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FM-QA-07, Rev: 00, Effective Date: 03-03-2022

PART -II: (Response and Action)

Documentation Cause of the event

CAUSE: Gloves are purchased in 100 pack box, and demanded in number of single
unique orders like 1 pair - 10 pairs and onwards. Suggest Us a better way of
dispensing other than demand bags. If these bags would dispense in plastic it would
cause even more infection.
I request Relevant department not to raise the concerns only but rather also come up
with solutions by providing us following data:

1. What brands are available with single packing they require? Discuss and demand
that gloves so that we can provide accordingly.
2. How dispensing in demand bags cause infections and plastic bag zippers it will not
cause any infection?

Document Correction and Prevention Action(s) taken

Prevention and correction actions will be taken once I will understand what exactly is
required and Further it will be completed and demand will met accordingly.

Document Event Recurrence prevention strategies with timelines


2. Timeline:

3. Timeline:

4. Timeline:

5. Timeline:

Name of HOD: SUNDAS PERVAIZ Signature of HOD: SUNDAS Date: 7-4-2023


Forward the Response to Quality Department

Review and comments by Quality Department

Comments by ED (In case of S1 and S2 level incidents closing)

FM-QA-07, Rev: 00, Effective Date: 03-03-2022

Signature: Date:

Follow up Remarks by Quality Department

FM-QA-07, Rev: 00, Effective Date: 03-03-2022

Signature: Date:

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