W11.Augustine City of God

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seein trp Hi her pubis wh The aly Chien Fen, Ts [Rome nl the Ateomnen (Penguin Cla ST AUGUSTINE Concerning the City of God against the Pagans wii = 6 City of Goa 1. The enemies of Crianity were spre by the barbaron atthe ck of Rome, ou of wap for Che rom this work's city there arse enemies against whom the {God has fo be dlende though many of these covrect thes guise tors and become wrefal cis ofthe City Bot many are fafamed ‘with hate apnnst and fst no grate forte bene fered by iz Redeemer. The bencts are unmistakable: these Snemics would not folay be able to utter word spamst the City if when Necing Cons the sword of their enemy thoy had not founds in the Cirys hsb ass he Sty ‘oa which they now congratulate theslve” The brian spared them for Chrir ani and now these Romane ssa) Gist’ name. The scr plats of he martyrs and the asics of {he apotles bear witness fo this for in the sack f Rome they afforded silt to fugitives, both Christan and pagtn. ‘The Ucodehrty ‘aemy raged thus at. but here the fenzy of butchery was checked {hese refuges dhe mereifl smong the chemy convojed those whom. fey tad spared outside, to rave them from cocounéering foc: whe hhad no such pity Even men who coewhere raged with il the ray- cout of respect for Christ o wich they owed their ite tar divernce te that oom deny” wheres if they tad ‘ght Judgement they ought rather to attibute the harsh crelty ey dif a the hands oftheir enemies tothe providence of God. Fat i f ef # HH 4 f i ok 1, Chapter 2 ; Moreover they soul give cot hi Christan forthe at ate Ecid ikea Showed mercy beyond the cain of wa PRS age alin gnc n honor the name of Chor inp ply cel tw Ct nae bingo uh Soe a ay a ie nage Re omy Serscrs eoghc ater to give hams to God hey should ave re seeactr gn Samay isto eae the peal of Crate ie seing tat ak f tem sedi he di Se cio ine decom, Amon Nae hem Soa sisting Cnt vant ih such wanes Feet neil tough a tr inion ‘hie tme af masare “nema fs Cees end pie sod inoue adn they “poor his mame inthe petversity Of thelr ears so that hey may Bere puplchmentat tena Sine but hen they tookrefoge ix fat mame, though with docetfl ip, so that dey might continwe fo enjoy dhs rainy light. 35: Sonsof the Church ie hidden among the ungodly and there are fale Christians within the Chareh ‘Such is the reply (which could have been amplifed and extended) ‘whlch te sued household of servaner of the Lord Christ the Mast Cy of Christ the King "tay tern tor ence "Be sy bear i ind that among these very enemies ae hidden hhc fanive eens; and when confrontad widh them she oust not ‘ink Irs frailes tak fo Bear with their host unl he nds them ‘onfesing the faith. inthe same way, while the City of God ie on Dlgrimage inthis wold, she has inher mst some who ate united hth het ia partiopaton fn dhe sacraments, but who will not jin ‘Thu herin die etal destiny of he slats Some ofthese are iden Tine are well own, for they Jo not hesitate to murmur against God, paranes “ iy of God ose scramental sgn they bese ref th hs na he company of he 26 Snowidged tenis At onc dine they Jon is esemisf Slng iter anther they os wth a Sling acres ask they ard we hve las ight dao forme sak of het when pekinese aye aoe ‘even to themselves, are concealed among our most o ‘truth, thase two cit ion tis eran EB hose to cic a lntereoen at ceed See eit spataten at che lan judgement: My" ak as oe ae sea Spe sss al bey te a mel the origi detoptea” and spat Soe ‘rest And thea dow enhance the gral Se ne ak ‘which wil shine che more igh when set she pls ‘rightly when Sen contrast with ea = Book Ml, Chapter 4 BN 4 Pogun god had na moral teaching for thee worshippers fs fac popan rts wer fll of scents In the fist place, why did these gods refuse co take the eouble to prevent the Uepeicraio of morally? For te tue Ged had a ight Eregleet thors who did oe worship him, but a fr those gods of {Bein the prohibition of whore worship these urea ungrtefl then complain of ~ wy id they give cher wortipper bo fw 2 balp ther fo good ay of le? Te would ceresinly have been fctng forte gods to be concerned about che conduc of those who eaneec Smee ithe at pent chi fi waht lots tar Neder ol tence sera) Dra cco Br rie pert eerie en The Me loco ae are ee metic decntng panes toe Se spree te ari he ete Fee etn a ook ay ad icy ieee SSS a ment wed gow sergio hows 2 erties | Sead he f edges enw coaag pede nas tpg ees pot Hore oat polllone inhesoatl he Herreny Vian Seon ond Sate yay nee ol bap Sie te es One See are gt Gel gem ia eri see Oe hctsoieel iy scant sen oa ater ile Rae oe Col" cessing i eta eee cos our gue ar nebo of ay Sr a ro oy oe vey meant ol Seg reat cee ad ce ee a mer Se a ayo cat ‘hy armel min, eh Mate of he Cl ean emi ae itn feats Trectbycany Dosr nance i pdt cn ae eh ae wee aed a ee ee ert iy ieee eh gland eet ae ety the kan en gnees g 2 ame Ti cl ee al or ha Sth ce Ops may sO whl ie ameef aye pa age em iSong ea eae EncCeSagrtah Ole ine a att ee 9. What che ancient Romans felt about the need t retrain poetic cence. The Greche imposed no restriction ‘We Inow what was the opinion of the older Romans on this point fom the evidence ef Cicero in his work On the Conmowwealy ‘where Seipo argues that “were t not for ue hoence of eeblied Custom, comedies would never have been able to display thelr de praviis nthe theate’* The Greeks of an ener 2g isinrained a constency in theta reprehensible sestade, for among. ‘hem the come writer was granted the legal privilege of saying what sa Meng 10 Ge, De Rep. 4195. Book If, Chapter 9 ” eee tut women meng i ci by snoirioaginsays nates “Funnies oot pens of ot? ie Sr aS hes Sipe eee ott ater. Yes, Ghat would be tolerable; although it would be beter for suck Ble igus era rl Se Ee basis i cite ae Les Sa far Ente Sia arse one eae ae Boge Toot cee, atte tt meet, dgh he we ye oe Rat bs gue ee eo oe eS ope ere ae nee Elmeeyottcbs sneer Sl er eas siege aoe melee aes Ui iee ates mo ameniars ie se bach tate ia ay EEE antautioes The eat toque thea hor ok or ae Rene ee sce a do ee see oe rr ait tan eager crises crease Uhh cat ana er oeak Riera dln ny eee py ene Pee Tats Ras eh ee yng a's ee ay een ery ae Gabe ae ee a ey har det Ws ence ay SP Te ot we dawn wp by ten oemicner le chien snh pln at So ae “Tagy proc Sang es Sete Tee eel, weGieDekeps ah 8 Cie of Goat stein het opinion th gos allowed pd exfyed the lampoon te ey er Sy a lp ler lnm he iMlpat l Sad ce i fee Inver of pst of rane fe GT ly Ms es {amd them ey good Enough fers Nagle oad sot sae ee ad Isto cious chy top hab tare ot fw tales or he wpanet steer ine powers enanded 2S ae BOOK XIV 1. The dshedenc ofthe fiat man would hove jnvolved sit srankind a thescond vein death hd not Gof (Pace rescued many Toa aly dn he fing li ht Gol ch onal a single Individl she sarng-point of all mankind, ad thse juin his wa te te an a sl ee [istsocty by natural ken, but sould as be bound pcr by a Vind of te ef Kinch to form a harmonious unity, Hnked eget iy the ond of peer And ts race would nat have ben ested for doth, ia espert of is indent members ad not the two fist ircnan beings (of whom one was eened fom no one, and eats {rom hin) cured death at the Reward ef dibeiancs aad so Iinous wat thers that man's natare fered change for de ‘wore and bondage wo sin sod metab death wos dc egy handed oo ther poster "Now the rp of death as eld mankind in soch utter subjection {ait they woul all be dren along into thn second dey heh Iss no cating, op thie wal dservedpuntdmeat Ht some were pot "Gin em bythe Gade pce of al The rou iat ‘thou there are many prst poops cough the weal) Tey ier dierent corms align tnd mort mad dace oS 4 complex variety of ngage, em, and Gs sl wu tat fre Have come tato being only two sain divans, so'we ay all {emt hema soit: and we are ora in following the Ie of fur Seripeurest and calling them two cites. There fs in Lice one city sen who choose to live by the standard ofthe fs, apes of thse wo chose to lve by he standard ofthe pie The etree ok ‘ch ofthese deste thir own kind of psc sal when tho oe hots, heise Lind of pace in whlch hey ine, ADexn ash af Fob aa: Phi 20 > 4 Thememingo ving ‘by the stnderdof man’ and the dander of Gon 7 Homer of man’ ond ey dard gf Gal he hike he cs ace ey a Oh ae i sandr but by Cats we aeaand eae ‘akchoad Sout, bush uth Gals hen an ies By the standard truth he es not by his own, Feder bat by Gets For itis God who hae sid Tam a wage By cmt, when he vs by his owe stand tat by mat et by Gait standard, then tnewably he vee ae eae ‘Shuto. Nor that man ines ns is sae st ENOL Gol, who icra not the sthor a cence ke ood ‘The fc ib that man was created sight on exelent should lve by dhe standard of his crestor aot by a ate gui ot his own wil but his erent Takchocd costa he not eg in the way fer whe he was eat ‘Man hs undoubtedly the wil 9 be heppy, even when he pursues 2 pie. ach ‘Book XIV, Chptr4 383 agent ret wert oe yc apt e Sea ea percy arsine tee wel gcetaeadar sitcery wre reiaee auirnehaice wrod ec aloe nines mace oe reer Beer Garcia ree tv ean cl Sit ice a ah delaareoms etait tea ty a eee eas eb scale cing ta ameter eae st eh deprleg enn ts bebe Soyer dhinel ws maraatarnc See Sean Sled ei pe Sr a kg Lae ani Sie ia eon fer eps iret eievarcarnanrhtacki apm SEE ETS cia ol seem mee we net cn eet a pole whan hehe ls 1 This is what he said, roepeecemehercasnsags maemo aPSIPSAER SUS ar Seti o one tno, eth se Go "yf Gl ov ws hse not rece te it os wo Sceeigieitgaea raceme SESE rota ie oy Socereeepe traguthoen y atgecuares tte Satincmeaguteeuroue 554 iy of Got lied a eng ie rh ape Secntpave tees wet dove ops fe in Toft eof ens mda deny Es ag ey Sm satin kessood he ets wed ugh ot by honaa Wow,“

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