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Submitted for the Partial Fulfillment towards the awards of the Degree in

Master in Business Management (MBA)


Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow


Under the guidance of

Dr. Vineet Senger


GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management

Greater Noida
March 2023

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Approved by A.I.C.T.E. & affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University



This is to certify that AKANSH SRIVASTAVA has undertaken this

Mini Project-1 titled “GARBAGE2FOOD” for the partial

fulfillment of the award of Master of Business Administration degree

from Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (U. P.),


I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.

Project Supervisor
Department of Management

Head of Department
Department of Management

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As per the part of MBA curriculum and in order to gain knowledge in

the field of management, I am required to make a mini project and my
title of project is GARBAGE2FOOD .The basic objective behind
doing this mini project is to innovate new business idea or plan and
gain knowledge of different tools of marketing.

In this mini project I have included introduction, description,

feasibility analysis and stages in project formulation.

Doing this mini project helped us to enhance my knowledge regarding

the work in to the attitude of consumer towards any new business plan
or ideas. Through this project I came to know about importance of
social feasibility and acceptance before starting any new business.

In our country India food waste is one of the biggest causes of

concern in India. According to several types of research,
approximately 40 percent of the food prepared at a wedding venue is
wasted and thrown away after the wedding ends.

India‘s estimated 10 million weddings a year contribute to food

wastage. Same as hotel industry waste lots of food on daily basis
Nearly half of food served at hotels is wasted. In fact, food waste
accounts for an astonishing 28 percent of total waste at the average
hotel. The mini project has been carried out to develop some new
innovation for how to reduce food wastage in hotel, at farmer level,
super market.

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It is my pleasure to acknowledge and express my gratitude to all those

who helped me throughout in the successful completion of this

I would like to thank my Director, Prof. VINEET SENGAR, for

providing the necessary facilities required for completion of the


continuous guidance to accomplish this project work, successfully.


MBA Semester-I

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I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “ GARBAGE2FOOD” was
carried out by me. I have not submitted the matter embodied in this report for the award of
any other degree or diploma of any other University or Institute. I have given due credit to the
original authors sources.

For all the words, ideas, diagrams, graphics, computer programs, experiments, results, that
are not my original contribution. I have used quotation marks to identify verbatim sentences
and given credit to the original authors/sources. I affirm that no portion of my work is
plagiarized, and the experiments and results reported in the report are not manipulated. In the
event of a complaint of plagiarism and the manipulation of the experiments and results, I
shall be fully responsible and answerable.

MBA 22214

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01. Develop innovative idea for the Product or Services 8-7

02. Description of innovative idea for Product or Services 9-13

03. Feasibility analysis 14-27

04. Stages in Product Formation 27-30

05. Project appraisal & future scope of study 30-33

Bibliography 30

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Chapter 1

Develop Innovative Idea For Product or Services


New product are very essential for corporate success, Innovation is a must if you want to
continue competing in the market. However, the new product development is one of the
riskiest processes that require focus and high investments. In today‘s market, careful planning
and a good product strategy are essential to help you success in the market companies
develop a large number of new product every year , but most of these product fail to secure
competition advantages and end up adding high cost for the company .
Several studies have been done in the successful product launch cases, and success drives
have been discovered. Among other, developing new unique products that are customer
centric and focus on several customer benefits should be the company mission .Continuous
research and planning are necessary if a company wants to launch a successful product. All
the employee of the company needs to be involved, staring from R&D to market to sales, to
finance and so on.


• To develop a chain between a garbage seller/buyer, rag pickers, food seller and
also with garbage recycling industries.
• To develop and introduce new service as well as new app where we connect our
use with delicious unsold food from a variety of stores and restaurants, hotel ,
farmers , bakery all over Delhi a geophysical-targeted map to show users the
restaurants closest to them with leftover food available for collection any special
time at minimum cost.
• To reduce wastage of surplus food.

• This project also helps in the mission of Green India and Clean India.

• Reduction of waste generation per capita.

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• Waste recycling and reuse at highest rate feasible.
• Gradual phasing out landfilling practices, and.
• Limited incineration of non-recyclable waste.


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Chapter 2

Description of innovative idea for product or

What we believe is really unique is the G2F. We have created a business that addresses a
huge problem and that benefits everyone involved: the consumers, the partners and the
environment. Internally we use a phrase that's, mission, movement and magic. Mission is that
we do this to reduce food waste and help the environment, movement is that we build a
community of waste warriors and a global food waste movement and magic is the Our
mission is to inspire and empower everyone to take action against food waste. We want
people to understand the value of our resources and to protect our planet. This means working
on awareness, better food education and global solutions at every level from consumers to
businesses and beyond. We believe building a global movement will allow us to maximise
our impact and achieve great progress on the fight against food waste and the reduction of the
CO2 emission seasonality we bring to everything, we like to have fun.G2F help to maintain
the cycle of food for poor people (rag pickers), homeless people .The working of G2F is very
simple. G2f take advantage of economic weaker section people and also it take advantage
from rag pickers. First of all G2F take the garbage from rag pickers and open the source of
food for the people who don‘t have money to buy food. G2F simply sold particular garbage
to the particular company generate revenue from the garbage and provide food for EWS
people , rag pickers etc.
Agriculture is an important sector of Indian Economy as more than half of its population
relies on Agriculture as principle source of income. About 82 per cent of the country‘s
farmers are small and marginal, having holdings less than one hectare. Over the years,
irrigation potential has increased largely due to increased access to precious ground water.
However, 60 per cent of our agricultural land is still
primarily rain-fed.

A challenge for the Indian agricultural sector today is to feed its ever-growing population,
even though India‘s food grain production has kept steady pace with its population. Total
food grain production during 2019-20 was estimated at 295.67 million tonnes, the production
during 2019-20 is higher by 25.89 million tonnes than the previous five years‘ (2014-15 to
2018-19) average production of food grain. However,

adequate food production is not sufficient to ensure food security. Not all food produced is
consumed, as an enormous amount of food is lost or wasted. In 2019 Food and Agriculture
Organization report puts this figure at one third of the food produced in the world for human
consumption every year, which is approximately 1.3 billion tonnes.
It is estimated that saving one-fourth of the food currently lost or wasted globally would be
enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world, of which the highest number (about

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194.6 million) are in India. Maximum food loss happens during transit from farm to fork,
especially to urban markets. These losses not only impact producers with reduced income and
consumers with increased costs, but also challenge overall food security.
It has been also observed that food waste and loss occurs differently in developing and
developed countries. In developing countries, food waste and loss occurs at early stages of
the food value chain.
This can be associated with lack of support to farmers, poor/non-scientific harvesting
techniques, weak infrastructure, storage, cooling and transport facilities. In developed
countries, food waste and loss occurs largely at retail and consumer stages.
A study undertaken by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2018) highlights that the
underlying cause of post-harvest loss in the country is due to the lack of infrastructure for
short-term storage, particularly at the farm level, as well as the lack of intermediate
processing in the production catchments To address the problem of food loss and waste
globally, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) aims to halve per capita global food
waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply
chains, including post-harvest losses.
To achieve the SDG target indicator, a number of steps are being taken globally by FAO and
associated organisations. FAO is working on the Global Food Loss Index, which aims to
account for losses occurring on-farm, during transportation, storage and processing. Accurate
measurement of food loss will to create awareness and provide impetus for policy steps and
actions to counter the difference.
Another step taken by FAO and Messed Düsseldorf (City in Germany ) is to collaborate with
other partners and donors to develop and implement programmes on food loss and waste
reduction. This initiative uses a designed case study methodology to collect primary and
empirical data on the causes of food loss in developing countries in selected food supply
In India, this methodology developed by the agro-food industry group of the FAO nutrition
and food system division was used for case studies on the food supply chains of rice,
chickpea, milk and mango in Andhra Pradesh.
The study indicated a need for capacity building at different levels of value chain actors. It
also called for investment in large storage facilities and other related infrastructure such as
roads and electricity to ensure reduction in food loss and Waste. This can eventually lead to
enhanced food security in the country as well as globally.

Importance and relevance of innovative idea for product or

In India if we talk about food crisis is damn high. If my product or services reduce it, I can do
lots of efforts to maintain the cycle of food.G2F will be plays very important role in the step
of clean India, green India project. G2F started with the low level of customer base but it will
be going very faster

in metro cities. If garbage is being hyped in the future the growth of company will be hyped.
After launching the services like take garbage from home, spreading awareness about the
pollution by making advertisement etc.. With these types of efforts we can make lot‘s profit
with the cleanness of city. G2f is totally eco-friendly in nature. G2F is totally based on the
service concept but after launching the service it also came up with the products, which is
totally made in India, if there will be issue with the manufacturing of products g2f tie with

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that company which is running their business in the market successfully. Through which we
can solve the issue of rag picker even we can contribute in the GDP of nation. The purpose of
this report is to investigate the feasibility of proposed waste collection scheme in investigated
cities, especially concerning the current waste management and possible socio- economic and
environmental benefits. This will give a concrete overview of the current waste management
in four target cities, and propose necessary improvements. The final outcome of the report is
objectively and rationally presented benefits and weaknesses for the implementation of
separated collection of a food waste to different policy-

Food wastage crisis in India

• According to the 2020 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 94rd, out of the 107
hungriest countries.
• According to United Nations' FAO, 194 million Indians go hungry daily.
• One-third of the world‘s malnourished children live in India.
• Almost 40% of the total food production in the country is written off as lost in
transit, is wasted by consumers or is damaged, according to United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP).
• Around 67 million tonnes of food is wasted in India every year which has been
valued at around 92,000 Cr. enough to feed all of Bihar for a year.
• Annually, close to 21 million metric tonnes of wheat rots in India; a figure that is
equal to Australia‘s total annual production.
• According to the BMC, Mumbai generates close to 9,400 metric tonnes of solid
waste per day, from which 73% is food, vegetable, and fruit waste, while only 3%
is plastic. The garbage dumps in
• Mumbai are as tall as five or six story buildings.
• Delhi generates around 9000 metric tonnes of waste per day, with the country‘s
largest landfill located in East Delhi. This landfill is 70 acres vast and contains
close to 12 million tonnes of waste that are as high as 50 feet.

What and how much India Wastes?

• The average range of food loss is 4.6% to15.8%

• Cereals-4.65% to 5.99%

• Pulses 6.36%to 8.41%

• Oil seed 3.08% to 9.96%

• Fruit& Vegetable 4.58% to 15.88%

• Milk 0.92%

• Cotton 36.05 million bales (170 kg per bale) (record)

• Jute $ Mesta- 9.92 million bales (180 kg per bale)

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• Sugarcane – 358.14 million tonnes.

Causes of food wastage in India

Food wastage in India, throughout the whole food supply chain, from farmers to consumers,
is due to various reasons, such as:

• Natural calamities
• Lack of storage space
• Lack of storage space
• Improper care
• Wastage by consumers
• Improper post-harvest management
• Lack of infrastructural facilities
• Poor transportation facilities
• Inadequate packaging
• Lack of refrigerated transport
• Lack of awareness
• Stock management inefficiencies
• Inefficient distribution
• Corruption

Solution to stop food wastage

• Balancing food production with demand- Foremost, precedence should be
centred on balancing food production with the demand to reduce the problem of
food wastage. The first thing is to cut back on the use of natural resources in food
production. In hotels, restaurants, and the foodservice industry, risk management
tools can be applied. Such a tool will work towards ensuring managers and chefs
only produce and cook food in accordance with demand or the orders made.
Producing large batches of food has always resulted in food wastage. So in trying
to save food, labour, and money, hotels and the entire foodservice industry should
work on the production of small batches or use.
• Bettering food harvesting, storage, processing and distribution- The second
strategy should be placed on developing efficient technologies and production
systems that better storage, harvesting, processing, and distribution processes.
Redistribution can be the initial strategy for supplying or distributing more food to
where there is a need and reducing supply where food is in surplus Harvesting,
storage, and processing should also be improved by governments and NGOs by
availing subsidies and training on better production practices, especially in
developing countries.
• Food waste reduction initiation -Supermarkets, retail food outlets, big
restaurants, and individual consumers all alike can also work on their own tailored
and creative efforts to reduce food footprint. For instance, individual consumers
can cut back their food footprint by not necessarily placing a high preference for
the very best food quality. At times even the ugly or blemished food items are still
edible or can be purchased then used to make dishes like soups. Over-

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merchandizing can also be reduced to minimize food wastage.
• Consumers to buy and prepare food with a plan - The use of meal plans in
preparing food can go a long way in ending food wastage. Consumers should only
buy food according to their plans or in small batches to reduce the food that goes
to waste due to expiration after long storage periods. Food recycling efforts are
already underway but the technologies and methods used should be bettered.
Starch-rich foodstuffs such as crisps, bread, biscuits, and breakfast cereals can, for
instance, be recycled into high quality feeds for livestock. The recycling of food
packaging materials can equally reduce over-exploitation of virgin material. If it‘s
completely unfit for consumption, it can still be converted for other uses instead of
being taken to the landfills to emit methane gas.
• Food print campaigns slogan - Campaigns for reducing food footprint can help
fisher‘s supermarkets, food processors individual consumers, and the localand
national governments to work on strategies for preventing food wastage. The UN
and FAO have already launched such a campaign by putting Moreover, with more
and more of such campaigns, societies at large will be informed.

Aim Of G2F
• Increase awareness on the causes, impact and approaches to reduce food losses.

• Creating new idea to stop food wastage in India.

• Care: Help minimize food wastage across the supply chain by means of
redistribution to poor and needy.
• Aware: Mobilize people to minimize their food wastage through widespread
awareness Program across the country by Food Recovery Agencies.
• Share: Facilitate safe distribution of surplus food by connecting trained food
recovery agencies with food chains.
• Prepare: Educate food business on best practices and encourage them to adopt
the same in order to prevent food loss along the supply chain.
• Declare: Provide strategic policy, regulatory, and programme support to food loss
and waste reduction initiatives.

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Chapter 3

Feasibility Analysis

Commercial and Economic Feasibility

Ours would be a typical online service food delivery where customer order food at own
place .Value is created for the consumer by providing high-quality restaurant food sold at up
to a 60% discount on the original price. Additionally, for environmentally conscious
consumers, purchasing through the app reduces CO2 production. Also, the platform creates
an opportunity where end users can discover restaurants, bakeries, hotels and grocery stores
that they otherwise would not previously purchase products from.
The value proposition for the suppliers is that surplus food that would otherwise go to waste
can be sold at a reduced price, which creates further revenue by selling through company.
The platform also attracts and acquires new customers for businesses that have signed up to
the app. In addition, partnering with company boosts the corporate social responsibility image
of the company. The entire delivery process will be conducted through online and use the
high internet exposure of our partner.
By always focusing one meeting or exceeding our customer‘s needs, wants and expectation,
we will able to build customer loyalty and word – of –mouth sales that many of our
competitors are lacking.
As with any start-up, the early stages were when we faced the biggest challenges. When
initially trying to explain the concept to both potential stores and customers, it was hard to
convey the message that this was

not food that was meant to be thrown out but food that would be thrown out if no one saved
it. The idea of eating the food scraps off of people‘s plates was what jumped into people‘s
heads – so it took some time to perfectly articulate our message and explain our concept
correctly. It was largely aboutchanging the mentality and perceptions of what food waste
was, but nowadays this is a well-covered topic with lots of concern and focus. We estimate
that over 90% of our sales will go to middle class family, lower class, NGO, youth.

Technical feasibility and Financial feasibility

The scope of the technical analysis is to give the overall picture of the main stakeholders
involved in the waste management. Focus is mainly given to the current waste management
system in the target cities and the infrastructure installed by the local companies. Mixed
municipal waste (MSW) is collected three times per week, in some areas it is six times (city

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center). Bio waste from households is collected once a week, and from industrial producers it
is usually collected on demand. Total number of employees is around 1,500.

Number and volume of containers/tanks for collecting of MSW

Container/tank Number of
volume (l) containers/tanks
11,00 13,335
80 370
120 64,632
240 28,584

Number and volume of containers/tanks for separate waste


Type of waste Number of

Type of container/tank containers/tanks

PAPER 2-4 m3 containers 1,826

covered paper boxes 34

1,100 l containers 287
120 - 240 l tanks 2,501
GLASS 2-4 m3 containers 1,498
1,100 l containers + 240 l tanks 611
PLASTIC 2,5m3 + 3 m3 containers 192
1,100 l containers 959
600 l baskets 244

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TEXTILE 2,5 m3 textile containers 76
1,100 l containers 9
240 l tanks 34

Vehicle fleet in TATA by vehicle type

Special vehicles for household and 100
industrial waste
Special vehicles for bulky waste 45
Special vehicles for cleaning and washing 64
Special vehicles for HW transport 2
Pick up and personal vehicles 36
Other 8
Total 255

List of employee’s in G2F company


Existing labor force

Position Operative Unit TEA Selecti Operative Total

Individual transfe Unit Non-
Communal centers hazardous
Hygiene industrial
Waste manager 2 - - - 2
Department Heads 61 - 4 4 69
Total (1+2): 63 4 4 71
Employees 24 7 1 1 280

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8 5
All total (1+2+3): 31 7 1 1 351
1 9

List of employees in mechanization department

MECHANIZATION DEPARTMENT (Exploitation and Maintenance)

Position Existing labor force

Maintenance Exploitation Total

Department Heads 17 13 30

Employees (auto-electrician, auto- 56 - 56

mechanic, auto-locksmith, tires and

Total (1+2): 73 13 86

Drivers of specialized vehicles - 121 121

Handler of construction machine - 1 1

All total 73 135 208

Number of routes for collecting food from different regions

Area Type of truck Number of


Urban center Back charge 13


Housing states Back charge 5


Interurban Back charge 4


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Catering located at industrial area Back charge 2

Old town Back charge 4


Urban center and old town Underground 2


Urban center and Interurban Lateral charge 16

Financial Feasibility

Even though there is no doubt on environmental benefits of proposed concept, still none of
the target cities have implemented separate food collection from all waste producers (citizens,
catering, industrial sector). Some of the investigated cities are at its beginning some have
certain experience in this field and whether some have significant amounts of industrial food
being collected and transported for biological treatment.
A major reason for the slow progress of separate food waste collection service in many cities
is due the concern about costs, especially costs of the collection. In order to determine the
feasibility of such a system, it is necessary to determine the cost of current waste
management target cities. These costs are usually divided in following categories:
• Labour costs
• Investment costs of the infrastructure
• Operational costs
• Cost for planning and services
• Maintenance costs
• Other possible costs
The costs of labor are the sum of all wages paid to employees, as well as the cost of employee
benefits and taxes paid by an employer. The cost is mainly addressed to the drivers, manual
workers, administration, etc. The investment costs are related to the necessary infrastructure
in order to keep the current system at work. Usually these costs are used for the purchase of
dedicated vehicles, different bins and containers, and other equipment or services.
The operational costs involve costs regarding day-to-day activities at locations. These costs
are: electric and heat energy, water, consumption of fuel, etc. The costs for planning and
services comprise the costs for developing precise plans involving different stakeholders,
such as: costs of project documentation for recycling yards or landfills, construction of
different objects (e.g. sorting facilities, administration buildings, etc.).
The maintenance costs are correlated with the continuous supervision, maintenance and
repair of the bins, vehicles, sorting facilities, recycling yards, etc. The other costs involve all
other cost that could not been foreseen, or costs that depend on a third party. Even though
these costs are difficult to define, a budget for covering risks should be considered.
In this sense, project partners from target cities, together with the municipalities and waste
management companies have calculated the all costs that are generated due to the waste
management activities in their municipalities. The average cost for each waste fraction is
presented in the table.

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Average cost of different waste management in different cities

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Managerial feasibility
Zero hunger is the second top priority goals in UNSDG. The challenge of Zero Hunger means
the following

• Zero stunted children (less than 2 years).

• 100% access to adequate food (all year round).
• All food system is sustainable.
• 100% increase in marginal productivity and income.
• Zero loss or food wastage.

Mega food parks

The scheme aims to link agricultural production to markets by using a cluster approach,
implemented by an SPV. It supports the creation of infrastructure for setting up modern food
processing units in the park and connecting it with a well-established supply chain. The
scheme provides a capital grant of 50-75%, subject to a maximum of $7.15 per project.2 Till
March 2019, 42 such parks were under various stages of implementation.

Cold chain, value addition & preservation infra

The scheme aims to provide integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facilities
along the entire supply chain of food processing. It covers Minimal Processing Centre having
weighing, sorting, grading, packing, storage and quick freezing facilities. Grant-in-aid, up to
a maximum of $1.43 , is provided for 35.50% storage infrastructure and transport
infrastructure and 50-75% value addition and processing infrastructure. Until March 2019,
299 approved cold chain projects were under various stages of implementation.
Creation of food processing & preservation capacities
The scheme aims to create and modernize processing and preservation capacities by
increasing the level of processing and value addition, leading to a reduction in Wastage.
Under the scheme, a capital grant of 35- 50%, subject to a maximum of $0.71 per project is
provided. Till December 2018, 134 projects were approved under this scheme.

Creation of backward & forward linkages

The scheme aims to provide effective and seamless backward and forward integration in the
processed food industry. Financial assistance is provided for setting up primary processing
canters, collection canters and modern retail outlets. This is supplemented with connectivity
through insulated or refrigerated transport. The

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scheme provides a capital grant of 35-50%, subject to a maximum of $0.71 per project. Till
December 2018, 70 projects were approved under this scheme.

Food safety & quality assurance infra

The scheme aims to make India‘s food and agro-processing sector have a competitive edge in
the market by creating infrastructure for safety and quality assurance services. Under this
scheme, the government extends financial assistance of 50-70%for the cost of laboratory
equipment and 25-33% for civil work and 50-75% reimbursement for HACCP/ ISO
Standards/Food Safety/Quality Management Systems. Till November 2018, 76 Food Testing
labs were instituted under the scheme.

Agro processing cluster

The scheme aims at cluster approach based development of modern infrastructure and
common facilities to encourage a group of entrepreneurs to set up food processing units. The
scheme provides grants-in-aid of 35- 50% of eligible project cost, up to a maximum of $1.43
per project. Till December 2018, 33 projects were approved under the scheme.

What is food waste?

There are two main kinds of wasted food: food loss and food waste. Food loss is the bigger
category, and incorporates any edible food that goes uneaten at any stage. In addition to food
that‘s uneaten in homes and stores, this includes crops left in the field, food that spoils in
transportation, and all other food that doesn‘t make it to a store. Some amount of food is lost
at nearly every stage of food production.

Where is food lost?

Edible food is discarded at every point along the food chain: on farms and fishing boats,
during processing and distribution, in retail stores, in restaurants and at home.
Food loss on farm

Food loss occurs on farms for a variety of reasons. To hedge against pests and weather,
farmers often plant more than consumers demand. Food may not be harvested because of
damage by weather, pests and disease. Market conditions off the farm can lead farmers to
throw out edible food. If the price of produce on the market is lower than the cost of
transportation and labour, sometimes farmers will leave their crops un- harvested. This
practice, called dumping, happens when farmers are producing more of a product that people
are willing to buy, or when demand for a product falls unexpectedly. During the COVID-19
pandemic, for example, farmers lost a major portion of their business due to restaurant and
school lunchroom closures. This led them to the painful decision to low over edible crops and
dump up to 3.7 million gallons of milk per day onto fields rather than go through the
additional cost of harvesting and processing products they could not sell. While the
government has programs to buy excess produce and donate it to food shelves and emergency
relief organizations, the highly specialized processing and transportation networks for many

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products makes donation difficult and expensive. Cosmetic imperfections (leading to
so-called ―ugly produce‖) are another significant source of food waste on farms both before
and after harvest, as consumers are less interested in misshaped or blemished items. Food
safety scares and improper refrigeration and handling can also force farmers to throw out
otherwise edible food.

Food Loss in Produce Packing Houses

Some produce that does not meet strict retailer or consumer cosmetic standards goes to
suppliers for processing, but even if they are willing to accept the produce, the supplier must
be close enough to justify transportation costs and able to accept large volumes of produce.
These cost barriers make it particularly challenging for small and midsize farmers to get these
secondary items to processors.

Food Loss in Manufacturing Facilities

Most waste at manufacturing and processing facilities is generated while trimming off edible
portions, such as skin, fat, crusts and peels from food. Some of this is recovered and used for
other purposes — in the US, about 33 percent of food waste from manufacturing goes to
animal feed. Even with this recovered and reused material taken out of the calculation, about
two billion pounds of food are wasted in the food processing or manufacturing stage. A
number of issues, like overproduction, product damage and technical problems at
manufacturing facilities contribute to these large quantities of food waste. Much like Farms,
food processing facilities are vulnerable to labour disruptions and shortages. During the
COVID-19 outbreak, many meat processing facilities closed as workers fell ill, which forced
processing plants to close. This meant that the animals, which could no longer be processed,
were slaughtered and discarded by the thousand. Food loss in transportation and distribution
networks during food transportation and distribution, perishable foods are vulnerable to loss,
especially in developing nations where access to adequate and reliable refrigeration,
infrastructure and transportation can be a challenge. While this is not a significant source of
food waste in the US; food waste does occur when produce spoils from improper
refrigeration. A larger problem occurring at this stage is the rejection of perishable food
shipments, which are thrown out if another buyer can‘t be found quickly. It is estimated that
between two and five percent of food shipments are rejected by food buyers. Even if these
goods make it to market, they are often wasted anyway because of shorter shelf lives. Often,
rejected food shipments are donated to food rescue organizations, but the quantities are too
large to accept.

Where is food wasted?

• Food Waste in Restaurants and Institution
• Food Waste in Household
• Food Waste in Retail Businesses

The following are the partnered food recovery Organisations.

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• All India Roti bank trust.

• Delhi langar seva society.

• Double roti.

• Feeding India.

• Feed the poor campaign.

• Food security foundation India-India food bank network.

• Food bank-India.

• Giveaway India.

• Helping India feeding India.

• Mera parivar- foodbank.

• No food waste.

• Rasoi on wheel.

• Roti ghar.

• Sab ki rasoi.

• Rise against hunger.

Social feasibility or acceptability

For social feasibility and acceptability, I created Google form and asked various people about
the innovative product. There replies regarding product are;

1. Do you believe that G2F is important?

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Figure 1.1

2. If the concept of G2F introduced in the market, it can make the change in the market ?

Figure 1.2

According to these two questions responses we can understand one thing that people are
interested in the concept of G2F. Here is food for everyone and G2F make it possible.
3. Are you also putting some efforts to collect some food by the idea of G2F?

Figure 1.3

4. What matters for you?

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Figure 1.4

By going through their responses, I got that many of them wanted that I should focus on
advertisement and quality more so that customer get to know about my services and get
higher satisfaction by higher quality.

Strategy and Implementation

Our strategy is based on delivering a strong customer value in niche market. We are looking
to offer the local city its surrounding area. We are building our marketing infrastructure so
that we can eventually reach more customers. We focus on satisfy customer need and wants.
We intended to use various forms of marketing communication as an efficient way to reach
our target market and raise their awareness about food waste in India. In additional , we will
use effective advertising tools to promote the business .`Use Instagram face book page, put
the recipes that chefs and influencers have created from leftovers, tips and tricks on how to
make food last longer, simple three- and four-ingredient recipes
An exclusive membership loyalty program that gives customers an BOGO ( Buy One, Get
One) and complimentary drinks, salad. G2F can make people feel as emotional about the
issue of food waste, and that Covid-19 will change people‘s relationship with food for good.
Eat well and protect the planet.
The gift card for friend, family or any needy person contains a unique credit code that is
activated in his app and is valid at all restaurant, cafe and shops in app.

Marketing Strategy
The marketing strategy of our firm centres on creating and developing a corporate identify
that clearly define our market niche in terms that benefit our retails and corporate customer
since our target market includes two major segment – lower to middle class resident – their
most importance need are service, price, delivery in that order. One of the key of our firm ‗s
strategy is to focus on theses target segments that know and understand these needs and are
willing to pay a reasonable price to have fulfilled cost- effective use of marketing money is
one of our key to success .To reach our potential customer, a combination of marketing
techniques will be utilize.

Radio Advertisement
Of all the media, radio has the shortest closing times: Radio uses only an audio (sound)
signal. The copy can be submitted up to air time. Announcement can be made very quickly. It
can secure dealer support. It has a very wide appeal. It is suitable even for illiterate people.
Repeat message is quite common. Spoken word has greater impact than written word.
However, radio cannot permit selective advertising. It cannot give detailed information. It has
low memory value. People remember far more of what they see than of what they hear.
Its cost is high. It may not be very effective as listeners may not like it. Many a time, they are
bored by repeat messages.

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Direct Mail Advertising
Either of the techniques mentioned above can be incorporated into direct mail. It simply
means that your printed pieces are mailed directly to the consumer. This is a technique that
has been and continues to be, abused by inferior marketing agencies that have turned the craft
into junk mail. If it is creative and intelligently conceived and executed, direct mail can be a
fantastic way to engage the customer. Do not count it out.

Outdoor Advertising

Also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising, this is a broad term that describes any type of
advertising that reaches consumers when they are away from home. Think of billboards, bus
shelter posters, fly posters, and even those big digital boards in Times Square.

Cell Phone & Mobile Advertising

A dominating force in digital advertising is through mobile devices such as cell phones, pads,
Kindles, and other portable electronic devices with internet connectivity. Current trends in
mobile advertising
involve major use of social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat, LinkedIn, and Face
book. Mobile advertising is similar to online advertising and is increasingly gaining
importance as a method of reaching new customers. Word of mouth All marketing decisions
with regards to specific media choice frequency , size and cost will be conducted on an on-
going basis with careful consideration of result ( generate revenue).

Pricing strategy

Our retails and corporate customer are especially sensitive to service value. As a firm we
must ensure that price and service are perceived to be good value to our customer. High
quality meal at reasonable price, but the price will certainly not be the lowest in the area.
Therefore our customer strategy will be competitive within the various product range but will
not rely on the selling price to overshadow other advantages of doing business with our
company , such as diverse line of high quality of surplus food product, that are readily
available , reasonably priced and backed by service excellence and on time delivery . In
additional, we recognize that price flexibility is critical to our success. We are prepared to
offer sales promotion prices and price over limited of time during the slow hours, in order to
increase our operating capacity usage, and reduce or eliminate idle capacity and subsequent

Sales Strategy

Because our is a new entity, we recognize that we will need to prove our company‘s worth to
local customer, in order to earn respect and business. Most important, we need to sell our
company, not necessarily product and service a, and create positive word- of-mouth. We will
have to push our service and delivery capacities. . The real sales effort will be focus in the

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conversion of each first – time customer into a long term customer relationship. Where these
customers come regularly to our App and also bring or refer friend. Every member of our
team will be empowered to deal with our customer ‗request in such a way that no customer
should leave dissatisfaction. Problem solving will be encouraged throughout the organization,
and it would also be a fair to say that each employee is part of sales staff, not only the first –
line –servers.

Sales Forecast
The first month will be slow. As with any start-up, the early stages were when we faced the
biggest challenges. When initially trying to explain the concept to both potential stores and
customers, it was hard to convey the message that this was not food that was meant to be
thrown out but food that would be thrown out if no one saved it. The idea of eating the food
scraps off of people‘s plates was what jumped into people‘s heads – so it took some time to
perfectly articulate our message and explain our concept correctly. It was largely about
changing the mentality and perceptions of what food waste was, but nowadays this is a well-
covered topic with lots of concern and focus .The projected average monthly sales around
lakhs. Considering an average or minimum 50 per head, we would need to sell on average
100 meals each day. Two weeks are reserved each year for pay vacation, when the restaurant
will be close, but important maintenance works are scheduled. In peak days like weekends
sales is higher than normal days. We believe this target market share to be reasonable and

Chapter 4

Stages in Project Formulation

Techno-economic analysis
Techno -economic assessment or techno- economic analysis is a method of analysing the
economic performance of an industrial process, product, or, service. It typically uses software
modelling to estimate capital cost, operating cost, and revenue based on technical inputs

Cost of machines and equipment’s

S. No Machine/Equipment Cost in Rupees

1. Food extruder with accessories 21,000/-
2. Hammer Mill 25,000/-
3 Burr Grinder 42,000/-

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4. Spice Flavor coating drum 90,000/-
5. Vehicles for collecting the waste 36,000/-
6. Weighing Balance 26,000/-
7. Moisture Tester 50,000/-
8. Furniture 28,000/-
9. Containers for raw materials and finished product. 35,000/-
10. Crates 20,000/-

T 3,73000/-

Cost of land and buildings

S. No Item Cost in Rupees

1. Land area 600 sq. ft. @ Rs. 500 per sq. ft. 3,00,000/-
2. Construction cost @ Rs. 1500 per sq. ft. 9,00,000/-
Total 12,00,000/-

Variable cost
S. No Items Cost in
1. Labour Charges
(a.) One Manager/Supervisor 25,000/-
(b.) One operator 12,000/-
(c.) One helper 8,000/-
(d.) One watchman 5,000/-
Total 50,000 /-
2. Electricity charges for 500 kW in a month @ 7/- per Kw 35,000/-

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Project design and network analysis
Before shrinking our focus, we have continued the analysis by highlighting the trends that will affect
our behaviour as consumers and, more in general, the Food Service Industry in the future, giving
particular attention to the hard time we are living at the moment, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is now widely recognized that the risk of many diseases can be decreased and health can be
preserved by adopting a correct diet and lifestyle; the concept of diet is more broadly linked to the
improvement in people‘s overall well-being. In fact, consumers pay increasingly attention to a healthy
lifestyle which also explains why in recent years the Mediterranean diet has become the norm on
healthy-eating across the globe. In the Western World, consumers will also continue to reject products
that contain too many Additives, and instead embrace local natural ingredients, either fresh or
traditionally processed.

Input and Financial analysis

S. No Input analysis Financial analysis
1. Food extruder with accessories 21,000/-
2. Electricity charges for 500 kW in a month @ 7/- per Kw 35,000/-
3 Land area 600 sq. ft. @ Rs. 500 per sq. ft. 30,000/-
4. Construction cost @ Rs. 1500 per sq. ft. 90,000/-
5. Vehicles for collecting the waste 36,000/-

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6. Weighing Balance 26,000/-
7. Moisture Tester 50,000/-
8. Furniture 28,000/-
9. Containers for raw materials and finished product. 35,000/-
10. Crates 20,000/-
Tota 371000/-

Social cost-benefit analysis

Social cost-benefit analysis is an extension of economic cost-benefit analysis, adjusted to take
into account the full spectrum of costs and benefits (including social and environmental
effects) borne by society as a whole as a result of an intervention)
The foremost aim of all the individual firm or a company is to earn maximum possible return
from the investment on their project. In this aspect project promoters are interested in wealth
maximization. Hence the project promoters tend to evaluate only the commercial profitability
of a project. There are some projects that may not offer attractive returns as for as
commercial profitability is concerned but still such projects are undertaken since they have
social implications
Such projects are analysed for their net socio economic benefits and the profitability analysis
which is nothing but the socio-economic cost benefit analysis done at the national level.
Cleanness and wellness is the first need of the people. people can‘t survive in such
environment which is dirty, and not wellbeing. We are in such a market where every person
is customer. this market is a rat trap and the cleanness is the need/food for the customer, if the
customer stuck in that trap, no one going to save them. That‘s the first success principle of
our business. we are all working on the need of the customer. there is need, there is business.
if we satisfied the need of the customer automatically business grows up.
Satisfied need = Successful business.

Chapter 5

Project appraisal & Future scope of study

After completion of this research and project on my idea, I found that our society really needs
these kinds of services and people really want to buy these services. Yes, I know still the idea
has some issues like trust issues and nobody wants leave their renowned brands in the initial
stage, for my brand. But I am quite sure that future of G2F will be bright and will grow not
soon but gradually.
Cleanness and wellness is the first need of the people. people can‘t survive in such
environment which is dirty, and not wellbeing. We are in such a market where every person
is customer. This market is a rat trap and the cleanness is the need/food for the customer, if
the customer stuck in that trap, no one going to save them. That‘s the first success principle
of our business. We are all working on the need of the customer.
There is need, there is business. If we satisfied the need of the customer automatically
business grows up.

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The interest of consumers reaches much further than the final product nowadays, they are
looking for sustainability in the food industry as a whole. Plenty of customers look for food
products which have low environmental impacts, starting from the external package.
Additionally, a key concern is food waste: with more than 50 million tonnes of fresh fruit and
vegetables discarded each year across Europe alone, for reasons no more than aesthetic,
growers and producers need to ensure that any crop unsuitable for retail is pumped into
industrial ingredient supply chain, thus avoiding unnecessary transport, packaging and
storage costs, as well as waste. This step in product development including drafting the
concept, creating the design developing the product or service, and defining the marketing.
We will discuss the first two in this project.
According to several types of research, approximately 40 present of the food prepared at a
wedding venue is wasted and thrown away after the wedding ends. India‘s estimated 10
million weddings a year contribute to food wastage. Same as hotel industry waste lots of food
on daily basis. Sadly lots of fruit and vegetables are wasted before they end up in the
supermarket. Sometimes they are too big, sometimes too small - or perhaps they are
misshapen. That goes for other products too. Supermarkets won‘t let them hit the shelves if
they are nearing the end of their life, but they‘re still perfectly delicious and have weeks left
to enjoy them. We know that it‘s the inside that counts, so we‘re here Stop find them all a
good home so nothing goes to waste. Our fruits and vegetables are sourced from producers,
wholesalers and farms - that would otherwise have been wasted.

Upcoming platform of G2F where we can sell surplus food at

minimum price

Typically, restaurants, bakeries, cafes and other food businesses with surplus food at the end
of the day are forced to throw it out. With the app, customers can save this excess food from
being wasted by pre-ordering a portion online and stopping by just before closing time to
pick up the surplus food in take-away boxes.
Through the app, businesses earn money on food that would otherwise be wasted, consumers
enjoy a delicious meal at a low price, and both help prevent unnecessary food waste.
Through app, we connect our users( hotel, restaurant ,wedding function, bakery ,super market
farmers ) with delicious unsold food from a variety of stores and restaurants all over Delhi a
geophysical-targeted map to show users the restaurants closest to them with leftover food
available for collection any special time at minimum cost # Fight against hunger.
Sell food that they buy from the hotel/ restaurant at a great price. Stores make extra cash on
food that would have otherwise cost them to throw out. Customers win by getting a great
value meal – collecting tasty food at a reduced price. There is the option for the user to
donate ₹ alongside his purchase, which will go towards providing a meal to someone who
needs it.


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• Download the free app and browse all the available offers in your area (using an
integrated map)

• Make your selection and pay via the app (using services such as Paytm ,Phone
pay, debit card ,)

• Show your in-app order confirmation OTP to staff on collection.

Find you
Download Get rescue
the APP it

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis provides us with an excellent opportunity to examine and evaluate the
internal strength and weakness of our firm. It also allows us to focus on the external
opportunities presented by the business environment as well as potential threat

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Wide community for Low brand recognition
final product Difficult to covey the
Efficient business message
Reduce food wastages


Low level of food Few competitors
awarness about Food Increase attention to
wastages sustanability impact

Limitations of G2F

The major problem that I faced during my project was the limitation of time due to which it
was not possible to include all the aspect of new idea development. Though I have tried my
best to keep the report free errors but few drawbacks my occur merely due to time limitation
and lack of secondary source of information.


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