W4.Homer The Odyssey

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THE ODYSSEY || OF HOMI nase he tapers bony 4 (21e ee BOOK I ot ~ elle, Mai of the man of many way, who was devon fas journeys ae bad hol Troy's sed cae: any wer they whee Gls he am, whore minds he eam of, ‘any te pins be seed inp on he wide se, 45 srugelng forbs own life td the bomeroming of his companions.» ‘Beene cold act sae hie compunions, bard oop estrone to thy were destroyed by thei own wild recleons, Fools wo devocel the ore of Helin, the Son God, teal ton ema the day of ir omecoming, From me pint 10. bem goeny danger f Zea, peak nd bea ou 0 "Tis als othe anya Bed her detest, sweet home aw, baring erpd the se andthe ighting “Tu oe sone, longing fers wie ad is omscoming, ws dene! by te quctlyapops Kalyso bight among goesiy 15, lnbet bellowed cavers, sing tha esol be ber baband ‘But when nthe citing of the eas that very yee {a wash the gods had pun forkim is ine of homecong to nk, ot een ten was he feof is tls ‘uc among is ow people But ll the ods iis hin 20. except Posen be remained relecley ang ‘a gdike Ose, ot his en his own const. ‘ot Poreidon wise now ov the far Athos, ‘Aithiopas sot distant of me, who ive divided, Somme a the sting of Hyperion, someat his ing, a BOOK Vill 465 ‘0 a3 as bee; (Genii Namba ‘hugh in that ime he been looked ater af he were ly 1 god Wes thems had bathed hin aed sointd his wil ‘Bey para lovely snot and = ani abot hi, Sod be slepped fom the ath and wet fla the men athe wine ‘Bdnkig then Nests, withthe god lvelins on et, Sood beside te pillar ht supported the rot wit sine, fad gine upon Odyssnr wi aller eyes nd aid him, fed spoke ohn loud and addzessd him in winged words, tyiog: Goolby, tanger, and thnk of me smatines when you a2 ‘bce at bone, ew was the fit you owed your Kiet! * “Ten carat Odyoens plein tn sod answered et: -Nasalan daughter of pratt Alknots, ‘reno ny Za high underingbasband of Her, [Fat met tech ny owe tad see my day of homecoming. Echea when Lem there wil poy you, ato godess, «leds of my if Fo, malen my ife was your gift * He poke, and went fost ons chalrby the king Alkiods, ‘Ad now tty were serving ost he pots and mixing the wine, ‘Ge herald cate aes, bringing wih him the exallent singer ‘Dezodokon pnd among the pople, and st chai foc him “in themida ofthe fentes, propping itagint tall cols. ‘Rearefl Odpuens led the erld over and spoke to hi, bats be tata pace from the nia ofthe pf with shining teat, with of dhe mes et, and edged with ich fat: "Pere erald take thi pce of ment to Demods o that ‘betsy cnt and though sory ma, ember his. orwh all peoples upon the exh singers ar ened fo be cherished and fo dee share of respec, since the Mase as tught ‘ten ‘necowa ma, ad nese loves ll she company of sages” ‘Sole pols andthe held took the pston a place it In the hands ofthe he Demodokos, who rcv elxpily. + ‘They pt oth ther hands othe good tings that ay rex before the. ‘Buthen they ad pt my thle dese for eting and dking, ‘Oljens the fesourntl spe to Demodoks, ing ‘Demodokos, sbowe all morals Beside I prize you. Serly the Mase, Zen? daaghter or else Apollo has taht you, {oall to right following the ale young the Atala ‘ets ll ty ida ape fo the allthe flings ws 500 595 ss se Pegerse Demodehas ng of ti Troe Hore of there Achias af youhad been there yoorelf or head it ‘mons who wat, Come tances pt of te 2,088 the wenden hors which Epis made with Athee elping, ‘Woe tntagem gret Odysseus led ocr with men and Boag it tothe ppc cy, and te thst men who sacked Ho. © yeaa el ae the course ofall hc hinge a they happened, 1 ill spac of you before sl mankind nd tel them ow fray he goes gave you the agi gi of singing "He spk, abd the singe sized bythe gedde, begin, end showed his sng begining from where the Arges boarded thie well ached hips and ald amy, after setting fre tothe sales; Int alec al these eers who were with famons Odes ‘were iting hidden nthe hase fa the place wher the Trojans stebled, {othe Teja themscnes ad dugg tap to height ofthe iy, od aow was standing ther, an the Tojine red around it {ake endl, and three ways of thought found fare, ether {o tke the pit Broan titan back pea the allow one ot dng tt the cit’ edge and npplet oer, cele stand where was a8 dedication Sandi ‘he gods and thi let way war to be the ed of cing that he iy was destined ta be destroyed when iad inside t {he grat hore made of wood with all the bust of Arges sting within and bearing dex nd doom forthe Tojas Hosa then how the sos ofthe Acaine leet allow biding place and szeamed fom the bore aad sacked the cy, od he sang how one and another fought trough tbe steep cael sod how in panicle Odysseas west, with gosice ‘Manel ike Azer, t ad the owe of Depo, sod there, he ud he endured he primes ing hat ever ‘behad buwoa thereto, wih gresthared Athene ding, ‘Sothe fans singer sng hse, bit Odssss meted and fom under hs je the tus ran dowa, drenching ischedis, Ara woman werp, ig over the body of hee det bend, who fll iting for er cry ad people he ued tbat of the pls day fom cyan children; the sr bim ing and puping for bent, aod winding hee body ‘Shout him she ris high and oll, wl the mea bead he, ‘iting ee with thei spar bas onthe back and the shoals, pares aye athe ey Biel force ber up sd leader away nto saver, to bare and woskand soon, and her hes are-wracked with fel weping, ‘Sach wee the plfl tue Osos shed from under is brows but they went eonotied by all the others, tut Alligot alon uderspod wat he did and notice, ‘Shc he wa ingest him and head ln groaning heavy. ‘Atonce he spoke slod to te oar loving Phaskans: “Flea me, yoo leaders of the Posiakans and ren of counsel Let Detmodokos ao give ovr his oud pe plying, since itcannot be that plone all aie with his tg. ‘Eyer aince we ate ce ripper andthe dine lager tegen, outpost has never cexed since tbe is sory lent Gest sorow mast have come on his heat sry. + ‘Bot et him bali sow, otha al of tw, guest ese ‘td gestae cay ejeyonselves, Tiss tbe betes Way, ‘cig hl this as Deen dane forthe sake of ur honored (gots this cco, Ure loving pits we give hm for fens. Forany man whi wits have Bold on the lightest achievement, issppliant and gus iss good brother to him. "$0 dont longer keep hiding now with cafty purposes the tah of what Tak ou eis beter to spe ot. “Tellme the ameby which your mother aa fate called you ‘that place and how the ret who ive the ty aboot ou {allyou No ane aoog al the pple, alter baseman fot obie is alngebe ames once he as been bors, be alvap is patent a soon thy bring bis fort put upon im ‘Team Tellne your land, your neghboatood end you cy, to that out hin, sain with thle own purpose, x0 cay You “ees or theres no seeuen among te Pika, alter ‘ie there any sorting ufo tha, sucha otber ship have, {the ship themecnesaadertand me's thongs and purpous, sd they koa he ce of men an ll tee Fecile Feds cod wits gett ped they coat the gl ofthe sls, Innddied anders mist end oud, oes there eve ty fea that they may er damage o come to destrution, ‘Yeethis have ard one ona tine fos ny father, Nasi ‘vo sid and tld to how Porson woul yet be ange) ith os becae we re oo witout hott all men “lid tat ne day ar well-made ship of Phas. poze 136 Olja td ot men came ack fom» convoy on the ty feof he wien, he wold san ad ples gest mountain over ou yt bide 570. Sotho old man spoke, and the god mighe eter beng to ps ot tmight be et undone, athe god's ear ples Socome now tell me thisand give me an arate anower ‘Where yo were driven of our couse, wet cout peopled {yma yon creo the en themaeve an thir rong founded 575. ci ad which were sage and violent and without jasc, {ndvhih mete hospitable and wit godly mind forsrangers ‘Rod tll me why you weep our Beart and make laments ‘thea you ero he Angier and the Danang venture, nd hat lon. The gods di thi and span the desracion 580 of pnp, forthe ak ofthe singing of men erate. ‘Wis there pechaps tome kiuman by marrige, wife's ater or broths, {eave an who priced before? Sc arte elatves, ‘pho net o a's own Bod ad income caer hi? ‘Oc evuld it thea have been some companion, brave man owing 4585. thoughts gracostowatd yoo, sce One who your companion, ands ‘ought honorable foward yo, ef ols depte than sbrothe™ BOOK IX ‘Then ssorcfal Oyseus spe in tu nd anemered in; ‘0 great Akins, pre-eminent smong all people surety inden es good thing ote to soget ‘ch this one before us, wh is ke the gods ising, for think there isso oxason scsi hte more pleat thn when fst baas sway angle pela, andthe eaters up and dowa the howe are sag inode sd listening to the singe, and beside them he ter ae ode ‘ith Bea tn meas, and fom demining bow the wine wad tas the wine and cases about andl th cope, Ts ‘em tomy ova mind tbe the be of oro But ow your mist wat alae oak me sbout ny nour sues, so that Tims mour nd pew rea ne, Wat then Shall eee you Sto aly wat er il ter? ‘Many at the somo: he gs hey hare given Pow willl you ny ame tht alloys 3 knoe re, xd Teen, epg the day oat py, Your fend aod gust, though the home whese tive fa away fom) ‘tam Oye sn of tae, tnowa feral nen orth sty ry drgn ay ae goes op tthe hevens Tam thon ia soy Rn Thee a moc thee tha sted ln rembing Neo ond hres ‘etl amound ying one vey cove noir. 37 wees page 38 sper ule ‘Thereix Doulchion and See, wooded Zayas, 135, low and awn, a of allo he water ‘omar the dt, ih the ex blow facing ested sins, {raged plc, bla god aus of me: fry pact {eannor think of ay pace westeron cut alos & # Torin tth Kaya shining mong ites ep me 50. with erin er low vere, dering me for ber nabend, nd likewise Aisin Cie the plea detained me Teside her ine ally desing ne for er hasan, ‘tener old he permnde the ear within me Soi ie ha nang is more est nthe ed han county and prcls 35 ever even when far away one ie in fee plc, when in ali county, a Fom his pares, Bota, [wl ll you of my toys ome wih is may ‘Moubley which Ze lc on ne ae Tame fom Troy and? 7 rom lon he wind ton mean drove me shoe at ato "42 bythe Rikon Tasco eer cy and klled thei people, dou ofthe cy taking thee wives ad many poeions ts sarlthom ou 0 none mip po chested of hs peoper Potion, Thre wt forthe igh foo and ering sf urge but hey more grt fol nd woul ot itn, 445 “sndthen sd there mich wine wa ing rake and they laagaceat 1» ny sheep he bach, a umbeing hon cared cate ut trite Kikoniane went an mone the other rina, who wee Ue aig Iving in the alan oan, je aameoos ad beter eo, wel ile in hing 450 men with boss, but knowing to at eed te bale (a foot. They ene a ey moming, ie flowers in son rete a he ack tha came out wy from Za wei to make ur onforant,o we mat ave rd pias sur ‘oth sider ood and fought tha bate thereby the aang 55 Shige and wih brome per they et seach lhe, {da long wit ws cacy and these Sigh ncesing, {o'long ne wood fae and fought them of, though ther were mare of but when the en had poe to the tine for unyoking of te, {hen ose Kika tamed he Achaia bce td beat them, 6 sod out of cach sip sof my ong presved companions ‘pened bat he ost of ed sry fom death ad desertion, peters9 Dprce rom Try —th Lata Bars ‘Fm there we sed on Farther slong, gl have ecped deh, bot geving tl ache forthe aw of ut det companions yea thea I would aot ler te ight of any ontrwept veel 65 ula cyhad Bean made tre times for cach my mrss ‘npions, who died therein the pune bythe Rikon, {Goud-atheing Zeus Bove the Nown Wind sput or vessels ine superatural soem, and hadaled under the oad side, [ind liad the prs water Night sean fom heaven. 470° Theships wee swept along yeving down te caren he ven ofthe wind ripped ou slo orn four pees These ey, in fear of detoion, we ook down ad stowed inthe ships ull, snared them on cuseler tl me had made the maslnd. ‘There fortwo nights and two days together we ay op, 175 Hor pain and wetinestogeber ting ou eae oat “Bat whe the faced Baw abe od gh onthe thid ay, sve eng the nt pes and boing the white ao the, ‘SU et the wind and the steranen al them ted ‘a wT would have come home unscathed fy hers, 0 _borsr Tred the hook of Males te sex and crest ‘Sapte North Wid bet me of ous, sd dove me o past Khe, "Nine dap thea Iwas swept along he fore of the bale iad on the sys, bat on the eth day we landed Inthe county of the Lotus Fates, whole on a Bowering 5 food and thre wese foto the anand and ftcol wate, sd yy empunins ova tock tee super hey he a shi, Boal we id tte of fod and di then Tate seme of my companions ahead ling thm fad ost ‘what men se of end, ight Hive het a his cunt. 9 Ste two men, and sen thid with than, hel ‘hip men went on and panty mat the Late ster, ‘pot the Lots Etre ay thats of desing ‘ur companions bt they ony gov then oa ts ‘Bue any of them who athe honey wet fst los 95 wir onwiling take any menage bade ort 30 {ey but hey wanted to tay there with the loeresting era fed 0 loa, an forge the way bose. Lapel {ook thar men bask wenpng by fore, to whore shine mes, ‘nd pat tha aboard under the rowing bach spd ad tare roo faathengevetheorer othe of my eae 7 peteigo “Aria and compos to ebuhn the ships in at fe eat ‘Siow che mph tat of te ots and frp te way bone ode men ply wet ard sod nt tb ny 22d siting wel ner ded ous in pase 05g, Ho tht pring lat eat, we suelo acer Ssog and athd the ety ofthe iar srg ‘Craeper win pting lth nt inte trad [Baber pow wis ht bands or plat aha. nits or tn without snd plang, ia aia, 119 wheat nd bul dsl he pens, wi id fart {oe of eng snd i Zar in tht wt foro ‘Tite peple bees ition mting for cans ‘ley eben ag tps of the high enna cod xc one ithe lw 15 ¢foris ows wives td len dct ting oer 1 Thats wmode lod tn gprs amy fe ioe, Towra wld pus eon cer bred ee orth nm oting sd gig of as Lind ode hem, 120 ‘nvr ied yh fot ‘rnp thy bt he pa cf te tig, tier pin biel by betel ad, oe fares batalla acer plowed up and aver plated site wi pop and saps taeicing wid as 145 Eo yop rem pwn cnt cnn, or hive hy los of hsm yc made then ‘tong enced vel ad der if de cad tavern naling toate vos ci of senate ny Sat pele ‘to thy meso sp ad tah oe 150 sandy cul ve made is sao og stent or he. ‘Foro abed peo al) ered boned cope {Bien nd bet amend nde oar th oer of th gy sm ‘ellen aod shred be pps grown he nde, Zi hres nd for lowing en cod ep fl ek 155 slp in so, sins ther ey ah sb Al {heresy aon ith ad ors baw evanier ost Orown soe aot ables ome fa; oe ould tn aes sn itor te ne when as? Beste tired sem go and the ight winds were wag pete rat SF ed of te Colgan 4p Also athe ead ofthe aoe thee rans bight water, Sing beh tok, and hee ae a poplars rowing wound ‘Thee wesled ashore and there was soe god ping asia trough he gloom ofthe ight, eting showed lok at, Tor there wis deep nist fou the sips, aoe was eee aay moon 145 showing inthe sky, bt she was under the dows and iden, “These was aooe fw hte whose ee Bad spied out he send, td we never e307 log waves oling int being ‘nthe shore, Ba heft thing was when we beihed the well benched eels ‘Then after we had beached the sips we tok ll thé sis down, 250. ene cuneiver topped out ono tebe of hese bec, ‘Set there we fll ep and wate! forte dvine Dove "Bur wien the young Dawa sowed asin with her rn Sgr, swede fourthnt te land ning ren (ere and he empl augers of Zan of he ep, sata 335. Bheillwoving gots out way fr ty companions oft a. [As once we ment and too frm he sip red brn aveline ‘ith long sockets and aranging cole in thee dvisons {about snd te god granted the gue we longed for, Now tere were trl sip et went with me, and fr each one ane ets 140 were foroned at bu alone ad te for potion, So forte le leap of he day un he san seting, ‘wernt hc esting on unlimited met and mre win! {oethe rd win ad ote given oui the ohips, thre wat somes et foe we al bad taken away gest eal 165, inoting fs wha we stormed the Konia cred adel # We ooked srs atthe ln ofthe Cyelopes, ad ey were eary, and wesw thee smoke and eat sheep td Bots Metin» ‘Bot when the run wens down an te red dan cme Ort, then weap down tsa slong the beak of the eons, 270. buewhen the young Dawe showed apn with er oy Sages, {ha Theda seb aad spoke forts befell "The est of you, who ate my eager companions, wat here, whl wih ny owen ship ad expanse a, {>a at sout thee peopl, ear what they, 115._hather they ate stage td viele end without jie, Torhorpitblet anger and with minds tha oe pay.” bese 4e ‘Gaynor an compas “So spenking I weat abou the ship nd told my empanions lost goabnar snd toast of the stern ables, uy they went boat the ship and sat the ocak, 38o and ting el node ated he or in the gray a 80r when we bad ied tthe plac, which wa eat, here “Pasthecige ofthe land we am tear, cnet the wae, ‘igh and overgrown wth nr and init wer abled. (st ck she and gout lke, ad there was 2 ened yal 185, bulaound it with bigh wal of gbbedout boule. sn tal pines and oaks wi fot foliage Tide ‘here lodged a monster of tan, who now was herding ‘he ets at dutace is, lon, fee did aa ange with other, bu aged away by himself his mind was awl, 190. Indi nh be wera monatrous woader made o Bebo, st ikea min an eter of read at ore ke wooded pesto th high moun en standing say rms the other, ‘At tie old the est of yee opens toy whee they were beside the ship snd gard it Merle 195 H, cooing ou the eve best men aong my companions, ‘nto, but had wih mes gosh ete of ack wine, Soe ins, given me by Maton, son of Eonthes tnd pee of Apel who bots Iara be gaveit Irn respecting hn wi bis wife a child weaved hem 200 fox asm, He made is dwelling among etre of he sted {ge of Pht Apolo, nde gave me ploios pests ‘Tt vem even talent of well rong ol, ad he pve ne sing bow! madeal of ver, and gave along witht sine draning offi storing jar twelve inal Tas was 205 “owes roe uni divin drake No one of his seals that were nit hobo new ane bow Ectonly heats his dear wife and sng homer ‘Whenever e dio ths Bony wen re wine, he would pour out rough fill oe cp, hen renty measures of water 210. wetealde, and themixing bow gave olf «set sell Ponsa thon would be no plese in holding, OF this rive filed rest winesn Fal, and took oo roviins IE bag, form proud beat ad ania ht preset {would encour a man who was endowed wih rest strength, 25 Kyo wil wih ote noel of ews oF 2 dss, peters Ia these of Palphemar “Lightly we made oat way tothe cave, bat we didnt ind ies (her, he a of heang the ange with a Back ‘We wet inside the cv adie eveyhing nie ‘asker were ther, hse with cheesy athe ene wae 230 wit lambs and kis, They had all ben did into separate (ps the fling in oe plc, and then he idle one, {Botan agin by themes, And all is veel nil pis pen, hate a for mlking it, were unig ver ‘vin whey From the sar my eompanons poke omc and begged me 435 fotake some ofthe chess, come bck gia the net ie [aethiops pt oly I the ship spin and go saling of sr the al water ‘tT would pot itn to thm would have been bt hee wo, ‘otal could sc im, se fe would give me pene 239 My fends wero fad he sight of hin 00 ws lovely "There webu fie tnd made sce, end belping cures tothe chess we aes at wing fori inside, unl ecare bone fom his heading Me ccd ahem oud of died oat wood, to make efor dane, 235. snd thew it down imide thee, aking stele Sesh, oi fea we seated amy ito te e's comer. ‘Next he drove ito he wide vera al fr he at Bock {athe woul mil bt be let al the male animals, ilygots and rams cts in is yard wit the deep fences, Nes hing, 242 else up and at into poston the age door stop, Anse thing no twentyemo ofthe bes fourwheead Iregoa cold have kan tat might of the pound and cid i, ‘apes ofp sowering if thet was he sot over ‘gateway Nea hea down an mid hissheep ands Mean 245. gous cach ofthe in ode, apd put amb oe Kd wader ch one {9 ih and hen dew of half ofthe white miles pt Dyin buses mae of wicarwork, sored for chet, ‘tlt the thera inthe mile alas arto have to alpha! to and drink from, anit woud serve obs spp. 250 Bara bee bly done al i chore and ihe, ‘asthe it their and sew and aed wa question: "ranges who ae pou? From whee do you cme suing over the watery ‘wap is itca some snes fae ou rede ring 1 pte do when they ul onthe sl end ence a5 165 285 290 pase ree Tesi of Plpbomer ‘Ti nes as they wander singing eit alien people?" “Soe apoey tad teint beat nu ws besken inter of the deep ace sn for ing tim 0 sO, eur crenso Thad words foran swe od Tid i "cee Achy conng fon Ty, beaten out ue ese ‘pwnd fon every ertion aru beget ul of the open ‘anakng for tot, y the wong way one Wienges Seba cone So hes pase Za to arange ie Wed we sto the following of he oa of Aes, UAzunemn, whose fare ow ithe gets hing wade been, ‘tha iy was hat be ced od detoyed 0 may prope but pow in fm we comet you td ze apis styour knee if youaiht eve ura pues preset otherwise “ome gto gnc frsach the ight of seangers. Theeore ‘pes the ens © best of men. Weare year opis, od zea te ges oe, who suns end ll tage with Doors fhe hem, eengs ty wong toward stangen and appli” eso spoke tube anwered eis piles pint ‘Stemge youre pl foo cane fm a8, ‘when outa mete sod the wish f the gs ot er he, “Te Cylpes dave concen amsves oer Zs ofthe is Tr any oft reso he led godine we are abet ‘i thy an fo fear ofthe bt of Za Two aot spare oro companions ee, the fe tok me ‘herwe, Batten, 0 yw whe dou pyrene ip weno Newby oo” “oe poke tinge ou ew bo mh ad wa ok eceive, but anrmeed hi in ua, sd my words were ay: * Poco, Sar othe Eat bs Steed ny woe ‘He drowe eat the ok on thot eu of our ky, trai on if spon, the wind onthe eto, SLT with dee jou, got aay fom sden estan” So Tipote bt he ln pie opened sothing ct pang up od eaced for my compaioas ‘hag opto together nd slapped hen, ke ling poppies, ‘ln te ou end the bess llores he Boe, ing ‘SE ground. The ect he ep ib by ln and go app Fx, td ite ain ened in hel, witout ving ayn, then ens th ad the arowy Bones We beasts ‘Themen bing ean 0 at atime a » Soto Ea PSone eeee ss See caaiee a ne Sarna eee Ziouccaeeaaeta Hes ee act ete Soci eeeereear ESooeeeeicoe os teocnnate eat AS Seca oom een ae ene = ieee peer foe mrnmpernatt [Seen poeeioaeemctest Sei coee ere Ee teste Sooo ire Seances Gumtecninercien + vo pecuusemrereeresate iSeceeenet iareeennioms eee ee ear aes Soo vo Ge eataacnanmaey poi pwemoseaen, Seen Eaceietiereeecese Serene 1 SS raat Peiescent ara erence eee pee yS Toe dingo th drnke Plena sod initia dp ee when swe eed come over hie, ‘Te coes drew tors myself weld here wate cho, 335 fourm, sd Isl asthe ty nll wih em ‘Witte evening became back ga, herding BeBe od, bt ove ll is ft fk ise he wl cave toc di tere ay ond in the ad wih he dep fee, hte bead nse eso whether po age i. 40. When bead esved up and sti poston the Rage oor =p, ‘ct bet dowa ad ted mailing his sbep and bling fats ext of tem in oder, ad pt and oid wader ech oe. + Bice fad bly doe i ores and ed, Aesinke ote up two men and prepare tem fr dane 345, Thenat it blding ny hands bow! fale he bac wins ood close up tothe Cop and sot ot "Hes, Cycaps, ave dia of wise, now youve fet ca ‘nae Sd se what io f dik out hip aid inside er: bought toy, st woul ave ern ou bin 330 hed yow taken pity and sent hme, bat Tease ser spur ms Cra bow a ay man cme ad it ever sin ow you bate de what has 0 icon” Sopa, nd be ok an dua sod was tei pls with the wine he rk and questioned gt, ig ass. "Gwemestil wore fei, and line oor eae saigitway stow sangre you pct pent oaks you py. Tarte pi gig lend of te Cyapss odrbaca ine of eng and Zoot ra thawte forthe, ths comes fom where ambros and nec flow in undaoe” 360 Sobs spats andT pee hin Ge pleaming wine apn Thee tines Torogit thin and gare to t,he ines heel Aline it bt when te wine had gota thera ofthe Crop then [eats hn, and ny words were fl of Begum "Cops yok me foray famous eae Twill ou 265, then bee you mt give met gus gitar yoo have promised Nitody i ay sue: My fhe snd ethereal me [Nied} tall be ters who ae my cops.” and ener en ll pe “Thea Iwill et Nobody ate sens, ni te cers 70 04 let i andthe all bey gor reset oa." He spke and slumped away an eon his ack nay there pase? Toi of obey” it hs tik ed rod over on coe ie nd les who soos ll ‘ame on and captured him, sd the wine purged up frm i gullet. wri gobs of aman mest This was i drunken vorsang a 4375. Then shoved the bear undernath «dep bdo ines, ‘ming for to het an spoke tally compuions ‘in wont of cous 0 cone hold bens panic and bck on; betwhen the bi of lie, groen st, ely atthe point fetching re and plowed erly neces, 80 then brought it dose up frm the fie ad ny end tout me sod fs: Some gts divinity brated cour into ‘They seized the ben of lve burp the ead ined ont into the ep, while T fem above leaning ay weg on ‘vided les man with abraceand bit who bores nt 385 hip timber, an he men rom undermeth, grsping {heap on either side whi and i es satel epee, ‘0 sizing the fie pint harden ber we tid Inher andthe blod bilo rod eh pont, that the blast nd src ofthe ring bal sage al hs scbows 90 and geld andthe fie made te woos of is ge cee ‘As when an tho Woks a= blackunith pangs teeming _grataxbleor plane ito cl water teeing t _Torteper, sce hi the way steal sma son. even ‘so Cyclops ep inl abo the ban of te aie 395 "He gavea get horblecry ad the rocks sated ‘othe oun and we acted ea a fe. H polled he inbee ut of his, ad ie bibbered with plenty of bood thea : ‘when head Ftc ten iin sansa howe {ay eed alo nthe he yep, wo lve 400, rou him athe own es log he wan pinnacles, "They heating hin cme warming up fom tet varios ple, 1nd ood around the caves sk hi a whistle ‘why, Plyphencs, wit do you want wih all as otry ‘troop the immoral nigh an have made wll te slopes? 495 Sarely no moral aginst yosr wil can be diving your sherpa? Surely none can Beilin yoo by feo teacher?” "Thea from inside the re stong Plyphemos answer: * Good fens, Nobody ial te by fore or escey 'othen the ters spenking in winged words av isa anew 410 Uf alone as you ar none we ile a uy page 48 Bape fom thecone ‘wy hte it ting ie say greta ‘oye nd beer pepo ou fate, theo! Porson 1 yop wea wey snd eh ia me lage verbo my soe ny ere planing ad led him, 493, Bats Gypsy ptng ul ea ste fin of igo, {awa isnt tn he bude oof he donee, Sot owe int ean hms, pending hams we Wc none who td wo gt ou With he seep, hoping “Wat woldbe gules in heat ys 490. bel psig thing weal ome ct be wp, Sipping tne fm eth foxy peas {dupe en conbiing allay mows snd ace, ‘Sot ete fre gel ws ey oe “Kate ough ts wet pls hat ene Be 425, ‘Teac wunsonetae ep, tte well sued ka ey, ‘sions ad ng, wih de Spthff woo Si aught anid hn gees wih plat wlow shen whee the ons Cypha otto ~ TSSIEDAS Sites acon inte miller 4 Lin with oer two weston che, 90 uring (hy fads Teams ach, bt for, {ee wan coum far tect of th ee Taso aes wound he cy ogi wert wolf tee, = {ldoyel ter sl nd wisn wit of han nd adi, pg. pt ng fatty of ts fc rls gfe gated fort tad waite for tein Da But wen the young Dawn swe pula wiser ny age, shen maeshelp etal ot of hee twa pas, betthe wer mee tng lsh th prs umd i wes 140 sexdys bs ee te er, ting tod in Biter pi, eoe the tc ofall nse sing pes by wor btn ple id ster Eopay mn re frocldertbf ey ‘Sp Taso te Sock the un went ot the door, 43 clea wat own See and wine ody dove ool ‘Fi lng i, pwr ey pano pstwrdo “hap della why tinge eve of tse ting? Newent ol nye wes you ee bnd by ‘Scout ter ongaing ara he ot wold ste 450. onthtcades lm of the grb fe soning rem, begeryy \ ‘tc ven Pbpb se cage ed the way Sit back he sheep ‘nang Now Joss of Pea you wept Torqourmaer’s whch vba a wis wie cis fut fer ad deny bin pen wa ne. a 455, Netody wo lin sor got ceo atacion ‘ety you condi i only pvc foi tte me whee ssangyong, {hen sey ne wal be ae apn cor and ae Spatial over thar to sa ny hn lice 460, from the burden of alte eth ering Nab gave me.” "Soe pls od ee am lng fein, ola, sod-whea wel port is wy fe te edad em, ‘Ea get ne nse ny compeins ‘ead pil then, a wih ny «Barapa we 465 dronethelong aiding ep skh fag eracied* sor pane sgh eho ha expe dea vs welane ‘areas batty poate ohne alto teh 2 oe tw ys ee (each man antl then tobe ge na ool By 470 Mcp obo nr etd ot on he sal wt (Qk they went urd ti pnd talc, ‘Setting welling ue coat inte gost ‘Boia aa fn tan ava vie swag Grin Toledo lol te Cyop ating in, 473 "Gye int nd ew oo elas omptons Youwettn ey wiles td fons near low Cave and yourevl dood ween cach op wih ound be {oop foro had one wn aed eat our ows ots “a euros han Zale tof sae pus ou" po "Solon aod xl norte abn sangre Xetroke way he pos res npn snd 4, andro tia fof the Sat pel sp ely lu edo pa he testing care, Buttes wae inte pint one et nde he ie 485, wove ita ey any fom ae pen ‘atthe mld opin anda eon shoe Then ‘Sug op inn ans ey ng ples ued et ‘Sarai and wg ny compas wi ely sd og ‘iba thow i wg ur a bag 40 outlte tsning sl they aed oad owe ad page 350 The core of Plpbonet But when we act though the seat tic the peevios dss, gin Tstarted foals Cheops, bay fend shout oe ‘sted me, stone hen anther speaking, yng to othe me "Pando, wh ae you ping aes more ar wp his a5 495. maa, who jon sow threw his mein the en, Fring ‘Sur ahipto the and sai, and we thought ence ote we were nied; fndif head ened aoe or any eof speaking, be would here broke ll oor ead an our ship's tment ideas of pt gan one, 102005 i eeowing.” S00. R'Sothey spoke but ld aot persuade the gest eine, atone gunn the ange of ty heart cid fo i «"Cyeops if any moral man eve aks you who twat that diced pon out ye he kame lining, tell him ht you were Blinded by Odyscs, sack of is, 505 Laces his Tater and he males ore fn ak "So [psa he posse led aad anwered ying “Ah now «propo spoken of ld ir enme ts complica ‘Thee asd tobea man here, grand tong and» prophet, ‘Tlanos, Bry fon we for pophury mas preemineat 510 and grew old ara proper among the Cyelpes. This man ld me tow ll thi ht ar appened now mast someday Be aecamplised, tod tow Ima le the igh of my eye atthe bands of Oss, BatalwayeT was on the lokoat for «man andor ‘dtl with gr endowment of sgt ox hin, 0 ce hte; 455, tow te cd of ithe ite many dering. eble, tal ay the sgh of my es Set making me pss ‘with wie, S come ere, Os, tee give ous gest ft {eure the lous Shaker ote arth grate you oaveance tome Foe am isn, be announce himself sy ther. ‘320 He olf wil helm, i he wil bot so any her oe the bleed gods aor sey ma who sora” "soe spoke, bt Tenrwerd fi again od sido hi tly wis tre tai I could nse you rf it tod ide and ead you tothe hoa of Hades scent 1525. hata oven the Saka ofthe arth wl ever el your eye for you." 50 pe, br be then alld tothe loa Poseidon in pyer eaching both cap twat the ary Beawen: "ou me, Poseidon who ce the ent, Grebe. 1 ay su yourca, and you acknowledge ourself my father, page se ‘di pret Povion 590 gst tat Odpumn aderfie, of T, Tie mea ak mo ac eae if dcdel tbe sn neha oes ‘icone inne hasten foe a ol his owe cue, {Shimon inhalant ate neers 4 insnmoe ce ip al fad wat a aoc Sheet lnpiper adit ase ped in, ‘run fe cna ning mec ice eh and ew, anit seg ond {ng ve el behind the da peowed hp yal sole pt fled ge tesecag arte {ntsc whl wp inte ate sone et und thei ss drove tng lor ovat cn eo Batsherwc had ome a shew evo tural de mee wig pce tor companies 545, sealing el porn atc eg re Sling get we ons apn em and {St ounne snppat eaten heb foto ‘ina that hap aging te co be es ‘eat hm le pt chat ofp 490 path lores my atest peel one ‘Syn tein herp wean Teed im eu 22 da cll ws ef Ken ne Sica ond inh part es notet yayo, 22 Swe pnd on wy ow ay sng enced $55 hehe pln lay ager pte eta pc ng of tay eas wentthewtesgen unset mestand wen? Borers vat downand dene! inom eane one ‘srl down dry dang tea a eset s6o “awe beyoug Dave sbeapn th ry She ape no ey compas sald en to gehoad tha esd cate een ces tol uty wen sed i usa th arcs, tod ding vein ded sinters 565 Promthet we suelo fre song pad war ee eth, sto peng ith fort ns fr er ops

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