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1.1 Overview
This chapter covers feasibility study of an online examination administration system
providing a comprehensive description using use case diagrams, sequence diagram, data flow
diagram and activity diagram. It further looks at requirements gathering both functional and
non-functional requirements and finally the summary.

1.2 Feasibility study

The feasibility study is the first stage of project design, determining if the project is feasible
based on available knowledge, resources, time and legality (Raharjo, 2022).

A concise assessment of the online examination administration system was carried out to
determine viability of developing a new system. Analysis on the worthiness to commit the
resources in developing an online examination administration system was carried out.
Feasibility study is the first stage of project design, determining if the project is feasible
based on available knowledge, resources, time and legality (Raharjo, 2022).

The aim of the study was to provide an independent assessment which involved examining all
aspects of the current online examination administration system, including technical,
economic, financial, legal and environmental considerations measuring how beneficial the
proposed system will be to the institution. During the feasibility study, technical feasibility
which involves the evaluation of the hardware, software and other technical requirements of
the proposed online examination administration system (Simplilearn, 2023) was done and it
was discovered that most of the students in the university have access to gadgets such as
smart phones and computers that can enable them take examinations online and the
computers in the institution can accommodate administrators and instructors to carry out
various tasks regarding the online examination administration system .

Operational feasibility study looks at how well a product will meet the needs and how easy it
will be to use and maintain once it is put into place (Davis, 2023). The proposed online
examination administration system will focus on easing the examination process on the
administrator, instructor and student side as it meets all the requirements. Another type of
feasibility study is economic feasibility which focuses on the financial part mainly how much

the project will cost and what kind of benefits it will have for profitability (Casucian, 2023).
To implement the proposed online examination administration system will consume a lot of
funds but with a focus on the long run, the proposed system will be beneficial in terms of
cutting costs when it comes to printing examination papers.

Schedule feasibility focuses on the project proposal's schedules and due dates (Davis, 2023).
This evaluation focuses on the team members' completion time, which has a big impact on
the project since if the program isn't finished on time, the planned outcome might not be
attained. Legal feasibility looks into if any parts of the project are in violation of any laws,
such as those involving social media, data protection or zoning (Simplilearn, 2023). A
thorough investigation to see compliance with relevant laws and regulations regarding data
privacy, security, accessibility and intellectual property rights was done to ensure every
action is legal.

1.3 Overall description of the current examination administration system.

The current examination administration system in Meru university of Science and
Technology is manual. The system is considered manual as it involves traditional, paper-
based processes for managing examinations. In this system, tasks such as examination
registration, distribution of examination materials, invigilation, and grading are carried out
manually without the aid of digital technologies. Students register for exams through paper
forms, and examination schedules are communicated through physical notices or

During the examination, paper-based test booklets are distributed to students, who write their
responses manually. Invigilators supervise the examination to ensure integrity and monitor
time limits. After completion, papers are collected and manually graded by instructors or
their teaching assistants. Results are then posted on physical notice boards or distributed
physically to students. Students are then required to do a follow up concerning their
examination results and if there is any request to correct the results, they write an official
letter for the corrections to be made. Students visit the examination office and collect their
results slips that indicate the grades for each unit taken and the total points they scored on
each test. The overall view of the examination administration system is represented using
use-case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, data flow diagram and activity diagram
are detailed in section 4.3.1 to 4.3.5 below.

1.3.1 Use case diagram of an online examination administration system.
A Use Case diagram represents an event or activity that will be carried out by actors in the
system to identify a design and analyses a problem that is in a business process that is
running or not running (Christianto K. et al 2021). Developing the use case diagram is
important task because it represents a transition between requirement of a system and the
design of a system (R. N. Kulkarni, C. K. Srinivasa, 2019). Figure 4.1 shows the use case
diagram for the current online examination administration system.

Figure 4.1: use case diagram of an online examination administration system.

1.3.2 Class diagram of an online examination administration system
Class diagrams, which map out a system's static structure by modelling its classes, attributes,
methods, and the relationships between classes, are thought to be one of the most crucial
UML components (Shmallo, R. & Shrot, T. 2020). the importance of class diagram is that it
gives a blueprint of system to maintenance engineer to get a general idea of how the software
is structured before investigating the code (Abdul H. 2019). A class icon is a rectangle split
into three halves. The class name is located in the uppermost compartment. A list of attributes
(member variables) is contained in the middle compartment, while a list of operations
(member functions) is contained in the bottom compartment. Figure 4.2 shows the class
diagram of an online examination administration system.

Figure 4.2: the class diagram of an online examination administration system

1.3.3 Sequence diagram of an online examination system
According to (Al-Fedaghi, S., 2021) The UML sequence diagram is the second most common
UML diagram that represents how objects interact and exchange messages over time.
Sequence diagrams illustrate how the operations of object classes in the class diagram
correspond to the events or activities in a use case and are widely accepted because of their
comparatively intuitive nature and capacity to characterize incomplete behaviors (Al-Fedaghi
S. 2021). Figure 4.3 shows the sequence diagram of an online examination administration

Figure 4.3: the sequence diagram of an online examination administration system

1.3.4 Activity diagram of an online examination administration system
Activity diagram is used to show the diagrammatic flow of events taking place in a use case
diagram and the dynamic behavior of a system like control flow and object flow from one
action to another (Madhuri N. G. et al 2023). It emphasizes a flow from activity to activity
within system.
Activity diagrams are designed to show the system's overall activities or the activities of a
specific class (Maushumi L, Uzzal S,2019). When a class's activities are represented by an
activity diagram, the system's complexity is determined by adding together each class's
unique complexity. When the system's activities are represented by an activity diagram, the
system's complexity is indicated by the computed complexity value. Figure 4.4 shows the
activity diagram of an online examination administration system.

Figure 4.4: activity diagram of an online examination administration system

1.3.5 Dataflow diagram of an online examination administration system
A DFD is a network-shaped diagram that represents the flow of data and the transformations
that are applied to them when moving from the entrance to the exit of a software system
(López M.R et al 2019). DFDs that can be used to analyze software systems security.
According to (Schneider S. 2023) Dataflow diagrams (DFDs) are a valuable asset for
securing applications, as they are the starting point for many security assessment techniques.
The DFD aims to capture the transformations that take place within a system to the input data
so that eventually the output data is produced. Figure 4.4 shows the data flow diagram of an
online examination administration system.

Figure 4.4: the data flow diagram of an online examination administration system.

1.4 Requirement gathering
Requirement gathering is the process of identifying, documenting and understanding the
needs, and expectations of a system from all stakeholders (Koralage, S. 2021). It is an
important initial step to make sure that the project is constructed in order to accomplish its
mission and find the best way to answer the users’ need. Successful requirement gathering is
still an essential requirement for designing and implementing systems. Gathering
requirements effectively guarantees that the needs of a system are verifiable, clear,
accessible, consistent, accurate, and comprehensive (Zachariah et al, 2020). Using the
information gained from the reviewed literature and studies, the researchers will analyse and
record the needs and requirements of the Meru University of Science and Technology
Examination Department during the requirements gathering phase. This will enable them to
consolidate and accurately compose the next phase. In developing the online examination
administration system, both functional and non-functional requirements were identified from
students, instructor and the administrator.

1.4.1 Functional requirements

The functional requirements are specifications defining the functionalities, features and
capabilities that a system must have in order to satisfy users' needs and achieve its intended
purpose. These requirements set out the specific tasks, operations and interactions that a
system should be capable of handling (Laplante, 2022). Key aspects such as the development
of examinations, participant registration, question management, grading processes and results
reporting are governed by functional requirements. In order to build a system that meets the
user's expectations, developers need to ensure that these requirements are clear and complete.
In addition, the basis for testing and validation processes enabling stakeholders to verify that
the system works as it should do is provided by operational requirements. Take an examination online

Conducting an examination online involves utilizing a software solution that empowers a
company or educational institution to create and administer exams through a digital platform.
This process is facilitated via the Internet, Intranet, and/or LAN environments (Abdullah, 2021). Undertaking an online examination in an online examination administration
system involves a structured process facilitated by digital tools. Initially, the system enables
administrators or instructors to create and organize exam content, including questions and
instructions. Subsequently, registered users, such as students or participants, access the
platform through the Internet, Intranet, or LAN environments. The system ensures a secure

and monitored environment for exam takers, allowing them to complete the assessment
digitally. Features like timed exams, random question selection, and instant grading enhance
the efficiency of the process. The online examination administration system not only
streamlines the examination workflow but also provides a convenient and flexible approach
for both administrators and participants in the assessment process. Creation of a question bank for categorization

A question bank is an updated, well-structured collection of pre-made questions that is
centralized for the purpose of creating exams (Guilding, 2021). This database is organized by
administrators or instructors, who classify questions according to topics, degrees of difficulty,
and question kinds. The main purpose of the question bank is to streamline the process of
creating exams so that assessments can be efficiently customized. Instructors can use the
question bank to create customized tests by choosing questions that meet particular learning
goals or evaluation standards. With the use of this resource, questions can be reused for
several exams, promoting evaluation consistency and dependability. Furthermore, the
question bank's categorization makes it easier to quickly and specifically retrieve questions,
which improves the exam administration system's overall effectiveness. Automatic Examination submission

A timer that shows the amount of time left to finish a test begins when a participant starts.
Upon the expiration of the designated time, an automated submission process is initiated by
the system (Pandey, 2020). By ensuring that participants cannot work on the exam for
longer than the allotted time, this procedure helps to prevent unfair advantages. Usually, the
exam interface freezes, the responses are saved, and the responses are automatically
submitted by the system on the participant's behalf. In addition to enforcing time limits, this
offers a regulated and consistent method of ending exams, doing away with the need for
manual intervention and reducing the possibility of unintentional delays or disruptions
brought on by technical problems. Automated marking of examinations

Automatic examination marking and result generation involves using technology to process
and assess student answers eliminating the need for instructors to manually grade exams
(Zernov, V. A,2020). Student takes the exam answering questions through an online
platform, typically selecting options. The online examination system collects and stores
student responses securely. Automated scoring is then done by the system using predefined

rules and algorithms to evaluate the correctness of the student responses and finally calculate
the overall scores, applying grading scales Report generation

The online administration system can generate reports based on specific details provided by
the system administrator. The system can generate three reports namely:

• Monthly Exam Administration report:

Initiated by the system administrator, this report offers a comprehensive overview of the
number of exams administered each month. It includes details such as the total count of
exams, categorized by subject or course, and may provide additional metrics like average
exam duration. The system administrator can query the database using parameters such as
Exam Date, Course ID, and Exam Type to analyses trends and patterns in exam

• A weekly report showing individual Student Progress Report:

This report, initiated by instructors, provides a snapshot of an individual student's progress

over a specified period. It includes details like quiz scores, assignment completion rates, and
participation levels. The system administrator can query the database using Student ID,
Name, and Date range.

• A daily report that provides a log of user interactions within the system, initiated by
the system administrator. It includes details like login times, exam starts, and submissions.
The administrator can query the database using User ID, Name, and Date range to monitor
system engagement and usage patterns.

1.4.2 Non-functional requirements

Generally speaking, non-functional requirements (NFRs), also known as quality
requirements, define the users’ expectations and needs regarding a software product, as well
as their particular notions of its qualities (Przybyłek, 2021).

In an online administration examination system, non-functional requirements ensure that the

system is secure, reliable, scalable, and user-friendly ((Przybyłek, 2021)). Security
requirements are paramount to protect sensitive student data and prevent cheating during
examinations. Reliability requirements guarantee that the system is available whenever
needed, especially during peak exam periods. Scalability requirements ensure that the system

can accommodate a large number of users simultaneously without performance degradation.
Lastly, us-ability requirements focus on providing a seamless and intuitive user experience
for both administrators and students. By considering these non-functional requirements, an
online examination administration system can effectively meet the needs of educational
institutions and provide a robust platform for conducting exams securely and efficiently. Security
Security is crucial, especially when it comes to user authentication. A fundamental security
measure is requiring administrators, instructors, and students to authenticate themselves with
a login account and password (Crawford, 2020). By requiring authentication, sensitive data is
protected and only authorized users are able to carry out certain system functions. An
additional layer of security is added by using unique login credentials for every user role,
which blocks illegal access to administration controls, exam authoring features, and personal
assessment results.

In measuring the non-functional requirement of security in an online examination

administration system, a key metric involves monitoring the number of login attempts,
specifically distinguishing between correct and incorrect attempts. This metric serves as a
crucial indicator of the system's resilience against unauthorized access. By tracking and
analyzing login attempts, administrators can identify potential security threats, such as brute
force attacks or unauthorized login attempts. Successfully implementing this metric ensures
that the system aligns with the non-functional requirement gathered during the requirement
analysis phase Reliability
While addressing an online exam management system, reliability is defined as the system's
capacity to carry out its intended tasks consistently and dependably, without errors or
interruptions (Nafrees, 2020). Achieving system dependability is crucial to making sure
exams run well and without unplanned downtime or technical issues. The online exam
administration system's dependability is enhanced by multiple ways. Continuous availability
is ensured by implementing redundant hardware and network infrastructure, which reduces
the possibility of system failures. Frequent updates, monitoring procedures, and system
maintenance all contribute to the early detection and resolution of such problems.
Furthermore, in the event of unplanned outages, vital data is protected thanks to the use of
backup systems and data recovery protocols.

System uptime, frequency and impact of system failures as well as the time required to
restore systems after an incident are essential metrics for measuring reliability. The
monitoring and analysis of these metrics provide useful information on the system's
reliability, enabling administrators to continuously improve efficiency and maintaining a
highly reliable level of performance for online examination management systems. Efficiency
Efficiency refers to how quickly and efficiently the system can complete duties (Jiang 2020).
In order to achieve system efficiency, procedures must be optimized to guarantee timely and
easy exam administration. Operational efficiency is increased by simplifying user interfaces
and removing pointless procedures from the exam creation, participant registration, and result
processing processes. The responsiveness of the system is improved by the use of well-
architected, scalable software and effective database administration. Resource usage rates,
system processing speed, and response times for user interactions are some of the metrics
used to evaluate efficiency. By routinely tracking and evaluating these indicators,
administrators can get important insights into the effectiveness of the system, spot possible
bottlenecks, and apply optimizations to improve system performance as a whole.

1.5 Summary
This chapter presented a detailed overview of the current online examination administration
system comprehensively documented through various diagrams, including use case,
sequence, DFD (Data Flow Diagram), and activity diagrams. These visual representations
provide a clear overview of the system's functionality, interactions, data flow, and operational
processes. Additionally, a feasibility study has been conducted, assessing the practicality and
viability of the proposed system. This study includes an analysis of technical, operational,
economic, and scheduling aspects to determine the system's feasibility and potential success.
The requirement gathering process involved the collection and definition of both functional
and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements detail the system's capabilities,
features, and interactions, while non-functional requirements address aspects like
performance, security, and usability. The systematic approach to documentation and analysis
ensures a solid foundation for the development and implementation of an effective and
efficient system.


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