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OOPS in PYTHON ] CLASS i 4 ciass is @ bluepsint for the object. We can think oF class as q sketch of a payyot with labels. It contains all the details about the name, Colours, Size etc. Example ie Class payvor: pass Class Keyword fo define an empty class paryot- J-_OBSECT=- An object ( instance ) 1§ an {nstontiation oF Q Class. When class is defined, Only descsiption fox object is defined, no memory or Stovage fs allocated - Example i Class Vehicle $ def__init..Cseif, byand,model,type) + Seif. byand = byand Seif. JaS_tank-Size=1& Vehicle object = vehicle C“Honda’, ‘tyuck?) 3). INHERITANCE %- Thrhevitance is a way of creating Qa nen class fox using detells oF an existing Class wilthout modifying it. Class Parent (): def FivstC Seif 3 Print (6 First Function %) Class chiidC Parent >: def Second CselF >: Print C6 Second Puncton’ ) Ob =Chitd C_) Ob. Fiyst ( Ob. Second ( ) Output :-_Flyst Function Second Function 4): ENCAPSULATION 2- Using OOP In python, We can yestsict access 40 Methods and vaviable. This pyevent data from divect modification vwihich is called as Encapsulation . Class EmPlovee 3 der__init__ (Seif, name ,Salasy , Project): Se\ = name SelP. salary = Salary Sell. Prosect = Project def Show (Seif _): Print C'Namet ,, Salary *,, Sele Salayy > def work Seif 7m Print (,* is wosking on? , self. Project) 4: Creating object of a class. ae ane re nt EMP = EmPlonee (*Ram 7s 10,000, *Python >) HE Calling Public method CONE STOW 2 scsi iliac ahaaeriaacaiea nies emr. show C ) ) Outpur:- Name : Ram Salary * 10,000 Ram iS working on python. 5I. ABSTRACTION - Abstyaction is used 40 hide +he internal Functlonality oF +he function From the users. Abstvaction can be achieved by using abstract Classes and interfaces. Example!- Print (“Passed value :??, X) Psint (wie ave inside Absclass task") +est-obj =test. ClassC) 2 Outper:- We are Inside +est- class task ie Passed Value : [00 €). POLYMORPHISM + “Iie IHtreval meaning of pelymosphism is condition Z accuvance $n different forms. Polymorphism Means a use of Single type entity (Method , Opevator,oy Object) +o vepvesent dierevent +upes in different scenayids- Class Rabbit ( )+ def age (Sele ): Print C" determines 43 OF wabbit 7?) def colour CSelF ): Print C “determines colour oF yabbit”) Class Horse CD: derage (self): Pyint (“determines age of horse) def colour (Self Dt Pyint determines Colour oF horse”) obj 1 = Rabbit C Obj 2 = HorseC ) For type In Cob} 1,0b5 2 2 type.age lL ) type. Colour ) Outpur:- determines age of yabblit. determines Colouy of yabbit. determines age of norse- determines colour of horse- Ste Length of Sting diet a Dsinon OOPS Concepts Fomon te 9 mutiparadigm programming fanguage. It Seppoats afferent Programm|ng appyoches. One of tre most popular approcher fo solve programming problem by Creating objets This 1s fknoWn as objet Ortented programming ( OOP). “OOP hos 7190 chavacterisHes D> Attrivutes 2). Behavior Eyample A parrot }s an objec, as it has Following Properties. * name, age, Color as attyibures. * Singing , Sanding a6 behavior. The conupts of oor: In Fytnon focuses on creating reusable Code. This Concept js also known Qs DPy CDon't Repeat Yourself). & Class is a blueprint for the Object. we can think of Class as a skech of parrot With labels. [F contains gil duals Ohout the name, colors, size ete. oy. Class farxrot: Pass. ATH KUMBRC CINKED IN) FECES RAM NOTES GALLERY, SpWbubbbebbidccdddddeWdeweeres : e Herve class Keyword detiné on empty class parrot from Class We construc fnctances (-)n Instance js a Speelele Objet created From a Particujar class. ru Korn ELEY RIN - NOS GALLERY. #m objet Cinsrante) }s an instantiation of a class. blhen Cc eee fs defined only phe aiseiption Fos phe Class Objet £ defined. Therefore, nO memory or «forege Is allocated. exi- Obj = Parrot ¢ ) Here Objet fs On objet of class parrot: Suppose We hove details of parrots. alow (02 axe geing to show howd ¢0 bubld the class and Obj er” oF parrots. we can access the Class attribure using — Class_ species - Gonerivane }s qa Way of Creating new class for using details of an existing class without modifylng it. The newly formed clots fs derived class, Simillarly , +h2 existing class Is a base class» Ex > Yse of Jnnevifana in python - Class Bird: der_Init_ (sere): Print ("Bird ie ready") ek culm (ree): Print (" susie Fasper") Class Penguin ( Bird)? Jk —Init ( sere): SUPE ( ),-Init_( 7 Bh xu (see): Pz fen fone o) Boia Cin ea tatty) gp. swam) rant) “ATUL KuMAR (INKED IAL « MOC ddd ddeWveeoeoecer Output Stalm Faster yun Fast lAle can use ghe fupey () Punetton Inside pne—Init_ Cl) Method+ This aloWsS us fo yun — nit_() method. Using OOP fn python , we can yettrict access 40 methods and Vaylables. Tris prevents deta from dived mouFication Which 5 cated encapsulation. In python We donate private attribute using — at tht prefix. fe Single — ov double —- Glass Computer? def__fnit.. (See): Selk__ Maxprice = 900 ek setmoxpniee ( sert , Price ): Sak, 5 MAxPslee = price, C= Compurer( ) C.__ Maxpricz .j000 C. Let max Prin (100) ble used_init.-( ) method fo tose the maximum felling Price of Computer. Cc. Max price =1000 Varlable Class Member Access From own | Arccessthte cessiole access spefhey Ud WOMAR (AINKED x1). NOUN L LLL Lacaddddveneeeereser Poly me rpm fan ability to ULe a Common Interfau for mutiple forms (data types) Folymorprism tn python defines methods jn the child class thet have the same name as the method in phe pasent Class. fF 1s possible +0 modify 9 Method In qa child class tht Mr has Inherited from Cid class ,. Parent Class Class parrot ; def Fly (ser): Print (" Paryot conkiy") def swim (ref) Print (“parrot can't ststm") Clase penguin: def Fly ( sete): Print (“penguin can't Fly") de rulm¢ cere): Print (“Penguin can stoim") der Fly ng_ test (bird): bird. Fly( ) biue = Parrott ) feg = penguin) Plytng— test (blu) Fuying — test (Peg) Ovtpur Poyron Can Fly. Penguin Can't Puy. ATU Lumar CLINKEDIN) lthet are Funcefons 2 # Fanetlon ic a plou of lode Only suns bhen Is called: Dh Python a Funetlon he defined using pre de keyrord . def my — Furetion (): print C“yeno") Arguments fn a Funceton Arguments are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses. You can add 4S many argumentr as you tant Leparate ¢hem 9th q Comma. deF my — Rinetton CF name) Print (fname + “ ReFsnes") my Faretton C"Emit") my - Funeton ("Tobias") my — Function Chinas") TECELRAN- NETES CALEERY. Arbitary Arguments Se you do not know) how many arguments that toil) be passed inte your Funution, add a bebore the parameter NIme in the function definition. eF ry — Funurton (*kids) : print ("the youngest child i¢"+ kidsl0) Mg-Fantlon(" Sour” "9031", “txpark") MAK (LINKEDIN) . sbbbbhukrrrreerrreeeeeecre. DUWNULLL UL beTUddddddweeeeceser Keyword Arguments ( Kwaxgs) You can alsO sond arguments Lolth the Key >= value Syntax - def my- Rineeton (onias, CNida , CMidz) : Print (“tne Youngest cntia it"+ Old 3) my — baneeton Cobiidy = "mth" childa ="bea", Childs =‘bte") E ATUL KOM BR CLINKEDIN) Arbitary Keyword Arguments ** Kwargs co not Kn0W ho many Keyword arguments that wil) be pacred Into your Function, add 7W2 Qsterisk: * * before the parameter name }n the Function definition . dek my_ Function (#8 Gd): print (“nic last name se" Kd E“tname I) my fanetion (fname = “Tobias”, tname = “ReFenes”) Atul Kumark CLINKEDAl)-

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