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This is a list of my Mentors who have helped me learn from their expertise and experiences of life.”

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does, keep going.” –Sam Levenson

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Sunday Nelson Olaniya (Dad) My Dad has been my major motivator and my number one fan whom I
learned a lot from and made me who I am today, he taught me the power of Perseverance

He always tells us that being successful is not always about being the most talented, beautiful, or
smartest BUT it's about being the most persistent.

Also, every disappointment you get is another opportunity to learn from and grow stronger, so keep
pushing forward, do not get distracted, be focused on your goals, and never underestimate the power of
your determination.

Agbeke Victoria Olaniya(Mum)- Hmmmmnnnn, a strong woman who believes and has a slogan that
one’s handwork will never deceive him/her. She is a workaholic and prayer warrior,I appreciates my
mum because she is always there for me to look after my home and kids while at work and even
pursuing my careers. Her quote that have kept me going till day is “Always remember the child of whom
you are’.

Omotunde Olasunkanmi Idowu(Husband)- My Crown as I fondly call you, the assurance of you standing
by me, your dedication, passion inspire me every day. I learned through your behavior ‘Integrity is the
cornerstone of true success, both personally and professionally, you always tell me to stay and hold on
truly to my values even when faced with temptations, that I should always priotize honesty,
transparency and fairness in all I do. And that reputation for integrity is invaluable and it will open doors
to talents and skills alone cannot.

Prof Kelly MC Guire Smith- She has helped me establish realistic goals related to my course in Child and
Youth Care, provided support in achieving them, guided me in reflecting on my challenges, strength and
always helped to identify the areas of growth

Professor Rosie Reid- My lecturer has demonstrated Role Modelling to me unknown to her, by
demonstrating professionalism, ethical conduct, passion for learning serving as a positive model to
emulate and offering constructive feedback on academic work.

Professor Lisa Shunock- She is a Life Mentor to me, teaching me to think differently, how to be open-
minded to all spheres of life, building resilience and sharing her experiences in life or on field and go to
the extent of bringing motivational books for us to read.

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