Semester Project Proposal 2

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Mekelle University

Ethiopian Institute of Technology Mekelle

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Stream: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Semester Project Title on:
Performance Analysis of Spatial Diversity Techniques in
Wireless Communication System.
Semester Project Proposal Submitted to Electronics and Communication
Engineering chair

Submitted by:
1.TEKLAY MEKONEN Eitm/ur130538/10
2.TEKLEWEINI TEWELAY Eitm/ur 129503/10
3.KIBROM BERHE Eitm/ur 129432/10
4.KIDANEMARIAM HAILU Eitm/ur 129434/10

Advisor: Ephrem Biedu(Msc) submission date 6/3/2016E.C

Content Page

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ ii

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1

2. Literature Review ................................................................................................................................... 2

3. Problem of statement ............................................................................................................................. 3

4. Objectives of the study .......................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 General objective of the study ....................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Specific objectives..................................................................................................................4

5. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 5

6. Time table of the semester project ....................................................................................................... 6

7. References ............................................................................................................................................... 6


Wireless communication is used to transfer information over long distances. The main obstacle
of wireless signal transmission over long distance is fluctuations of the received signal compared
to the signal transmitted by the transmitter. This fluctuation of signal is said to be fading. To
overcome the fading effect, antenna diversity techniques are the useful methods in wireless
communications. In this project, different antenna diversity techniques such as maximum ratio
combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC) and selective mapping combining will be
compared and analyzed to choose the best technique. Additionally, the wireless channel effects
such as flat fading, Rayleigh fading, Racian fading and Weibull fading will examine. Finally, the
proposed technique will evaluate its performance in terms of the wireless performance
parameters such as Carrier to noise ratio (CNR), Carrier to interference ratio (CIR), Signal to
Noise Ratio (SNR) and Bit error rate (BER).

1. Introduction

Communication is the process of exchanging information from one point to other point through
different types of transmission medium. Based on transmission media, there are two types of
communication system. These are wired and wireless. Guided media (wired), refers to
the transmission of the information over a wire based communication technology include
twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable. Of those wired Media’s fiber optic is the
most efficient because it has large bandwidth, more reliable, and higher flexibility. In wireless
media, information is transmitted by radiating a modulated electromagnetic wave at a certain
carrier frequency by means of a transmitter antenna and picking up energy of the radiated wave
by means of a receiver antenna. The electrical signal has to change to electromagnetic wave
using antenna in order to radiate through space. Since most of our service such as radio
broadcasting, mobile communication, TV broadcasting and satellite applications are done
wirelessly the study of antenna is one task in communication system [1].
Therefor wireless communication is the major types of communications effectives in the present
world. Wireless communication is used to transfer information over both short and long
distances depending on requirement [10]. Therefor wireless communication is the major types of
communications effectives in the present world. Wireless communication is used to transfer
information over both short and long distances depending on requirement [10]. In modern
wireless communication fading is a common characteristic. Fading is occurred because of both
long term and short-term fluctuations of the received signal compared to the signal transmitted
by the transmitter [1]. To overcome the fading effect, we use different types of diversity
techniques. Diversity techniques are the useful methods to reduce fading problem in wireless
communications. The best diversity techniques can be selected by analyzing and comparing the
different types of diversity techniques. Moreover, different diversity techniques can be combined
and used in wireless communication systems to get the best result to mitigate fading problems
[2]. This project is detail deal how the diversity antenna helps to reduce the fading effect of
wireless communication at the transmission of signal from starting to the end. Diversity antenna
is a technology for wireless communications in which multiple antennas are used at both the
source (transmitter) and the destination (receiver). The antennas at each end of the
communications circuit are combined to minimize errors and optimize data speed. When an
electromagnetic field (EM field) is meet with obstructions such as hills, buildings, and utility
wires, the wave fronts are scattered, and thus they take many paths to reach the destination [2].
The late arrival of scattered portions of the signal causes problems such as fading. In digital
communications systems such as wireless Internet, it can cause a reduction in data speed and an
increase in the number of errors. The use of two or more antennas, along with the transmission of
multiple signals (one for each antenna) at the source and the destination, eliminates the trouble
caused by multipath wave propagation, and can even take advantage of this effect.
This project will discuss about Rayleigh fading, flat fading, slow fading, Bit Error Rate (BER),
Signal to noise ratio (SNR), maximum-ratio combing and selecting combing ,Equal gain
combing (EGC) of antenna Diversity technique.

1. Literature Review

To get basic understanding of the project concepts we have reviewed recent related literatures.
To minimize the effect of fading, a lot of projects have been done which most of them have
mainly focused on either cooperative Diversity schemes.
T. S. Rapp port [1], in this paper interference is caused by deep-fades that occur at a particular
point in space, or at a particular time or frequency and results in severe degradation of the quality
of signals at the receiver making it impossible to detect or decode. Several mathematical models
have been developed to describe such channels. The model takes into account the phenomenon
of multipath fading and correlation between sub-channels. Common models employ Rayleigh,
Rician and Sakagami-m distributions to approximate actual channel conditions.
G. J. Foschini et al [2], in this paper wireless communication has made a tremendous impact on
the lifestyle of a human being. Wireless network provides high speed mobility for voice as well
as data traffic from variety of sources. The fundamental phenomenon which makes transmission
unreliable is time varying fading. However, this work shows that only the selection and optimum
S.Diggavi et al [3], in this paper Shadow fading is caused by transient or location-dependent
obstruction of the line-of-sight path, for instance by a passing person. Shadow fading is typically
slow, leading to burst losses on the order of tens to hundreds of packets or longer-term outages
which cannot be handled effectively using retransmissions or interleaving due to the incurred
delay. Shadow fading cannot be overcome with compact multi-antenna arrays due to the much
higher spatial correlation in LOS attenuation. this paper only study about shadowed fading and
not consider other fading type.
J.J. Popoola [4], in this paper Therefore spatial diversity in shadow fading is fundamentally
limited by the antenna packing problem on small form factor devices, whether client or access
point. At times, there will be changes in the relative path lengths. This could result from either
transmitter or receiver moving, or any of the objects that provide a reflective surface move. This
will result in phases of the signal arriving at the receiver changing, and in turn this will result in
the signal strength varying. When a mobile receiving antenna receive a large number of reflected
and scattered signals, because of the signal cancellation effect, the instantaneous received power
seen by a moving antenna becomes a random variable, dependent on the location of the antenna.
There drawback the result did not show clearly by graph.
M. Karim et al [5], in this paper Since, modern wireless communication systems are typically
used in urban setting, where many high buildings, foliage and street signs are located between
the transmitter and receiver, the radio transmission environment in urban areas is characterized
by multi-path propagation.
Andrej Stefanovet et al [6], in this paper Showed that cooperative diversity can be exploited
together with spatial diversity from multiple transmitters receive antennas. However, it is not
clear that whether the combination of cooperative diversity with multiple antennas will continue
to substantially improve the performance if the number of relays or antennas is large. This paper
the diversity gains decrease with the decrease in the inter–user channel quality did not show SNR
and BER.

W. C. Jakes et al [7], in this paper the seminal work by Foschini and Gains and independently
Telatar suggested that is well known that, compared with wire line communication systems, one
major impairment for wireless communication systems is the complicated time-varying channels
with possibly multipath fading, shadowing, pass loss, interference, and so on. This may lead to
severe data rate loss or performance degradation, or both. One effective way to combat fading
channel is to use the so-called “diversity” techniques, which means that other replicas of the
transmitted signal must be sent to the receiver in other formats (or through other paths). The
intuition is to take advantage of the low probability of concurrent deep fades in all independent
paths to lower the probability of error. The commonly used diversity techniques include temporal
diversity, frequency diversity and spatial (antenna) diversity. In many cases, wireless channel is
slow time varying (no temporary diversity), non-frequency selective (no frequency diversity),
thus spatial diversity is needed to improve the performance. Such spatial diversity can be
achieved by the use of Diversity systems. By increasing the independent fading paths between
the transmitter and receiver, the degrees of freedom of the whole system are increased as well. If
the different degrees of freedom are used to transmit different signals, the total data rate can be
increased significantly. Diversity is the use of multiple channels to increase the signal to noise
ratio in the presence of random fading losses. For fading channels, we know that there is a finite
probability that a signal power will fall below any given fade margin increase the number of bits
per symbol in the modulation significantly higher so that we can achieve higher bit rate for the
same bandwidth. The principles and analysis are applicable to general cases, including
maximum-ratio combining.
In our project, we explain about the fading effect and diversity technique in wireless
communication system. Then, analysis mathematical model of maximum ratio combing, equal
gain combing and selecting combing. Finally, comparing the result of maximum ratio combing,
equal gain combing and selecting combing.

2. Problem of statement

As we have seen most of researchers did not consider the impact of large scale fading and small
scale fading simultaneously. This leads to decrease the overall performance of the wireless
communication system. When a signal is transmitted from source to destination through the
channel, there are two main aspects related to performance of wireless communication, first is
the phenomenon of fading: the time-variation of the channel strengths due to the small-scale
effect of multipath fading, as well as larger scale effects such as path loss via distance
attenuation and shadowing obstacles, and un like wired world where each transmitter-receiver
pair can often be thought of as an isolated point-to-point link, the wireless users communicate
over the air and there is significant interference between them in wireless communication. To
increase the reliability of received information in wireless communication we use one of the
most powerful techniques to mitigate the effects of fading is to use diversity antenna (spatial)

4.Objectives of the study

The main and specific objectives of the project are as described below.

4.1 General objective of the study

The main aim of this project is Performance analysis of diversity techniques for wireless

4.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the project includes:
 To study and analyze multipath fading techniques such as flat fading, Racian fading,
Rayleigh fading and Weibull fading in terms of the performance metrics SNR and BER.
 To model and analyze wireless diversity techniques such as Maximum Ratio Combining
(MRC), Equal Gain Combining (EGC) and Selective Mapping Combining (SMC).
 To simulate and evaluate the performance of the diversity techniques in terms of the
wireless performance parameters Carrier to noise ratio (CNR), Carrier to interference
ratio (CIR), SNR and BER.

The methodologies used to achieve the desired objectives of this project will be follows, the first
project which starts from the project title selection and literature reviews about diversity
reception and cooperative diversity were conducted. Second, we combined both diversity
reception and cooperative diversity and model the system, and then we are going to program the
system in math-lab software as a simulation tool. Finally, the results will be interpreted and
conclusion will be drawn based on the result that we will obtain. This section describes methods
that can help reduce the problem of fading in wireless communication channels. The work flow
of the project is presented in figure-1.

Figure-1: Overall flow of the project

5. Time table of the semester project

The semester project duration taken to finalize is expected as tabulated below.

Task Time duration in (Weeks
Literature survey 1
Software training 1
Theoretical concept understanding 1
Performing simulation 3(days)
Contacting advisors 1
Report writing 3(days)
Total 5

7. References

[1]. T. S. Rapp port, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. Singapore:
Pearson Education, Inc., 2002.
[2]. G. J. Foschini and M. J. Gains. On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment
when using multiple antennas. Wireless Personal Communications, 6(3):311–335, Mar. 1998.
[3]. S. Diggavi, N. Al-Dhahir, A. Stamoulis, and A. Calderbank.Great expectations: The value
of spatial diversity in wireless networks. Proc. of the IEEE, 92(2):219{270, 2004.[15] T. B.
Sorensen. Correlation model for shadow fading in a small urban macro cell. In Proc. Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 1998.
[4]. Hafeth Hourani, ‘An Overview of Diversity Techniques in Wireless Communication
Systems’, Post Graduate Course in Radio Communications. Helsinki University of Technology,
Communications Lab, 2004/2005.
[5]. M. Karim, M. Sarraf, Textbook on W-CDMA and CDMA 2000 for 3G Mobile Networks, Mc
Graw - Hill, 2002.
[6]. On the performance analysis of cooperative space time coded system. Erkip., Andrej
Stefanov and Elza. s.l.: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003.
[7]. I. E. Telatar. - Capacity of multi antenna Gaussian channels. European Trans. On
Telecomm., 10(6):585–596, Nov.–Dec. 1999.
[8]. W. C. Jakes, 3rd ed., Microwave Mobile Communications, New York: Wiley, 1974.

[9]. Nirmal Chandrasekaran. Wireless Communication Technologies Spring 2005*
[10]. Dr. Kamilo Feher, Wireless Digital Communication-Modulation and Spread spectrum
Application. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001.
[11]. Rappaport, Theodore S., Wireless Communications, Principles and practice, prentice hall
PTR, 1996.
[12]. Saleh Faruque, Cellular Mobile Systems Engineering, Artech House, Boston, London,
[13] .Siavash Alamouti, ‘A simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications’,
IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications, Vol. 16, No 8, October 1998.
[14]. Hafeth Hourani, ‘An Overview of Diversity Techniques in Wireless Communication
Systems’, Post Graduate Course in Radio Communications. Helsinki University of Technology,
Communications Lab, 2004/2005.
[14] .Carl B. Dietrich, Kai Dietz, J. Randall Nealy, Warren L. Stutzman, ‘Spatial, Polarization
and Pattern Diversity for Wireless Handheld Terminals’, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and
Propagation, Vol 49, No 9, September 2001.

[15]. P.L. Perini and C.L. Holloway, ‘Angle and Space Diversity Comparisons in different Mobile Radio
environments’, IEEE transaction on Antenna and Propagation, Vol 46, June 1998.

[16]. R.G. Vaughan, J. B Andersen, ‘Antenna Diversity in Mobile Communications’, IEEE

Transaction on Vehicular Technology, Vol 36, No 4, Nov 1987.
[17]. Xexian Li and Matti Latva-aho, ‘Spatial Transmit diversity Techniques for MC-CDMA
systems’, Centre for Wireless Communication, University of Oulu, Finland, Sept. 2002

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