Quezons Game

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"Quezon's Game" connects to the subject of Introduction to Foreign Relations in several ways:

● Historical Context: The film is set in a complex historical period, 1938-1940, with the Philippines
transitioning from American colonial rule to independence while facing the rise of Nazism in Europe.
This backdrop allows for exploration of themes like:
○ Sovereignty and self-determination: The film depicts how Quezon sought to balance
securing Filipino independence with navigating international power dynamics and securing aid
for Jewish refugees.
○ Diplomacy and negotiation: The film shows the challenges of international diplomacy, as
Quezon negotiates with the US government for visas and navigates tensions with other
international actors.
○ Ethical dilemmas in foreign policy: The film raises questions about balancing national
interests with humanitarian concerns, as Quezon grapples with the plight of Jewish refugees
while seeking Philippine independence.
● Foreign Policy Actors and Institutions: The film features various actors in the international arena,
○ Heads of state: The film portrays the interactions between President Quezon and US officials
like Dwight D. Eisenhower, showcasing the role of individual leaders in shaping foreign policy.
○ International organizations: The film briefly mentions the League of Nations, highlighting
the challenges of international cooperation in addressing global issues.
○ Non-state actors: The film depicts the role of private individuals like Alex Frieder in
facilitating refugee rescue efforts, demonstrating the diverse actors involved in foreign relations.
● Foreign Policy Concepts and Theories: The film touches on various foreign policy concepts and
theories, such as:
○ Realpolitik: The film shows how Quezon navigates the realities of power politics and makes
strategic decisions based on national interests.
○ Humanitarian intervention: The film raises questions about the responsibility of states to
intervene in humanitarian crises, even when their own interests are not directly at stake.
○ Moral leadership: The film explores the role of ethical considerations in foreign policy
decisions, as Quezon grapples with balancing realpolitik with his commitment to helping
Jewish refugees.

It's important to note that the film is a fictionalized account of historical events and may take some creative
liberties with historical accuracy. However, it can still serve as a springboard for discussing and learning
about various aspects of Introduction to Foreign Relations.

Remember, these are just some potential connections between the film and the subject. It's up to you and
your instructor to explore them further and draw your own conclusions.

"Quezon's Game" connects to the subject of Introduction to Foreign Relations in several ways, even though
it's a fictionalized account of historical events. Here are some key points to consider:
Historical Context: The film is set in a complex historical period, 1938-1940, with the Philippines
transitioning from American colonial rule to independence while facing the rise of Nazism in Europe. This
backdrop allows for exploration of themes like sovereignty, self-determination, diplomacy, and ethical
dilemmas in foreign policy.

Foreign Policy Actors and Institutions: The film features various actors in the international arena, including
heads of state, international organizations, and non-state actors. This can spark discussions about the
different roles these players have in foreign relations.

Foreign Policy Concepts and Theories: The film touches on various foreign policy concepts and theories,
such as realpolitik, humanitarian intervention, and moral leadership. This can be a starting point for
exploring the complexities of foreign policy decision-making.

Here are some specific examples of how the film can be used to teach about Introduction to Foreign

Sovereignty and self-determination: Discuss how Quezon sought to balance securing Filipino independence
with navigating international power dynamics and securing aid for Jewish refugees

Diplomacy and negotiation: Analyze the challenges of international diplomacy, as Quezon negotiates with
the US government for visas and navigates tensions with other international actors.

Ethical dilemmas in foreign policy: Debate the questions raised by the film about balancing national
interests with humanitarian concerns.

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