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Dongseo International College

Open Thinking and Expression

Fall 2023
Craig Simpson
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About our class

• You will learn how to take in information and

opinions from a variety of perspectives and analyze
the arguments put forward

• You will develop and improve your ability to form

opinions and construct arguments supported by
facts, reasons, and logic.
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About our class

• You will learn to organize ideas and to express

those ideas verbally and in written form.

• Finally, You will be able to write effective

paragraphs and essays and deliver persuasive
presentations that will lead to success in academic
What is ‘Open Thinking’?


• A willingness to consider different perspectives, examine

new ideas, and engage in critical thinking without being
limited by prior beliefs or biases.

• It involves being receptive to alternative viewpoints,

exploring unconventional solutions, and maintaining a
curious and adaptable mindset.
What is ‘an Open Thinker’?


• Open thinkers are open-minded, curious, and able to

challenge their own assumptions and beliefs

• This enables them to improve creativity, collaboration,

and continuous learning
Open Thinking

Core Elements:

A. Curiosity

B. Open-mindedness

C. Critical Thinking

Core Elements:

• A strong desire to know, learn, or understand something

new or unknown.

• It involves being eager to explore, question, and discover


Core Elements:

• Open-mindedness is a willingness to consider different

ideas, perspectives, and viewpoints without immediately
rejecting them.

• It involves being receptive to new information and being

able to adapt your thinking based on evidence and logical
Critical Thinking

Core Elements:

• Critical thinking is the process of analyzing, evaluating,

and interpreting information, arguments, or situations in
a systematic and logical manner.

• It involves using rational and thoughtful reasoning to

form well-founded judgments and decisions.
How to Develop Open Thinking

1. Embrace Curiosity: Develop a genuine interest in

learning and exploring new topics, ideas, and
experiences. Ask questions and seek out information
beyond your usual interests.

2. Challenge Assumptions: Regularly question your own

beliefs and assumptions. Ask yourself why you think a
certain way and consider alternative viewpoints.

3. Read Widely: Expose yourself to a variety of reading

materials from different sources, cultures, and
disciplines. This broadens your knowledge and
encourages open-mindedness.
How to Develop Open Thinking

4. Engage in Thoughtful Discussions: Engage in discussions

or debates that involve different viewpoints. Listen
attentively and respond thoughtfully, seeking common
ground and understanding.

5. Practice Empathy: Put yourself in others' shoes to

understand their feelings and viewpoints. This helps you
develop a deeper appreciation for different ways of

6. Avoid Jumping to Conclusions: Give yourself time to

think before forming opinions. Don't rush to judgment
without considering various angles.
How to Develop Open Thinking

7. Learn from Mistakes: Embrace failures and setbacks as

opportunities to learn and grow. Analyze what went
wrong and consider alternative approaches for the

8. Stay Open to Feedback: Welcome constructive feedback

from others. Listen to their suggestions and consider how
you can improve.

9. Challenge Biases: Recognize your own biases and work

on overcoming them. This involves being aware of
automatic judgments and questioning them.
What is ‘Expression’?


• the act of saying what you think or showing how you feel
using words or actions
“Expression.” Cambridge Dictionary,
Accessed 30 Aug. 2023.

In this class, we will focus on expression through academic

writing (paragraphs and essays) and speaking (speeches,
presentations and debate)



• The art and skill of using language effectively and

persuasively to communicate ideas, influence opinions,
and evoke emotions.

• It involves using various techniques to present

arguments, make a point, or convey a message in a
compelling way.
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Attendance 10% come to class on time—3 lates = 1 absence

Participation/Attitude 10% be an active student! Do you best!

Homework 10%

• Essay 10%
Assignments 20% • Presentation 10%

Mid-term Test 25%

Final Exam 25%

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Sending email
Subject: (class number) (name) (subject of email)

Ex. Subject: 101 Seo Soyoung late for class on Tuesday

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Page Format for Homework Assignments

For homework assignments, the format of the page is very

important! Please follow the rules below!

All homework assignments must be done on a computer in

a .doc or .docx file and submitted on Eclass.
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Homework Assignments
All homework assignments must be submitted on the
specified due date. You will receive one minus point for
every day you are late.

Sending email
Subject: (class number) (name) (subject of email)
Ex. Subject: 101 Seo Soyoung late for class on Tuesday
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Complete your homework assignment in a .doc or .docx file

Font Times New Roman or Calibri

Black color.
Size 12.

1. type your full name in the upper left corner.
2. On the next line, type the course and the course
3. On the third, line type the date the assignment is due in
the order of month-day-year
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your name
class number Heading
due date
Page 2

Assignment Title—skip one line, and then center your title

Body—skip one line and start typing. Indent (move to the

right) the first line of your paragraph five spaces. The TAB
key automatically indents five spaces.

Page 3

Spacing—double-space the lines in the paragraph.

Save Files—remember to save your work!

Proofread—check for errors in capitalization, subject-verb

agreement, and punctuation.
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your name
class number Heading
due date

skip a line and center the title

indent the first
sentence 5 spaces

Double spacing
Task 1: Impromptu Speech

Introduce yourself to the class

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