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Case Law Assignment

Legal Research and Writing


Student First Name:

Student Last Name:

Student ID Number:

Instructor Name:


Instructions: 1. Read instructions carefully.

2. Attempt all questions.
3. Due date:


TOTAL: /40
Legal Research and Writing (IMA103) Case Law Assignment – Page 1 of 3


Please find, read, and answer the below questions with regard to the following case: Charkaoui v
Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), [2007] 1 SCR 350.

What was this case indexed as? 1 Mark

What are the case numbers assigned to this case? 3 Marks

What is the neutral citation for this case? 1 Mark

What court was this case appealed from? 1 Mark

What date(s) was this case heard? 4 Marks

Please name 6 of the judges that heard this matter. 6 Marks

Please name all the statutes and regulations that were cited in this case. 13 Marks

© November 24,
Legal Research and Writing (IMA103) Case Law Assignment – Page 2 of 3

What Treaties and Other International Instruments were cited in this case? 1 Mark

Please summarize what this case was about. 10 Marks

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Legal Research and Writing (IMA103) Case Law Assignment – Page 3 of 3

© November 24,

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