Bahamian Observer - Venomous Language From Progressive Liberal Party Sparks Controversy

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Venomous Language from Foreign Minister, Member of Parliament, and Chairman of

the governing Progressive Liberal Party Sparks Controversy:

Prime Minister Davis Faces Criticism from Opposition Leader Michael C. Pintard for
his Inaction.
Editor: 2024/02/19

The Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Michael C. Pintard (Marco City MP & FNM
Leader), released a voice note warning about the issue of venomous language and
vindictive actions from Political Leadership coming from within the governing Progressive
Liberal Party (PLP), rearing its head once again.

This action from within the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has also drawn sharp criticism
from multiple quarters.

The focal point of this controversy is the

conduct of the Chairman of the
Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and
Minister of Foreign Affairs Frederick A.
Mitchell (MP Fox Hill), who stands
accused of using violent rhetoric and
encouraging retaliatory measures
against political adversaries.

This admonishment initially came from

Michael C. Pintard (Marco City MP &
FNM Leader), who on a number of
occasions in and outside of Parliament,
has cautioned the PLP Chairman on his tendency to resort to aggressive language when
confronted with opposition to his party's stance.

Despite this warning, the Chairman have persisted in his verbal attacks, escalating
matters further by advocating for Professional, Business, and Personal boycotts against
Dr. Duane Sands, Chairman of the Free National Movement (FNM)(Opposition).

The specific trigger for this retaliation appears to be Sands’ recent criticisms of
Progressive Liberal Party’s policies, particularly those espoused by Mitchell and his
Faction within the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

Sands' critique, aimed at fostering accountability within the Progressive Liberal Party
(PLP), was interpreted by Mitchell as a direct affront, prompting him to call for punitive
measures against Sands and his professional, business, and personal interests.
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The call for boycotts against Sands has ignited a firestorm of controversy, with many,
inside and outside of the Free National Movement Party and the governing Progressive
Liberal Party, condemning the actions as unethical and detrimental to the country's
political landscape. Critics argue that by stifling dissent and punishing those who
dare to speak out against the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), Mitchell is setting a
dangerous precedent that undermines democratic principles.

Moreover, the apparent endorsement of Mitchell's behavior by Prime Minister Philip

Davis has only served to exacerbate tensions. Prime Minister Philip Davis’ failure to
reprimand Mitchell has been interpreted as tacit approval of his actions, further
emboldening him and exacerbating the climate of hostility within political circles.

The broader implications of this episode extend beyond mere political squabbles. The
use of venomous language and vindictive tactics not only erodes public trust in the
political process but also poses a threat to the fundamental principles of democracy. By
perpetuating a culture of fear and intimidation, politicians risk alienating the very people
they are elected to serve.

In light of these developments, calls for accountability and responsible governance have
grown louder. It is imperative that elected officials, including Prime Minister Philip Davis
and Chairman Fredrick A. Mitchell, heed these calls and prioritize the well-being of the
Nation above partisan interests. Failure to do so not only undermines the credibility of
the government but also jeopardizes the future of democracy in the Bahamas.

As the debate rages on, the onus is on all stakeholders to uphold the principles of
civility, respect, and tolerance in public discourse. Only through constructive dialogue
and mutual respect can the Bahamas hope to overcome its current challenges and build
a brighter future for all its citizens.

It is now incumbent on Prime Minister Philip Davis, to admonish and advise his
Chairman Frederick A. Mitchell, to issue an apology to Dr. Duane Sands, and the public
at large with a promise and commitment to put country above the partisan politics that
this type of negative and partisan behavior would seemingly promote.

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