Energy Quentin

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The different sources of energy are changing because of global warming.

There are many new

projects all around the world. Gunter Paoli created one of those projects. The goal of his project is to
create biogas with seaweed.

The project has begun in Argentina. The process is in three parts. First, they cultivate seaweeds in the
ocean, and because it is in the ocean, they cultivate them in 3D, so they create parcel of 3 meters
high. Secondly, they collect the seaweeds and finally make them ferment.

What is so great about this project is that they need only 1% of Argentina’s marine territory to create
enough energy for the whole country. Furthermore, the cost of one gas schist barrel is 48 $ whereas
it is only 8$ for a seaweed gas barrel.

The project is moreover environmentally friendly and socially conscious. In fact, cultivating seaweed
is recreating biodiversity and bring back fishes, seashells or oysters. By working in collaboration with
fishers, they can also multiply by 10 the number of fish caught and so create new job.

Gunter Paoli created in 2010 the concept of “blue economy”. In this economy there is never any
waste. Therefore, after making the gas, the rest of the seaweed is used to make fertilizer.

To conclude, this amazing project has so many good aspects that should make it work. It is at the
same time respecting environment and the local population, and creating a renewable energy
without any pollution.

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