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1. What is authentic learning 1.1 Characteristics of authentic learning 2. What is authentic assessment 3. Characteristics of authentic assessment 4. Design principle 5. Summary 6. References

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1. WHAT IS AUTHENTIC LEARNING Authentic learning is learning that is personally relevant with immediate and long term value, learning is centered on authentic task that are interest to the learners. 1.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTHENTIC LEARNING The following activities comprised of real world relevance, complex task, and different perspectives and collaborate and reflect Learners design and develop their ideas for different in active production. They have to communicate with others in groups useful and meaning with other learners. Their participation in deciding what should be learned and how.

2. WHAT IS AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT Authentic assessment refers to assessment tasks that resemble reading and writing in the world and in school. It aims to evaluate learners abilities in the real-world context. It requires learners to demonstrate skills and competencies realistically. It forms the integral part of learning and teaching. It is process of making the decision about the progress and performance of learners. It is a measurement of what learners have achieved.

3. CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT Problem solving skills and higher order thinking: relevant materials produced and published and they used accordingly. Involves complex, ill structured challenges that requires judgment, multiple steps and a full array of task: check if the frames are strong enough to can stand on its own Learning through simulation and role-playing has been used to train flight attendants on how to act during a crisis, train fire-fighters on how to respond to certain emergency situation by presenting project in CPR. After suitable preparation time back at school learners present their projects to their classmates.

4. DESIGN PRINCIPLES Learners have to identify all the tools, materials and equipments they are going to use. Problem: provide parental involvement in the school is associated with the learners success. Solution: Provide a parent information center as an interface between the school and the community.

5. SUMMARY A wonderful way to give learners ownership of learning on excursion. It doesn`t add teacher workloads and is adaptable to suit any individual needs. Working with research data, leaners collect their own data to conduct their own investigation. This authentic learning activity is very common to any lab experiment where learners can complete, analyze and interpret the results and gain a new knowledge or understanding of what was observed and found how ship moved in water depth. 6. REFERENCES Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956) ) Taxonomy of educational objectives Campbell, B., (1997) The Multiple Intelligences Handbook, Hawker Brownlow, Melbourne. No changes have been made as my assignment was wrongly submitted in a wrong place.

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