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PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 191601 (2018)

Casimir Effect in Yang-Mills Theory in D = 2 + 1

M. N. Chernodub,1,2 V. A. Goy,2 A. V. Molochkov,2 and Ha Huu Nguyen1,3
Institut Denis Poisson UMR 7013, Université de Tours, Tours 37200, France
Laboratory of Physics of Living Matter, Far Eastern Federal University, Sukhanova 8, Vladivostok 690950, Russia
Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Dalat, Lam Dong 671460, Vietnam

(Received 4 June 2018; published 6 November 2018)

We study, for the first time, the Casimir effect in non-Abelian gauge theory using first-principles
numerical simulations. Working in two spatial dimensions at zero temperature, we find that closely spaced
perfect chromoelectric conductors attract each other with a small anomalous scaling dimension. At large
separation between the conductors, the attraction is exponentially suppressed by a new massive quantity,
the Casimir mass, which is surprisingly different from the lowest glueball mass. The apparent emergence
of the new massive scale may be a result of the backreaction of the vacuum to the presence of the plates
as sufficiently close chromoelectric conductors induce, in a space between them, a smooth crossover
transition to a color deconfinement phase.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.191601

Quantum fluctuations of virtual particles are affected In strongly coupled theories the interactions may not
by the presence of physical objects. This property is a only lead to a noticeable modification of the Casimir-
cornerstone of the Casimir effect [1], which states that the Polder forces but may also affect the structure of the
energy of vacuum (“zero-point”) quantum fluctuations vacuum itself. The Casimir effect leads to the strengthening
should be modified by the presence of physical bodies of a chiral finite-temperature phase transition in a four-
[2,3]. The energy shift of the virtual particles has real fermion effective field theory [13]. The presence of the
physical consequences because the Casimir effect leads to boundaries effectively restores the chiral symmetry in an
the appearance of a small quantum force, known as the otherwise chirally broken phase both in plane [14] and in
“Casimir-Polder force” [4], between neutral objects. This cylindrical [15] geometries. The interactions may even
force has been detected in various experiments [5]. change the overall sign of the Casimir-Polder force in
Apart from the simplest cases, the Casimir-Polder forces certain fermionic systems with condensates [16] and in
are difficult to calculate analytically even in noninteracting the CPN−1 model on an interval [17,18]. First-principles
field theories since the energy spectrum of vacuum fluc- numerical simulations show that the presence of the
tuations cannot be determined exactly for generic geom- boundaries affects also nonperturbative (de)confining prop-
etries. Therefore the Casimir effect is often studied using erties of certain bosonic gauge systems [10]. There is
certain analytical approximations such as proximity-force evidence that spatially compactified geometries may lead to
calculations [6] and various numerical tools [7], which a phase transition in the non-Abelian vacuum [19].
include worldline approaches [8] and methods of lattice In our Letter we initiate a first-principles investigation of
field theories [9,10]. the Casimir effect in Yang-Mills theory which has an
In interacting theories the calculations become even inherently nonperturbative vacuum structure. We consider a
more involved. In quantum electrodynamics a negligibly zero-temperature Yang-Mills theory in (2 þ 1) spacetime
small correction to the Casimir-Polder force coming from dimensions which exhibits both mass gap generation
fermionic vacuum loops was calculated in a second-order and color confinement similar to its (3 þ 1)-dimensional
perturbation theory [3,11]. Perturbative calculations in counterpart. We concentrate on the simplest geometry of
finite-volume geometries of non-Abelian gauge theories two parallel static wires along the x2 direction separated by
and their effective infrared models were addressed in a finite distance R along the x1 axis.
Ref. [12]. The simplest version of the Casimir effect in a gauge
system can be formulated in the Maxwellian gauge theory

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of LUð1Þ ¼ − f μν f μν ; f μν ¼ ∂ μ aν − ∂ ν aμ ; ð1Þ
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. 4
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, where aμ is an Abelian gauge field. Restricting ourselves
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. to idealized cases, one may impose either boundary

0031-9007=18=121(19)=191601(6) 191601-1 Published by the American Physical Society

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 191601 (2018)

conditions corresponding to a material made of a perfect 4

β¼ ; ð6Þ
electric conductor (with normal magnetic and tangential ag2
electric components vanishing at conductor’s boundary) or
its dual analogue, an ideal magnetic conductor (in which is related to the lattice spacing a. The quantity g2, which has
magnetic and electric components exchange their roles). the dimension of mass, becomes the physical coupling of
The electric-type boundary conditions in two spatial the continuum Yang-Mills theory in the limit a → 0.
dimensions are given by the following condition: The lattice analogue of the chromoelectric boundaries (4)
is realized via the space-dependent coupling [10]: βP ¼
ϵμαβ nμ ðxÞf αβ ðxÞ ¼ 0; ð2Þ λw β at the plaquettes P ¼ Px;23 with x1 ¼ 0; R, and βP ¼ β
otherwise. In the limit λw → þ∞ the tangential chromo-
electric field vanishes (UP23 → 1), leading to the perfect
where nμ ðxÞ is a vector normal to the boundary at the point
“chromometallic” conditions (4).
x. In the geometry of two parallel wires the vacuum The energy of the vacuum fluctuations of the gluon field
fluctuations of the Uð1Þ gauge field lead to the attractive is related to a local expectation value of its energy density,
potential between the wires, V Cas ðRÞ ¼ −ζð3Þ=ð16πR2 Þ,
where ζðxÞ is the zeta function [10,20]. 1
The Lagrangian of Yang-Mills theory has the form T 00 ¼ ðB2z þ E2x þ E2y Þ; ð7Þ

1 which is a component of the energy-momentum tensor

LYM ¼ − Faμν Fμν;a ; ð3Þ associated with the Yang-Mills Lagrangian (3). In a
Minkowski spacetime one has Fa01 ¼ Eax , Fa02 ¼ Eay , and
where Faμν ¼ ∂ μ Aaν − ∂ ν Aaμ þ gfabc Abμ Acν is the field- Fa12 ¼ −Baz , with a ¼ 1, 2, 3 and E2x ≡ ðEax Þ2 , etc.
strength tensor of the non-Abelian (gluon) field Aaμ with After a Wick rotation to a Euclidean space the energy
a ¼ 1; …; N 2c − 1, and f abc are the structure constants of density (7) transforms to T 00 2 2 2
E ¼ ðBz − Ex − Ey Þ=2, while
the SUðN c Þ gauge group. A non-Abelian analogue of the the geometry of the problem implies that hB2z i ¼ hE2x i.
perfect conductor condition (2) is straightforward as given Thus in Euclidean space the expectation value of the
by the following gauge-invariant condition: normalized energy density (7) becomes as follows:

ϵμαβ nμ ðxÞFaαβ ðxÞ ¼ 0; a ¼ 1; …; N 2c − 1: ð4Þ E R ðxÞ ¼ ðhE2y i0 − hE2y ðxÞiR Þ; ð8Þ

The perfectly conducting chromoelectric wires are posi- where the subscripts 0 and R indicate that the expectation
tioned at points x1 ¼ 0; R so that nμ ¼ δμ1 . value is taken, respectively, in the absence of the wires and
In a tree order one may formally set g ¼ 0 so that both in the presence of the wires separated by the distance R.
the Yang-Mills theory (3) and the boundary conditions (4) The ultraviolet divergencies cancel in Eq. (8) so that E R ðxÞ
provides us with a local finite quantity, the Casimir energy
are reduced to N 2c − 1 noninteracting copies of the Maxwell
density, which is equal to a change in the energy density of
electrodynamics (1) with the Uð1Þ boundary conditions (2).
the vacuum fluctuations due to the presence of the wires.
Thus in a tree order all N 2c − 1 gluons contribute additively
In the lattice notations the Casimir energy density (8)
to the Casimir energy density:
calculated per a unit length of the wires is given by

ζð3Þ V lat
Cas ðRÞ ¼ −⟪SP23 ⟫R ; ð9Þ
V tree
Cas ¼ −ðN c − 1Þ : ð5Þ
where the plaquette P23 is oriented along the wires’
The lattice version of the N c ¼ 2 Yang-Mills theory (3) direction (μ ¼ 2) and the Euclidean time (ν ¼ 3), and
is given in terms of the SUð2Þ link variables Ul residing on
the links l ≡ lx;μ of the Euclidean cubic lattice L3s with X
Ls −1

periodic boundary conditions in all three directions. The ⟪OðxÞ⟫lat

R ¼ ½hOðx1 ÞiR − hOi0 : ð10Þ
x1 ¼0
path integral is given by the integration with the Haar
measure over all link variables Ul and the standard In physical units the Casimir potential is
plaquette action SP ¼ βP ð1 − 12 TrU P Þ. Here the plaquette
field strength is U Px;μν ¼ U x;μ U xþμ̂;ν U †xþν̂;μ U†x;ν , where μ̂ is V Cas ðRÞ ≡ V phys −2 lat
Cas ðRÞ ¼ a V Cas ðR=aÞ; ð11Þ
a unit lattice vector in the positive μ direction. In the
absence of the Casimir wires the lattice couplings βP are where a is the lattice spacing in physical units and
uniform, βP ¼ β, where the bulk coupling constant, R ¼ aRlat . Ideally, the continuum physics a → ∞ is

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 191601 (2018)

reached as β → ∞ according to Eq. (6), while in practice standard Monte Carlo methods [24] with the molecular
one deals with finite values of the lattice coupling β dynamics approach, similar to our studies of the Casimir
which affect the extrapolation to continuum with Oðan Þ forces in Abelian gauge theories in Refs. [10,25]. Long
corrections. We estimate that finite-size effects may lead to autocorrelation lengths in Markov chains are eliminated by
numerically significant, 10%–15%, corrections to the non- over-relaxation steps using five steps between trajectories
Abelian Casimir energy. for 250 000 trajectories in total.
We improve the continuum scaling at finite β in three A non-Abelian permittivity of the wires is determined by
steps. First, in order to reduce the finite-size corrections, we the strength of the coupling constant λw β at their world
use the mean-field improved coupling expressed via the surfaces. At large λw the wires behave as almost-ideal
average plaquette following Refs. [21,22]: conductors which force all tangent components of the
chromoelectric field to vanish at the wires, Fak → 0.
βI ðβÞ ¼ β hTrU P iðβÞ: ð12Þ In Fig. 1 we show the non-Abelian Casimir energy (14)
2 as the function of the interwire distance R in units of the
Second, we express the physical lattice spacing a via the physical string tension σ for nearly perfect chromometallic
phenomenologically determined series over 1=βI [21], wires with λw ¼ 50. In order to demonstrate the absence
of substantial finite-volume corrections, we also show the
pffiffiffi 1.341ð7Þ 0.421ð51Þ results for a larger L ¼ 48 lattice. The Casimir energy
a σ¼ − þ Oð1=β3I Þ; ð13Þ exhibits nearly excellent physical scaling as the data at
βI β2I
different values of the bulk lattice coupling a ¼ aðβÞ and at
where σ is the tension of the confining (fundamental) Yang- different volumes match the same single curve. We get
Mills string at zero temperature. In the selected range of the similar results for other strengths λw .
coupling constant β the higher-order terms in Eq. (13) are We fit the Casimir energy by the following function:
numerically irrelevant.
ζð3Þ 1 1
Third, we notice that in the lattice perturbation theory the V Cas ðRÞ ¼ 3 pffiffiffi e−MCas R ; ð15Þ
expectation value the lattice plaquette operator hTrUμν i 16π R2 ð σ RÞν
acquires radiative corrections, of both an additive and a
multiplicative nature. The additive corrections—which where ν and M C are the free parameters determined from
correspond to the UV-divergent perturbative vacuum con- the best fit. The power of σ in the denominator in Eq. (15)
tributions—are automatically removed from the Casimir is chosen to keep the correct dimension (mass2 ) of the
energy by the subtraction scheme (10). The multiplicative Casimir potential, as it corresponds to the Casimir energy
correction originates from the fact that the physically of the non-Abelian fluctuations between the wires calcu-
relevant quantity is the product β4 hTrUμν i ∼ a−4 hTrUμν i ∼ lated per unit length of the wire.
The fitting function (15) has a transparent physical
hF2μν iphys and not the expectation value of the plaquette
meaning. The exponent ν in the fitting function (15) is
itself (indeed, it is the former quantity that determines an anomalous dimension of the Casimir potential at short
the physical value of the nonperturbative gluon condensate distances. The quantity MCas, which we call the “Casimir
[23]). In order to improve the finite-size scaling, we mass,” corresponds to an effective screening of the Casimir
thus rescale the expectation value of the plaquette operator potential at large distances due to nonperturbative mass gap
with the improved value of the coupling (12): generation. In the absence of interactions the mass gap is
hTrU μν i → hTrU μν iI ¼ ðβI =βÞ4 hTrUμν i.
Summarizing, the scale-improved relation for the
Casimir energy density in the continuum limit is
1 βI
V Cas ðRÞ ¼ − 2 ⟪SP23 ⟫lat
R; ð14Þ
a ðσ; βÞ β

where the lattice spacing a ¼ aðσ; βÞ and the mean-field

improved lattice coupling βI are given in Eqs. (13) and (12),
respectively. In the weak coupling limit β → ∞ the energy
(14) approaches its natural form given by Eqs. (9) and (11)
since the plaquette expectation value then tends to unity
2 hTrU P iðβÞ → 1, and the improved coupling converges to
the Wilson coupling, βI ðβÞ → β. FIG. 1. The Casimir potential V Cas for a nearly perfect wire
We generate gauge-field configurations on the 323 lattice (λw ¼ 50) as the function of the distance R between the wires in
using a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm which combines units of the string tension σ at various bulk couplings β.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 191601 (2018)

absent, MCas ¼ 0, while the anomalous dimension is equal to form of the fitting function (16) does not allow us to make
its canonical value, ν ¼ 0, so the phenomenological potential this conclusion more precise at the present stage.
(15) naturally reduces to its tree-level expression (5). According to the fit in the inset of Fig. 2, the anomalous
The best fit of the Casimir potential with the almost- dimension ν slightly overshoots the free-field value ν ¼ 0:
perfect wires (λw ¼ 50) is shown in Fig. 1 by the dashed
line. The dependences of the best-fit values of the anoma- ν∞ ¼ 0.05ð2Þ: ð19Þ
lous dimension ν and the Casimir mass MCas on the
strength of the wire λw are shown in Fig. 2. They can be
One may also suggest that in the volume between finitely
described by the fit function
separated parallel wires the gluons behave as if they are
O subjected to a heat bath at finite temperature. In a Euclidean
Oðλw Þ ¼ O∞ þ αO e−λw =λw ; ð16Þ formulation of an equilibrium finite-temperature theory,
the temporal direction is compactified to a circle with the
where O ¼ ν, MCas , and O∞ , αO and λO w are the fitting length 1=T, making the fields periodic along this direction.
parameters. The quantities ν and MCas rapidly approach, On the contrary, the periodicity of the gluon fields is
with λνw ≃ λM
¼ 12ð1Þ, and the corresponding asymptotic evidently absent in the Casimir setup. However, similar to

values O ≡ limλw →∞ Oðλw Þ in the perfect-wire limit. the T ≠ 0 case, the perfectly conducting wires do indeed
The asymptotic value of the Casimir mass M Cas corre- restrict allowed frequencies of free gluons with certain
sponding to the energy of the vacuum fluctuations of the polarizations. In particular, the propagator of free gluons in
non-Abelian gauge field between perfect wires (λw → ∞), the Feynman gauge corresponds to the Neumann boundary
pffiffiffi condition for the normal (with respect to the boundary)
M Cas ¼ 1.38ð3Þ σ ; ð17Þ gluon component Aa⊥ ≡ Aa1 [27]. For narrowly placed
wires the Neumann conditions dimensionally reduce the
is shown by the horizontal dashed line in the main part of dynamics of the normal gluon components Aa⊥ to (1 þ 1)-
Fig. 2. Surprisingly, the Casimir mass MCas , Eq. (17), turns dimensional spacetime with the tangential coordinate
out to be substantially smaller than the mass xk ¼ ðx2 ; x0 ≡ x3 Þ. Thus the normal gluon component
pffiffiffi Aa⊥ in the Casimir setup plays the role of a timelike gluon
M 0þþ ≈ 4.7 σ ð18Þ Aa0 at T ≠ 0. Therefore in our case one could expect that
the normal gluon components Aa⊥ are correlated along the
of the lowest 0þþ glueball in SUð2Þ gauge theory (calcu- conducting wires with the “Casimir” screening mass
lated numerically in Refs. [21,26]). According to Fig. 2, the M2g;Cas ¼ cD g2 =ð2πRÞ, where cD is a constant.
enhancement of the strength of the wires leads to a Yang-Mills theories are known to experience a decon-
diminishing of the Casimir mass. On the contrary, as finement phase transition at a sufficiently high temperature.
the wire weakens, the Casimir mass moves towards the In (2 þ 1) dimensions the critical temperature in SUð2Þ
higher masses, so we may expect that in the weak-wire limit gauge theory was determined in Ref. [28]. Given the
λw → 1 the Casimir mass MCas may naturally approach the mentioned analogy, one may expect the gluonic vacuum
mass of the lightest glueball, M 0þþ , although the simple in between sufficiently close wires may enter a deconfi-
nementlike regime. A similar conclusion may also be
drawn from properties of a confining compact QED in
finite geometries [25]. In order to check this idea, we
calculate numerically the deconfinement order parameter,
the Polyakov line L, which has a vanishing expectation
value in the confinement phase, hLi ¼ 0, and a nonzero
value in the deconfinement phase, hLi ≠ 0.
The Polyakov line is given by an ordered product of the
non-Abelian matrices along the temporal direction:

1 LY−1
Lx ¼ Tr U ; ð20Þ
2 x ¼0 x;x3 ;3
FIG. 2. The Casimir mass M Cas and the anomalous dimension ν
(in the inset) for the best fit (15) as a function of the strength of the
wire λw . The thick dashed lines denote the best fit by function where x ≡ ðx1 ; x2 Þ is the spatial two-dimensional coordi-
(16), and the short-dashed horizontal lines show the asymptotic nate. Notice that the Polyakov line (20) is defined along the
values (17) and (19), respectively. The dotted-dashed line in the long temporal direction, while in the finite-temperature
inset marks the tree-level power ν ¼ 0. theory the line is directed along the short compactified

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 191601 (2018)

The research was carried out within the state assignment of

the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia (Grant
No. 3.6261.2017/8.9). We are thankful to D. Karabali and
V. P. Nair for letting us know about their work [30] prior to
its publication. The work of H. H. N. has been supported by
a Ph.D. fellowship of Campus France.

Note added.—Recently, we were informed about Ref. [30],

which shows that the (2 þ 1) Casimir mass is related to the
magnetic mass of a gluon in (3 þ 1) dimensions.
FIG. 3. A typical expectation value of the absolute value of the
mean Polyakov line in the spaces in between and outside the
wires vs the interwire separation R.
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