Sınıf 1. Dönem 2. Listening Sınavı

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2023 - 2024 Academic Year Ermenek Hasan Kalan Anatolian High School

9th Grades 1st Term 2nd Listening Exam

Name – Surname: Class -Number: Mark:

E9.3.L1. / Listening 1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. (10x5=50 pts)

Joseph: Watching a film is my favourite (1) _________________ activity. I like adventure films

very much. Skyfall is my favourite. What do you do in your free time?

Lauren: I (2) _______________ reading a book. I love watching good films, but I don’t like

watching TV because, I think, most programmes are boring. I (3) ________________ watching

romantic comedies rather than adventure films. Marbling is my favourite art. Do you like arts?

Joseph: Oh, no! It is not my thing. Do you like doing sports?

Lauren: Yes. I do pilates twice a week and I like going for a walk every weekend.

Joseph: Listen. We hike around the city every Sunday. (4) _______________ to come next


Lauren: Oh, I’d love to do that! What time shall we meet?

Joseph: I’ll meet you at 8 in the morning at the bus stop.

Lauren: OK. Oh, Joseph, by the way, I’ve got two (5) ________________ for the premiere of

Star Wars. How about coming with me?

Joseph: (6) ____________________! I believe this is a very good chance for me. I prefer

watching (7) __________________ to dramas. When is it?

Lauren: Next Friday, on the 3rd of December at 8 p.m.

Joseph: I‘m afraid, I can’t come. I’m busy that day. Are you in the mood for a (8)

_____________ tonight?

Lauren: Well, I’d love to, but I have other plans. Can you tell me the time?

Joseph: It is (9) _______________________. Why?

Lauren: Oh, I’m late. I (10) _______________ being late. See you later. Bye.

Joseph: Bye, Lauren.

E9.3.L2. / Listening 2 - Listen to the recording and put the conversation in order. (10x5=50

It’s a horror movie.

Hmmm, let me check the TV guide. … Oh, how about “21 Jump Street”?

Oh, What a great idea! Yes, of course.

14 Cool! I enjoy comedy adventures. Let’s watch that.

“The Ring 1” is on tonight. It’s a great movie. Do you want to watch it?

Okay then. What do you want to watch?

1 Are you in the mood for a movie tonight?

Two police officers acting as high school students to catch criminals. It’s a comedy but
also an adventure movie.

No way. I can’t sleep if I watch it.

I don’t like horror movies. What’s it about?

Let’s watch a comedy.

It’s about the ghost of a young girl haunting people.

12 I don’t know that movie. What’s it about?

What kind of a movie is that?

Okul Müdürü

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