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Tenepere, Jayson Paul L.


Sir. Ingersoll Dandan January 20, 2024

1. How can we ensure equitable access to the benefits of industry 4.0 and avoid
exacerbating existing inequalities?

The implementation of Industry 4.0 has great promise in terms of higher productivity,
enhanced efficiency, and the creation of new job possibilities. On the other hand, if not
executed with caution, it also runs the risk of escalating current disparities. The following
tactics can be used to guarantee that everyone has equal access to Industry 4.0's

2. What ethical considerations and potential risks need to be addressed with the
increased automation and data collection brought by industry 4.0?

A potential risk associated with the growing amount of data being collected and analyzed
is the compromise of personal privacy. Businesses need to be open and honest about how
they gather, handle, and utilize personal information. To guarantee people's right to
privacy, we need strong consent processes and data protection regulations.

3. What role can education and citizen engagement play in preparing society for the
potential disruptions and transformations associated with industry 4.0?

Curricula at educational institutions must be modified to satisfy the demands of an

evolving labor market. This involves adding classes on cutting-edge technology such as
data analytics, robotics, and artificial intelligence. People will be more prepared to take
advantage of the new career prospects brought about by Industry 4.0 if they do this.

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