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Introduction …………………………………………………………….…… 3

Multiple choice questions 2014 paper 1……………………...…1-----9

Paper 2 2014…………….…………………………………………......10-----15

Multiple choice questions 2015 …………………….……………..16--24

Paper 2 2015 ……………………………….…………………………..25---30

Multiple choice questions 2016 ……………………………...…..31---39

Paper 2 2016………………………….………………………………..40----47

Multiple choice questions 2017…………………………..….....48----56

Paper 2 2017………………………….……………………………..…57----64

Multiple choice questions 2018……………………………...……76----83

Paper 2 2018……………………………..……………………..……..84----93

Multiple choice questions 2019……………………………..…….94---95

Paper 2 2019……………………………..……………………………..96--102

External paper 2 2020…………………………………….……….102—111

Bonus Question
Multiple choice questions paper 1……………………….…….145--165


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The Social Studies syllabus was introduced in 2013 and the examination based on the 2013
syllabus began in 2014. This means that all the questions in this booklet from 2014 to 2019
questions are based on the 2013 syllabus, to this end, only questions which are in line with the
2013 syllabus have been included. However the exam setup for social studies was changed in
2020 the internal candidate been the first to write the exam under the newly introduced exam
setup this meant that social studies was and will be written as a single paper without paper one,
the paper now has two sections, section A multiple choice questions and section B essays

Social Studies paper one from 2014 to 2019 was a multiple choice based assessment containing
60 questions. The paper has three sections (Geography, History Civic Education). The first
section (Geography) had 20 questions from 1 to 20 some based on map reading skills. The
second section (History) had 20 questions from 21 to 40.The last section (Civic Education)
covers questions from 41 to 60.

Social Studies paper two (2) is an essay based assessment containing 12 questions .The paper has
two sections A and B. In section A learners are required to answers all questions and in section B
there are three question in each part and learners are required to answer three questions one
question from each part .Social studies examination requires learner to do more than remember
the geography, history and civic education concepts learned in class but to synthesis those
concepts and apply them. Time to time, learners will be required to perform various calculations
and do deductions from diagrams or tables. Learners are expected to families themselves with
map reading and diagrams in both three components (Geography, history, Civic Education).

The quality of this work speaks for itself, therefore suggestions and comments to improve the
booklet in content and style are always welcome and will be greatly appreciated and
The booklet will always be updated every after one year


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Multiple choice questions 2014 paper 1

Study the map extract of Zambia and answer question 1 to 6

1. The vertical interval of the map is …………………………
A. 10 metres
B. 20 metres
C. 30 metres
D. 40 metres
2. What is the six figure reference of the air photo principal point no 84?
A. 551 762
B. 552 761
C. 761 552
D. 762 551
3. The distance along the maintain road from Kayumba School grid square 5075 to the end
of the map in grid square 4974 is ………………………
A. 1.0km
B. 1.5km
C. 2.0km
D. 2.5km
4. What man-made feature is found in grid square 5872
A. District boundary
B. Main tarred road
C. Power line
D. Provincial boundary
Study the diagram below that shows part of the map extract and answer question 5

5. Which one of the following is the general description of relief shown on the diagram?
A. Land is a lowland
B. Land is hilly
C. Land is a plateau
D. Land is a valley
6. Which one of the following pairs of factors influenced population settlement shown on the
map extract ?
A. Dambos and flat land
B. Dambos and motarable tracts
C. Flat land and water
D. Motorable tracts and water

Study the map of Zambia and answer question 7 to 9


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7. What is the name of the river marked A
A. Kafue
B. Lukusashi
C. Lunsemfwa
D. Mulungushi
8. Which of the following statement is correct about lakes B and C
A. Lake B is a rift valley whilst Lake C is man made
B. Lake B is deeper than Lake C
C. Lake B is narrower than Lake C
D. Lake B is shallower than Lake C
9. Which one of the following physical factor in the relief feature D supports crop
A. Dmbos
B. Flat land
C. Rugged relief
D. Steep slopes
Study the diagram below and answer question 10 and 11

10. What is the weather instrument shown above ?

A. Anemometer
B. Hygrometer
C. Solar meter
D. Sunshine recorder


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11. Which one of the following places in Zambia is likely to record the highest annual amount
of sunshine?
A. Kabwe
B. Livingstone
C. Mbala
D. Solwezi
Study the map of Zambia below and answer question 12 to 14

12. The system of agriculture practiced in area M is …………………….

A. Chitemene
B. Plantation
C. Transhumance
D. Ranching
13. What is the main cash crop grown in Area N
A. Coffee
B. Soya beans
C. Sugarcane
D. Tea
14. The reason why farming is a discouraged in Area is due to
A. Low rainfall
B. National park status
C. Mountainous terrain
D. Water logged conditions
15. Which one of the following H.E.P station depends on a natural head of water for
production of electricity
A. Kafue gorge
B. Kariba north bank
C. Lunsemfwa
D. Victoria falls
16. Which one of the following sources of energy is non-renewable
A. Geo-thermal
B. Petroleum


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C. Water
D. Wood
17. Which one of the following reasons explains why there is increased demand in electricity
in north western province
A. Construction of kabompo H.E.P station
B. Construction of new roads
C. Opening and re-opening of mines
D. Rural electrification programme
Study the tble below and answer question 18 to 19
18. What is the difference in population between 2000 and 2010
A. 3.2 million
B. 9.9 million
C. 13.1 million
D. 23.0 million
19. Which of the following is the correct pattern about Zambia‟s population census since 1963
?Population has ……………………………………….
A. Been decreasing
B. Been increasing
C. Been fluctuating
D. Remained constant
20. What is meant by the term rural –urban drift? It is movement of people from ………
A. One province to another
B. Rural –urban area
C. Urban-rural area
D. Village to another
21. Bones ,stones ,pottery ,rings ,metal debris and artefacts are all a collection of primary
sources of information in History. To which study of the past do they belong ?..............
A. Anthropology
B. Archaeology
C. Linguistic evidence
D. Oral traditions
22. Which of the following period of time represents one hundred years
A. Century
B. Decades
C. Generation
D. Milleneum
23. Which of the following events occurred last
A. Development of mammals
B. Life began in the sea
C. The begging of the earth
D. The development of amphibians
24. Kenyapithecus can best be described as………………………………………….
A. An early creature also known as kebwe man
B. An early creature also known as southern ape man
C. An early creature that resembled an ape and discovered in East Africa
D. First true man
25. “Hand man” is used to refer to …………………………………………..
A. Broken hill man
B. Bushmen


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C. Homo-habilis
D. Hottentots
26. To which early creature do the following fact refer
- Lived in the middle stone age
- Discovered in 1921 and his skull was taken to London Museum
A. Australopithecus
B. Broken hill man
C. Neanderthal man
D. Zinjantropus
27. What type of animal did the san keep?
A. Cattle
B. Dog
C. Goats
D. Praying mantis
28. Which of the following is the best order of iron processing as practiced by the iron age
29. Which of the following are the major decentralized societies in Zambia ?
A. Bemba ,Chewa,Lozi and Kaonde
B. Tonga,Ila,Lenje and Soli
C. Tonga ,Bemba ,Lozi and Chewa
D. Tumbuka ,Ngoni,Chewa and Bisa
30. Most of the people that live in Zambia today came from …………..
A. Benue plateau in Cameroon
B. Great lake region
C. Luba-lunda State
D. Mesopotania
31. One of the factors that led to the growth of Mwata Kazembe „s kingdom was…………
A. Abundance of natural resources
B. Bemba and Bisa paid tribute
C. Mwatayamvo gave kazembe full authority over the eastern lunda
D. The kingdom was in the centre of central Africa
32. Slave traders that operated in the lower Zambezi valley were …………………..
A. Chikunda and Swahili
B. Ngoni and yao
C. Portuguese and British
D. Portuguese and chikunda
33. Europeans scramled for the African lands in the 19th century because of the following
reasons except
A. Desire for law materials and market
B. Desire to open manufacturing industries in Africa
C. Desire to settle excess population
D. Influence from Christian missionaries


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34. Name the white father who influenced chief Mwamba to accept British protection of
Lubemba land .
A. Coillad
B. Father Dupont
C. Father moreau
D. Father Pinto
35. In 1871,Henry Morton Stanley met David Livingstone at
A. Blantyre
B. Chitambo
C. Dubai
D. Ujijij
36. Why did some African form their own independent churches
A. African discovered their own God
B. Because Europeans demanded for African led Churches
C. They were not happy how the European preached
D. They were not happy with the treatment given to the Africans
37. One of the aims of the welfare societies was to…………………………….
A. Advise missionaries
B. Encouraged traditional leaders to take part in the struggle for independence
C. Fight for African grievances
D. Support colonial government
38. Zambia was a member of the central African Federation together with…………………..
A. Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania
B. Malawi and Zimbabwe
C. Tanzania and Zimbabwe
D. Zimbabwe and South Africa
39. What term is given to the desire by people with a common history to be united and gain
independence in a given territory
A. Federation
B. Nationalism
C. Protest
D. Referendum
40. Chose the correct independence day that corresponds with each of the three
th th
A. 6 July ,1964. 24 October ,1964. 18th April 1980
B 24th July 1964. 17th December, 1953. 24th October ,1971
th th
C. 7 January 1953. 24 October 1962. 12th October 1980
D. 4th March, 1964. 28th October 18th April 1980
41. Which symbol of national identity is shown on the television screen before the republican
President speaks to the nation
A. Independence day
B. Coat of aim
C. National Anthem
D. National flag
42. The Zambian constitution was amended to change the qualification for citizenship,
presidential candidate and to………………….
A. Change electoral commission of Zambia
B. Change the capital city of Zambia
C. Declare Zambia a Christian nation
D. Include a new symbol of national identify


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43. At which stage of election are ballot paper used ?
A. campaign
B. nomination day
C. polling day
D. registration day
44. ……………………………..means keeping money from circulation in the country
A. Depositing
B. Hoarding
C. Investing
D. Saving
45. …………………….is a situation where children are not taken care of by parents and
A. Children battering
B. Child defilement
C. Child labour
D. Child neglect
46. Zambia is a sovereign state .This means she is ………………………………..
A. Economicaly controlled by another country
B. Independent and able to make her own decisions
C. Politically controlled by another country
D. Politically neutral
47. The last governor of Northern Rhodesia was ……………………………………….
A. Sir Everyn Hone
B. Sir Roy Welensky
C. Sir Garfield Toddd
D. Sir Ian smith
48. A constitution review commission which was appointed in 1991 to suit the democratic
form of governance was headed by ………………………………………
A. Chiluba
B. Choma
C. Kaunda
D. Mvunga
49. An official who is first elected by people in a constituency and later appointed by the
Republic President to be part of the Cabinet acquires the tittle of …………………………
A. Mayor
B. Member of Parliament
C. Minister
D. Solicitor General
50. In Zambia ,our chiefs are controlled by the central Government which is elected by the
people .This type of rule Where the chiefs are controlled is an example of
A. Autocracy
B. Limited monarch
C. Oligarchy
D. Unlimited

51. The Kaches family made a budget of K500.00 for their family in the month of July and
their total expenditure was K600.00.The Kaches budget for July had rub


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A. Deficit
B. Serving
C. Debt
52. Conflict between state is referred to as …………………………………………………
A. Class conflict
B. Domestic
C. Internal
D. Interstate
53. Heads of state make policies of SADC operations. Which one of the following organ they
belong to?
A. Secretariat
B. The commission
C. The summit
D. Tribunal
54. The plan for the formation United Nations Organisation that was discussed by the Allied
Forces in 1941 were held at …………………………….
A. Berlin Congress
B. Dumbarton Oaks
C. Lombe Conversion
D. San Francisco
55. The coalition government between the United national Independence Party (UNIP) and
the African National Congress (ANC) was made in
A. 1959
B. 1960
C. 1961
D. 1962
56. The supreme court is the highest court of appeal in Zambia .Which one of the following is
the right composition of the judges for this court
A. 3,5,7
B. 3,5,9
C. 3,7,9
D. 3,9,11
57. ……………………… the function of money which is allowed to pay for goods and
A. Means of deferred payments
B. Measure of value
C. Medium of exchange
D. Store of value
58. The most fundamental Human Right is the right
A. Education
B. Life
C. Nationality
D. Privacy
59. Which government institution is responsible for fighting corruption in Zambia
A. Anti-corruption commission
B. Caritas Zambia
C. Foundation for democratic process
D. Transparency international Zambia


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60. The organ of the United Nations (UN) which co-ordinates and supervises the work of the
specialized agencies and commissions is called the ………………………
A. Economic and social
B. General assembly
C. Security council
D. Trusteeship council


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Paper 2 2014
1. Study the map of Zambia below and answer the questions that follow

A. Name town P
B. What is the name of waterfalls Q?
C. Give two reasons why Lusaka is densely populated.
D. Name fishery R.
E. State two benefits of fishing to the people who live around fishery R.
F. State two disadvantages of open pit mining.
G. What is a primary industry?
A. . Solwezi
B. Victoria falls
C. -because of industries which supports employment
- because of being a capital city of Zambia
-because of improved services such as hospitals, schools, etc.
- because of improved market in the city.
D. -Lake Bangweulu
E. -t is a source of proteins
-it is a source of income to the local people
- it is a source of employment
F. -they become flooded during the rainy season
- they pollute the environment
G.- it is an industry which produces raw materials

2. Study the diagram below carefully and answer the questions that follow

A. The drawing above represents a ceremony by one of the Zambian tribes. Name the ceremony depicted
by the drawing.
B. What does the name of the ceremony shown in the above diagram mean?

C. Give the special name of the royal boat they use during this ceremony.


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D. Identify a Zambian tribe associated with this traditional ceremony.
E. Name a foreign group from South Africa that conquered the above named tribe around 1840.
F. Who was the leader of this foreign group?
G. What is the title of the ruler of the people who practice this ceremony?
H. Who was the first man to be called by this title?
I. State one importance of this ceremony to Zambia
a. kuomboka ceremony
b. getting out of the water
c. Nalikwanda boat
d. Lozi
e. kololo
f. sebitwane
g. itunga
h. mulambwa
i. . -it attracts foreign tourists
-it is a source of foreign exchange
- it is a source of income
-it is a source of employment to the local people

3. Study the diagram below of the Coat of Arms and answer the questions that follow.

A. What is the importance of the coat of Arms?

B. Where is it used?
C. What do the hole and the pick on the coat of Arms stand for?
D. What does the zebra symbolise?
E. Identify the features that is found on the coat of Arms and also on the Zambian flag.
F. Explain the meaning of the black and white wavy lines on the coat of Arms.
G. Apart from the zebra which features represent Zambia’s natural resources?
A. - It is the symbol of the national identity.
B. - On government documents as a head
- on government billboards
- on high official government ranking
C. - The country’s economic backbone e.g. agriculture and mining.
D. - Wildlife resources
E. - Fish eagle
F. - The wavy lines is a representation of Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River with the white water
cascading over black rock.
G. -maize cob



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1 (a) Briefly describe the relief levels of Zambia.
(b) State the uses of Zambia’s main rivers
A. Zambia has three relief levels which are described as follows;
.- Low veld which comprises the land below 900 metres above sea level
- Middle veld which comprises the land between 900 metres and 1200 metres above sea level.
- High veld which comprises the land above 1200 metres above sea level.
B.- for generating electricity
- for irrigation
- for fishing
- for transport
– for industrial and domestic use

2 (a) Explain the importance of forests in Zambia.

(b) Suggest the ways of conserving and preserving forest in Zambia.
- Forests are important for oxygen production
- for wild food such as fruits, roots, leaves.
– For medicine (herbs)
– for furniture
– for building materials
– for bees honey
b.- To share information with others on deforestation and its’ effects
- To join organisations, forest-preservation societies and pressure groups that aim to help preserve the
rest of our natural resources.
- getting involved in tree planting programmes in order to replenish those that are used.
- reduce the use of artificial items, recycle more and re-use items
- Help in controlling and regulating wild bush fires including charcoal burning
- using renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and water energies instead of depending too much
on wood fuel.

3(a) State the types industries found in Zambia

(b) Describe the factors influencing the location of manufacturing in Lusaka
(c) Explain the problems faced by manufacturing and processing industries in Zambia


a - Primary industry
– secondary industry
– tertiary industry
b.- Nearness to the market: - industries are located in areas that have ready market
- Availability of labour: - industries rely on the people in the areas in which they are located.
- Availability of raw materials: - most industries are located near sources of raw material.
- Availability of power supply: - power supply are readily available.
- Good transport network: - Lusaka has available transport
- Good government policy which allows the town to have many industries.
c. -Raw materials are very costly.
- Lack of capital
- high competition
- poor transport system affects manufacturing and processing industries.
- Manufacturing and processing industries incur high storage expenses since they produce goods
in large scale.
- The market for some of the manufactured goods is not readily available.
- There are no trained man power to operate new machines.


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1 Write an essay on learning about the past
(a) Importance of learning about the past
(b) Methods of learning about the past


a.- To understand the present
– to project the future
– to have sense of belonging
– to understand the causes and effects of events and avoiding conflicts.
b.- Oral tradition which transmitted the information through spoken words
- written records which is a modern means of keeping records
- Archaeology which is the study of ancient remains and people.
- Anthropology which is the study of how people lived both in the past and today
- Linguistics which is the scientific study of languages.

2. Give an account of the origin and expansion of the Bemba Kingdom

(a) Origin
(b) Expansion
- The Bemba people originated from the Luba kingdom known as the Kola in what is now the DRC.
- mukulumpe, the king of Kola had married a woman of the crocodile clan(Abena ng’andu).
- They had three sons and daughter Chiti, Nkole, Katongo, and Chilumfya was their sister.
- The three sons had differences with their father and fought him and flee the kingdom
- They fled eastwards and settled in present day northern Zambia.
- They were led by Chiti, to whom they gave a praise name “Mukulu”, meaning the great. So Chiti came
to be called Chitimukulu or Chiti the Great.
- They built their capital east of present day Kasama and called the new occupied area Lubengula.
- Good administrative reforms by the chitimukulu, particularly under chileshe chepela
- limiting the chieftaincy and succession to Abena Ng’andu clan. Chiefs were chosen from the sons and
nephews of chiefs
- obtaining guns and gunpowder, which allowed them to conquer other groups who had to pay tribute.
- Well organised armies commanded by trusted members of the royal clan
- Well organised administrative structures of the kingdom

3. Account for the work of David Livingstone in central Africa

(a) Aims
- His aim was to open up central Africa so that white Missionaries and traders could come and work in
the area, central Africa.
(b) Journeys
- 1st Journey 1852-1856:
AIMS: - His aim was to explore the Zambezi to find out how navigable it was and to open up suitable
routes for Missionaries and traders.
- 2nd Journey 1858-1863
- To find out the extent to which the Zambezi River was navigable, and to replace slave trade with
legitimate in genuine goods
- 3rd Journey 1866-1873
- T o find out more about African rivers and lakes and the source of the Nile and Congo rivers, and to
abolish slave trade.
Results of his Journey


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- his writing in books and his speeches about beliefs, customs and traditions of African encouraged other
Europeans to become interested in the exploration of central Africa such as Henry Stanley.


1. The body that conduct elections in Zambia is called the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ). THE
Commission carries out a number of functions before and after election is held. Describe the election
procedure in Zambia.
(a) Meaning of election
(b) Election procedure
- An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual or
individuals to hold public offices(s).
b.(ii) Delimitation: it is the process whereby the electoral commission of Zambia divides the country into
areas represented by Members of Parliament, which are called constituencies or wards.
(iii) Election timetable: the electoral commission draws up an election timetable for the elections
(iv) Registration of voters: the director calls for registration of voters.
(v) Nomination: the commission fixes the date, time and place for submission of nominations by
(vi) Campaigning: political parties and candidates start campaigning to convince voters to vote for them.
(vii) Polling day: it is a day on which the elections takes place.
(viii) Counting votes and announcing results: it is the counting and announcing of the votes.

2. Why are laws needed? Explain the types of laws

(a) Importance of laws
(b) Types of laws
a. - helps to maintain law and order
- Regulation of behaviour
- protects the rights of people in the country.
b Types of laws.
1. International Law
These are laws which guide countries on how to behave towards each other.
2. Constitutional laws
These are laws which guide the government of a country
3. Civil laws
These are laws which guide the behavior of people towards each other in society
4. Criminal laws
These are laws which protect the interest of society and the state

3. Explain the functions and qualities of money.

(a) Functions of money
(b) Qualities of money
a. – 1.Medium of Exchange
To mean money is used in the exchange of goods and services. Eg. If you need books you pay money and
get books from the shop. In this example money is used as a medium of exchange between the shop owner
and the person need of books.
2. Store of value
To mean someone’s wealth can be kept in form of money in the bank. For example, a cattle rich farmer
can sale all his cattle and keep the money in bank and still be rich in terms of money.


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3. Measure of value
This function is also known as unit of account. This function allows the values of goods and services to
compare to the price we pay for them. For example, if a businessman is selling one pen at K10 very few
or if none will agree to buy those pens because the value of K10 is more than one pen.
4. Means of deferred payments
To mean an agreement can be easily be reached between two people to allow the buyer settle his/her
credit in future. This is why it is commonly referred to as “BUY NOW PAY LATER”. This function allows
people to get things on credit and then pay later.
b. 1. Stable (Stability)
To mean money should remain in use for a long period of time without anyone rejecting from using it
such as 5 ngwee and 10 ngwee where people reject to use them.
2. Acceptability ( Acceptability)
To mean for any object to be used as money, it must be generally accepted by every single person in the
3. Durable (Durability)
To mean money must last for a long period of time before fading away or worn out.
4. Scarce ( Scarcity)
To mean money should be very difficult to find unless he/she works hard to find it.
5. Portable (Portability)
To mean money must be easily carried about by people in their business transactions from one point to
6. Easy to Recognise (Recognisability)
To mean bank notes and coins should have features that will make it easier for people to differentiate or
recognise each piece of money.
7. Non- Counterfeit (Counterfeitability)
To mean money should not be easily made or forged by anyone in society but only through the authorised
companies that make money.
8. Divisible (Divisibility)
To mean money should easily be divided into smaller qualities such as K100 changed into K50, K20,
K10, K5 or K2.


1 B 11 C 21 B 31 A 41 B 51 B
2 A 12 A 22 A 32 D 42 C 52 D
3 C 13 C 23 A 33 D 43 C 53 C
4 A 14 B 24 C 34 B 44 B 54 D
5 C 15 B 25 C 35 D 45 D 55 D
6 B 16 B 26 B 36 D 46 B 56 A
7 B 17 A 27 B 37 C 47 B 57 C
8 B 18 A 28 D 38 B 48 D 58 B
9 A 19 B 29 D 39 A 49 C 59 A
10 D 20 B 30 A 40 A 50 A 60 A




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