CV - Duca Ovidiu-Petru

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Duca Ovidiu-Petru

LinkedIn: E-mail:

Phone number: +40783037772

● Bachelor of Science: Computer Science | Politehnica University of Timisoara (October 2022 -
June 2025)
● WellCode Mentorship Program (September 2021 - March 2022)
- Studied programming guided by experienced mentors who worked for Google and Facebook
● High School | "Lucian Blaga" National College Sebes (2017 - 2021)
Scored 100% in the Computer Science graduate project.

● React Developer | Amdaris (March 2022 - Present)
- Roll out new features (chat, feedback system, etc.)
- Mentoring new team members (code reviews, explanation, etc.)
- Participated in all phases of software development, including initial design, prototype
development, and production
- Validated and analysis customer interface requirements and assessed impact of needs on
available systems
- Enforced Agile development methodology on interface projects to shorten development times
- Worked with web development technologies like React, Node, Express, JavaScript, JavaScript
Object Notation, Typescript, Swagger
● Freelance React Developer | Softwin (August 2022 - October 2022)
- Led development of ScoalaIntuitext for the implementation of the main functionalities of the
application (tests and lessons), written in React. Wrote 100% of the code. Shipped 3 weeks
ahead of schedule. Achieved excellent stability
- Built the next version of client web application to add new user designs and features using
React and Redux
- Developed new React components for the customer facing web application
- Used redux to store data globally and for easy retrieval of data to any component in the app.
- Developed sound knowledge on React, Redux, Redux Toolkit for front end
● Freelance Web Developer (December 2021 - February 2022)
- A contract management system enables companies to create new contracts and track the
status of existing payments to ensure customers pay on time
- Full stack web developer responsible for end-to-end web app development
- Developed an Payments Tracking system for an IT company
- Each pull request was reviewed by the internal team of software developers
- Technologies used: React, Express.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Git

● C++, Java, JavaScript, SQL Databases


● Competitive Programming: I participate in online programming competitions like Codeforces, LeetCode,
and the Cloudflight Coding Contest (CCC). These activities have honed my problem-solving and
programming skills.
● Chess: I'm an avid chess player with a rating exceeding 1000, demonstrating my commitment to the
game and my continuous improvement in strategic thinking and decision-making.

● English
● German

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