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The Grade 11 ABM Organization and Management specialization has been an

eye-opening subject, presenting an advanced understanding of the basic concepts that

talks about business. Knowing and understanding how different organizational structures
affect decision-making, communication, and overall workflow has given me useful
knowledge that I can apply to organizational dynamics in the real world. This reflection
paper aims to express the key learnings that I gained and its importance for me as a Grade
11 ABM student.

The course covered the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling aspects of
managerial tasks. My understanding of good management has expanded as a result of
realizing the need of strategic planning and striking a careful balance between retaining
control while promoting creativity. These roles are the cornerstones of efficient
management, and my comprehensive understanding of managerial duties is really
expanded and it widened. This newly acquired knowledge has practical applications
outside of the classroom, including future leadership and decision-making.

The study of leadership theories and styles gave the course more depth and
emphasized how effective leadership is a complex idea with an array of applications. I
have also learned the importance and its functions of each level in the organization
triangle. My perspective has been broadened by realizing the benefits of situational
approaches and transformational leadership styles, which emphasize the significance of
flexibility in managing different organizational difficulties and leading diverse teams.

Learning the forms and types of business organization also really gave me an
overview and deeper knowledge about this topic. This also helped me know what kindof
business will I choose in the near future as well as its advantages and disadvantages in
each type. In this section, I also gained knowledge about the “6 Revised Corporation
Code Salient Points” as well as the Nature of Business that I could really make use of in
the near future and for my future business.

The subject of "Organization Structure" explores the underlying principles that

control the structure and operations of businesses. It includes a range of organizational
structures, including matrix, divisional, functional, and hybrid structures, all of which
have an impact on the flow of roles, responsibilities, and communication inside a
company. Determining how well an organization can function and adjust to its unique
demands and objectives requires an understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of
various organizational structures. Furthermore, the effects of organizational structure on
decision-making procedures, efficacy, and efficiency are frequently examined in studies.

All in all, the Grade 11 ABM Organization and Management specialization has
been a deep dive that has greatly expanded my comprehension of fundamental business
ideas. My understanding of business organization types, managerial responsibilities,
leadership theories, and organizational structures has given me real-world knowledge that
I can use outside of the classroom.

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