoT system in real environments are presented in meter device for Industry 4.0 and a specific device that detects
this paper. Special attention has been paid to the constraints changes in the manufacturing processes that occur in machines
motivated by factory requirements and embedded processing and or production lines (events). There is a wide catalogue of
data storage capabilities, as well as their solutions and the final research works around IoT, including architectures and
applications, but a very few have been real-life implemented
Index Terms— Internet of Things, Wireless Communications, and tested [3, 4]. The solution presented here has been installed
Real-life Implementation, 6LoWPAN, Industry 4.0, Energy and is currently working in 16 Gonvarri plants (distributed in
Consumption Monitoring. Spain, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico)
dedicated to the manufacture (cutting and pressing) of steel and
I. INTRODUCTION aluminum parts, mainly for the automotive, road safety, energy
and storage industries.
The industrial sector is responsible for over 80% percent of The structure of this paper is the following: section II
private research and innovation, and as such is one of the key describes the related work. Section III presents the industrial
elements of sustainable economic growth [1]. However, the scenario and the solution requisites with its technical
relative contribution of industry to the EU economy is description. Section IV presents the most important issues
declining [2]. In 2012, as a response, the European aroused during the implementation phase (and how they have
Commission set a target that manufacturing should represent been solved): the adaptation of measuring devices to the
20% of total value added in the EU by 2020. The European requirements of the industrial environment (voltage, current,
Commission wants to help all industrial sectors exploit new protection, insulation, etc.); real-time monitoring of
technologies and manage a transition to a smart, Industry 4.0 consumption parameters and quality of the power grid; and the
industrial system. Indeed, industry 4.0 is expected to have a use of standard communication protocols overcoming potential
major effect on global economies, since it can deliver estimated interference problems while complying with security
annual efficiency gains in manufacturing of between 6% and requirements. Section V shows the current performance of the
8% [2], by allowing increased flexibility in production, IoT solution and section VI presents the conclusions.
improving the speed with which a product can be produced and
increasing productivity, among others.

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2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)


Industry is currently under a digitalization process, which
entails the integration of enabling technologies as embedded
systems, wireless sensor networks or cloud computing [5].
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are identified as the main
enabling technologies on which the development of Industry
4.0 is based [6], and there is an increasing necessity of defining
aspects such as reliability, security and data management [7]. Fig 2. Communications protocols of BatNET
Focusing on the different technologies and protocols
specific for IoT, several authors refer to the standard IEEE Average factory dimensions are an area of 25,000 m2
802.15.4, as one of the fundamental pillars [8, 9]. The use of (250 m * 100 m) and a height of 15 m divided in a warehouse,
6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area a big area with multiple production lines and other facilities
Networks), which enables the use of IPv6 over the IEEE (e.g. offices, cafeteria and restrooms). Steel and aluminum
802.15.4 standard, allows that each device on the network reels enter production lines where either cutting or pressing
(each CPS) is accessible via its IP address [10]. This way, processes take place. Figure 1 shows part of the factory in
communication is optimized from the CPS devices to the cloud Barcelona (Spain) with multiple reels behind a production line.
as well as the direct communication between CPS devices. The goal of the Open-IoT Solution, established by an
Considering CPS implementation, different researchers ESCO (Energy Service Company), is to monitor the energy
suggest the use of wireless communications to integrate them consumption of the different facilities of the factory and
as part of the industrial processes [11]. In addition, to optimize specifically the energy consumption of the cutting and pressing
and increase functionality as well as direct communication processes. Previously to this solution, two different commercial
between systems, IoT is presented as the most successful systems were considered and tested. One of them was based on
approach [12]. The use of different case studies for different RS-485 Modbus and another one was a WiFi-based solution.
types of industry has been analyzed, such as automotive However, none of them met the client requisites nor the
industry [13] or textile industry [14], where their specific needs factories scenarios. Wired solutions, although more reliable,
are pointed out. Concerning data management, a six-layer demand a complex and expensive installation. Besides,
Industry 4.0 architecture is proposed for the aluminum interferences caused by the coexistence of power and
production and full lifecycle supply chain management [15]. communications wires resulted in erroneous data. In order to
Finally, regarding energy monitoring in factories, there are solve these problems while meeting factory requirements, the
a few IoT works such as the monitoring of air-conditioning adaptation of BatNET [19], an Open-IoT wireless system
consumption to prevent electrical faults [16] or the observing previously implemented in buildings and public infrastructures
of the degradation of power grid quality that may help the fault was proposed. This solution comprises a wireless sensor
cause-effect diagnosis [17], but none of them is oriented to network and a software management platform (BatMP).
measure energy consumption of individual machines and B. BatNET
BatNET connectivity is based on a capillary network of
III. SCENARIO AND SYSTEM DESCRIPTION nodes with mesh topology that communicates through
Std.IEEE802.15.4 Physical Layer and 6LoWPAN over IPv6
A. Real World Scenario to implement Link and Network Layers. The Transport
The factories where the Open-IoT Solution has been Layer is UDP and the Application Layer is based on CoAP
installed are dedicated to the manufacture of steel and (Constrained Application Protocol) (see Fig. 2). Information
aluminum parts for the automotive and energy industries, encryption is done accordingly to AES-128. For the
communication and processing tasks, the nodes include an
Atmel ATmega256RFR2 microprocessor with a Contiki OS.
Network nodes (metering, sensing, dimming, etc.) from the
mesh network, which access to internet through a border router.
C. BatMP
BatMP [19] is a a platform middleware that runs in a
Beaglebone Black board and establishes a service oriented
architecture, which assures the systems scalability. Figure 3
shows the BatMP architecture for industrial applications.
The core of BatMP is the “Model” API. It defines the
interfaces between the “Measure” object and all modules in
BatMP. “Measure” object contains the information
necessary for system operation: measure_id, device_id,
Fig 1. Aluminum and steel reels behind a production line parameter_id, devices and network configuration. The
“COAP Driver” module implements the communication

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2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)

The BatLink matches the production line where the event

has occurred with its corresponding BatMeter device.
BatMeters include registers (accumulators) where the energy
consumption for each process is stored. Therefore,
BatSignals send a change of state signal to BatLink. BatLink
asks its corresponding BatMeter for the measurement.
BatMeters measure energy consumption at the electric board
and send the energy measurement to BatLink.
Measurements are stored at BatLink and, periodically,
they are sent from BatLink to an external server (application
server). The external server has an application software to
monitor and analyze the energy consumption in the
factory. Collected data are used for a detailed analysis of
energy consumption in the production plant (and its
associated facilities) and to detect saving actions that could
be implemented to improve the plant productivity.
As stated, the Open-IoT solution for Industry 4.0 is an
adaptation of a previous system. Different modifications
have been included to adapt it to the industrial requirements:
1) BatSignal
It is a device designed for the new industrial scenario,
with the purpose of knowing the energy consumption
associated to specific industrial processes. It is in charge of
Fig 3. BatMP architecture capturing the changes produced in the cutting and pressing
machines and registering cut-hits (events) and
with the IoT network (for information exchange and cutting/pressing speed. BatSignal is connected to the control
devices/network configuration purposes). The “DAO board of each production line (or machine) through digital (D)
Services” module implements the database management. In and analogue (A) inputs coming from existing industrial
this case a SQLite database has been used. The Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), as follows:
“Websocket” module implements the communication with
the external server. BatMP is included in a Jetty server and  Cutting machine: Machine turned on/off (D),
it can be accessed through an URL. Packet change (D), Reel change (D), Cuts
counter (D), Cutting Speed (A).
D. System Description
 Pressing machine: Reel change (D), Die change
Figure 4 shows the solution architecture, composed of three (D), Packet change (D), Hits counter (D), Hits
type of nodes: BatSignal, BatMeter and BatLink. BatSignals Speed (A), Machine turned on/off (A).
are in charge of signaling events that occur in the production
lines. When an event happens, BatSignal sends a message to Examples of events are, for instance, a reel (or a packet or
BatLink with the information to monitor. Events are detected a die) has been changed in the production line, or the process
by a change of state in selected signals (inputs). Messages sent of cutting the steel has started. An event is detected by means
from BatSignals to BatLink are called “observations”. of a change in one of the inputs or because a counter has
reached a predefined value. Then, the BatSignal sends a
message to the BatLink. This message contains the nature of
the event (e.g. reel change) and the date and time of its
occurrence in EPOCH format. Figure 5a shows a BatSignal
device next to the PLC that generates BatSignal digital inputs
at the control board of a production line.
2) BatMeter
This device is devoted to measure energy consumption. It
has been adapted to measure the three phases of a single line,
monitoring real time voltage and current of the electric lines at
the panel board (see Fig.5b). Real power, apparent power, real
energy, apparent energy, power factor and frequency are
calculated and sent to the BatLink periodically (by default
15 min) and when the BatMeter receives a request. In order to
measure the energy consumption of individual processes within
a production line, an accumulator is associated to each process.
Fig 4. Solution architecture

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2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)


Once the different nodes were manufactured,
programmed and calibrated, the solution was installed in
factories located in different countries in Europe and Latin
America. Several problems related with the installation of
electronic devices, scenario particularities, design and
working errors, change of requisites, appeared.
A. Problem Solving Methodology
Fig 5. a) BatSignal installed at the control board of a production line and The system installation, the monitoring and the
b) BatMeter installed at the panel board maintenance processes were responsibility of the ESCO. Data
losses in factories (at external server level) were reported.
Energy consumption calculation for specific processes is
done by measuring the energy consumption between For debugging tasks, external server and BatLink databases
consecutive events. Latency from BatSignal to BatMeter has an are compared. BatLinks can be remotely accessed through
especial importance for this calculation. Latency measurements VPNs (Virtual Private Network) and SSH (Secure Shell). If
or transmissions from nodes to BatLink, under stressed there is a coincidence between data stored in the external
conditions (measurement period: 1 min, 2 packets of 100 bytes server database and in BatLink database, the problem derives
and 70 bytes respectively) are shown in Table I. from the IoT network. Thus, the BatNET network behavior
is analyzed searching for network worsening. For this task,
Although latency values are acceptable, system reliability three tools have been implemented in BatLink:
has been increased using a buffer of measurements managed
by the date and time sent in the messages generated at  Map: this tool shows the connections (in real time)
BatSignal. Other modifications aimed to improve the between devices (nodes) in the IoT network.
communications IoT system include the reinforcement of  UDP-Info: This tool generates a table with the
filtering and protection electronics for the current/voltage and following information (for each IoT network
power inputs and the use of the AD7858 to manage all the device): parent device, RSSI, svn (FW version),
electric related measurements and calculations. resets and cause of the last reset.
3) BatLink  Graphs-day: Generates a graphic representation of
BatLink is the IoT capillary network border-router. In the information generated by the UDP-Info tool.
consists on a BatMote to communicate with the IoT network, If the data at the external server and the BatLink differ, the
and, as single board computer, a BeagleBone Black has been problem is located in the access to the external server.
chosen. BatMP is the software management platform that
controls the system operation. BatMP includes functionalities B. Installation and Scenario Issues
for IoT network configuration and supervision&maintenance Though the solution is delivered with an installation guide,
tools, and communication tasks to communicate with the some problems aroused regarding IoT devices.
external server through an Internet. 1) Voltage higher than 380 V
BatMP driver manages BatSignals waiting/listening states The initial requisites defined 380 V at most for the electric
until an observation message is received from a BatSignal. lines voltage. However, in reality there are lines up to 500 V,
Then, the BatLink driver looks for the BatMeter associated to which meant the breakdown of many devices and the HW
the BatSignal, and it sends it a request. As response to this redesign to admit those voltages.
request, BatMeter sends a message including the accumulated 2) Current sensors isolation
energy consumption that is stored in the BatLink database when The BatMeter devices are designed to work with both Shunt
received. In order to include those Accumulation measurements sensors and current transformers (i.e. clumps), though being
in the database, two tables have been implemented: isolated. The existence of other current sensors devices and the
Accumulator and Accumulations. Accumulator identifies the series connection of the BatMeter provoked their failure.
associations between the BatSignal inputs and the BatMeter 3) Existence of multiple interferences due to the noisy
accumulators while Accumulations stores the accumulators’ environment
measurements. After analyzing the frequency spectrum, it was observed
TABLE I. MEASUREMENT OF LATENCY FOR TRANSMISSIONS FROM NODES TO that the main interference came from the industrial machines
BATLINK, UNDER STRESSED CONDITIONS (MEASUREMENT PERIOD: 1 MIN). switching on and off, which leaked into the antenna cables
Number 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 producing unexpected reboots of the devices. This problem was
of IoT solved replacing wiring antennas with SMA direct connection,
nodes This patch reduced the range due to the devices being enclosed
Latency 40 43 44 44.5 55 57 57 98.5 101 in the electrical and control board. Despite this range reduction,
no performance decrease was noticed in the solution.

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2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)

4) Machines turn-off c) Measurements lost due to harsh environment

In many cases, the turn-off of the factory machines, which Some measurements and accumulations were lost due to the
were the direct power source of the IoT devices, provokes the network because of the high RF interferences. In order to
absence of measurements. recover lost data, a new J a v a process was developed. Every
C. BatNET Nodes Issues hour, the process checks the data stored in the BatLink
databased and, if it finds any missing measurement, it asks the
1) Unexpected sending of periodically measurements from
involved BatMeter to resend the missing measurement. This
the BatMeter reduced the system loss ratio to zero but it also rose the CPU
It was observed that apart from the scheduled and memory usage. So, the database was migrated from
periodically delivery of energy measurements, there were MySQL to SQLite. Although it does not support multi-client
additional random measurements. Nodes do not have a access it has lower memory needs than MySQL. Due to this
real-time clock, slowing down over time. A synchronization
database change, data queries needed to be modified as well as
protocol h a s b e e n d e v e l o p e d to receive the time from the manner this database was accessed. Also a set of indexes
the BatLink and correct it. However, at the beginning the
has been included in the database to make the access easier and
protocol did not consider the possibility that the node could
faster. This improves the memory and CPU usage.
move the time forward, causing these undesired deliveries.
The protocol was modified to solve this problem. d) Process scheduling
2) Failure in the register of changes in processes Although a small losses ratio was achieved at this point and
When a quick sequence of signals related to process the BatLink was working properly, once the system was tested
changes took place, some could be overstepped if there was a with a high rate of accumulations reception, it was noticed
communication error. To avoid this problem, we implemented that some of these accumulations got lost. This was because
a queue delivery system: while the BatSignal does not receive of the temporal coincidence of two processes in the software
the ACK from the BatLink corresponding to a determined platform: the measurement recovery process and
signal change, it does not send the next signal change message. communications with the external server process. The solution
Likewise, until the BatMeter does not receive the ACK from to this problem was to perform a good schedule for these
the BatLink, it does not send new accumulator data. processes so they would not happen at the same time. The
measurement recovery process is scheduled hourly and the
D. BatMP Issues communication with the external server process is launched
1) Customizable system for client specifications between two measurement recovery processes and its duration
There was a change of requisites on how to connect to the is limited to 15 min. Data transfer to the external server will
Analysis SW that runs in the cloud. The existing REST resume in the next process launch.
interface had to be replaced with a SOAP protocol. The BatMP On the other hand, the periodic measurements from the
software had to be modified, adding a new process to fulfil the BatMeter nodes to BatLink start in a random time. This
SOAP structures and the communication protocol. avoids collisions when all BatMeters starts their transmissions
2) System optimization at the same time. Transmissions start at a random time
A highly usage of CPU and memory overload were between 0 and measurement_period/2.
detected after installing the BatLink in the factory, despite
having optimized the BatMP SW during the solution V. SOLUTION PERFORMANCE AND CURRENT SITUATION
adaptation. This was due to periodic data sending, devices Following the inaugural solution deployment at the factory
discovery service and measurements management processes in Barcelona, where it was tested and validated, it has been
that lead to system congestion and therefore malfunctioning. replicated in other factories across Spain, Portugal, Germany,
To solve these problems, the following measures were taken: Brazil and Mexico. Every factory is a completely new scenario
a) Architecture redesign in terms of existence of radio interferences, power source
The first approach was to change the whole system voltage, current isolation, and machine configuration.
architecture. Original Karaf was replaced with a Jetty web Currently, the global measurement delivery ratio for 16
server since the latter is much lighter. A new version of the factories, 18 IoT networks and more than 500 IoT devices is
software was developed, removing the modular architecture 88.84 %. Installation failures or power supply issues provoke
(the entire OSGi framework) and simplifying the database the losses. The external server application is waiting for all
structure by removing some of its tables. possible measurements (96 measurements a day for a 15 min
b) New driver development period) but when production lines are turned off their
associated BatMeters and BatSignal are turned off too. In these
In order to use less memory to store the auxiliary variables
cases, there are not available measurements.
of the IoT devices, a simpler driver to control de different types
It is worth pointing out that the solution is continuously
of devices was developed. Some functions (e.g. message
being optimized (especially firmware debugging), as
request return) of the driver were entrusted to Californium, an
occasionally appear new issues. Firmware update is done
open-source implementation of CoAP, reducing the driver
execution time. using an OTAP (Over The Air Programming) process that is
automatically lunched every night.

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2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)

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