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The Wife of Bath’s Tale Critical Analysis Questions

1. What is the setting of the Wife of Bath’s tale? What larger ideals does the setting represent?

The setting is KingArthur's courtLarger ideals couldbe religionlove lifeandpoliticalandsocietal



2. How true is the answer that the old woman gives the knight? Support your opinion. Why is it fitting that the knight,
in particular, receives this message?
whatwomenmostdesirepokerover theirhusbandscontrolthem I dontthink itis true I thinka
Theold woman saysthat
themtorespectwoman It is
dontwantto controlmenjustfor
woman fittingbecausetheknightrapedtheyounggirl

3. One of the themes of this story is that chivalry is not inborn. How do the knight’s words to his new wife reflect this
Knights are supposedto be
noble generous andgentlemen likeWhattheknightsaysto hisnewwife isnoneof
thosethingsHecalls her

4. How does the old lady prove that chivalry and gentility do not always belong to the upper classes?

Theold lady saysthat and gentilitynot highbirthTheknightwasanexample of

nobledeeds showchivarly
highbirth butisnot a

5. How does the resolution reflect the story’s main theme—that women most desire mastery over men?
andtoldthe knightifhemarried herit wouldbe a re
Attheendofthestoryshe into a young
turns beautifulwoman

Shewastelling theknightwhattodo
sharing masterywer

6. How is the Wife of Bath like the old lady and the queen?

both want theirhusbands
power over

7. Why does the Wife of Bath tell the story of Midas within her tale? What ideas does it support?

Shetells it toprovetheideathatwomencan't keepsecrets to themselves

ENG II British Literature Mrs. Naumann


8. What crime does the knight commit, and what does the queen require of him to save himself from being beheaded?
Was the Queens’ punishment fair? Why or why not?
and daytofigureoutwhat womendesiremost and hedoesn'thewont
Theknightraped theprincessThe
Queen iveshim 12
months I
1sttothequeen courtand2ndtothe
be beheadedHerpunishmentwasfair
becausehemustyeildparerover his body


9. What deal does the knight make with the old woman he meets and how does he fulfill his bargain with her?
Theknight tells oldwomanhewill dowhatevershe wants
the ifshetells himwhat womendesiremostHe
fulfillshis her

10. What are the knight’s reasons for not being able to love his new wife?

old and lowborn

The knightsayshecan'tloveherbecausesheis ugly

11. What choices does the knight’s wife give him?

The are
c hoices havea
to oldloyalanduglywife or a yangbeautifulandunfaithful wife

12. How is the old woman changed at the end of the story?

Theoldwoman becomes youngbeautiful and faithful

ENG II British Literature Mrs. Naumann

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