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V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with BRING.

When his mother died, Brendan was….. by relatives in Australia

I'm sure getting wet last week….. my cold

The publishers are …..Tony's first novel in the spring

She had fainted, but we managed to ….. her…… by splashing water on her face

Whenever I bear that tune, it …. happy memories of my childhood

Her part-time work …… enough to pay the bills

By lobbying Members of Parliament, we hope to ……. a change in the law.

When his customers refused to buy, the shopkeeper was forced to……

Could I ……. one last point, Mr Chairman?

I hope I'll be able to ….. him …. to my point of view before I vote on it

In the end the government was ….. by a crisis in the Cabinet

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with GO.

People get older as the years …..

His first speech a new law to protect rare birds.


very well and everybody clapped.

I think he's broken his leg. I'll stay with him while you___ help.

When I finish my studies, I'll probably









12. He stopped for a drink of water, and then

13. Angrily the teacher asked what was

Did you understand that, or shall I



I'm sure you can do it! Just try!

Leave me alone! Just______!

As we sat there, the lights suddenly

tonight, Elaine, remember

If you're

Just imagine what the poor man

That meat smells terrible! I think it has

to my point of view before we vote on it.

by a crisis in the Cabinet


your dog

Would anyone like to

You may have to

flight is delayed.

The rate of inflation last year from 4% to 5%.

I'm afraid those red curtains don't

plugging the house into darkness.

to take your door key with you.

locked up for a crime he hadn't committed.

the green carpet.

his prices.

to finish his speech.

VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with BRING, SET, STAND or TAKE

The company is thinking of

a new branch in the Middle East.

happy memories.

Talking about the past has

I_____ everything I said yesterday - I'm not withdrawing a single word.

You'd better


the information in your notebook, otherwise you'll forget it.

International General Certificate of Secondary Education.

Terence doesn't agree with me at the moment, but I'll soon

All the alarms were


when the downstairs window was broken.

Can't you see it's frightening my little girl?

any other points, before we close the meeting?

for the chairman, and give the speech of welcome, if his

it again?

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