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Prophetic Shetches 18 July 1968 by Weville The Old Testament is bluegrint of the Life of Jesus, and Jesus wo in ae aes decd i i Mepley oet “thed hee; is aim re nonsende called fostune~' Garcia ar’ se dittla *ians in world; but true Proj foe i Veatenant. The New Teetanent Hep but that is the ihe of Jesus; qnd Jeaus is the true identity of ev CAKE bean of woman. So, be Dino hei, Brent neached. k's been done for all the Promises of Got find Bea tie So, in every one everything said of Him, the individual will experionce. The whole thing is unfolding in man —— ia ewoy sh child born of wan It's not written 40 that you could read it as you wud’ the alphabet, Jt wasn't intended! in tat manner. iodapdon gait tr Blake, "You need some eneto elucidate your idea, ot le ani at : You ought 40 hnow that that which Ls grand is neces— vbecune to weak ge fon that which can be male explicit Lo the idiot fen opine en Te Incianks omodered what was not to0 explicit as fist fon instruction, because it nouses the facuities to act," Then he asked the theo lagimn: Bly ola ye iu think the Biddle is mune enter— taining and insinuctive than ary other book, PU ik npt because it is aldressed io iis inpinntion, es is apititund sensation, and only mediately to the So, the Vdd Testament is ai adumbration; it!, eshadowis ag telig tthe conchae ot ant iy eet, “They faa atatched end We shetbhes ane done in on overnall picture, Leaving out the pontccular, 0 rouse tie faculties i act. low, hage ye wid take, ogy, a4 mony cg we cop get in tony dn this how. is plot vf the entire Bcble. , oe Repine the beginning ol tigers 1s j and it ends on this note: "Ina offin in €gypt" jones _ i" a, 5 the wala fiha eames Soh Sth tone is Heart, fe ager Net ae andy he wooly nee Ai dees coed fen ee, then, who is Joueph? The Prototype -- the prototype of God. od ta Man, You are a man. ee is no mone; Youn oun humanity Leann t adone, God appears, and God ia Lighty To those poor souls who dwell in night; But does the human foam display To those who dwell in nealna of Day. — Wa. Blake (from "Auguries of Innocence rd and Y tain the uhol eae thin and the % ely el es Ee mae Soe a Ae ning Gat ne tea cophix in (gy Pro, phetic Shetches an tree -- J don"t care within Leself the capacity Now, the entire Bible, — here ia end of Revelation: fn Hin” So" ime ie (ome, How, here, ever the mediun of dreams, Well, here, a Lady has this experience, She said: "J found myself in the seggec’ darkest area —— it was 29 box. Id could be a, amall cof fin, terms of a shoe box. Yet, in "Came, Lond Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20) Here is the ful~ Promises of God find thein fulfillment the fulfillment of all these Promises in me! object you see, — ev Page 2 e “seed” plot. How does it end? The ein “Yes —— in thie woald — every child, every chain, house on iS sign Fieghees "God speghe to men Soup! avails Mnsell Chiagh the hadien of visions hene, in apite of the dank — jet; and , e holding in my hand whod qppeared to be almost the shape of ¢ ahve nessa, J knew J was in gould T be in ik wher J an Tohing at it art J ene isa Little, fing sho duan oven; and as ed Light wad blazing, And Light waa blaging. 24 inate me in ense that 3 bud, because if ung aoanall, J thought of it i did nesenble q Little coffin, And in the dar at, J was in it! But J didn't understand. | How am holding it in my hand? And e box on a coffin, and J am in it! Anal in my drean, g Tiperimed sea dunn i seen i D understood; and then cane a relief — a ‘ [ 7 f lian nelief, beaguse D huao eat J ua Paina to that, J did't kone what I wae tho J uas; D onky Iman that J was in it, and ther I neu beyond all doubé that J deseph, and J could not get out of ‘that box until J becane Jesus.” - Nowy he came to me with this drean, and she soid, "What on earth could 4 mean?” wad tha. Load Joous (niet, yierg you go to any one without the hnowledge of Scripture, and what woul they tell you? “And here is Scripture: “Inthe beginning God”... 2. Nina coffin ain Egypt.” But he exacts a promise that they will nod Leave him in Egy! they! LL bring him oute mag Nowy God i lang Bod in man, Here is the Unbegotten Loaming Sheelp in So, he here is no: ed, it ute who ¢ ut? 7) Se Ret es ee 4 ne oe pa thE daly tly lovely Lady. Shéty-marited she didn't have OAT Fe tks ba ReP ake Tec oa, She gemma eS Sg adopted dons’ 40 ahela a noanal, eunalpexzony Mavitg a simple dnean; and ake duns to ash, ually geeing Sexiptun detail,” Je leaves out the it didn't, — wi What on earth coudd it mean: iptune in an adumbaation, It's a foreshadowing, but not in details Well, kere ia Seripéune. She is — Leaves out the impontant points, because i » we could nod be noysed. So, we ane roused to Lind } tnd you bepin £2 epeculate, You begin 40 pa can be/made tplicit to the idiot, 22 isn't Jo, here, every one — And wo is that box? What is the box? This (ine dicating the physical bod. ‘ in which od is buried, js the box; this ia the elongated box — the cofbin re fe's buried in eveny one bonn of woman. And one Fe will come oud of the box, Who comes out? God. Sv, He's buried in the box, and He's buried as a mans all the unnunbers And a, this box, and we energe a It frightens people. You're amar. Jina man. We ane Man — gerenic Man. ed blows that sociely gives us, we simply emerge fac the Load (Arist Jesun But may § tell you? Don't be scared, ard don't be cynical about iz, because you are going to have it anpuay, You only delay it by Prophetic Sketches Page 3 ur cynician, So, une a cynic, — all right, be one, yu must be; bux WP pou ou te nl elagiy pte, aid lah be one, df prtmuat be poles Pad doe it tc

epdand Vepaions the noes iy So, now, it's just simply atated in the ugh: chapiten 4 of the Book of Jere- chal att derpaed ac gael bed: jee on edaminaia f 2 fpseqiatocg i Moos Dhak boll uae whition se hundned yeana BC. 160 (60) re oe 9 Ge mee: neally was intented one day to be fulfilled in man? So, you anc! J are walking dhe eapth, Just ad we ane Soilag,, nok pride ing, not knowing a thing about it, There a iz, and ao we neal it, people apeculate, and we wonder, What on earth is he talking about? Wes 2 pero ieh ‘insane? So many atatements that he nade seen insane. Was he inane? here they are considered wade of God. then we ane tpdd not to add to it. "Do not add to the Word of God, an! Deuterrnomy 12: 2), fon the Boad of God will move itself amance, fred don't take fron it; ve Le dase 0 28 on, ehetion yee ieee the, men’ nod understand d igh the. contuni fo ow today if sea: "Cana ran bean a child? Why he tod atten ee ME Ne Mid On NES LoL fat Mike's Gowan in labka?™ ny a 3 Sie Ree 0d Sinden Verston) It hasn!, eit a [fig ip co with any Loins, The wad in Hebrew is "hhawlets” praponnged op it means to draw oneself out of oneself, using one Fiat's exa Mealy howls takes place! Buz man, not understanding Well, now we'll just change it; .0 they changed th egg of he word ea a eae ie tel horde ‘have the igi meaning of these wads, aut they didn't make sense didn'4 make aente. fag do not ae aense now, It onl, sahes sense £0 the one who has expeclenced £2 and when all of a audden you avake within, your CPE and when you atant moving out of your skull you actually use your ‘ull yourself out of yoursell, just Like a woman giving bitth toa child in Prophetic Shetches Page 4 the fields. In the ancient dove, didn't go 40 the hospital There weren't ay apitale, ae were in uy die when the child was delivered; and you tou! pin oun foamed a fos 2d within yourself, and with your oun. hands ou pulled ane say poursel! out 9f yourself, ~ Well, ata ti within yourself, and the body of mar is the llomb of Soe; and He ford Hinaell within man, 0 He Sale Tina yp an she Ment ok Se Spee ik out of Hansell 4 a4 a woman De ttl uo? estoy prinitive woman ‘0 we w 24 ue ane Tuto 9 eleep) and when you anche utte told yo Re Te Oe iaadh of it, Bi tha Bobh was not ed then phen gu wend 49 ogpttnks an ou had Seg inpoacd upon pou You wore in the field then Suddenly 2 became neteasony fo tohke bul of yout! oun being what yo u had formed within pur being. fe ig ia ef Det a et eal “ti abet, "Pons to die ye al a al a ili lente mig So, here, that is an adumbaation, isn't it ~ a foneshadowing? But it does not pire it it ae p desatls Jt purposely Leaves out all the Little — I would gay — wad mifel oul! hang onto, Leaying man to Live by faith» Ca peo nes ihe five, By) aa So, fece, the entine Beh 4 nothing mae than a blue~ 9a" teshadowing of what every child boan of woman one day will ex- pels what came into ae | world? Let me show you in I've told pu in nthe dost few days what you are destined to be, J Meh fom what I’ve expe fenced. You may believe mes fe itoy doubl Jé docmn't really matter, As a J am concerned, it really doesn't mation! Jt does matter uw if ypu Betis 4d.” And I will show you wo what extent J mean, Ef doen nation B pou &F you b fi Lieve it, J doth wu that J've been "borr fron aboves", J tell you that there's only Jesus in the'woald, Evers one,who ia bonny faom above” Ls feaya (Aniat — one, ee you can seé a nan, but you don't believe it, you see Well, ‘he iz "boan faoa above,” 10° Leave it on this Level, ai night, Lt makes difference; you lave to actually have the experience of aecing him on the Leved cove, and Mow the truth of wiat he is talking about.’ Now, that tant? I'LL show y it! Xv deagped en cat peated se ‘aeadly, when th he call re hn Lt kt ity So ee fine the table were, four enjoying a vee es “nal din ee, yal ‘strange feeling!” ond the heat! jell over, and shel sone me fg Das yoald, “Andy ao, ‘Boe win Row Ber, — sel the departure 0, foi but Marta is Hse tioada is not nestoned to uh a fa a ee JU t why Martais free. Marta had the the can ed, 1. ond fests, ool oF ee tae ge of te curiane coming uy ello praee ah Rvew Hat J an the “nigh ae you know Jan J wi Neville, And J was clothe! in gust to speak 0 anal oie Harta eat aul st a “ake aid, ie ‘te Ls sifeeelle, “oe “td he ta Gos” fred the hept on Aenenting Me Meee oe pala Goth fia ‘ i ae * Se tual; ” clothed in power, Mecke “erg Mee ey eel. Teall, Ma eee in this world; ie wears all the faces,” Prophetic Sketches Paye 5 Soy she arm the paver of God wenning the face of a frien Now Listen {2 the wots Peal goa ne nga Saran, eatl pt ho Iyer sents Se Suse the rent does not fnow whet his master £4 doing ine (telat flare fend Fram my Father, 3 Rave told Sant (ok shin Ree Vexatony Bie ee Ai tne He tel ‘ett he Gasdh ahold : du: et ie OF Wa Sou GT MET Tied os tal an sale foun? hay fae fa She Aave todd you all that J have heand from my Fathzr," anc! “Fan the Now you se You see " et he ;, but pou dee a face, and dhe Yack he aa four paidnd. “Aad 20 F call yo: pe empes *et ives fon slaved de aos dnoe whet thein master. is doin; J call you ‘And, 40,' you see a friend, and the faiend sets you free. So, Many by that one vision of aix months ago, today is not nestoned to Life; she is set free, You can only see id in vision; you can't see it here. ene pu see a man, 6 the weaknesses of the world; but in vision, He un- veils Himself in vision. 30 He unveiled Himself, and He was wearin, the body of a man; yey but the body was sheer Almight yess, — all Power. Ad, then, He face of NNarta's friend -- the sane Being; 40 she bnew the truth of what So, sha: aaid,, "Tan your friend, for all that J have heoad um a Fotheh J have todd you.” e 4qu the entine drana gathered toyethen into ons marvelous picture, “The sell oll fed eanriage comes ips Out ates ae 9 coLled Neville. He gins the power of God, ard he's clad in gous ing i eee Peed to nan th power, Cinighipess, "7 an gysel£ Anown unto Abraham and zo J. and 40 Jacob as EL Shaddai, yp my rane, J Am, J dict mot ma he myselt hnoun." (Exodus 6:3, Revised Standard Fintan also see footnot Ze He made pineal tie known as "I An" to Moses Linst; pus 20 Abnahan, ogg ant fl ad feclivat Woven" alae po fees pat Pei ne eens 0 of eee, lovey olan Raed oud en Ih dian he the cre Tah of the bluels and ther F found 1 mysel Before Might — ake ws ni cveaness grey —- Be Une wh chmnapited me pee to ‘ade te all ond tell 32 A vo ee: vernesa "Time 20 act!" He wore an He was Inti fens wad no. conmaaaion. in that Beings and one Sa second before Imes enbacat, ant d ad one pale the ody of pits La sept beige Pps eae, 40 py a4 waan't Love that com me, magnet —- Almightyness. tnd she didn't know thie; and yet when she sew me, the face Ine fe tover, — here age Neville ak! Ke uzs ald power Well 2k mae Getenme” Love dide Love enbaaced me, and J became one bee Ete loves Been Alek Lineas 1) that sent me eto this world to tell the ~~ £0 tell the stony of Might — the stony of Power, hel an ohn gh soma at, 7 cs wearing the ame cape that He ef Sefong the monde anes “ite ho aeks ne ees Hn who send ne Mone B19) 3 "We you knew the One who sent ne, then you would Tew mes ond oF (del 0197 1d tow the Une who gent mer ho senda’me vem 'f wand to aay Good-bye to one here that # duly doves. He wants to w first, but it has to Sea parting in the wald of esan, but not in the wold of Heaven. There is no parting, “Jt's an inn: dy, dd is a body that is forever, and nelationshins are Jonever; they are nmi~ ‘ed, Aru! id is harmon, and one body holds ix all Une’ oul, one body, om spirit, without Leas of Wentity, So, erg while we are here, ever though we hnow we've got to part, you go into a builling on you yo into 2 eiky, anti a builting that you neo ait lovee ar where 9 td Jd gone, D yo toitley Yaak every year. , You con get into a taxi and say, "Take me to So-anitSo,” "That's gone, Sin." Well, I'L teU pou wint, -— take me to Liat restaurant.” Why, that's gone, tov, Sin” Then you' Jet guother acstamont; after a wile, yt think Whadls left? You had betten stick to something that you think is dh, because you mention this hotel -- Dat hotel cs gone; and Jim nod kidding’ J mean fabm experience, -~ 9 Liv ere fon yeard ant years. I cane to New Youk (ity in 1923, and J have divel in ew Youk (iy. T hieo every square inch of it.” Aud here, these Lovely tatels where J used to yo to dinner and different reataurants, -- well, that toted is gene now, Lat restaurant is gone, ard they are all gone, Wew buildings are in ein place, yes; but you dont know these buildings, and you don't know the personnel of the nesldunarts, They are ell gone, “So, note is pernonent fn thie world, St all vanishes, But ubile vanishing, — oll aight, jou have to dive in the world of (aesar, epply His lax, and have all the happiness that you mand in this world, Don't Let ang one tell you that an placed upon the paver thee at dinit is placed wy There is no Limit placed upon it, ‘Bud’ don'é foaget the Promise, for that's the only important thing in this world: When you avake you are God, without Loa o, entity, — and, may J tell yu? no matter what you mi;kt think of yourself today, a2 a + and you hnow every person in t/ world ‘can be improved in his tote in his face, -- Fam telling you, when you se

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