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Assallamuallaikum wr wb.

Good Morning Everybody

The Honorrible Judges, teachers and all my friends
Ladies and Gentlemen...
My Name Is R.A. Hafizah Anggraini
I'm from class 7.10
on this occution, I will to tell you a story from Palembang
with the tittle Kemaro Island.

So ya, Just keep and watching...

Let's start the story from "Once upon a time"

there was a kingdom in the area of South Sumatra led by a king. The king had a very
beautiful daughter named Siti Fatimah. Besides her beauty, the princess was also well-
known for her kindness and good manners. Many young men fell in love with her.
However, they dared not approach her because the king wanted his daughter to marry a
rich man.

Then a prince of China, named Tan Bun An, came to the kingdom to talk about the trades
of the two kingdom. The king wanted to collaborate with Tan Bun An as long as Tan Bun
An shared his profit to the king. Tan Bun An agreed with the king’s deal. He decided to
stay in South Sumatra for several months.

One day, when Tan Bun An was in the palace, he encountered Princess Siti Fatimah and
instantly fell for her beauty. To his delight, the princess returned his affection. The two
then promised to meet each other whenever Tan Bun An came to the palace. They became

After a few months, Tan Bun An decided to propose marriage to Siti Fatimah. He asked
the king for his daughter’s hand.

“Your Majesty, I want to marry your daughter, Princess Siti Fatimah. We have met for a
long time and we suit each other perfectly,” said the prince.

The king, who was determined to marry his daughter only to a wealthy man, stated his
terms. “You may marry her if you pay me the bride price.”

“What is the bride price, Your Majesty?” asked Tan Bun An.

“Bring me nine jars full of gold. After the jars are in my palace, you may marry my
daughter,” replied the king.

“I agree. I will write a letter to my parents asking them to send nine jars of gold to South
Sumatra,” said Tan Bun An.

The letter from the king of China finally arrived. He was willing to send nine jars of gold
as the bride price for Siti Fatimah. The lovers were overjoyed. Their dream had almost
come true.

A few months later, the ship from China carrying the bride price arrived. Tan Bun An and
Siti Fatimah went to the Musi River to welcome the ship. Tan Bun An rushed on board
and immediately looked for the jar. He opened the cover of a jar, and behold, instead of
the gold he expected, it was filled with rotten vegetables!

"Where s the gold? Hmmm... Maybe the gold is in the second jar"

Again and again he didn’t find any gold. He threw all the jars into the River. When the jar
was broken, Tan Bun An so surprised.

“Oh god, the gold is in the jar, i must jumped to collect the gold”

Then, he jumped into the River

Siti Fatimah saw him.

“Tan Bun An....Tan Bun An... where are you Tan Bunn Ann. Showed up please Tan Bunn
Ann,” she waited and waited.

She waited anxiously for Tan Bun An to come out of the water. However, he did not

“Prince Tan Bun An, where are you? Please return safely to me, or I will look for you in
the sea,” pleaded the princess.

“Please, princess, don’t!” said her maids.

“I must! My maids, if I don’t come back, there shall rise a mound in the middle of the
sea. You shall know that it is our graves,” said the princess.

Then she jumped into the water and never came back.

The next day, in the middle of the Musi River, a mound appeared, rising higher and
higher. It was named Kemaro Island, which means “the island of drought”, because it was
never drowned by the river even when the water overflowed.
2021-08-1111/08/2021Kemaro Island is so named because the island is always dry even
at high tide. Set foot on Kemaro Island, you can feel the thickness of Chinese culture
through the presence of red Pagoda standing in the middle of the island.

From this story we can got the moral lesson.
that is thinking before doing something.

Thank you very much for great attention!

Wassallamuallaikum wr wb.

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