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cESSNA netropucTiON MODEL 172A NAV CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations. on your purchase and welcome to Cessna. ‘umership! Your Cessha has besn dealgnod and constructed 1 ave you he mostin perfomanco, value and comer ‘This Plots Operatng Handbook has been prepared as a guide to hap ‘you get the most ullty fom your arplene. It contains Infomation about your arplane’s equipment, operating procedure, Peformance. and suggested serice’ and ‘ato. Please. study tk Eattuly ana use tas otoronce ‘The worlwide Cessna Organization and Cessna Customer Sorvice are propared to serve you. The folowing sorices re ofered by ft Casena Service Stor © THE CESSNA AIRPLANE WARRANTIES, which provide coverage for parts and later, are upheld tough Cessna Sorice Statone workwide. Warrany provisions and othor important infomation ate contained. Inthe Customer Care Program Handbook supplod wih your aplane. The Customer Care Card ‘sogned to you at dlvery wil eatableh your elgiily under ‘waranty and should be preconted fo your local Gassna’Sarvice ‘Staton the ime of warranty conc (© FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL 10 provide you with Couroous, expert sevice. ‘© FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE EQUIPMENT to provide you bficient and accurate workman 1©.& STOCK OF GENUINE CESSNA SERVICE PARTS are ‘valale when you need thom. © THE LATEST AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION FOR SERVICING. CESSNA AIRPLANES, Cessna Service Stations hve al of the curent Maintenance Manuals, Musrted Pan Catalogs and various other suppor publications produced by Gasena Averatt Company. | current Cossna Serie Staion Oectory acomparies your new ‘iplare To Directory is revised anmualy, anda curent Copy can Eelabtained rom your nearest Cesena Sorice Staton, We urge a Cessna ounersoperators to utze the benefits valle ‘thin te Cessna Organizaon. 172RPHAUS-00 us. nTRODUCTION cessna MODEL 1728 NAVI PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS “SPEED: Maximum at Sea Level 129 KNOTS. I cruse, 75% Power at 8500 Fost 122 KNOTS. CRUISE: Recommended lean mixture wit fuel allowance for engine slat, tex, takeot, climb and 45 minutes ‘0% Powor at 8500 Feet ange 80M '59 Gallons Usable Fos! Time 4.8HOURS FRange at 10,000 Feet, 60% power... Range 687 NM '52 Gallons Usable Foal Time 6.6HOURS RATE-OF-CLIMB AT SEA LEVEL 720 FEM Iscrvice cetine 13.500 FEET TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE: | Sorsret ‘45 FEET “otal Distance Ove! 50 Feat Obstacle 1685 FEET LANDING PERFORMANCE: Ground Rot ‘50 FEET Total Distance Over 50 Feet Obstacle 1295 FEET ‘STALL SPEED: Flaps Up, Power Of 51 KCAS Flaps Down, Power Of ST KCAS MAXIMUM WEIGHT: amp 2457 POUNDS Takoot 22450 POUNDS Landing 2450 POUNDS (Continued Next Page) hy us sapeHAUs.% CESSNA INTRODUCTION MODEL 172R NAV PERFORMANCE-SPECIFICATIONS (Contnuec) STANDARD EMPTY WEIGHT 1639 POUNDS| MAXIMUM USEFUL LOAD ‘818 POUNDS| BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE. 120 POUNDs| \WING LOADING: Loe Ft va POVIER LOADING Loe 153 FUEL CAPACITY 56 GALLONS| on caPacrry sauaars| ENGINE: Texton Lycoming 1o-s00-124 "60 BHP at 2100 RPM 1 PROPELLER: Fixed Pitch, lamoter TSINCHESE Note * Speed perlomance Is. shown for an ipa ‘uipped wih speed falinge which Increase the speeds by" approximately 2 knots. Tere. isa oresponding serence a range, whe a other perlormance figures are unchanged when epoed fatings are ins The above perfomance figures are based on arplane weights at 2480 pounds, standard atmospheric coniuons, ov, har-surtaced ‘ry tuways and no wind. ‘They ate calculated values etived frm {ight tosts conducted by Cessna Acro Company under carefully ‘documented conuens and wil vary with indwidul ayplanes and humerous factor affcing Bight pariormance. Trronpiausos us v a ‘cessna INTRODUCTION MODEL 172R NAV It COVERAGE “The Plot's Operating Handbook in the apane at the time of aheery om “Cessha Arete Company contanstrmaton SEehetne tod 172M Hav Marplanes Sy sera number ard ‘Shctaton number shannon te Tie Page” Ths handbook Is opicave 1728 Nev" arpianes, Sona 1728124" and On Hupped wih te NAV Il Averies Opton. Al wonmation based ‘Sh aval a the to of pbsiston “This handbook conse of nine sectons that covr all peratonal pecs ta sandardequpped arpana. Feboving Section 8 are SF"Stgetements, Secton & which proviso expanded operation! ore avarice equipment (bot serra and optona), {aprons rtomaton on speca opettons. ements are individual documents and may be Isved of ‘fSod tea toga te tvsion Gates whic app toto POH ‘ei these Suprcments conan a tap of Eflocie Pages, which ‘Foxid be used to detormin the stats oheath supplement ORIGINAL ISSUE AND REVISIONS Tie Plot Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Aime Fight Marsal compress of te. oigial fue and any subsequent Sn To Mako ure tat formation the manual eet wctsion must be Weoporiad se fey arated. As rvelons ro cud. ey be nt inthe Lag ete Pages umber of tis manual has ao been designed futher ‘Bi tho ownaroperair determining fw rein lew! any POM otro te exanpi bow fora Beakdown 17a PANS 00 | ee erence — nee pervomemn nae etna anceen t9 “us. TTeRPHAUS.Ot cESSNA InTRODUGTION MODEL 172R NAV ORIGINAL ISSUE AND REVISIONS (contnusc) Its the responsibity of te owner to mantan ths handbook in a urea! state when ie being. used for operational purposes. ‘Gwmers should contact tet toca’ Cossna Serves Staton never {ha reviion satus of ar handbook sn question. Revisions re dstibuied to ouners of US. Registered Aircraft According ta FAA records at th time of revision leeuance and 12 Intomatonaly’ Regetered Arcraft aosoding. to Cessna Owner ‘deer rcords atthe ume of issuance. Revisions shoud be read ‘Careful upon receipt snd incorporated in ths POM REVISION FILING INSTRUCTIONS REGULAR REVISIONS Pages to be removed or inserted inthe Plot’ Operating Handocok and FAA Approved plane Figh Manval a9 Setermined bye {ig of Etecive Pagas located in the ction, Ths log contains he page number and evslon level or each page witin the POR. A Fovlsions 9 the POH cozu, the revision lovel on elec’ pages Updated. When two pages epiay Me same. page, mune, Bago wity te latest rovsen level shat bo Insonted io the POP ‘Tho. rovsion lovel on the Log Of Elective Pages shal alo a wih herein avo the page in question. ‘TEMPORARY REVISIONS Under limited cicumstances, temporary revisions tothe POH may te ism Thon tengo ewaona roto by fed ine pplcable section in accordance wih fling nstuctons appear ‘onthe frst page of the temporary revision * The recession ofa temporay revielon i accomplched by Incoporaton ito the POH at rovson time or by a. eupereeding femporary revision.” in order to acourally Track the staus. of temporary reson: as they pertain 12a POM, Temporary Reviclon Ut be located previous Ye tis section when roqured. The het wil indicate the dato the temporary reson was incorporated into ‘he POH, tus aunoizing to recession ofthe lemporay resin, T7eAPHAUSOF us w rpooucTION Cessna MODEL 1728 NAVIN IDENTIFYING REVISED MATERIAL bar located inthe outer margin ajacont othe appcabe test wil tend the ful eng of new pages and deete, ne, oF revised txt on new ox presenty existing pages, arin he footer wil inccata a revision tothe headertooter, a new format or spallnlgammar changes. sndor Dt lformaton ppd oo Wom tha pape bar locates acjacent to the gure number in the outer margin will sod fo neat fa the igure number enly has changed. A miniature pointing hand AF ws be used 1 neato hat an flvaton hae Heo revesd ris anew mate. "The mint and wi point the figure umber. [A revsed pages wil cary the revision number oppesie the page tumor on fhe spplcable page. listo veisions located athe Eagnning ote Log Of ec Pages. WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES ‘Throughout the text, wamings, cautions and notes peraining to ‘lane handing and operations are ulzed. Those adjuncts tothe {ent are used to hghaght or emphasize mpertant ports, WARNING OPERATING PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES, ETC., ‘Which WILL RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OF OSs OF LIFE IE NOT CAREFULLY FOLLOWED. cauTION OPERATION PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES, ETC. Winich “Wee RESULT: IN. DAMAGE "TG EQUIPMENT IF NOT CAREFULLY FOLLOWED. Nove [An operating procedure, technique, ete, which is ‘instore Scent onphoes wi Us, { TRAPHAUSOR cessna ITAODUCTION MODEL 172R NAV I LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Use this page to determine the curency and applcaity of your vs iy of your Pages atfected by the current revison are indcated by an astorsk (C preceding te pages listed under the Page column. FRevielon Number Date Revlon Number ato Griginal March 2005 Revision 22 Decomber 2005 Rewsen 1 S0,une 2005 Revision «12 Ortobr 2006, Revision? 19.) 2008 i ‘Number Status ‘Number “Tite 4 Assignment Record W tava a etna ‘atv rait2thu 16 “17th 19 tar 128 23) “ba 25 umu27 “bem at 212 Pa ea 28 tu 2-17 2a tu 222 *beaeee (Continued Next Page) Irrenpaus.oe us rpooucTiON cesena ‘CESSNA inTRoDUCTION MooeL RNA Seoet ren wav LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES coonines LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (coninve Pape a Tovar a rage Tar Miter Sane Toner Niner Sake Noe a 1 1497.54 Fina ° Somusaa 3 Eeetiaeed petsea 5 35 3 rem tee Sim 3 Seman $ 13am 160 otsea $ Seznmass ; Patina Stora 3 32ers 930 3 Feat ras oteea 5 Sei 30 ; 1s So 3 a j 18% tru 768 Bom $ ss : 1 Sree 3 33 i Tb u7.70 ode $ ssimwse eamuee Fevsed 3 “43 a Baim ei2 tinal 8 Bower : eis Solo 8 3B i EMtnrusee iat 3 8 a 8 feat ‘ Fomusse onal oh g5| & 3.25 wru8-26 Rowsed 3 $30 u aso . Foveod . si92 nat ° sas2mus2s2 —oMgal ° swe muerte ses : APPROMEDEY oe oeepe, “18 owed i a ea Peel ; == +615 thru 6-16 Revised 4 Rdie —mnpig Strtmezsez: ——Revsed ; ramu72 otra ° ig Sets 8 OMTEOF APPROVAL azo 13710 Broil 3 Pitre Es 8 Fig 738 Sra 3 aH Rovees 3 Tra 748 Sein 3 Fae a8 ice $ (Continued Next Page) us. rrenPHAus.oe Irronerausos us. a ‘cESSNA Intaooucon MODEL 172R NAV TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION GENERAL LIMITATIONS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES NORMAL PROCEDURES PERFORMANCE WEIGHT AND BALANCE/EQUIPMENT LIST .... AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION HANDLING, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENTS Irraneaus.ce us. eC eryrouseraone cessna ‘SECTION MODEL 172R NAV It GENERAL ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS “Tvee View Normal Ground Attude Irveduction Descriptive Data Engine Propel: Fal ol Maximum Gerficated Weights Standard Aipiane Weights Cabin And Entry mensions ‘Baggage Space And Enty Dimensions ‘Spec Loadings ‘symbols, Abbreviations and Termindlogy ‘General Aspoed Teminology And Symbols Meteorological Terminology, Engine Powor Teminology ‘Airplane Pertormance Aed Fight Planing Terminology ‘Weight And Balance Teminclogy etic Imperal/ US. Conversion Charts ‘Weight Conversions Length Conversins Distance Conversions Volume Conversions Temperature Conversions Heclopascae to Inches Mercury Volume to Weight Conversions (Quick Conversions {7aAPHAUS-0 us. GENERAL 137 rane cEssNa SECTION 1 Moet 172A Nav ‘GENERAL Figure 1-1. Three Vew - Normal Ground Atitude (Sheet 1 of 2) 172RPHAUS.00 us 13 ‘SECTION 1 Cessna GENERAL MODEL 172R NAV It NOTE “+ Wing span is shown with tobe lights incall «+ We! base longth is 65 «Proper ground clearance is 1114 + Wing arene 174 square fet. «+ Minimum turing rasus (* pivot pont te ouboara wing tip) 627-5 12 “+ Normal ground atitude is shown with nose stut showing approximately 2° of strut, and wings level Figure 1-1. Tree View - Normal Ground Attude (Spee 2) 14 us {1 72RPHAUS-00 cESSNA SECTION 1 MODEL 172R NAV nt “GENERAL INTRODUCTION This handbook contains 9 sections, and incudes the mater requied to be tumished to the plot by 14 CFR part 23. aso Contains supplemental data supped by Cessna Avra Company, Section 1 provides basic data an information of genera interest. also contains detinitone or explanabons of symbele,sbbreviatens, and terminology commonly used DESCRIPTIVE DATA ENGINE Number of Engines: 4 Engine Mandatuer Texton Lycoming Engine Mode! Numbor: 1030024, Engine Type: Normally aspiratod, dice tv, aicoold, helzontaly opposed ol yee. fur eyindee engine th 360 cn. displacement Horsepower Rating and Engine Speed: 100 rated HP ‘t 2400 RPM PROPELLER Prepoter Manutactrr: McCauley Popa Systems. Propeter Model Number: 1C23SFA7S7O. Number of Sides: 2 Propeter Diameter 75 inchos. Propet Type: Fed pitch, Fut WARNING USE OF UNAPPROVED FUELS MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO. THE ENGINE. AND FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS, “RESULTING IN POSSIBLE ENGINE FAILURE. ‘Approved Fuel Grades (and Color) TOOLL Grade Aviation Foot ie). 100 Grade Avation Fue! (reer), (Continued Next Page) 7aRPHAUS.0 us 15 SECTION 1 Cessna GENERAL MODEL 172R NAVIN FUEL (Continues) Nore Isopropyl alehel or dcthylone gyco! monomethyl ther IDIEGNE) may be added to the Wel supply ‘este coneentaions. shal not exceed 106 Tor ISoprepy alcohel cr 0.10% to 0.15% for DEGME Refer 9 Secton 8 for adctonal ntermaton. Fuel Cspacty Total Capacty: $8.0US. gallons Total Usable” 53.0U8 gallons Total Capacty Each Tank: 28.0 US. gatons. Total Uosble Each Tanke 265 US. galone NoTE To ensure maximum fuel capacity and minimize Crosstaeding when” rofuslng, always park the Splane n'a wingsteva, normal round attude ard ple the fel elector inthe Laff or Right postion ister to igure Io) for normal ground attade ‘dimensions, on. (01 Spoctcation: [MILL-6082 or SAE J1986 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oi: Used ‘shen the amplane was deivered fom the latory and. shoud be {Used to rplensh tho supply during the rst 25 hours. Ts of should bbe draned and the ter changed. aller the Tiet 25 hours of ‘peration. Ref the engine wih MlL.6082 or SAE 966 Avion (Grade Straight Mineral Of and continue 10 use-undl a fetal of 50 hours has spmulted ool coneumpion hae tables, NIL-L-20851 or SAE 41899 Aviation Grade Ashless Dispersant Ci: ‘Oi conforming to he atest revison andlor supplements to Texton {eoming Service Inetracton No. 1014 must Be weed afer feet 50 hours or once ol consumption has stabilize, (Continues Next Page) 16 us {7RAPHAUS-00 cessna SECTION 1 MODEL 172R NAV I GENERAL ‘1L (Continues) Recommended Viscosity for Temperature Range: Temperate | MLL-6082 | MIL.22861 or SAE ee Ca “809 SAE i996 | Aciese Onporsant ‘svat ‘Ske Grade Moora Ot SE Grae [nswe oro GO co | ww accor fae 6 oF 2 00150 rearhemcwrm | + © wecw@nezrcon | 90 Ba woraon bao 126 0 = 20 9 frecwrieacirn | ronss | fwsoer 580 NOTE Wren operating temperatures over, use the lorer grade f 3 ot capac. ‘Sump: "8 US. QUARTS Tol: 9U'S. QUARTS MAXIMUM CERTIFICATED WEIGHTS. Ramp Weight Nema Category 2457 POUNDS wea amy Cage 2a0rPouNDS Takeo Weight Normal Category: 2460 POUNDS ‘Utity Category:” 2200 POUNDS: 1 Landing Weight Nermal Category: 2450 POUNDS Unity Category: 2200 POUNDS 1 (Continued Next Page) Vrrerenaus.oe us 17 SECTION 1 Cessna GENERAL MODEL 1728 NAVI AxIMUM CERTIFICATED WEIGHTS (Contes) Wohin Bagpage Comparten, Nemal Category 8209909 Area (Staton 6210 109) 120 POUNDS. See rote Eeogige Ara 2 (Sten 108 to 142):50 POUNDS. See nota ron nore The maximum combined weight capsty. for Baggage free 1°andggage es 218 1 pounds \Welghtin 8299290 Compartment, Utity Category In tis catogory, the rear seat must ot be occupied and he baggage comparment must be empty. STANDARD AIRPLANE WEIGHTS Standard Empty Weight 1639 POUNDS Maximum Uset Loed, Normal Category 18 POUNDS Bizxsmum Usetl Coed Usity Category: 508, POUNDS CABIN AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS. Detaled mensions of the cabin intvior and entry door openings ‘we asatod mn Sochon 6 BAGGAGE SPACE AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS Dimensions ofthe baggage area and baggage door opening a ‘usted deat in Secon & ‘SPECIFIC LOADINGS Wing Loading: 14.1 tbs sq. Poner Loading: 15:3 bsp. he us s7eRPHAUSO4 cEssNA SECTION + MODEL 172R NAV I GENERAL SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY GENERAL AIRSPEED TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS. KCAS Knots Calbrated Alspeed is insicalod airspeed Comected. lor peston ard. intument fo and ‘expressed i kets. Khotscabated aepoed fs equal TOKTASin standard atmosphere at sa ove KIAS Knots Indleated Airspeed isthe speed shown on the Siapeed inseator and expressed ints KTAS Knots True Airspeed isthe stspeed expressed io Knots rete To" undisturbed air which is. KCAS Comectod fer tude and temperature Vn Maneuvering Speed isthe maximum speed at which {itor abrupt cantel movement may be used wou ‘overstressing te aitrame, vee Maximum Flap Extended Speed is the highest Speed permissible wih wing faps Ina prescribed ‘extended poston. Yao. Maximum Structural Crulsing Speed is the speod {Pat should not Be exceeded except In smooth a ‘hen only wit elon, Vr Never Exceed Speed is tho speed lit that may not be excoaded at any tm. Vs Stalling Speod or the minimum steady fight speed ievthevminmun speed at which the apa TS contolabe. Vso ‘Staling Speed or the minimum steady fight speed iSrtne,mnmum. speed at which the plane Ts ontotable In the fending conguration al the most formar corer o ay a 1 Angle-o-Clim Speed js the speed which 7 Fests eis greatest Bain of altade" a Gon Fonzonal datas w ‘Best Rate-ofClimb Speed isthe speed which resus Inte pretest gam inset nm gon te. {TEAPHAUS.O0 us 19 SECTION 1 ‘cesena GENERAL, MODEL. 1728 NAVI METEOROLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY ont Outside Ale Temperature is. the froe ar state ‘omporature. tay be expressed in ther degrens Cass or aogrees Fahne, Standard Standard Temperature i 15°C at co ove Temperature pressure alttuse and decreases by 2°C for each S000 testo altade Prossure Pressure Altitude is ho alitude read from an ‘Atude” —_altmetor when the altimeter’ barometric ecale has boon set to 2802 Inchos of mercury (1013 mb), ENGINE POWER TERMINOLOGY HP Brake Horsepower Is the power developed by the engine. eM Revolutions Per Minutes engine spo0d State State RPM is engine speed atainod during a fut RPM Brot engina ranup when the pane eon the ‘round and stationary Map Manifold Absolute Pressure isthe absolute pressure measured in the engine Indcton ‘yom. MAP is measured In Unts of inches of mercury (ini), Loan Decreased proportion of ul nthe usa mitre Miture supped te tha engine. As at densiy decroases, the ‘mount of fel required by the engine decreases for 4. gvon frotte seting. Adjusting the ful ar mitre {b provide. a. smalior portion of ual Is known ae eaning' ho mbar fen Increased proportion of utin the uaa mixta Miture _stppted te the engine. As ar denstyIncoases, the mount of ful required by vie engine Irereases fora ‘von ttle sateng.Agusng the hea mitre fo Provge""a great porton "ot fuel is Known at Fehering’ the mixture. (Continued Next Page) 140 us, 1 7ARPHAUS-00 cESSNA SECTION MODEL 172A NAV. ‘GENERAL ENGINE POWER TERMINOLOGY (Continues) FulRien — Mistre contol fall forward (pushed in, full conto travel toward the pane), lee Cutot! Mista contol ful ft (pulled out ull contol travel say fom tne panel Ful “Thro fl forward (pusnedin ful contol rave ‘Tote toward te par) Also known as Tull open’ three “Thro ful aft (pulled out, ul contol travel away from the panel) Aso known as the tot idle postion, AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE AND FLIGHT PLANNING TERMINOLOGY Demon: Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity sth velocity hated ofthe crosewind component fo whch adequate Grosevind Gano ote arplane dung take! andiansing Voociy”” was actualy gomonstvated suring corfcaion tet. “The vale shown not considered to be Imitng. Usable Fue! Usable Fuels the fet valle for ight planing. unusable Unusable Fuel she quantity of fol hat can not be uel sally Used in ght oP Gallons Per Hour Ie tho amount of fuel consumed perhou, MPG Nautical Mites Per Gaion isto stance which can te expected por gallon of fuel consumed al a Epeatic engine power sating™ andor tht eeiiguration, 5 19 aceleraton due to gravity, Course Course Datum isthe compass refrence used by Datum fhe autopto, slong wih course deviation, to provide lateral convo when wacking @ navigation signal, {sTaRPHAUSOO us SECTION 1 cessna GENERAL MODEL 172R NAVI WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY Feleronce Reference Oatum san imaginary vertical plane fom Batun""” itch ait hengontal stances” re. measured Tor Balance purposes. Staton Station ls a locaton along the airplane fusslage given inter ofthe distance ram the reference datum, am ‘Arm ig the horizontal clstance trom the relerence datum fo the centr of gravity (66,) ofan fem, Moment Moment 2 the product of the woight of an item metiioa by te sfn one dived ty the constant ‘TOod ie used in tis, handbook fo simply bance calculations by tedusng he number oF gs Gare cantr of ray the pitt wih on ene savy” oqupment, woul balance fsance (ESY—FBeP he eteranca tum ie found ty ‘vain the {5 moment byte otal weight! he alan cs. ‘Center of Gravity Arm the arm obained by om Sang te aeplahe's vidual moments and diding ‘he sum by he total wot co. ‘Center of Gravity Limits are the extrome center of itvis gray locations within whic to aiplane must be Sperated at a given west Standard Standard Empty Weight sth woight of a standard Enely.” —aplane. eluding Ynusabe Tul ful operating fulls Wash —anatul angine of Basic Empy Basle Empty Weight sho tardard omply weight Wight” plus te weight of optonal equipment, Usetul Load Useful Load isthe lfernce between ramp weight fd the base omy walt. (Continued Next Page) 142 us. 172RPHAUS.00 cEssNA SECTION 1 MODEL 172A NAV tt GENERAL WEIGHT AND BALANCE TERMINOLOGY (Continues) MAC MAC (Mean Aerodynamic Chord is the chord of an Imageary rectangular aol having the same pitching ‘moments twoughout the Might range’ a6 thal of the sauna Maximum Maximum Ramp Weights the maximum weight Ramp." approved for ground maneuver, and incluso he Wight lg foe sed for sta ta and ran. Maximam Maximum Takeo Weight isthe maximum weight ‘Takeot” Spprovediorte stat ofthe ake rat Weight Maximum Maximum Landing Weights tho maximum woight Laraing’” approved forthe lanng touchdown Walgnt Tere Tare isthe aight of chocks, Hooks, stands, oe Used when weighing an arplane, and is Included In the sale readrigs. Tae fs deducted trom the scale reading to cbtan the actual (et arplano weight srmonsiienn us. SECTION 1 ‘cesNa GENERAL MODEL 172R NAV I METRIC / IMPERIAL / U.S. CONVERSION CHARTS ‘The folowing charts have been proWded 10 help inemational perso ‘conver’ U.S measurement supplied win the Plots ‘Speraing Handbook nto mete and imperial measurements. “Tne standard followed for measurement uns shown, ts the National Inattte of Standards Tocmnciogy (NIST), Publeaon 811, "Guide forthe Use ofthe itomational System of Uns (3) Refer othe folowing pages for these chars. 14 us. 1TEAPHAUS-00 cEssNA SECTION MODEL 728 NAV ‘GENERAL (iograms «2.208 = Pounds) (Pounds x 454 = Klograms) aLganaus ro FouNos ‘aceghanmes ex cme i! Tell lel lie: POUNDS WTO KILOGRAMS Thneeen keoonamtes eo lell-lel li: rm al val a rm Figure 1-2. Woight Conversions (Shes of2) ‘s7eRPHAUSO0 us. 15 SECTION + cessna cEssNA SECTION GENERAL MODEL 172R NAVI MODEL 172A NAV ‘GENERAL (Metre «3.281 = Feet) (Feet x 205 = Meters) ‘ evens iro eer (ogre 2208 = Pounds) (Pounds 484 = Kograms) Wernee EN Pros cee coe) elle lll: om Test] tot] oe] owt] wa] eo ot] tot] tor] eo aoloe of See ee omer oe ao 2 finan aes] snr sone] true naa eo] tear 10 |” 53 [snc ase 22 sol sea tce| sr 10 [ 8 oer nse | |S] ste se an 10 foo saeco uz] 110 | 50 FEETINTO METERS ‘Sos Ee were 1s rol ell le): nalee ps eo re o o-2 ‘Sfestso| sem] 2a] sel ssa oe] var] tao] ean] eae wo 8 fsa ses ao] m5 sea] 2] rron] ware rae] ra a? $3 fear nen | ssc sauces rom] sre] sora 2nre| ata ene Unite 0,100, {8 fevers] aaue| seas nae san] zasas| nao] on com = Figure 1-2, Weight Conversions (Sheet 2) Figure 13. Length Conversions (Shoot tof), 17eRPHAUS-00 us 17 SECTION 1 Cessna ESSNA secmion 1 GENERAL MODEL 172R NAVI MODEL 172R NAV I “GENERAL (Cemimetersx.294= Inches) (inches x 2.54 Centimeters) = ‘cevmuerens nro mene (Foot x. 205 = Mtr ‘enrernes en POuCES i 8 rfc hc ioe BSSSREREREAERE RG suas oueEStEN CewrmieTnes TT ‘ fae co nts 10,109 saues Figue 1-3. Length Conversions (Sheet 2) Figue 1-4, Length Conversions (Sheet 1 of 2) 148 us. {TARPHAUSO0 1 7eAPHAUS-00 us 9 secrow 1 cess cessna secron Sree wove: 1288S Soe yon nav SS rs ""Tetanute Miles x 1,609 = Kilometers} (Kilomatersx.622 = Statute Miles) rea eanaht taint, (Statute Miles x 869 = Nautical Mies) (Nautcal Miles x 1.15 = Statute Mes) ewes cenmerens poi ploan feveo gH ‘o " woe = sommes MR movers ° 23 110} 95 5. 00 2 = m0 ee ce wie te 7 “1000s — a7 75-140 v 70 70-190 ei mle le " Bie ele os Sie ee 0 Bi a alia a aif Sle : sis a1 * 7 B90 wo ® $ hos ae 3 ral a "le whe eset coon she Eafe i = ole ole = Fagan 4 Langh Convenient 2 Fe 15, toe Conenions rrenPHaus.0 us. ta 120 us, {172RPHAUS-00 SECTION 1 cessna GENERAL MODEL 172R NAVI (impart Gans 4646 Lire) (Marx 2» impr Gone) URES EW GALLONS PERI E ol Telel-lslel 11° vee] ol of of oo] of ol cl pera cautons wro Uren 'SRLLONS MERIAL ELITES el lillie: ofa] of af of of ef of Figue 1-6, Volume Conversions (Shoe tof 3) 122 us. TERPHAUS.00 Cessna seoTiON | MODEL 172F NAV i “GENERAL (imperial Galons x 4.4546 = Liters) {Uiere x 22 = Imporal Galons). ween. "3/440 urers cations L420 400 05-1 300 20+} 360 73-+ 340 70} 320 es |-300 oo ae) 30+ 200 451-200 40-4160 as-{-160 040 =o 20. 80 180 wo 90 5.20 oto Unis «10,100, 7) Figure 1-6. Volune Conversions (Sheet 2) sreRPHAUSOO us. 123 SECTION Cessna CESSNA SECTION GENERAL MODEL 172R NAV It MODEL 172R NAV 1 GENERAL ‘TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS. {impo Gallons x 1.2 = US. Gallons) (US Gations x "889 = imperil Gallons) {US Sane = 2768°2 Lor) (Fsaxs9="¢ | “oxaseae=-F (lies «284» U.S Galore) aia us ERERRS 00120 GALLONS fg) TES “ oof 15 o6-a00 0 s0 10 oo} 40 i 25-105 0 | 20 soles £01 90 7 re} 751200 7 7085 rol aco 7 es} 51 7 170 807 220 40 soles so 7 soto sof 7 ots 5% 7 of 40: 45 140 420 ate wf Me 7 solos x 25730 25100 = 2025 zt a sf® 1560 _ wo 's wo} 7 ste tao 7 ole ole Us 10,100, ss or Fou 1-8. Volume Comerson (Shet 3) Fue 1.7. Temperate Comersons 124 US, {TERPHAUS-00 ‘s7eRPHAUS-00 us. 125 SECTION 1 essa ‘cESSNA SECTION 1 GENERAL (MODEL 1728 NAVI MODEL 172A NAV i ‘GENERAL PRESSURE CONVERSION HECTOPASCALS (MILLIBARS) TO INCHES MERCURY (nH) - vats Sec emt 72 - tec r2cktegend Raegune 1H Ln (icc tiartoas air austin : tens PouNos TERS KLOGRANS FA 0 1 w | 0 wie th 2 ie : sco wear 18% : 15 120 105 75 i 410 10 te i 5 100 90-65 : 8 1 ed 1 ws : nie : ats : Sie 7 rae a hos i wis i ole oie Unt 10,10 ~ Figure +8. Heclpascals ones Mercy Fe +9, Volume to Wet Conversion 126 us, TTeAPHAUSOO {17eAPHAUS-00 us. 127 SECTION GENERAL SPECIFIC ‘Gham a7 12a us, Cessna MODEL 1728 NAV It Figure 1-10. Quick Canversions {TRAPHAUS.00 ‘cESsNA section? MODEL 172A NAV I ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS OPERATING LIMITATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Inwostucton| Airspeed Limitations ‘Aespeed indieator Markings Powerplant Limitations Powerplant intument Markings Weight Limits ‘Normal Catogory sty Category Cconter-OF Gravity Limits Normal Category ‘atty Category Maneuver Limits ermal Category tity Category Fight Load Factor Lis Normal Category Usity Category Kinds Of Operation Lis Kings Of Operations Equipment ist Foel Utatons Flap Limitations System Limitations ‘Aux Auo Systm 12V Power System (61000 Limitations ‘GPSWAAS. Bending KAP 1402 Arle Autopittintaed) Pracaras FAR APPROVED renal us. 2422 ‘CESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 172A NAVA ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS INTRODUCTION Section 2 Includes operating itatons, isument markings, and basic plcarde necessary forthe safe operation of the apane, Is fengne, etandara syelomé and stancars equipment. The Imation Inuded im tie soclon and in Seston 9 have Deen approved by the Feder Aviation. Asminstaton. Obsenance af tose operaing Timing is rquired by Federal Aviation Rgulations. NoTe + Rotor tothe Suplaments, Section 9, ofthis Pits Operating Handbook "for amended eperatng limtatene, operating procedures, performance data ‘and her pocessary iniomation for alpanes ‘auipped with spec options +The. akepods listed In, Figure 2:1, Arspoed Limitations, and Figure 22, Airspeed Indeator Markings. are based on Arspood Calbraton dala ‘Shown i Section wit he normal stale sour. ‘he ‘tomate static source te being. used, ample ‘Margins should be. cbserved. to allow tor the ‘Brepood Calan varatons between the normal ‘and ater state sources as shown n Seeton 5. ‘The Cesena Model 172R is cotlicaled under FAA Type Cortiate No aav2, FAA APPROVED. TreRPHAUSO3 us. 23 SECTION? ‘cESSNA (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 172R NAVI AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS ‘Alrepeed limitations and thelr operational significance are shown in igure 2-1" Manewwerg speeds shawn apply Yo normal calegory tone. The uty ealogery manewvoring speed is 84 KIAS at cESSNA SECTION 2 MODEL 172R NAV I (OPERATING LIMITATIONS AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS [Arspoed indicate matings and their color code sigeance a Shown Figure 2.2 2200 pounds. AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS: 1 ‘msPEED LATIONS cs w jemusor]—sPee0 —Keas| KAS] — REMARKS wanna | valve | sawrcan Ye NoverExceed Spend] 160 | 168 [Doro rcoed mis Red Are’ | 20-20 |Low aiepeed warning berate Wn ac [59:85 far Opn eng ‘Vwo” Maximum Stwetural | 128 | 129" [Do not exceed tis |S manimam weight Veo in anding besiron See 3 [crams te ican using Spee peed except in {p00 pormissble wih flaps extended, Lee ace Green Aes | HT Neal Opraig Farge. Lover ts Ta ra 4 ean ogee oe {apt cet frei acral esi Seed 21s88Sinds | o7 | so |rovenents shove 1 ‘2200 Pounds 93 | 94 [this speed. ‘Yellow Arc | 129-163 [Operations must be conducted with eBieone | & | estar sch We Maman Pap Seat eneea edna | 163 Moxon poder al operons |Extended Speed: ‘speed with flaps: _MMa——<—< °° msuesspne | 1. | yg foie (1000 epee nal ny. eee oru| Se | 8 FRBSIo or ee 1 Wr 160 | 16 Borat com ie — fea ope Pere doe [Smee been Figao ramapenoven ran apenoveo 24 us Nanonose VreePHAUSOD us 26 SECTION? ‘cessna (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 172R NAVI POWERPLANT LIMITATIONS Engine Manufacturer: Teron Lycoming, Engine Modal Number 10-350-.28" Maximum Powsr 160 BHP rating, Engine Operating Limits or Takeo and Continuous Operations: Maximum Engine Spec: ‘00 RPM, Note “Te state RPM rango at ful tte ic 2085 - 265, RPM. Maximum Ol Temperature: 245 (118°0) OO Pressure Minar: ‘20 Pat Nx: 115 Psi Fuel Grade: See Fue Linton. 1 Grado (Spacicaton): IMIbL-c0e2 or SAE J1066 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Ol or MICL22651 oF SAE J1000 Ashiose Dispersant Ol.” Oil must Compiy with the ites revision andor supplement for Textron {yeaming Service Instuction No. 1014 Propeller Manutactrer: MeCauey Propeller Systems. Propeller Model Number: 1C2351.FA7670. aller Damater mum: 75 INCHES Minimum: 74 INCHES FAA APPROVED 26 US. ORPHAUSOS SECTION? ‘CESSNA MODEL 172A NAV ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS POWERPLANT INSTRUMENT MARKINGS Powerplant instrument mavkings and the color code signticance ‘fe shown in Figur 23 Oporation with cea in the red rang is rontited. Avoid operating wih ndcatrsin the yellow range POWERPLANT INSTRUMENT MARKINGS. lstruwenr| E2 | BEB |veuwow) “ora | repanc si | di |"ane" | crema | “i [rachometer |= | — [= | saooie sano [avon ee finder |= = [ower | — ad Temperature i = Peowaer | eae emperatr| ‘sor i Pressure dea] — | weers | se Pst *31 uel — | 18 |sw2eGatore | — \uantty atone JrusiFiow | = | = cone | = fnicator | | | | nh * Maximum operating itis lower er of red are. Fgue 23 l FAA APPROVED {raRPHAUS03 us. 27 section? cessna ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 1728 NAV It weir ums vom corso ee ae isaaeet oe cee eee ee SEITE. propos See ae woe peat Denemestia en ewe te ae Base ae Es ace ee Maximum Weight In Baggage Compartment: In the uslty category, therDaggage compare mst empty an roar aa mst a cea (CENTER-OF-GRAVITY LIMITS NORMAL CATEGORY contr of Gravy Range: Foraard: 350 inches alt of datum at 1950 pounds o ess, ‘talght tne varaton to 400 inches ft of datum at 2450 pounds, ‘At: AT Sinchos alt of datum a all weighs Reteronce Datum: Lower potion of ront ace of frewal 28 us. { TRAPHAUS-O4 section2 cessNA MODEL 172A NAV i ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS CENTER-OF-GRAVITY LIMITS (contruee) umuy catecony Center of Gravy Range: Foard: 36.0 inches aft of datum at 1950 pounds of loss, wlth git in vara t 975 hes aff atin al 2200 pounds, Ate 40.Snches aft of datum at al weights. -Roterence Datum: Lower porton of front ace of frewal. MANEUVER LIMITS NORMAL CATEGORY “This aipane is cortficated in both te normal and uty eatogoy. ‘The. normal category Is appleable to alraft intended for nor Aerobatic eperatone, These include any manewore nedental to ‘oral fing, stl (except wiup sla), lazy eghis,chandeles, and {ms inh he angle banks nat moro than 60" NORMAL CATEGORY MANEUVERS AND RECOMMENDED ENTRY SPEED" Cchandebes 105 Kors, Cay eights 108 KNOTS, Stoop Tus ‘98 KNOTS ‘Stale (Exeap inp Stal) ‘Siow Decelaration “Abrupt use ofthe controls is prohibited above 99 KNOTS. J (Continues Nex Page) ToRPHAUS.OS us, 20 SECTION? ‘cessna (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 172R NAVI MANEUVER LIMITS (Continuss) umiuty caTeGony ‘This aiplane is not designed tor purely aerobatic fight. Homever, in the acquatton of varous cartes Sich ao comarca plot snd {ght instructor, certain manewers are reqared by the FAA. Al of these manouvers are petted in hs aiplane when operated inthe ‘ity category. In the uty category, the rear seat must not be oocuped and the taggage compartment must be empty. UTILITY CATEGORY MANEUVERS AND RECOMMENDED ENTRY SPEED" Cchandtes 108 KNOTS Tay ens 108 KNOTS ‘Stoop Tums 98 KNOTS Spine ‘Sow decoration Sats (Excop vip Sia) Show Deceleraton I -Aprupt use ofthe controls is prohibited above 94 KNOTS. Aerobatics that may impose high Toads should not be attempted {The important ting to bear in mind in fight manevers is that the ‘plane ts clean in aerodynamic dough and wil buld up speed ‘guckty win the nce down. Proper spaed contol fs an essential ‘aurement for execution of ary mancuvor and care should always be lenercsed fo avold excessive spocd which in tum can impose ‘excansve lads, nthe execulon of al maneuvers, vod abrot use St oontoe FAR APPROVED 210 US. TPaAPHAUSOM Cessna secrion 2 MODEL 172A NAV I (OPERATING LIMITATIONS FLIGHT LOAD FACTOR LIMITS NORMAL CATEGORY Fight Load Factors (Maximum Takeo Weight - 2450 POUNDS}: ‘388g, -1529 soy The design oad factors are 150% of fe above, and in al (Gases, he structure meets or exceeds design loads UTILITY CATEGORY Fight Load Factors (Maximum Takeot Weight 2200 POUNDS): "Flaps Up ‘aay. 1789 “Flaps Dowa Taos * Tho design toad tacirs aro 180% of fe above aeos, he suture mest or exceeds design oa KINDS OF OPERATION LIMITS “The Cossna_172R Nav Il aplane Is approved for day and right VFR and IFA operations. Fight Ilo krowrviing conions Is prohibited. and in at ‘The minimum equipment for approved operations required under {ho Operating Fules aro dened by 14 CFR Part Ot and 14 CFA Pam 185, as appcatte. ‘The following Kinds of Operations Equipment List (KOEL) identifies te equpment requiod to be operatonal Yor alplane arwortness Inthe steak of operations, FAR APPROVED SreRPHAUS.O4 us an section Cessna (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 172R NAV It Cessna secrion 2 MODEL 172R NAV nt (OPERATING LIMITATIONS KINDS OF OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT LIST (Continued) INOS OF OPERATIONS EQUPMENT UST SOF ERATE symm, insranenteaeprent | || | sym marumor equpnen | R| 81 R |B eseraremerem women | STL SLT comments besa ELELELE | comes |rcAcAROS MD NaRRNGS SOUP MOTORS T7BR Rav WI PORTANT T [11117 iccessibie to pia 1 Seaton Joccxpant frig 2. Souter tanese sfala| + feed Repaareg cae TP eo hee [sans ar CONDITIONING rr Tigewemomrrn —] trp i Betctinomn | 1] i]t] t SieBeh a]s fe] s fre svsteu aceon ee 4s pty | Becirc Fost Pump TTITt prone Be 1 ersakg rap anPO| 0} aR | AR pcm = yyy ones exer 2: tf ete commnCATONS /— lceavo ranronecrion [Serrcou opetets Shera teeke tos tot T FT ikmeeemama” |S /e/ t/a EET RCR POWER eS Bay Nan Baer ThHitths IRDICATRGRECORDNG FS da EE esemasge TTP ETT Bing Re BLL] fern ieee NOTE one an 1. Te European Aviston Salty. Ager (EASA) 1 Wes Fra obo foto roa ‘rau he "Strny Sater and Stn ‘Stoner sen come rgd ‘hock be opertng the srlne VERN (Coninued Now Page) Pera ete te cnatos ecbe Stancoy Rrvmotr ls recommended ora oar pra (Continues Newt Pag8) Faa aPpROVED faa appRovED 212 us Menpnause Veneration us a ‘SECTION? ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS cessna MODEL 1728 NAV It cessNa secTion 2 MODEL 172R NAV I (OPERATING LIMITATIONS Jonna oF peenaTots LOUPMENT LT Conte {0 F arenes Pou Ton MET UBT st a er oe befell elles elslsle ° Seemann comes 811 ET | comes orerzimmarenenomes | ETE TR ET ems mee —tefeteh ae rege, [E/E] | femme Teams (ele it Pee |e |! |e] fees cya Pi Panel 5 Gr000 Vena Speed ofololo ogi eee omen | 0 | + | |: ouetimmserame |e |e) 4) 1 ed simian, [3/2] | ‘Bobs [2 |s[o + Geom | oo | s o ger teenth | o | s/o): seecmeomie [2/9 ]1)3 omen fe |: |e): os agente, [3 ]i]e| *GeRmeencs | | 0 [aman pager ve Gectmomen 2) 3) 5) 3 jth | 5 | » lam lan Peieeee Hgageeamen” 13) a) a) 3 fa tmnarsocorncne || 6 [am |an deans URE Reem 8 | foam vt ancnmuccn [anon 1 | fstetere 15. Clock ofols]a ue Cue 1 ExGreaivenvacumPime TT] TT 12. pr pupa mae ey VER a Beane oe SR a SL cee tet Bares cs Vala ot meer ts ee ee 2. WE heating ee dey YE wt Taegmen. TS TSTETS 1? eB ets svi earn at re eee Ste eae fee | 1 {13 | 4 = jeetmmoe. [1] t/t | (crt tt Pa ee woeue saat pameeea sa arraoven 4 ua ae meee us es SECTION? essa (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 172F NAVI FUEL LIMITATIONS Tota Feet ‘56 US. gallons (2 tanks at 28.0 gallons ach) sab Ful (al ight condos): 580US. gallons ‘Unusable Fost 20 US. gallons (1.5 gallons each tank) NoTE To. ensure. maximum fuel capacty and mismize Goss leoding “when” cfuoing, always park the ‘plane ne wings level normal found attude and [ise the fuel selector in the Lot oF igi poston. Fetor to gure il for normal gfound atte etiton 'rakeot and land wih the fuel selector valve hance in the BOTH poston Maximum sip rsd duration wth one tank dry: 80 seconds Operation on ether LEFT or RIGHT tank lined to lve ight only With 146 tank or e55, prolonged uncoordinated fight is profited ten operating on ete lt oF mgt lank Fuel remaining Inthe tank ater te Wel quanty indicator reads 0 {red no) cannot be safely used ign Approved Fuel Grades (and Colors: "O0CL Grade Aiton Fuel (Bu0). 100 Grade Aviation Fual (reer). FLAP LIMITATIONS ‘Approved Takeott Range: Upto 10" ‘Approved Landing Range Upto FUL FAR APPROVED 216 US. TreAPHAUSO3 essa secrION2 MODEL 172R NAV I (OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘SYSTEM LIMITATIONS AUX AUDIO SYSTEM Use of the AUX AUDIO IN entrainment input i prohibited during Takoot an landing Uo of he AUX AUDIO atone ao pit nd poi ‘ectone. devices (PED) such ag calllar telephones, ‘games, fxasota, CD oF MPS players Is probed under IFR unless P| operator of the plane has determined thatthe use ofthe Aue Rago System and te comected potable electronic devices) wa ot eause iteerence wih the navigaton ce commuricaion system tte aipiane. sav POWER SYSTEM ‘The 12 Volt Powor Systom (POWER OUTLET 12V - 104) isnot Cavtied Yor supplying power to fightetical communieaion er ‘avigaton devices. Use ofthe 12 Volt Power Systam is prohibited during takeot ana lending Use of the 12 Vat Power System fs profibted under IFR unless th Operator ofthe alplane has determined thatthe use of he 12 VDG| ower supply end connected poibie elecronc devices) wil ot Eause intederenes wit The navigation of communication systems of the aplane, FAA APPROVED fi ranPHAuso3 us. 217 SECTION? ‘cessna ‘OPERATING UMITATIONS MODEL 1728 NAVI G1000 LIMITATIONS ‘The curent Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide (CRG) Pan "Number ana System Softvare Version tat must bo avalable tothe pilot uring fight are splayed on the MFD AUX group, SYSTEM STATUS page Use of the NAVIGATION MAP page for pllotage navigation is pohites”» The NAVIGATION MAP is Interied only fo. enhance Etuatonal awareness. Navigation is to be conducted Using ony furent charts, data and auhorzed navigation fac Use of ho TRAFFIC MAP to manewwer the aiplane to avod trate Ie profited. The TRAFFIC INFORMATION. SYSTEM (TIS) ls intended Ter advisory uso erly. TIS is ifended onl to help the plot tp vualy Toca vafe. tis th respenszilyof te plete see and maneuver avot wae Use of the TERRAIN PROXIMITY information for pimary train ‘vadance. ie prohttes The TERRAIN. PROXMMITY. map ts Intended only fo enhance siuatonal awareness. te te ples Fesponsbiy to prowdo train clearance at al Navigation using he 1000 is not authorized north of 70° Norh fattuge or sou ot 70" Sout ittede sve to unsutabity of te ‘magnetic folds near tho Ears poles. In action, operatons are ‘ot authorized in he flowing two regions 1! Nort of 65+ Nor lattude between longitude 75° W and 120" W (Northam Canada 2, South of SS" South latitude between longitude 120° € and 165" E(rgion south of Austra ana New Zeal}. ‘The COM 1/2 (spt COM) function of the GMA 1347 Auso Panel is ‘ot approved for uso. ‘Duing COM V2 operation, vansmssion by ‘ene crew member inhib reception by the oer crew member. (Continued Next Page) I FAR APPROVED 18 us. aRPHAUS.0€ cESSNA ‘SECTION2 MODEL 728 NAV It (OPERATING LIMITATIONS G1000 LIMITATIONS (continues) GPS-WAAS (Airplanes 17281357 and On) Use of the Garmin 1000 system for GPS or WAAS navigation Under lastument Fight Rules (FF) requtes hat: 4. The aéplane must be equipped wih an approved and ‘perational atemate means ot navigation appropriate Toth ‘ute boing own (NAV ecoiver, DME o” ADF) 2, For fight panning purposes, it an alenate apo s requted, ht mast have. an approved inerumont approach procedure, her thon GPS or ANAV, that is antcipatod fo] Be operational and avaliable atthe esimated to caval. Al ulpment requred for bie prosedure must be Instaled| ‘nd operational. 3, For procedures requiing a prediction of GPS Receiver ‘Autonomeus integry Montring (RAI) capably for TSO- Cava {ron WWaAs) equpmant (eg. oceanic operations, ‘C'S"ANAV routes, European BRNAV and PRNAV, ot), th Garmin WAAS Faut Oetecton/Excuson Preston Prosar (06-A01540% of later approved verson) should be sed fo ont the avatabity ef RAIM for tho ‘rtondod route and] time ot ght Generic prediten tools 30 not provice an] fcourate indeaton ‘of HAMM avaiatity Yor tho arma] {i000 syst 4 hon fight planing an LNAVIVNAV or LPV approach, the ‘Garmin WAAS Faut Detecton/Exeuton Prodton progam {005-AD1854-01 or later approved version) shoud be used I] [Bdion to ary NOTAMs feud from th approach, [BENDIXIKING KAP 1402 AXIS AUTOPILOT (t installed) Use of the Benalivking KAP 140 Auopit ie prohited when the (GMA"IS47 Ausio Panels Inoperatve fance the aural warning wil ot be provided when Autopia is dlsengaged). FAA APPROVED SECTION 2 cessna (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 1728 NAVI PLACARDS ‘The folowing information must be displayed in the form of Composite or nsivaul placarse 1 In full vow of the plot (The "OAY.NIGHT-VERLIER" entry, ‘shown on the example below, wil vary as the alana ts eauipped, Fire markings and placards Insaled to Wis plane conta |aperatnglnatone vnch must be complied wth when. operstng| lis atplane in he Normal Category. Other operating lations jarich musi be comphed wih when operating tis aipana in ths eategory orn the ‘Ulty Calegory are contained i the Plots Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Aplane Fight Manual Normal Category No acrobatic maneuvers, including spin, approved Uitty Category No. acrobatic manewors approved, except these sted A the” Plots ‘Operating Handbook ‘Baggage compartment and rear sea! ‘must not be oosupied ‘Spin Recovery Opposite rudder - forward elevator - etralize cont, Fight into known eng condone prof od “Tis aiplane is cette forthe folowing ignt eperatons as of date of egal aworniness corals! DAY.NIGHT-VFRLFR (Continued Next Page) I FAR APPROVED 20 US, TTeRPHAUS.O8 ‘cESSNA MODEL 1728 NAV i SECTION? ‘OPERATING LIMITATIONS PLACARDS (continues) 2. onthe tye seoctor vale: 100111100 mi ‘cnr. TAKEOFF BOTH ALL FLIGHT TANOING SOCAL ATTTUDES FUEL SELECTOR Leer RIGHT 265A. 285 GAL, evel ‘Level Fuge FucHt ‘ONLY ‘onty 3 Near fat ank ior cap: Few AP 178. US GAL USABLE TO BOTTOM (OF FILLER INDICATOR TAB IN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE 1208 U.S. GAL USABLE 4. Onttap conta inate: How FULL aS KAS. luPto 10 HOKIAS (Paral tap range with blue color ode; alse, mechanical detent at 10"), (ite color code: so, mechanical etent st 20°) FAA APPROVED fr 7eRPHAUS.O8 (Contoued Next Page) us. 221 SECTION 2 Cessna (OPERATING LIMITATIONS MODEL 172R NAVI PLACARDS (Continues) 5__Inbaggage compartment: ‘cEssNa SECTION 2 MODEL 172R NAV I (OPERATING LIMITATIONS PLACARDS (Continues) 10.__Onthe User Right Side ofthe Af Cabin Paton 180 POUNDS NAXIMUM BAGGAGE FORWARD OF BAGGAGE DOOR LATCH 50 POUNDS MAXIMUM BAGGAGE AFT OF BAGGAGE DOOR LATCH MAXIMUM 120 POUNDS COMBINED FOR ADDITIONAL LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 'SEE WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA 6. Acalbraton card must be provided to inca the aocracy the magnetic compass in 20" Increments. 7. Onthe al fer cop: EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER INSTALLED AFT OF THIS PARTITION "MUST. BE” ‘SERVICED IN] ‘ACCORDANCE WITH FAR PART 91207 11. On forward tae of rewal agacentto the bat: CGATTON at VOLISDG “Tis AIRCRAFT 1S EQUIPPED WITH ALTERNATOR AND A NEGATIVE GROUND. 'SYSTeM. "OBSERVE. PROPER] POLARITY. “REVERSE "POLARITY WILL DANAGE| ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. 12,__ On tho upper sight instumentpanet OL 8 “ars 8. Oncontatiock ‘SMOKING PROHEITED 13, __ Near the conter overhad ight contro CAUTION, CONTROL LOCK REMOVE BEPORE STARTING ENGINE 9. Above he PFO: TWANEWVERING SPEED - 69 KIAS (Continued Next Page) I FAR APPROVED loz us. T7eRPHAUS O84 Floed waht FAA APPROVED fi raRPHiauso¢ us. 220226 ‘CESSNA secTION’ MODEL 172A NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page induction 35 reeds Fr Emergency Operaton od EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. od ENGINE FAILURES 38 Engine Faure Dring Takeo Ft 38 Engin Flu nmeitly Ato Takoof 38 Engne Fle During Fight (estat Procedures) sd FonceD LANDINGS 34 morgen Landing Without Engine Powor 3s Procaonary Landing Win Engrs Power 38 Ditching Sol FIRE: 3 ‘utng Start On Ground 3 Engno Fe In Fight a Eloctca Fe In Fght 3 Cabin Fe 3a Wing xe aa ome ot Inadvertent ng Encounter Dung Fight Bu Stat Source Bloskage (Eroneous merumert Readng Sutpeted) ond (Continued Next Page) I ‘TeRPHAUSOL us 31 SECTIONS cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1728 NAVI TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continues) Page EXCESSIVE FUEL VAPOR aa Fuel Flow Sablization Procedures a3 ABNORMAL LANDINGS. 1 Landing Wit Fat Main To ae Landing Wit A Fat Nose Tre ate ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS 3-15, IP High Vots Annunciator Comes On or MBAT AMPS More Than 40 as LOW VOLTS Annuneiter Comes On Gelow 1000 RPM... 3-17, {LOW VOLTS Annuncator Comes On or ‘Does Not Go Of at Higher RPM a7 [AIR DATA SYSTEM FAILURE 9 Fed X - PFD Airspeed incicator 319 Fed x -PFD Aude Indestor 19 ATTITUDE AND HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM (AHAS) FAILURE, 320 Red X - PFD Attu indeator 320 Rea X - Horizontal Suan Incoatr (HSI) 2320 DISPLAY COOLING ADVISORY 900 PPFD! Cooling or MFO} Cooing Annuncistors) 320 ‘VACUUM SYSTEM FAILURE 221 Low Vacuum Annunciator Comes On 321 HIGH CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) LEVEL ANNUNCIATOR . 3-21 ‘CO LVL HIGH Annunciatr Comes On 321 (CO LVLHIGH Annuneator Remaine On 321 (Continued Next Page) 92 us. {TeRPHAUS.03 CESNA secrion a MODEL 172R NAV It TABLE OF CONTENTS (coninvsd) AMPLIFIED EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Engine Faure Maximum Gide Forced Langings Landing Witout Elevator Control Fes Emergency Operation in Couss "Executing A 190° Tum n Clouds (ANAS FAILED) Emergency Dasoont Thvough Clouds (AHRS FAILED) Reoavery From spizal Ove In The Clouds (AHRS FAILED) Inadvertent Fight nto leng Concons ‘Stati Sourc Blocked Spins ough Engine Operation Or Loss OF Power Spark Pig Fou Magneto Maltuntion de Power Engine Roughness Engine Driven Fuel Purp Faure Excossve Fuel Vapor Low Oi Pressure Electrical Power Supply System Maltuncions ‘Excossive Rao-Ot-Charge Ineutioent Rate-O1-Charge igh Carbon Monoxide (CO) Level Otter Emergencies Windetils Damage 7ARPHAUSOS us, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 333 333 336 336 sa cessna sections MODEL 172R NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. INTRODUCTION Secton 3 provides checklst and ampitid procedures for coping wih emergencies that may cccur. Emergencies caused by aplane fr engine mallunctins aro extremely rare’ proper” pelight Inspectors ‘and. manienance “aro practiood. —Envoute weather fomergoncies canbe minimized or osminated by care Nght planning and. "good judgment. when “unexpected weathers fncounfred)” Nowever, shoud an emergency arse, the base ‘Gadelines described in’ Wis secton ‘shoud be ‘considered and Sppled as necossary to corect the problem. In any. emergency Stuaton, the most important task is cohtinued coil of he alone land maneuver lo execute a succes landing Emergency procedures associated with optional or supplemental ‘equipment are ound in Secon 9, Supplomens. AIRSPEEDS FOR EMERGENCY OPERATION ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF: Wing Flas U oskins Wing aps 1" Fi SORIAS MANEUVERING SPEED: 2460 POUNDS so Kins 2200 POUNDS Bekah ‘oo POUNDS seks ‘Maximum GLIDE esKiAS PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER. 6OKIAS LANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER: ‘Wing Flaps UP. Kins Wing Flaps 10°- FULL 6ORIAS 17eRPHAUS.04 us. 35 ‘SECTIONS ‘cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ‘MODEL 172R NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Procedures inthe Emergency Procedures Chockist portion otis ‘Seeton shown in bold faced type aro immediate acon lems which ‘Should be commited to memo. ENGINE FAILURES ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF ROLL. “Tvottle Control - IDLE (pul fl out Brakes: APPLY. Wing Flaps - RETRACT More Gono - IDLE CUTOFF (pul fut out) MAGNETOS Swit OFF ‘Stay BATT Switch - OFF ‘MASTER Swen (ALT and BAT) - OFF [ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF 1. Alrpeed- 65 KIAS Faps UP 60 KIAS Flaps 10° -FULL ture Conte = IDLE CUTOFF (pul fl out) FUEL SHUTOFE Valve - OFF (pul fl out) MAGHETOS Swtch “OFF ‘Wing Hapa AS REQUIRED (FULL recommended) STBY BATT Swich -OFF MASTER Swich (ALT and BAT) - OFF Cabin Boor“ UNLATCH (and - STRAIGHT AHEAD [ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT (Restart Procedures) Airepeed - 65 KIAS (best glide speed) FUEL SHUTOFF Valve - ON (push fll in) FUEL SELECTOR Valve - BOTH FUEL PUMP Switch - ON Mixture Control RICH (if restart has not occurred) (Continued Next Page) he us Cessna SECTIONS MODEL 172A NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ENGINE FAILURES (Continues) ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT (Restart Procedures) (Continued) 6. MAGNETOS Switch - BOTH (or START if propor is stopped) Nove, HF the propoter is whaling, engine wil estat Sutomatealy shin low sosonds I proper has Stopped (pgssble at low speeds), un MAGNETOS: fwten to|START, advance Tote slowly om Ide fand lean the moaure fom ul en as required To bitin emooth operation. 7. FUEL PUMP Switch -OFF Note 1 the inccated fue How (FFLOW GPH) immediately trope to 20, 2 89n of falure of the engine-ven Mot pump, relun the FUEL PUMP Switch tothe ON poston FORCED LANDINGS EMERGENCY LANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER 1 Plot and Passenger Seat Gacke - MOST UPRIGHT POSTION ‘Seas and Seat Sets SECURE 5. Arspood 68 KIAS Flaps UP 60 KIAS -Flape 10"- FULL 4 Moure Cont IDLE CUTOFF (ul ul out) I 5. FUEL SHUTOFE Valve - OFF (pu ful out) 8 MAGNETOS Smtch “OFF * & & Wing Flaps - AS REQUIRED (FULL recommended) ‘STBY BATT Sitch - OFF MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) - OFF (when landing Is assured) 10. Doors: UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN, 11. Touchdown “SLIGHTLY TAILLOW 32. Brakes = APPLY HEAVILY (Continued Next Page) ‘s7eRPHAUS-08 us. 97 SECTION ‘cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. MODEL 172R NAVI FORCED LANDINGS (Continues) PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER rt lot and Passenger Seat Backs - MOST UPRIGHT POSITION, Seals and Seat Bets - SECURE ‘Arepeed-60 KAS Wing ape 20" ‘Slociod Fill. FLY OVER, noting terrain and obstructions Wing Flaps FULL (on final approach). ‘irpeed 60 KIAS Stey BATT Such -OFF MASTER Swith (ALT ané BAT) - OFF (when landing assured) Doors: UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHOOWN ‘Touchdown “ SLIGHTLY TALLOW Mature Con IOLE CUTOFF (pul ful out) MAGNETOS Switen - OFF Brakes "APPLY HEAVILY orrcHING I! ‘Radio - TRANSMIT MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz (Give locaton, Intentons and SQUAWK 7700) Heavy Objects (n baggage are) ~ SECURE OR JETTISON (poral) Piet"ana’ Passenger Seat Backs - MOST. UPRIGHT POTION ‘Seats and Seat Bots - SECURE Wig Hope 20" FULL Power“ ESTABLISH 900 FTMIN DESCENT AT SS KIAS Nore 1 no power fs avaiable, approach at 65 KIAS with Fup UP ora 60 KIAS wih Fags 10" ‘Aeproach High Winds, Hoavy Seas -INTO THE WIND Ligne Winds. Heavy Swols “PARALLEL TO Shes (Cabin Doors“ UNLATCH ‘Feschdown - LEVEL ATTITUDE AT ESTABLISHED RATE OF-DESCENT, (Continues Nex Page) us 1 7eRPHAUS-B cessNa sections MODEL 172A NAV EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FORCED LANDINGS (coninues) DITCHING (Continued) 10, Fave - CUSHION at touchdown wih folded coat MELT Aetvat, 32, Aiplano "EVACUATE THROUGH CABIN DOORS. ff recosesry. open window and food ‘abn to equalize proscuo to doors can be opened, 13, Lie este ‘and’ Raf INFLATE WHEN CLEAR OF AIRPLANE. FIRES DURING START ON GROUND 1. MAGNETOS Switch - START (conioue cranking to star tho ‘engine IF ENGINE STARTS. 2. Power- 1800 APKE ora few minutos '3_Engine - SHUTCOWN and inspoct fr damage IF ENGINE FAILS TO START 2. Thwottle Control - FULL (push fll in) I Mirture Control IDLE CUTOFF (pul full ut) MAGNETOS Switch- START (continue cranking) FUEL SHUTOFF Valve OFF (pul full out) FUEL PUMP Switch - OFF MAGHETOS Switch -OFF ‘STSY BATT Switen - OFF MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) - OFF Engine - SECURE: Parking Brake - AELEASE Fe Exingulsher - OBTAIN (have ground atendants obtain ot intatles) 13. plane. EVACUATE 1. Fife = EXTINGUISH using fre extinguisher, woo! blanket, or rt 15. Fre Damage - INSPECT (Repair or replace damag Components andior wing blore conducting sncthe ight) (Continued Next Page) 1 ToRPHAUS.O3 us. 39 SECTIONS ‘cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 172A NAVI FIRES (Continues) ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT Mixture Control OLE CUTOFF (pul fll out) FUEL SHUTOFF Valve - OFF (pul full ut) FUEL PUMP Switch “OFF MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) - OFF (Cabin Heat and Ai. OFF (excep ovrhoad vents) ‘Argpoed ~ 100 KIAS (it fio fs not extinguhed, Increase (Gide speed fo find an Sirspesd - wthin arepeed intatons, “nti wl provide an incombuctbe mre) 17, Foreed" Landing” = EXECUTE. er to EMERGENCY CANDING WITHOUT ENGINE POWER. ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT ‘STBY BATT Switch - OFF MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) - OFF ‘Vents/Cabin Artest - CLOSED Fira Extinguisher - ACTIVATE avalable) AVIONICS Smich (GUS 1 and BUS 2) - OFF [Al Other Swithes (excopt MAGNETOS switch) - OFF WARNING AETER THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER HAS BEEN OStb) MAKE. SURE. THAT THE’ FIRE 1S EXTINGUGHED BEFORE EXTERIOR AIR'IS USED ‘TO REMOVE SMOKE FROM THE CABIN. 7. VensiCabin AiiMeat - OPEN (When sure the tke Is completly exingushes) (Continues Next Page) 310 Us. 1 72APHAUS.03 cEssNA secTion MODEL 172R NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FIRES (Coninved) ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT (Continuod) If FIRE WAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED AND ELECTRICAL POWER IS NECESSARY FOR CONTINUED ‘FLIGHT TO NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT OR LANDING AREA. 8. Celt Broakers- CHECK for OPEN cieuite), do not reset 9. MASTER Swich (ALT and BAT) -ON 10. STBY BATT Such ON 11. AVIONICS Swen (US 1) -ON 12, AVIONICS Swich (BUS 2) ON CABIN FIRE, STBY BATT Switch - OFF MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) - OFF ‘Vents/Cabin Artieat CLOSED (o avoid drafts) Fire Extinguisher = ACTIVATE (Havalabie) WARNING AFTER THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER HAS_ BEEN Gseb) MaKe SURE THAT. THE FIRE IS EXTINGUIGHED BEFORE EXTERIOR AIR IS USED TO REMOVE SHOKE FROM THE CABIN. 5. VenlsCabin AlHeat = OPEN (When sure that fee is completa extinguished) 6. Land the avplane’ at) soon as possible to inspect for Gamage. Wing FIRE LAND and TAXI Light Switches - OFF NAV Light Switch = OFF ‘STROBE Light Switch - OFF PITOTHEAT Switen “OFF nove Pertom a siesip to keep the fames away trom the fool tank and cain. Lang ae soon ae pose ing apg aniy"as"roqued far tna approach and touchdown 7eRPHAUS08 us. on SECTIONS cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1728 NAVIN IcING INADVERTENT ICING ENCOUNTER DURING FLIGHT 1 PITOT HEAT Switch -ON 2 Tum back oF ‘change altitude 10 obtain an ouside air temperature ais tas conduve tong 3. Pull-cabin heat control full out and open defroster Diets 1 obtan maximum windshield. deroster aston Aust cabinar conta to got maxmum dotrostr heat and ‘iow. 4 Wate for signs of induction air tr icing. loss of engine FRPM coud be caused by lee Bloating the a itake iar Adis the trot as necessary to hold engine PPM. Adjust mitre, as necessary, or any change n power songs. 5. Plan'2landng at to nearact arpor. Wh an ext ‘api ice bull, solct a sutabl "ot aport lacing sao 6. With an ice accumudaton of 0.25 inch oF more on he wing leading edges. be prepared for aignieanty higher powar foqurerens, higher approach and cal speedo, and a fongor landing rat 7. Loave wing flaps roracod. With a severe ice bull-up on ‘he Norzental tal, tho change In wing wana alow arecton {nused by ing fap extension coud resu Ina lose of ‘lovater olectvenose, 8. Open left window and, practical, scrape io rom a portion ofthe windshield for visoiy in he tana approach 9, Perlory a anding. approach “using "forward lp, ‘ecessany fo impreved visi 10, Approach at 65 10.75 KIAS depending upon the amount of ‘Merce accumciaon 11, Perform aianding novel tude, 12, Missod’agproactos should be avoided whenever possile Decaute of severely reduce cmb capably (Continued Next Page) a2 us, {TARPHAUS.O2 cessna SECTIONS MODEL 172R NAV It EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ICING (Continues) STATIC SOURCE BLOCKAGE (ERRONEOUS INSTRUMENT READING SUSPECTED) 1. ALT STATIC AIR Valve - PULL ON. 2. CABIN HT and CABIN Alf Knobs "PULL ON 5. Vonis- CLOSED. 4 (Atepeed - Refer to Section 5, Figure 51 (Shoot 2) Arspow Calbraton, Atemate State Source corocton char. EXCESSIVE FUEL VAPOR FUEL FLOW STABILIZATION PROCEDURES (i flow fluctuations of 1 GPH or more, or power surges ‘Secur) 1. FUEL PUMP Swteh-ON 2) Minute Conta!" ADJUST (As necessary for smooth nt peraton) 9. Fuel Selector Valve - SELECT OPPOSITE TANK (it vapor ‘symptoms contruo) 4. FUEL PUMP Switch - OFF (ator ul fow has stabilized) sreAPHAUSOS us. 313 SECTION. ‘cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 172" NAVI ABNORMAL LANDINGS LANDING WITH A FLAT MAIN TIRE 1 Approach - NORMAL, 2 Wing Flaps - FULL 5 Touetwown » GOOD MAIN TIRE FIRST (Hold airplane oft fat reas ong as possible wih aleron conto) 4, Diocionl Cant» Mi as requred) LANDING WITH A FLAT NOSE TIRE INTAIN (Using brako on good whoo! ‘Approach - NORMAL Wing Flaps AS FEQUIRED {Bo to 1HOKIAS- Flaps Up 10° Below 85 KIAS Flaps 10" -FULL I 3. Touetviown = ON MAINS (Hold nosewhoo of the ground as long as posse Wien nosewheel touches down, maintain full up elevator as Aiplane stows to stop 316 us. {TaAPHAUS-0a cessna SECTIONS MODEL 172R NAV It EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS HIGH VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON OR M BAT AMPS] MORE THAN 80 4. MASTER Swen (ALT On) OFF 2) Eletreal Load HEOUCE NIMEDIATELY as follows: "AVIONICS Such (BUS 1) “OFF ProTHEAT “OFF BEACON Lioht- OFF CAND Light “OFF (Use a requ for landing) axl ugh OFF INAV Ughas “OFF STROBE Lights - OFF GARIN PWIA T2V © OFF NOTE ‘The Main Battery supplies eectical power tothe Main'and sserial Buses unl M BUS VOLTS Secreases below 20 volts. When Mt BUS VOLTS {as below 20 vols, the Standby Batory Sysiem vill automaticaly supply electrical power 10 the ‘Essel Bus fora lest 20'mintes, ‘Select COM! MiG and NAV! on the audio pane {and tune To the actve iequeney‘beloreseting AVIONICS BUS 29 OFF COM MIC. and NAVA are selected when AVIONICS BUS.? Is set {0 OFF, the COM and NAV rads cannot be (Continues Nex Page) 1 7eRPHAUS.03 us. sis SECTIONS, cEssna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1728 NAV It ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM HALFUNEHONs Conened) Ihictt vouts ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON OR M BAT AMPS MORE THAN 40 (Contrusd), TL. COM! and NAVs -TUNE To ACTIVE FREQUENCY 1b. CoM: mic and NAV! - SELECT (COME MIC and NAV2 vil be noperabve once AVIONICS BUS 2s selected to OFF} Note When AVIONICS BUS 2 is set fo OFF, the ftowing Noms vt not operate: KAP 149 Autopilot, (GMA 1947 Auto Pane! Con Nave (GMX'39 Transponder GOU T040MFD I AwtontCs Swen (BUS 2) - OFF (KEEP ON itn ouds)| 3. Land as soon as practcal Nore. Make sue « successful landing is possible before ‘extending flaps. The fap motar is a large eicticl toad aun operation (Continued Next Page) 318 Us, 17eRPHAUS.03 cessNA sections MODEL 172A NAV i EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL ySTEM HALPUNERONs Conon SUPPLY SYSTE! LOW VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON BELOW 1000 RPM 1. Tote Contol - 1900 RPM. 2. Low Voltage Annunciator LOW VOLTS) - CHECK OFF LOW VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR REMAINS ON AT 1000 RPM 3. Authorized maininance personel must do eecticel system Inspection pror to next fight LOW VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON OR DOES NOT GO (OFF ATHIGHER RPI 1. MASTER Switch (ALT Only) - OFF 2. Aemator Gut Breakor (ALT FIELD) - CHECK IN 3. MASTER Seth (ALT and BAT) - ON 44 Low Voltage Annuncator LOW VOLTS) » CHECK OFF 5. MBUS VOLTS CHECK 27.5 mimum 8. MBAT AMPS. CHECK CHARGING (+), |F LOW VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR REMAINS ON 7. MASTER Switch ALT Oni) OFF I 4, Electeal Load - REDUCE IMMEDIATELY as fotows: "AVIONICS Swen (BUS 1) “OFF Prot Meat” OFF [BEACON Light « OFF LAND Light OFF (use as requitod fr landing) ‘Tax! Ugn- OFF NAV Ughts OFF STROBE Lights OFF (CABIN PH 12V < OFF (Continued Next Page) Irrereaus.ce us sir ‘SECTIONS EMERGE Cessna ENCY PROCEDURES. MODEL 172" NAVI ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS (continues) has IF LOW VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR REMAINS ON (Continued) nore ‘©The Main Batery supplies electrical poner tothe Main\and Esser Buses unl M BUS VOLTS. ‘Ssereaaos below 20 volts When Mt BUS VOLTS: {als below 20 volts, the Standby Battery System wil automaticaly supply electrical power to the Essent Bus or atleast 30 minutes. ‘Select COMI MIC and NAVI on tho auso pane! Sand tune to the aclve equancy Before seting AVIONICS BUS 2 to OFF” IT COND NIC and NAVE. are soleced when AVIONICS BUS 2 is set {0 OFF, the COM and NAV radios cannot be L-COM! and NAVI = TUNE TO ACTIVE Frequency | COM! Wc and NAVI - SELECT (COME MIC and NAV2 wil be inoperative once AVIONICS BUS 2's selected io OFF). Nove. nen AVIONICS BUS 2 ie eat 1 OFF, the foing ome wl nt operate: KAP 140 Autopet GMA 1347 Auto Panel ‘conn nav GYK98 Transponder GDU'T040 MFO K. AVIONICS Switch (BUS 2) - OFF (KEEP ON fin doves) (Continued Next Page) us. reRPHAUS.O3 ‘cESSNA sections MODEL 172R NAV It EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS (continued) IF LOW VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR REMAINS ON (Continuod) 9, Land as so00 as practical Note Make sure a sucoessiu tanding is possible bere bxtoncing taps. The flap motor ie a largo eletes! toad during operation AIR DATA SYSTEM FAILURE RED X- PFD AIRSPEED INDICATOR 1. ADGIAHAS Circut Breakors = CHECK IN (ESS BUS and ‘AVN BUS 1). opon,rocot (close) ciel breaker, eu ‘breaker opens agan, donot eset 2, Standby "Agpeed" Indcalor = USE FOR AIRSPEED INFORMATION. RED X- PFD ALTITUDE INDICATOR 1. ADG/AHAS Gircut Breakers - CHECK IN (ESS. BUS and [AVN BUS 1). opon, rset (cos) cre breaker, ceut breaker opens agan, donot ese 2, Standby” Altnelor CHECK. cument erometic pressure SET. USE FOR ALTITUDE INFORMATION, Irrznerausos us. s19 SECTION Cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 172R NAV It ATTITUDE AND HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM (AHRS) FAILURE RED X- PFD ATTITUDE INDICATOR 1. ADGIAHAS Cheuk Breakers - CHECK IN (ESS BUS and [AVN BUS 1). H open, rset (close) eeu reaker. i creut breaker opens again, donot ese 2. Standby Attude “indicator = USE FOR ATTITUDE INFORMATION. [RED X - HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR (HSI) 1. ADCIAHRS Cirut Breakers = CHECK IN (ESS BUS. and [AVN BUS 1). open, reset (dese) crcl breaker. If creut breaker opens agan, donot ese 2, Now'Siabiizes Maghetlc Compace - USE FOR HEADING INFORMATION. DISPLAY COOLING ADVISORY PFD! COOLING OR MFDI COOLING ANNUNCIATOR(S) 1. Cabin Heat (CABIN. HT) - REDUCE (minimum prefered) 2. Forward Avon Fan ” CHECK (fs! for ailow fom Soren ‘on gareshios) IF FORWARD AVIONICS FAN HAS FAILED. 1. STBY BATT Swith - OFF (unless needed for emergency power). If PFD! COOLING OR MFDI COOLING ANNUNCIATOR DOES NOT GO OFF WITHIN 3 MINUTES OR IF BOTH PFO ‘COOLING AND MFD1 COOLING ANNUNCIATORS COME ON 2. STBYBATT Switch OFF (and as soon as practical) boo us saRPHAUS.0a cessna SECTIONS MODEL 172A NAV EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: VACUUM SYSTEM FAILURE LOW VACUUM ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON 1. Vacuum Indicator (VAC) - CHECK EIS ENGINE page tol ‘make sure vacuum postr icin green ar is. ‘cauTION | VACUUM POINTER IS OUT OF THE GREEN ARG DURING PLIGHT ORCTHE GYRO. FLAG IS SHOWN ON, UTHE © 'STANDSY ATTITUDE INDICATOR THE STANDBY ATTITUDE INDICATOR MUST. NOT” BE USED. FOR ATTITUDE INFORMATION, HIGH CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) LEVEL ANNUNCIATOR (it instatoa) (CO LLVLHIGH ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON CABIN HT Knob - OFF (push fl in) CABIN AIR Knob -ON (pull fll ut) Cabin Vents - OPEN Cabin Windows = OPEN (169 KIAS maximum windows speed). ‘CO LVL HIGH ANNUNCIATOR REMAINS ON 5. Land a soon as practi 1 7eRPHAUS.03 us oe SECTIONS. Cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘MODEL 172R NAV I AMPLIFIED EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: [Te folowing Ampiies Emergency Procedures provide adctional [ricomaton eye thet nthe. Emergency Procedures) Chcklte potion of thie Secon, These procedures aleo include Intomation fotreaaly adapable io checklst format, and materi to which a pilot cou not be ‘expected to refer In resolution of a pectic Emergency. "This inioration should bo reviewed in deal prior to jing ine airplane, a¢ well a fviewed on regular Bass to Keep pilots knowledge of procedures fresh ENGINE FAILURE, If an engine tar occurs during the takeot rl, stop the aupiene fn'ihe tmainng runway. Those xtra fs on the checkst il provide addegsaety aera fale of is ype. Aeon gre ttre nr eval tren oe as, landing should be panned straight ahead wth only smal changes i drocton {0 avoid cbsivctons. Aitudo and avspeed ‘fe Slaom suficert to enecute the 180" gg turn necossary to fetum fo the ranway. The chocklst proceaures assume that frdequate time evs To secure tho Tuo! an ion systems prior to touchdown ‘ter an engine fae igh, tho most important task is 10 te fying the aplane,” The Bost gide speed, as shown in Figure 21, should be estalshed as quciy ee possbe, Whe (ung toward a sutabis landing sea, an effort should bo made 10 ony tre cause of the falure tte permis, 2n engne restart ‘should be alempted as shown In th checks. the engine cannot be restarted orc landing without power mustbe competes. lec us rranenausot CESENA SECTIONS MODEL 172F NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. HEIGHT ABOVE TERRAIN - FT ‘MAXIMUM GLIDE 12.0005 10,00) 4000] 2000 ° 0246 810 2 4 16 1820 [GROUND DISTANCE - NAUTICAL MILES, Figue $1 1 I rranpriausios us, 928 sections ‘cessNa EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1729 NAVI FORCED LANDINGS It af atempts to restate engine fall and a forced landing Is Imminent, select a sulle told and prepare forthe landing” a¢ ‘scused under the Emergency Landng without Engine Powor ‘heckla._ Transmit Mayday mestage on 121.5 Me guing locaton and intents and equa 7700. Belore_ stomping _sn_ “oll sport tending with engine power fvaiable, one’ shoud ty over the landing area at a safe but low fttuse to inspect. the torn” or obstuclons and surace Kenton: pccsedng te carutsed in te Precatenary Lang ‘Engine Power ehecit Prepare a ting by song a etisoing Pony objects oad Inthe baggage area and. coke folded. coats for protecton of ‘ccupants face at touchdown. ‘Trangmt Mayday messages. on {21.5 Mle ging lozaton and itonions and equawk 7700.” Avod landing tare Because of the siculy In judging neigh over @ r sutace. The checis assumes the avalabity of power 10 precautonary water landing. If power fe nol valle, Use ‘tthe srapends noted wity minimum fap extension wil provide & ‘more favorable attude fora powor of ching Fora forced landing, sot the STBY BATT Switch tothe of poston. Bo ot set the AVIONICS (BUS and BUS 2) ‘Switch or the MASTER Swith (ALT and BAT) to the OFF postion unl a landing |e assued.""When thece switches are in te OFF poston, the ‘iplaneelectical ystoms ar do-onergized Before perorming a forced landing, especially In remote and mnountanous areas, aclate te ELT irene by posttonng te feckpitmounied “sich to tho ON postion, ” For complete intoratton on ELT operation, rte tothe Supplements, Secon 9 Irae us. s7aRPHAUS.OT cessna SECTIONS MODEL 172R NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES LANDING WITHOUT ELEVATOR CONTROL “Tim for noizontal tight (with an srapaed of approximately 65 KIAS And Raps sotto 20°) by using thotle and levator tm contol. ‘Then do not change the elevator tim control setting, contol le angle by acusting power During the lansing fare (round-ut, the nose wil come down when power Is reduced and the aipane may touen down on the main wheels. When in th fare, he elevator usted foward the ul nose op postion ed {he power adjusted atthe same tme so hat bo arplane wil ate fo 2 horonalattude for fovehdown. Close yo. tatte. at touchdown, FIRES Improper staring procedures ‘aveling the excessive use of ‘pevenced in dficut starts in cold weathr where engine post aivice fs nol avaiable. I tas occur, the arpano. shoud be pushed anay trom the fuel puddle bolore anothor engine statis Stompied, Otherwise, theta is a possbiy ot” raw fel {Secumulations n tho exhaust eye ining curing an engine star, ausing a long fame trom tho tallipe, and possibly gnting the alected Tuo! on the pavement. a fre occurs, proceed according {othe chock. ‘Athough engine fies are extremely rare in fight, if a te is fncountsred. the stops of Ne. appropriate checklist shoul followed. Ater completon of tie procedure, execute ® 11 landing. Do nt step to restr the engine, ‘The fist sgn of an electrical fre fe usuaty the smell of bu Insulaton. The checkist procedure should rest in te elimina ofthe fe I rrorprauscos us, 92 SECTIONS ‘cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. MODEL 1728 NAVIN IEMERGENCY OPERATION IN CLOUDS | me engine-ariven vacuum pump fas in fight, the standby attude Inaealor wit not be accurato.” The plot must than rely on te fttuge and heading Iniormaton (om the AMR) shown on the PFD indeators. With vald HOG or GPSNAV and ind tn ‘pornaor Inputs, autoplt operation wil not be afected. W the AHAS unit fs in fight (fed X's shown though the PED ‘tude and oadng inlets), the plot must rlyon the’ standby lttde indicator an nenstablized magnets compass for altuse “sndteading information ‘The KAP 140 Autoplt wil not operate in HDG mode without AHRS inpt. Wih'@vaid GPS" er NAV ieput and an operating tum ‘ordinator the autopilot wil operate le NAV. APRI or REV modes. ‘Aulopit aude had and. verical speed operating mods aro independent of AHS operation. tor to Socion 9, Suppiomerts, for edna! details on autoplleperatons. “The folowing intvetions assume thatthe pct is nt very proficient at netument fying and is Tying te plane wehout the aloptot snoaged (Continued Next Page) 326 us T7eRPHAUSO3 CESSNA SECTIONS MODEL 172A NAV i EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: EMERGENCY OPERATION IN CLOUDS (Continues) [EXECUTING A 180" TURN IN CLOUDS (AHRS FAILED) Upon inadvertently entering the clouds, an immediate tum 10 reverse couse and feum To VER conditons should be mace as rolows AHS Fale 1. Note the non stabatzed magnetic compass heading. 2. Using to standby atuge dest, to a 18° bank let turn Keep fect off ruador peda. Maintain aftude and 15° Bark angle. Contre the tm for 6D seconds, then ol back to eval fig 3. Won th compase card becomes suficiety stable, check the accuracy of the tum by vorying Tal the compass heading approxmatas the regprocal of he original heading, 4, necessary, agus the heading by Keeping the wings tvel {nd ing the rudder fo make skiing tame (he sams tread more accurately) o complete the course reversal 5. Manian atude and_aspeed by cavious.appicaion of ‘levator contra. Keop the rl pointer and indo algned and ‘Seer only wit rd (Continsed Next Page) sranpHAUsoa us. 327 secnion EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Cessna MODEL 172F NAV tt IEMERGENCY OPERATION IN CLOUDS (continues) [EMERGENCY DESCENT THROUGH CLOUDS (AHRS FAILED) nen retuming to VFR fight after @ 180° tur is not practical, @ ‘escent traugh the couds 10. VFR condtons, below may be ‘Spproprata. It poset, obiin an ATC clearance for an emergency ‘scent through the coud. AHS Fale (Choose an easterly or westery heading to minimize non-stabiized magnetic compass card senstwty." Occasional check the Compass Resdng” and. mako. minor corectons "10. old “an oproximate course, “The autopilot may be engaged in ROL mede to keep the wings vel and VS mode fo cont ate doscont etore descending Into the clouds, prepare for a stablzed doscont ‘8 flows: ‘Apply hal ih itr ‘Tum ptt heaton. Set power or a 500 to 800 fect por minuto rate descont Sethe levator im fora slallzed escort at 70:50 KIAS, Use the standby attide neato rol pater and Index to op wings lev {Shock trond of compass card movement and make cautious crrecsons with ur to stop the ur {Upon breaking out of elouds resume normal cruising ight (Continued Next Page) 328 us 17eRPHAUS.09 cessNa MODEL 172A NAV i sections EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY OPERATION IN CLOUDS (continues) RECOVERY FROM SPIRAL DIVE IN THE CLOUDS (AHRS FAILED) ANS Faire a spirals entered while inthe cout, coninue as follows 1. Retr ttl tle poston 2. Remove foot om rude pedals. 5: Stop tum by careity loveling the wings using allen ‘onto o align the rl dex and fo pote ofthe stancoy ‘studenten 4 Cauttousty appy elevator back pressure to slowly reduce the siepeed to 80 KAS, 5. ajt the sevalor rim consol to maintain an 80 KIAS gid. 8. Use aleren contol to maintan wings love! (op fll olor fand index aligned) and constant hosing 7. Rosume EMERGENCY DESCENT THROUGH THE CLOUDS procecure 18, Upon breaking ou of clouds, esume normal ering Might INADVERTENT FLIGHT INTO ICING CONDITIONS Fight into icing condone ie prehitited and exuemsly dangerous, ‘an inadvertent encounter with these conten cane resolved {sing the check procedures. ‘The best acton is 1 tum Back of Change aluge to escape Icing condiions. Set tho PITOT HEAT ‘See to the ON postion unt stely out feng eonctons ‘During these encounters, an unexplained loss in engine pow] {ould be caused by foe blocking the a ake tor oF in extremely fare. iestanoes ice complelaly locking tho. Tua inecton "at ‘eterence tubes. In eir case the tote shoud be posioned to {blan maxima APM some instances, the tote may need to Be tetarded lor maximum power. The mature should then be ‘ajstod a quedo obtain maximum RPM sveRPHAUSo8 us. 320 sections cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 1728 NAVIN STATIC SOURCE BLOCKED 1 erroneous readings of the static source instruments (a atimeter and vartea! speed) are suspocte, he ALT STATIC AV ‘ave should be pulled ON, thereby supaying stale pressure 12 ‘hase intruments em the cabin Jen the ALT STATIC. AIR valve fe ON, the maximum airspeed aaton trom normal stato course operation is 6 knots and te Jasmin altmeter varaten ts less than 50 Toot all widows Jctoood) "Retr to Secton 5, Aspecd Calbraton and Altmetot [Corecton ates for Atemate State Source for adona detals. SPINS Should an inadvertent spin occur, the fling recovery procedure ‘should be used 1. RETARD THROTTLE TO IDLE POSITION. 2. PLACE AILERONS IN NEUTRAL POSITION 3. APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIRECTION OF ROTATION, 4, JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE STOP, MOVE {THE CONTROL WHEEL BRISKLY FORWARD FAR ENOUGH TO BREAK THE STALL. Full down elevator may be requred Ataf coner-of rou oacinge o aeure optimum recovers 5. HOLD THESE CONTROL INPUTS "UNTIL ROTATION ‘STOPS, Promature relation of he conral nputs may exons the recovery. 6. AS ROTATION STOPS, NEUTRALIZE RUDDER, AND MAKE ‘SMOOTH RECOVERY FROM THE RESULTING OVE. Nove. IE the rate of tho spin makes determining the ‘recon of rotation dlicut the magenta ur rate Indoator atthe top of te HSI compas card Wil ‘show the raia_and direction of tho turn. The HSI ‘compass card wal relate In the opposite. rection. Fld apposite rudder tothe tun vector arecton For adstionl informaton on spins and spin, recovery see the ‘decussion under SPINS n Normal Procedures (Section 4). 390 us. TeAPHAUSOD cESSNA SECTIONS MODEL 172R NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS OF POWER ‘SPARK PLUG FOULING Aslan eng rugines nt may be caused by coe of mare ‘eae becenng old y cata roa Sopets Ths may Serres by tyra the MAGNETOS enc erly fk Spite eur ark peso, An abvus porous [Gen epnaion eves ot apa pogo magneto You Sos ear plugs are the more hel caus, fan the mor Tote recanrarll ar"stingr tush ht fe protiem coos "i Gou' up sovor mites, deter ta feer ore tng anode sete opertin’ no, pocee tthe reared Mei rpms igh BOTH. pasion‘ he MAGNETOS Swen rest wareme’rugoress makes ho wie 8 She tagnt postion necessary MAGNETO MALFUNCTION ‘Sudden engine roughasss or misting ie usualy a sign of ‘nagneto podem, Changing ne MAGNETOS sth fem BOTH thew and Aswich postions wl deny which magnet, Imauncboning ‘Salet itera powor songs and enninon Matte to Slemine if contruod" operation on BOTH magnets Focuble. not. change fo the good magneto end continue to tel Feroa por fo roa IDLE POWER ENGINE ROUGHNESS (is Required by AD 2001-06-17, Paragraph (648) ' [An excessivaty rich idle Wel ow may cause low speed engine foughness cuing fight. During moat infight low engine speeds (Gower of stalay approach to landing, etc), tha mbure coriolis Romany inthe’ fulien postion. However, to" improve engine roughness (caused by an property adjusted ual servo) outing fw ‘engine speeds wie in fighe, you oud relate he vorier mocure ‘contol (esning of fuel mbar). You may ago have fo fan tho fel ‘inte ts ow engine speed fests power loss ard you need {O rete fe engine Sung Nght Ini cases, you shoul and te ‘Silane’ at the ‘nearest apart for repare ir iow speed engine Toughness requires you to adit the ful mbtre contol 1 Improve ‘engine operation (Continued Next Page) I rronriauscos us. at Sections cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 172R NAVI UGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS OF OWER (Continued) [ENGINE-DRIVEN FUEL PUMP FAILURE Fale of the engine-civen fuel pump will be shown by a. sudon eduction ithe Wel tow lnseation {FFLOW GPH) Immediately before 2 les of power while oporaing em a fut Tank canting ‘adequate foe the engine-dven uel pump fale, immediately set the FUEL PpUnIP Sten fo tne ON postion to restore engine power. The fight ‘Should be terminated 888000 88 practical and the enginecrven ‘wel pump repaired. EXCESSIVE FUEL VAPOR Foal vapor inthe fel njoction system ie moet aly 10 occue on the (gourd, fylally dung prolonged tax operations, when operating Sthsghor tude andor unosualy warm temperature Excessive fuel vapor accumulation Is shown by ful ow indicator (FLOW 'GPH) fucuatlons gear thant gar. ‘The conan, With Tosner mtures or wih lrger Auctions, can renin PONG? Surges and not soretod, may cause powa os. To slow vapor farmation and stabil fut flow on the ground or in the ain sot the FUEL PUMP switch to tne ON postion and adjust the mire a roquied for smoot engine operation. It vapor fymptons continuo, selec! the opposte Tue tank When {uel How Sables, set he FUEL PUMP swich to the OFF postion and fcjst the modure a8 desires, Low Olt PRESSURE 1 th low ol pressure annunciaor (OIL PRESS) comes on, check the ol preseure ndeator (OIL PRES on ENGINE page of OIL PSI tn SYSTEM pago) to contem low of pressure fonaiton. if all preseure and fl femporstre (OIL TEMP on ENGINE pags oF OIL FP on SYSTEM page) romain normal, Ils posse hat he oll prescure sending unt or felel valve is mafuncicrng. Land atthe Foarest apo to determine te source ofthe potion. (Continued Next Page) he us ‘ranPHAUS91 CESSNA SECTIONS MODEL 72R NAV EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS Of POWER (Continues) {LOW Olt. PRESSURE (Continuos) 1. loa oss of ll pressure and a dae In ol tompeaturo occur at ‘aout te same time, could moan that The engin fs about to fal Reduce poner immedatoly and select a eld sutable fora forced lencng. “Use only the minimum power nocossary 10 reach the landing ste, ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM RIALPUNEHONS Mattunctions in the electrical power supoly systom can be detected {trough reguar montoing of the main talry armor (M BAT ‘aMibS) and the main sloccal bus velimeter (M BUS, VOLTS): however, the cause of these maluncions is usualy ficult 10 ‘determine. broken altomator dive batt to much wear ont emator rushes, or an efor In wling ls rest Tel the cause temator fares, hough othe factors could eauee the problem | A tectve allemator conrol unt (ACU) can” also cause Mattnctons. “Problems ‘of this nature const an electcal ‘Emergency and shou be deal with medal Electrical power ‘malunctons tally fal ine two categories: oxcessiverat-o ‘charge. and ineufclnt rato-charge. Tho folowing, paragraphs ‘Serbo the recommended remedy foreach stuaton, EXCESSIVE RATE-OF-CHARGE ‘ter engine staring and heavy clectical usage at low engine Epoeds uch as enended taxing) the bate condor wil bo fw though fo accept above somal charging dunng the inl part ofa fight. However, alter tty minutos. ct ctusing Might, the main battery ammeter (M BAT AMPS) shoud be indeatng las than 5 fampe of charging (2) cutert. the. charging current rome fabave this valve’ on a long Tight the batlery elctly cout ‘voroat and evaporate, (Continued Next Page) ! Trrenerauscos us, 399 SECTIONS. Cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 172R NAV It FLESTRICAG ys ROWER SUPPLY SYSTEM JALFUNCTIONS (continced) EXCESSIVE RATE-OF-CHARGE (Continued) lecronic compenents In the elctical system can be adversely fected by higher han noma votage.. The aerator contel unt Inaiuses an ‘vervtage sono crt which wil automaticaly ‘sconnact the tomato f tho chatgo vltago increases to mere than approximately 31.75 vols. i the overvotage sensor cut ‘es at operate correct as shown by votlage more than 31.73 ‘ots on the main batery bus vaimoter, the MASTER swith ALT {octon ehould be eet fo the OFF pocton Unnecessary sociel Supment shoud be oe eregzed a he Na minted a son 8 acta INSUFFICIENT RATE-OF-CHARGE nen the overvotage sensor dct, or oer faut, opens the ‘tomatoe (ALT. FIELD) cout breaker” and. do-norgizs the ‘tomar, a sscharge () crrent wil be shown on the maln batty ‘Srmoter and the low votage annurcator (COW VOLTS) wil come on The ACU can ‘do-netge the. alomator ue. 10. mot ‘Ssuubances in the electica ystem, resulting in a. “ulsance™ ‘pening of the ALT FIELD creat broaker. IP's happens, an ‘attempt shoul be made to energize the aeraor system ‘To energjz0 the altornator eystom 1. MASTER Swatch (ALT Only) - OFF. 2) Aemsior Cs Breaker (ALT FIELD) - CHECK I. 53. MASTER Saft (ALT Onl) ON. It the. problem was @ minor ACU disturbance in the electical System, normal main batery charging wil start.” A charge (+) {urent wit be shown on tho ain batoryarwmetor and the LOW VOLTS annunciator wil go of H tho LOW VOLTS annunciator comes on again, there is an or syetom problem. Do not repeat sips 10 energize the jernatr system. The. awcticl toad on the bate) must be Minanized (by do-enerizing nonessental elctieal equpment. and ‘vinies) bocause the battery can supply the eectical system for ‘nly a thot be. "Reduce elecical load as Soon as posse 10 ‘tnd the leo the Dato for lanaing, Land as 00 ae races (Continued Next Page) 30 us. 1 7eRPHAUS.03 cESSNA SECTIONS MODEL 172R NAV I EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY _SYSTET MALFUNCTIONS (centinces) INSUFFICIENT RATE-OF-CHARGE (Continued) Main bat tle can be extended by seting the MASTER sw (ALT and BAT) to OFF and operating the equipment on the E BUS tom the standby battery. The standby battery fs oly proving power for systems on the Essent Bus ad can Prouide pone for wanspender (XPOR) operation. Main Dato Hl Should be extended, when practeal, fr possible later operation ‘he wing flaps and use of handing bgt (at ra), Note. ‘The LOW VOLTS annunciaor can come on when the engine is operated at ow RPM wit a Pigh octet oad, “The, LOW VOLTS anninclator i ‘svaly go off when the engine Is operate at higher Feat for greater aersior system ouput. Make Su that tho M BATT. AMPS. Inicaton shows postive (+) curet atthe higher APM Irranrinuscos us. 995 SECTIONS cessna EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MODEL 172R NAV II HIGH | CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) LEVEL JANNUNCTATION (1 instatea) Jcarson menoside (CO) Is coos, odoiss,tasteloss product of Jan intemal combuston engine and is always present in exhaust umes. Even minute quarites of carbon monde breathed over Jong pevos of tine may lead to are consequences. The symptoms Jot caroon menoxde pasoning af cific fa detect bythe pereon Jatecied and may induse buted thrking, aTeeing of uneasiness, [Szziness, headache, and los of consciousness. [Tre cabin heater systom operates by along ambiont ai to How rough an exhaust shroud where if heated before teing dicted foto the cabin. an exhaust leak. caused by a crack Inthe exhaet Jppe, cccure in tho area surrounded by the shroud woul allow Jexhauet umes 19 mix withthe heated aient a being Sted nto ine cabn. Therelore, anyone in to cabin smalls exhaust fumes, Jexperonces any ofthe symptoms montonod above, oF te CO LVL PiGH warning annunciaton comes on whon using tho abin hear, Jevmesstty tur aff tho cabn Hater and preform the emergency ome for HIGH CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) LEVEL Ivmon tho CO detection system senses a CO lovl of 50 pars por ion (PPM) by volume oe reste the alarm turns on a ashing Jrarang arnuncaion CO LVL HIGH in the armunclabon wevow on fie PED win a continuous tone. unl the PFD sotkey bolow JVIARWING "e pushed, h thon remains on steady unt the CO evel Jorops below 80 PPI and automaticaly resets the alarm, OTHER EMERGENCIES ‘WINDSHIELD DAMAGE Ha bid stke or other incident shous damage the windshield in fight 10 the pont of creating an opening. a egnicat lose. in Parrmance ‘ay be expect. The loss’ may Be, minimized in ‘ome eases (depending on amount of eamage, situs, ete) By ‘pening the se windows while te silane fe manouvered for & Ianding at tho nearost spor. apa pedarmance or other ‘adverse conations prevent landing stan aot, propae fe an“ ‘pert landing In accordance wth the Precavionary Lanang Witt Engine Power Ditching checks 398 US. Vr2RPHAUS.03 cESSNA SECTIONS MODEL 172A NAV i NORMAL PROCEDURES. NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Intotuction| 4“ AIRSPEEDS. as ‘Arspeeds For Normal Operation 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES “4 Pretight Inspection ‘cabin “7 Empennage 48 Fight Wg rating Ege +8 Fight Weg 49 Lot wing Leading Edge ary Lat wing 4 Lot Wing Taiing E96 a Betore Staring Engine a2 Starting Engine (With Baton) 412 Stating Engine (With Enteral Power) ats Botere Takeo 416 Takoott a Normal Takeoit pe ‘Shot Feld Tatoo 4 Enroute Ci 44 raise 4x Descent a2 Betore Landing 2 (Continued Next Page) roRPHAUS.03 us. 41 sECTION 4 essa CESSNA Secrion 4 SERB oceones woven af BO fase eae fomntenssied TABLE OF CONTENTS (crime) TABLE OF CONTENTS (coins i oe Scones HORSES actos rire rovers Exes ary fe = Ps Wad ‘= ES = Strut ees ies (lh zi teenie igecin 7 Saasteae fe om i crea he fe cg i sone Aan i array ‘ savues rocentmus a commune “ eg reece a convaoar yen t seectcnoe & sue i ‘Toone Sty Ce ia Seat a A eeetcomae ia vii ‘ cra ie eee csi i fees ia nie fa geo ia aceon as i as actos ia ace a er ccal fas eateries fal ears a eens ia ea ‘a Wren ang an Ss Tapers a Se ee eoetennonatans tat Aaeetece ‘S (Continued Next Page) 42 us. ToRPHAUS.O3 rere eae Us. 44 cessNa sections MODEL 172A NAVI NORMAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Section 4 provides procedures and amplified lntuction for normal operations using standard equpmen Normal procedures ssodated with optional systems canbe found In Secton 9, Suppements AIRSPEEDS AIRSPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATION Unless otherwise noted, the folowing speeds are based on ‘maximum weight of 2480 pounds and may be used fo any lesser weit ‘TAKEOFF: Normal Cimb Out 70-80 KAS ‘Short Feld Takeo, Flas 10" Speed at $0 Feet S7KIAS ENROUTE CLIMB, FLAPS UP: ‘Normal, Soa Love! 75-85 KIAS ‘Normal, 10,000 Feo. 70-60 KIAS Best Rat-c-Cimb, Sea Lovet TORIAS Best Rat-c-Cimb, 10,000 Feet TAs Best Anglo! Cam, Sea Level SOKIAS Best Anjle-f-Cim, 10,000 Fost SKA LANDING APPROACH: ‘Normal Approach, Flaps UP 65-75 KIAS ‘Normal Approach, Flaps FULL 80-70 KIAS ‘Shor Fett Approach Paps FULL aRias, BALKED LANDING: ‘Maximum Powe, Faps 20° SsKIAS, MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED TURBULENT AIR PENETRATION SPeeD: 2450 POUNDS: ooKiAs, 2200 POUNDS: SeKiash 4600 POUNDS BOKIAS, MAXIMUM DEMONSTRATED CROSSWIND VELOCITY “Takeo or Lanang 1SKNOTS, T7ORPHAUS.O4 us. 45 SECTION 4 Cessna MODEL 172R NAVI NORMAL PROCEDURES yore PROCEDURES. JPREFLIGHT INSPECTION NOTE Visually check airplane for general condtion dung wakcaround Inspecion. Atplane should be parked Iva normal ground aitude (fter to Figure 11) to 1 mate" sure tat foal cain vaves‘slow for accura Sampling. Use of the reluelng steps and asst Fandles” wil smplfy access. to tho. upper “wing Sraces for visual cheeks and refueling operations in'coid weather, remove even smal agcumuiatone Of frost. ice snow from wing. tal and contra Suaces. Ago, make sure tht contol sulacee contain no Internal accumulctons of te or debra Porto igh. check thal pet eater Is. warm To touch itn 30 seconde vin baery and pot heat Swichos on. fea ight fight 1s planned, check peraion of al ghs, and make Sue a ashight 5 ‘vaiabie, 1 Figure 4-1 46 us {TeRPHAUS-08 1a 4 15 16 cessNa SECTIONS MODEL 172R NAV I NORMAL PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Contnusd) @eaom Pot Tue Cover REMOVE (Check pot Blockage) Pots Operating Handoook- ACCESSIBLE TO Pl Garmin Gto00% Cockpit etrence Guide = ACCESSIBLE yorior ‘Nepane Weight and Balance - CHECKED Paring Brake» SET (Conte Whoo! Lock - REMOVE WARNING WHEN THE MASTER SWITCH IS ON, USING AN EXTERNAL POWER, SOURCE, OR MANUALLY ROTATING. "THE PROPELLER, TREAT THE GROBELLER ‘AS iF THE MAGHETOS Sw ‘ON. “D0''NOT STAND, NOR ALLOW [ANYONE Eise'T0 SYANO, WIN THE ARG OF ‘Me PROPELLER SINCE A LOOSE OR BROKEN Wine, OR A COMPONENT “MALFUNCTION, COULD CAUSE THE ENGINE TO START. MAGNETOS Switch - OFF AVIONICS Snitch (BUS 1 and BUS 2) -OFF MASTER Swich (ALT and GAT) - ON, Primary Fight Display (PFD) - CHECK (Verity PED is ON) FUEL OTV (Land) CHECK. LOW FUEL {and LOW FUEL A Annuncator - CHECK, (Vert annunciaiors arent shown on PFD) 1 OIL'BRESSURE Annuncator “ CHECK (erty annuncat ‘senown) LGW VACUUM Annunciator - CHEK (Verily annuncstor ‘shown ? AVIONICS Switch (BUS 1) -ON Fomard Aven Fan = CHECK (Very fans heard) (Continued Next Page) Vrraneraus.oa us. 47

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