Class 10 English First Flight Prose Chapter 3

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Class 10 English First Flight Prose (Word Meanings)

Chapter 3 Two Stories About Flying

S.N Meanings
Word Meanings Synonyms
o. (in hindi)
1 the act of rising up through the air
the sky आकाश पर चढ़ना flying in sky, rise up
2 Beckoning gesture इं गित signal, wave, motion
down, below,
3 Beneath under नीचे
4 Compass instrument for telling direction गिशा सूचक यंत्र scope, range, extent
(of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or
5 Flapped फड़फड़ाया flutter, agitate, swing
preparing to fly
6 Frightened terrified डरा हुआ fearful, afraid, scared
एक प्रकार की amphioxus, cavally,
7 Herring a soft-finned sea fish
मछली Eel
8 Monstrous horrible राक्षसी demonic, infernal
a strip of hard ground along which aircraft take off and
9 Runway मािग route, path, passage
10 Shrieking making a high-pitched piercing cry or sound ज़ोर से गचल्लाना howl, squeak, scream
11 Strangely in a strange manner अजीब तरह से
quizzically, rummily
the extreme edge of land before a steep slope or a body strand, edging,
12 Brink गकनारा
or water confines
13 Cackle laugh in a loud, harsh way guffaw, chuckle, giggle
हं सना
14 Cawed utter a caw जिाया हुआ cackle, hoot, screech.
Commende expansive, smashing,
15 praised प्रशस्त
d nifty
adventure, daring,
16 Courage boldness साहस
17 Cowardice lack of bravery कायरता
recreancy, poltroonery
bounding, hopping,
18 Curvetting perform a series of jumps on the hind legs घटता हुआ
disdainful, insulting,
19 Derisively in a manner expressing contempt or ridicule. उपहासपूर्गक
frustrated, hopeless,
20 Desperate full of disappointment गनराश
21 Devour eat quickly गनिलना ingest, swallow, ingulf
22 Expanse a wide continuous area of something चौड़ा क्षेत्र stretch, sweep, tract
23 Followed chased पीछा करना ensue, pursue, chevy
cheery, complacent,
24 Glad happy प्रसन्न
cease, finish,
25 Halted stopped कथा हुआ
reckless, precipitate,
26 Headlong with the head foremost लंबे समय तक
protuberance, lump,
27 Hump a rounded raised mass of earth or land उभार
Immediatel instantly, quick,
28 at once तुरंत
y forthwith
a narrow horizontal shelf projecting from a wall (or here) पहाड़ से गनकली shelving, projection,
29 Ledge
a cliff चट्टान protrusion
Looking anticipating, awaiting,
30 waiting eargerly प्रतीक्षा करना
forward to expecting,
forgather, close up,
31 Muster gather एकत्र ह़ोना
compliant, dutiful,
32 Obedient one who obeys आज्ञाकारी
agonizingly, bitterly,
33 Plaintively sad श़ोकपूर्ग ढं ि से
34 Plunge jump or dive डु बकी लिाना dip, submersion
35 Preening to clean its feathers संर्ारना tidy, arrange, plume
36 Ridges a long, narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed पर्गत पृष्ठ mound, knoll, pimple
37 Scrapped discard फेंकना emit, shove, plunk
a bird that lives near the sea and has short legs, long
38 Seagull सीिल …..............
wings, and white and grey feathers
39 Seized grab छीनना snatch, shear, pillage
तीव्र ककगश आर्ाज acute, high-pitched,
40 Shrilly with a high pitched and piercing voice or sound
से loud.
cream, glide, move
41 Skim touch lightly हल्के से स्पशग करें
42 Soaring flying or rising high in the air उड़नेर्ाला flying, volatile
(especially of a bird) move rapidly downwards through descend, sweep,
43 Swooped झूलकर उतरना
the air pounce
44 Taunting mocking मजाक करना droll, jest, poke fun
perverted, warped,
45 Twisted shook मुड़ िया
46 Upbraiding scold फटकार
castigation, Invective
47 Uttered make a sound with one’s voice मुंह से उत्पन्न करना emit, let out, produce
massive, cyclopean,
48 Vast big गर्शाल

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