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1. If the temperature of a fixed mass of a gas is kept constant, what is the relationship
between pressure (P) and the volume (V) of the gas
2. A bus weighing 60000N is driven at a speed of 20m/s around a horizontal bend that has a
radius of 250m. What is the centripetal force?
3. Electronic signal with discrete value is known as …………
4. A bullet moving with a speed of 10m/s strikes the bag of sand and penetrates 5cm.
Calculate the time it takes to stop after striking the bag ( 0.005 seconds)
5. The lowest pitch of sound heard by the human ear is 20Hz and highest is 20 kHz. If the
speed of sound in air is 340m/s, calculate the audible range of wavelength for the human
ear (0.017m to 17m)
6. The isotope carbon-14 is radioactive and has a half-life of 5730 years (yr). If you start
with a sample of1000 carbon-14 nuclei, how many will still be around in 22,920 years?
7. The ability of the spring to stretch when a force is applied on it is called… (spring
8. True or false a transistor is NOT a semiconductor (false)
9. What is the SI unit for luminous intensity? (candela Cd)
10. The activity of radioactive substance is measured in which unit? (becquerel (Bq)
11. Given a string and a bar magnet, what is the simplest way of testing the polarity of a
magnet ( suspending it horizontally in air)
12. An electric cooker to the mains by a three core cable. When the cooker is working
correctly which wires carry the same current? (the neutral and the live wires)
13. A bottle filled with air with mass 22.0g has a mass of 53.2g. find the mass of the empty
bottle (30.8g)
14. A transistor is used for …….? ( current amplification)
15. What is the effect of doping on the semiconductor material? (conduction improves)
16. Which logic gate is also known as an inverter? (NOT gate)
17. What do we call the path taken by a projectile? ( a trajectory)
18. The change in the observed frequency due to the motion of the observer, source of sound
or both is called ( the Doppler effect)
19. true or false phosphorous IS a semi conductor material (true)
20. An electric power tool is being used outdoors in a shower of rain. What is the greatest
hazard to the user ( the current passes through water and cause a shock)
21. Tritium (Hydrogen -3) has a half life of 12.32 years. How long would it take 8.0g of
tritium to decay to 2.0g? (24.64 years)
22. What is the efficiency of a transformer with readings 15V and 3A from the primary coil,
and 5V and 7.5A from the secondary coil (88.9 %?)
23. Two resistors R1 and R2 with resistance 3Ω and 6Ω respectively are connected in parallel.
What is the equivalent resistance? (2Ω)
24. Which rays are emitted by hot objects ( infrared radiation)
25. Arrange the following radiations according to their increasing wavelength microwaves,
radi and gamma rays (gamma rays, microwaves and radi)
26. What is the angle of incidence for a ray of light travelling from air to glass if the
refractive index of glass 1.52 and the angle of refraction is 20o? (31.33o)
27. the electronic signal with continuous, possibly varying values is known as (analogue)
28. give one reason why an ammeter is always connected in series in a circuit (because it has
no resistance and current flowing through it must flow through the load)
29. which quantity is given by the gradient of a voltage versus current graph (resistance)
30. The half life of radium is 1020 years. How long will it take for the initial activity of
Radium compound to fall to a of its original value ( 2.3 × 103 years or 2000 years)
31. On a sunny day at the beach, the reason the sand gets so hot and the water stays relatively
cool is attributed to the difference in which property between water and sand? ( specific
heat capacity)
32. When a wool blanket is used to keep warm, what is the primary insulating material? (air)
33. A large spring requires a force of 150 N to compress it only 0.010 m. What is the spring
constant of the spring? (15000N/m)
34. If it takes 4.0 N to stretch a spring 6.0 cm and if the spring is then cut in half, what force
does it take to stretch one of the halves 3.0 cm? ( 2N)
35. The unit of power, watt, is dimensionally the same as ( J/s)
36. Calculate the current flowing in a circuit if a charge of 2 Coulomb moves around the
conductor for 0.4 seconds (5A)
37. During a lighting discharge 40C of charge moves through a potential difference of 2×
108V in 0.04seconds. calculate the total amount of electric energy released by the
lightning bolt (
38. An electric kettle with a 2000W heater contains 0.25kg of water 60oC
What time will it take before all the water has boiled away? (the specific latent heat for
steam = 2.0 MJ/kg specific heat capacity of water 4200J/kgoC).
39. A hospital needs to sterilise medical equipment. Which electromagnetic waves could be
40. The potential difference between the ends of a conductor is 12V when 100c of charge
flows through it? How much electrical energy is converted to other forms of energy in a
41. When a sample of a radioactive nuclide decays, the count rate falls From 1200 to 150
in three minutes. What is the half-life of the radioactive nuclide?
42.Many street lights are automatically switched on by a relay mechanism when
light intensity falls. What is the mechanism called?
43. Which properties make materials suitable for use as a core in an electromagnet?
ANSWER= easy to magnetise and easy to demagnetize
44. A flash of lightning and the corresponding sound of the thunder are detected 6 s apart. A
student calculates that the lightning struck about 1800 m away.
ANSWER= Light reaches us almost instantaneously, but sound travels at
300 m / s
45. A small emergency generator supplies 432 000 000 J of electrical energy in twenty-four
hours. What is the average power output of the generator?
46. A parachutist has opened his parachute and is falling to Earth at constant speed. What is
the principal energy conversion taking place as he falls?
ANSWER= potential energy → kinetic energy

47. What is a beta particle?

ANSWER=An electron
48. Why is there no sound in space?
ANSWER=because there is no air
49. Which fuse is the most appropriate for a 240V, 1kW heater.
50. Why are γ −rays not deflected by the magnetic field?
NSWER=they have no charge
51. A healthy teenager has a hearing test. What range of frequency is the teenager likely to
ANSWER=20Hz to 20KHz
52. What is the other name for N/m2
53. Where and at what temperature does evaporation of the liquid occur?
ANSWER= At any temperature and at the surface
54. Which method of energy release is affected by a change in gravitational field?
ANSWER= Hydroelectric
55. What media allow thermal energy to be transferred by density?
ANSWER=Liquids and gases only
56. What is the surest way of testing for magnetism?
ANSWER= Repulsion
57. A guitar string is made to vibrate. What would make the pitch of the note rise?
ANSWER= An increase in frequency of the vibration
58. Which quantity has the same unit as electromotive force
ANSWER= Potential difference
59. Why are liquids used in hydraulic presses?
ANSWER= they are incompressible
60. Why is there a narrow bore in the clinical thermometer?
ANSWER= to increase the sensitivity
61. Why is there a constriction in the clinical thermometer?
ANSWER=To prevent the back flow of mercury
62. What property do liquid in glass thermometers depend on?
ANSWER= The expansion of the fixed mass of the liquid
63. State the three types of the beams of light
ANSWER= parallel, converging and diverging beam.
64. What accompanies a current carrying wire?
ANSWER= A magnetic field
65. One what principle do transformers operate on
ANSWER= principle of mutual induction
66. State Lenzs law of electromagnetic induction
ANSWER= The direction of the induced current is such that it
tends to oppose the cause producing it
67. State faradays law that talks about the induced emf

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