Actividad de Inglés Fabrizio Giacobbe de Barros 27536103

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Profe: Mary Zuluaga

1) Seleccione 5 palabras por cada Categoría Gramatical (Sustantivo, Pronombre, Adjetivo,

Adverbio, Preposición y Conector) y traduzca cada palabra aplicando la técnica de búsqueda
en el Diccionario Bilingüe.

My friend Luciano´s dog is very friendly, always wagging his tail when I pet him. But his aunt is very bad
with me, she doesn´t let me get close to the dog and sometimes she scolds me because I go to Luciano´s
house to play.
I get very angry and I want to scream at her but my mom is very intelligent and always tells me that I
must control my impulses. Emotions are strong and sometimes it isn´t possible to control them, but it is
necessary to try.
My dad has a very large car and sometimes he takes us for a walk with my friends and me. He buys us ice
creams and takes us to the movies. My dad is very good to me. Luciano´s mom isn´t like her sister. She is
very nice and understanding. My friend Luciano is almost every day with his annoying aunt, but sometimes I
go at night and his mom is very nice, she invites me to dinner and helps us with our homework.
Luciano and his family aren´t from here, they are from Madrid, Spain. Madrid is a beautiful and old
Spanish city, once I had gone with my parents to spend the holidays, I liked it a lot, I would like to come
back soon.

2) Seleccione 10 Verbos y traduzca cada verbo aplicando la técnica de búsqueda en el Diccionario



The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and for the
environment. Those findings come from a new report in the journal Nature.

There are ways to solve this diet-health-environment problem. But they will require a change in
eating. And what we eat can be a product of culture, personal taste, price and case. David Tillman is a
professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota. In the study, he has examined information from 100
countries to identify what people ate and how diet affected health.

Mr. Tillman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that as nations industrialized,
population increased and earnings rose. More people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.
The Western diet is high in refined, or processed, sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods, people
began to get fatter – and sicker.

“The excess, let us say, in the 15 richest nations of the world, right now is on the order of about 400
or 500 extra calories a day that are eaten beyond what people need, and that leads people to gain weight.
David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for non-infectious diseases like diabetes,
heart disease and some cancers. Good


Actividad 1

- Friendly: frend´le/adj/amable, simpático, amistoso.

- Always: ol´waz/adv/siempre, para siempre.

- I: i/pron/yo.

- But: but/conj/pero, más, sino, no obstante, excepto.

- His: hiz/adj-pron/suyo, el de él.

- Aunt: ant/s/tía.

- Bad: bad/adj/malo.

- With: with/prep/junto.

- Sometimes: timz´/adv/de vez en cuando, a veces.

- Because: bi-koz´- kuz´/conj/porque.

- And: end, and/conj/y, e.

- Emotions: i-mo´shen/s/emoción.

- It: it/pron/lo, la.

- To: too, te/prep/a, hacia, hasta, contra, de, para, por, según, de acuerdo con, comparado a, me-nos,
para, hasta, para, en, por, en honor a, para, ante, con.

- For: for, fer/prep/para, por, para, hacia, desde hace, de.

- He: he/pron/él – s/varón.

- My: mi/adj/mi.

- Dad: dad/s/papá.

- Mom: mom/s/mamá.

- Like: lik/prep/como.

- Her: her, hur/adj/su, de ella.

- She: she/pron/ella.

- Almost: ol´most´/adv/casi, por poco.

- Family: fam´e-le/s/familia.

- Here: hir/adv/aquí.

- They: tha/pron/ellos, ellas.

- Once: wuns/adv/una vez, en otro tiempo antes, hace tiempo.

Actividad 2

- Is: iz/tercera persona/sg/de be.

- Are: ar/segunda persona/sing y pl/de be.

- Eat: et/vt/comer, tomar, corroer.

- Can: kan, ken/aux/poder, saber.

- Has: haz/tercera persona sing de have.

- Found: found/vt/fundar, fundamentar.

- Began: bi-gin/vt & vi/empezar, comenzar.

- Noted: no´tid/adj/notable, eminente.

- Need: ned/vt/necesitar.

- Says: sa/vt/decir.

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