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Lecture -16 - 18
Types of Footings

Combined footings:
 Combined footings support
more than one column.
 These types of footings are
used when two columns are so
close that isolated footing may
cause overlap of footings or
when one column is located at
or near a property line.
Types of Footings

Combined footings: +

 The combined footing may be

rectangular, trapezoidal or T-
shaped in plan. +
 The geometric proportions & shape
are so fixed that the centroid of
footing coincides with the resultant
of column loads. This results in
uniform pressure below the entire
area of footing. Types of combined footing
Property line
Types of Footings

Rectangular Combined footing:

P1 P2
 Longitudinally, the footing
acts as an upward loaded
a l b
beam spanning b/w columns
and cantilevering beyond.
Using statics, the S.F and B.M
L/2 L/2
diagrams in the longitudinal x R
direction are drawn.
Combined footing with
Types of Footings

Rectangular Combined footing:

 The footing is also subjected to transverse bending and this
bending is spread over a transverse strip near the column.
Pa Pb

a l b

T Longitudinal Bending T T
Transverse Bending
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

 To design a combined footing, the following steps are

1. Assume a total depth (h) of footing and calculate an
effective depth (d) using a thumb rule:
d = h – 4.5 inches
2. Calculate the effective soil pressure (qe) by using the
qe = Allowable soil pressure – Pressure by soil fill
qe = qa – [(γc x h/12) + {γs (H - h/12)}]
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

where, qa = Allowable soil pressure in lb/ft2

γc = Unit weight of reinforced concrete = 150 lb/ft3
h = Total depth of footing in inches
γs = Unit weight of soil in lb/ft3, if not given then a value
of 100 lb/ft3 may be assumed
H = Distance from the base of footing to final grade in ft
3. Calculate the area of footing by using the relation:
Area of footing = Total service unfactored load of columns
effective soil pressure
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

4. Determine the location of the resultant of column loads

and calculate the length of footing

5. Calculate the width of footing by using the relation:

Area of footing
Width of footing =
length of footing
6. Calculate the net upward soil pressure (qu) by using the
factored load (pu)
qu = Area of footing
{ where, pu = 1.2 D.L + 1.6 L.L
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

7. Draw the S.F and B.M diagrams and find out the amount
and position of maximum shear and bending moment
Considering the footing as an inverted beam subjected to
distributed load, draw the S.F and B.M diagrams. Column
loads may be considered as concentrated loads to simplify
the analysis.
8. Check the assumed depth of footing due to one way shear
by using the relation:
d1 =
2φλ√ fcʹ B
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

Vu = Shear force at a distance d from the point of max. shear

φ = 0.75
λ = modification factor for type of concrete
= 1.0 for normal weight concrete
= 0.85 for sand-light weight concrete
= 0.75 for all light weight concrete
B = width of footing
 If calculated d1 < d (effective depth), means the assumed
depth of footing is OK for one way shear, if not assume
some higher value for d.
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

9. Check the assumed depth of footing due to two way shear

(punching shear) by using the relation:
d2 =
4φλ√ fcʹ b0
Vu = pu2 – qu (c + d)2 , qu = net effective soil pressure
b0 = 4(c + d) , c = side of column II
pu2 = factored load on column II , d = effective depth of footing
 If calculated d2 < d (effective depth), means the assumed
depth of footing is also adequate for two way shear
(punching shear), if not assume some higher value for d.
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

10. Calculate the area of main steel (As) in the longitudinal

direction for –ve and +ve B.M by using the relation:
As = ρbd
where, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
Ru = Mu / bd2
Mu = Maximum –ve and +ve bending moment
b = width of footing
d = effective depth,
φ = 0.90
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

 Check that As must be greater than min. Area of steel for

flexure (Asf) and min. Area of steel for shrinkage (Ash).
Asf = {200 / fy } x (bd) {when fcʹ < 4500 psi}
= {3√fcʹ / fy } x (bd) {when fcʹ ≥ 4500 psi}
Ash = 0.0018 bh {for fy = 60 ksi}
= 0.0020 bh {for fy = 40 & 50 ksi}
 In case of –ve B.M, if As < Asf then it is recommended to
use As = Asf and in case of +ve B.M, if As < Ash then it is
recommended to use As = Ash
 Knowing As , select the size & spacing of bars referring the
Table A.4
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

11. Calculate the area of steel in the transverse (short)

For reinforcement in the short direction, calculate the area
of steel under each column (to be placed within a maximum
band width that is equal to the column width plus twice the
effective depth of footing) by using the relation:
As = ρ L d
where, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
Ru = Mu / L d2
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

Mu = 0.5 qu (B/2 – c/2)2 L

qu = net upward pressure under column
width of footing
b = band width (maximum)
= column width + twice effective
= c + 2d
d = effective depth,
φ = 0.90
B = width of footing
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

 Check that As must be greater than min. Area of steel for

shrinkage (Ash).
Ash = 0.0018 bh {for fy = 60 ksi}
= 0.0020 bh {for fy = 40 & 50 ksi}
 In case, if As < Ash then it is recommended to use As = Ash
 Knowing As , select the size & spacing of bars referring the
Table A.4
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Ex #1: Design a rectangular combined footing for two

columns located at a centre to centre distance of 16 ft. The
edge column I is 16 in. x 16 in. in x-section and carries a
dead load of 180 kips and a live load of 120 kips. The
interior column II has a section of 20 in. x 20 in. and
carries a dead load of 250 kips and a live load of 140 kips.
The distance from the centre line of edge column I to the
property line is 2 ft. The allowable soil pressure is 5 ksf
and the bottom of footing is 5 ft below final grade. Design
the footing using fcʹ = 4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi, and the ACI
strength design method.
Problem on design of Combined Footing

P D = 180 K P D = 250 K

P L = 120 K P L = 140 K

Property Line
16 x 16 in. 20 x 20 in.

2ft 16ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Solution:
Section of edge column I = 16 x 16 in.
Section of interior column II = 20 x 20 in.
D.L on column I = 180 kips, L.L on column I = 120 kips
D.L on column II = 250 kips, L.L on column II = 140 kips
unit weight of soil = γs = 100 lb/ft3
Distance from base of footing below final grade = H = 5 ft
Allowable soil pressure = qa = 5000 lb/ft2
fcʹ = 4000 psi ; fy = 60000 psi
Required: Design of a combined footing
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 1: Assume a total depth (h) of footing and find an

effective depth (d)
Let the total depth of footing (h) of 3 ft. Therefore,
Effective depth of footing (d) = h – 4.5
d = 36 – 4.5 = 31.5 in.
 Step # 2: Calculate the effective soil pressure (qe) by using
the relation:
qe = Allowable soil pressure – Pressure by soil fill
qe = qa – [(γc x h/12) + {γs (H - h/12)}]
Problem on design of Combined Footing

here, qa = 5000 lb/ft2

γc = Unit weight of reinforced concrete = 150 lb/ft3
h = 36 in.
γs = Unit weight of soil = 100 lb/ft3
H = 5 ft
qe = 5000 – [(150 x 36/12) + {100 (5 - 36/12)}]
= 5000 – (450 + 200)
qe = 4350 lb/ft2 = 4.35 k/ft2
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 3: Calculate the area of footing by using the

relation: P D = 180 K P D = 250 K

Area of footing = Total service load P L = 120 K P L = 140 K

effective soil pressure
= (D.L + L.L) of col. I + (D.L + L.L) of col. II
h = 3ft
= (180 + 120) + (250 + 140)
2ft l =16ft
= 300 + 390 = 158.62 ft2

4.35 16 x 16 in. 20 x 20 in.

Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 4: Determine the location of the resultant of column

loads and calculate the length of footing: P D = 180 K P D = 250 K

Let ẍ be the distance of C.G of the P L = 120 K P L = 140 K

resultant of column loads from the

centre of edge column I. Now, take ẍ = 9ft
moments about the centre of column
I, we have, h = 3ft
2ft l =16ft
(PD + PL) of Col. II x l
(PD + PL) of Col. I + (PD + PL) of Col. II

(250 + 140) x 16 16 x 16 in. 20 x 20 in.
ẍ= = 9 ft
(180 + 120) + (250 + 140) L
Problem on design of Combined Footing

Therefore, the distance of resultant from

P D = 180 K P D = 250 K
the property line will be = 9 + 2 = 11 ft.
This means that L/2 = 11 ft P L = 120 K P L = 140 K

Thus, length of footing (L) will be R

ẍ = 9ft
= 2 x 11 = 22 ft l/2 =11ft

h = 3ft
2ft l =16ft 4ft

16 x 16 in. 20 x 20 in.

L = 22 ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 5: Calculate the width of footing by using the

relation: P D = 180 K P D = 250 K

Area of footing P L = 120 K P L = 140 K

Width of footing =
length of footing
158.62 ẍ = 9ft
= l/2 =11ft
h = 3ft
= 7.21 say 7.5 ft
2ft l =16ft 4ft
Use 22 ft x 7.5 ft footing

B = 7.5ft
16 x 16 in. 20 x 20 in.

L = 22 ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 6: Calculate the net upward soil pressure (qu) by

using the relation:
factored load (pu)
qu =
Area of footing
factored load on col. I + factored load on col. II
. Area of footing
(1.2 D.L1 + 1.6 L.L1) + (1.2 D.L2 + 1.6 L.L2)
qu =
22 x 7.5
qu = (1.2 x 180 + 1.6 x 120) + (1.2 x 250 + 1.6 x 140)
qu = 5.65 k/ft2
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 7: Draw the S.F Diagram: P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K

Referring the figure, we have, 2ft 16 ft 4ft

Shear force @ outer face of col. 1
= 42.38 x (2 – 8/12) = 56.50 k 5.65 x 7.5 = 42.38 k/ft 319.16 k

Shear force @ interior face of col. 1

= 42.38 x (2 + 8/12) – 408 = - 294.99 k 56.5 k

Shear force @ interior face of col. I1

= 42.38 x (2 + 16 – 10/12) – 408
= 319.52 k 133.84 k

Shear force @ outer face of col. I1 294.99 k

= 42.38 x (2 + 16 + 10/12) – 408 – 524
= - 133.84 k
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 7: Draw the B.M Diagram: P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K

Referring the figure, we have, 2ft 16 ft 4ft

B.M @ outer face of col. 1

42.38 k/ft
= 42.38 x (2 – 8/12) x (2 – 8/12)/2
= 37.67 k-ft
37.67 k-ft
B.M @ interior face of col. 1
= 42.38 x (2 + 8/12) x (2 + 8/12)/2
– 408 x 8/12 121.32 k-ft
= 150.68 – 272
= – 121.32 k-ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K
B.M @ interior face of col. I1
= 42.38 x (2 + 16 – 10/12) x 2ft 16 ft 4ft
(2+16 – 10/12)/2 – 408 x (16 – 10/12)
= 6244.57 – 6188 42.38 k/ft
= 56.57 k-ft
211.3 k-ft
B.M @ outer face of col. I1 37.67 k-ft
56.57 k-ft
= 42.38 x (2 + 16 + 10/12)
x (2 + 16 + 10/12)/2 – 408
121.32 k-ft
x (16 + 10/12) – 524 x 10/12
= 7515.97 – 6868 – 436.67
= 211.3 k-ft B.M.D
Problem on design of Combined Footing

Now as we know that max. BM P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K

occurs @ point of zero shear. To

2ft 16 ft 4ft
find the point of zero shear, refer the
S.F.D fig., we have, 42.38 k/ft

294.99 319.16 211.3 k-ft

x 16 – 8/12 – 10/12 – x 37.67 k-ft 6.96 ft
56.57 k-ft
319.16 x = 294.99 (16 - 8/12 -10/12 – x) x

319.16 x = 294.99 (14.5 – x) 121.32 k-ft

319.16 x + 294.99 x = 4277.35
614.15 x = 4277.35
x = 4277.35 / 614.15 = 6.96 ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

Therefore the max. B.M will be, P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K

= 42.38 x (2 + 8/12 + 6.96) x (2 + 2ft 16 ft 4ft

8/12 + 6.96)/2 – 408 x (8/12 + 6.96)
= 1963.73 – 3111.68 42.38 k/ft

= – 1147.95 k-ft 211.3 k-ft

37.67 k-ft 6.96 ft
56.57 k-ft

121.32 k-ft

1147.95 k-ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 8: Check the depth of footing P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K

due to one way shear 2ft 16 ft 4ft

As we know that the required depth
42.38 k/ft d d
of footing due to one way shear is
given by
Vu 319.16 k
d1 =
2φλ√ fcʹ B
56.5 k
Vu = Shear force at a distance d from
the point of max. shear
133.84 k
294.99 k S.F.D
Problem on design of Combined Footing

P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K
From the S.F.D, the max. shear is
319.16 k at the interior face of the 2ft 16 ft 4ft
col. II. At a distance d to the left of
d d
this location, the value of shear (Vu) 42.38 k/ft

will be,
Vu = 319.16 – 42.38 x (31.5/12) 319.16 k

= 319.16 – 111.25 56.5 k

= 207.91 k
133.84 k
294.99 k S.F.D
Problem on design of Combined Footing

P U1 = 408 K P U2 = 524 K
207.91 x 1000
d1 =
2 x 0.75 x 1 x √4000 x (7.5 x12) 2ft 16 ft 4ft

d1 = 42.38 k/ft d d
= 24.35 < 31.5 in. which means
the assumed depth of footing is 319.16 k

ok for one way shear

56.5 k

133.84 k
294.99 k S.F.D
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step # 9: Check the depth of footing due to two way shear

(punching shear)
As we know that the required depth of footing due to two
way shear (punching shear) is given by
d2 =
4φλ√ fcʹ b0
Vu = pu2 – qu (c2 + d)2
and, b0 = 4(c2 + d)
Problem on design of Combined Footing

here, pu2 = 524 k, qu = 5.65 k/ft2

c2 = 20 in. = 1.67 ft, d = 31.5 in. = 2.625 ft
φ = 0.75, λ = 1.0
fcʹ = 4000 psi
Now, Vu = 524 – 5.65 (1.67 + 2.625)2
= 524 – 5.65 (4.295)2
= 419.77 k
and, b0 = 4(c2 + d)
= 4(20 + 31.5) = 4(51.5)
= 206 in.
Problem on design of Combined Footing

419.77 x 1000
d2 =
4 x 0.75 x 1 x √4000 x 206
d2 =
= 10.74 < 31.5 in. which means the assumed depth of
footing is also adequate for two way shear (punching
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step #10: Calculate the area of steel (As) in the longitudinal

direction for the max. –ve & +ve B.M by using the relation:
As = ρbd
where, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
and, Ru = Mu / bd2
here, Mu = max. –ve B.M = 1147.95 k-ft,
b = 7.5 ft, d = 31.5 in. = 2.625 ft,
φ = 0.90, fcʹ = 4000 psi,
fy = 60000 psi
Now, Ru = 1147.95 x 1000 x 12 / 7.5 x 12 (31.5)2
= 154.25 psi
Problem on design of Combined Footing

and, ρ = 0.85 x 4/60 [1 – √1 – {2 x 154.25 / 0.9 x 0.85 x 4000}]

= 0.057 [1 – √1 – 0.1008 ]
= 0.057 [1 – 0.9483] = 0.00295
Therefore, As = 0.00295 x (7.5 x 12) x 31.5
= 8.36 in.2
and, minimum amount of steel for flexure (Asf) is
Asf = 200 / fy (bd) {when fcʹ < 4500 psi}
= (200 / 60000) x {(7.5 x 12) x 31.5}
= 9.45 in.2 > As hence use this area of steel
Now referring Table A.4, select 10 - #9 bars (As = 10 in.2)
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Area of steel (As) in the longitudinal direction for +ve B.M:

since, Ru = Mu / bd2
here, Mu = max. +ve B.M = 211.3 k-ft,
b = 7.5 ft, d = 31.5 in. = 2.625 ft,
Ru = 211.3 x 1000 x 12 / 7.5 x 12 x (31.5)2
= 2535600 / 89302.5
= 28.39 psi
and, ρ = 0.85 x 4/60 [1 – √1 – {2 x 28.39 / 0.9 x 0.85 x 4000}]
= 0.057 [1 – √1 – 0.01855 ]
= 0.057 [1 – 0.99068] = 0.057 x 0.00932
= 0.00053
Problem on design of Combined Footing

Therefore, As = 0.00053 x (7.5 x 12) x 31.5

= 1.50 in.2
and, minimum amount of steel for shrinkage (Ash) is
Ash = 0.0018 bh {for fy = 60 ksi}
= 0.0018 x (7.5 x 12) x 36
= 5.83 in.2 > As hence use this area of steel
Again referring Table A.4, use 6 - #9 bars (As = 6 in.2) and place
this reinforcement at the bottom of projecting ends of footing
beyond the columns to take care of the positive moments
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Step #11: Calculate the area of steel in the transverse

(short) direction:
For reinforcement in the short direction, calculate the area
of steel at the top and under each column at the bottom
 Reinforcement at the top:
As we know that
As = ρ L d
where, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
Ru = Mu / L d2
Mu = 0.5 qu (B/2 – c/2)2 x L
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

qu = net upward soil pressure = 5.65 k/ft2
B = 7.5 ft, L = 22 ft, and c = 20 in. = 1.67 ft
Therefore, Mu = 0.5 x 5.65 x (7.5/2 – 1.67/2)2 x 22
= 0.5 x 5.65 x (2.915)2 x 22
= 528.10 k-ft
Ru = Mu / L d2
= 528.10 x 1000 x 12 / 22 x 12 x (31.5)2
= 6337200 / 261954
= 24.19 psi
Problem on design of Combined Footing

Now since, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]

= 0.85 x 4/60 [1 – √1 – {2 x 24.19 / 0.9 x 0.85 x 4000}]
= 0.057 [1 – √1 – 0.0158 ]
= 0.057 [1 – 0.9921] = 0.057 x 0.0079
= 0.00045
and, As = ρ L d
As = 0.00045 x (22 x 12) x 31.5
= 3.74 in.2
Problem on design of Combined Footing

and, minimum amount of steel for shrinkage (Ash) is

Ash = 0.0018 Lh {for fy = 60 ksi}
= 0.0018 x (22 x 12) x 36
= 17.11 in.2 > As hence use this area of steel
Now referring Table A.4, Use 18 - #9 bars (As = 18 in.2)
 Reinforcement under exterior column I:
Since, As = ρbd
where, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
Ru = Mu / bd2
Mu = 0.5 qu (B/2 – c/2)2
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

net upward pressure under exterior column I
qu =
width of footing
= = 54.4 k/ft
b = band width
= 16 in. (col. width) + 16 in. (width on exterior
side of col. I) + 31.5 in. (effective depth)
= 63.5 in. = 5.29 ft say 5.5 ft
Mu = 0.5 qu (B/2 – c/2)2
= 0.5 x 54.4 x (7.5/2 – 8/12)2
= 258.4 k-ft
Problem on design of Combined Footing

Ru = Mu / bd2
= 258.4 x 1000 x 12 / 5.5 x 12 (31.5)2
= 3100800 / 65488.5
= 47.35 psi
Now since, ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
= 0.85 x 4/60 [1 – √1 – {2 x 47.35 / 0.9 x 0.85 x 4000}]
= 0.057 [1 – √1 – 0.03095 ]
= 0.057 [1 – 0.9844] = 0.057 x 0.0156
= 0.00089
Problem on design of Combined Footing

and, As = ρbd
As = 0.00089 x (5.5 x 12) x 31.5
= 1.85 in.2
and, minimum amount of steel for shrinkage (Ash) is
Ash = 0.0018 bh {for fy = 60 ksi}
= 0.0018 x (5.5 x 12) x 36
= 4.27 in.2 > As hence use this area of steel
Now referring Table A.4,
Use 6 - #8 bars (As = 4.71 in.2) placed within the band width
of 5.5 ft under the exterior column I.
Problem on design of Combined Footing

 Reinforcement under interior column II:

Since, Ru = Mu / bd2
where, Mu = 0.5 qu (B/2 – c/2)2
Now here,
net upward pressure under interior column II
qu =
width of footing
= = 69.87 k/ft
b = band width (maximum)
= column width + twice eff. depth
= c + 2d = 20 in. + 2 (31.5) in.
= 83 in. = 6.92 ft say 7 ft
Design Steps for a Combined Footing

Now, Mu = 0.5 qu (B/2 – c/2)2

= 0.5 x 69.87 x (7.5/2 – 10/12)2
= 297.87 k-ft
Ru = Mu / bd2
= 297.87 x 1000 x 12 / 7 x 12 (31.5)2
= 3574440 / 83349
= 42.88 psi
ρ = 0.85 (fc’ / fy) [1 – √1 – {2Ru / φ x 0.85 fc’}]
= 0.85 x 4/60 [1 – √1 – {2 x 42.88 / 0.9 x 0.85 x 4000}]
= 0.057 x 0.0141 = 0.00080
Problem on design of Combined Footing

and, As = ρbd
As = 0.00080 x (7 x 12) x 31.5
= 2.12 in.2
and, minimum amount of steel for shrinkage (Ash) is
Ash = 0.0018 bh {for fy = 60 ksi}
= 0.0018 x (5.5 x 12) x 36
= 4.27 in.2 > As hence use this area of steel
Now referring Table A.4,
Use 6 - #8 bars (As = 4.71 in.2) placed within the band width
of 7 ft under interior column II.
Problem on design of Combined Footing

16ʺ 20ʺ

2´ 16´ 4´
18 - # 9 bars

6 - # 9 bars 10 - # 9 bars 6 - # 9 bars 3´ 0ʺ

22 ft
6 - # 8 bars 6 - # 8 bars
Problem on design of Combined Footing

16 x 16 in. 20 x 20 in.
7´- 6ʺ

5´- 6ʺ 7´- 0ʺ

6 - # 9 bars
6 - # 8 bars 3´- 0ʺ 6 - # 8 bars 6 - # 9 bars 3´- 0ʺ

7´- 6ʺ 7´- 6ʺ

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