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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

Ministry of Education ‫وزارة التعليم‬

Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz ‫جامعة األمير سطام بن عبد العزيز‬
College of Science and Humanities – AlAflaj ‫كلية العلوم والدراسات اإلنسانية – األفالج‬
Department of computer science ‫قسم علوم الحاسب‬

E-Test Application


Student Name Student Number

Haya Abdulaziz Alkubra 441850133
Shaykhah Saleem Aldosari 441850150
Reema Abdullah Aldosari 441850200
Shaykhah Mohammed Aldosari 441850160

Supervised by

Dr. Mesfer Al Duhayyim

Semester: 1-Year: 202

Table Of Content
LIST OF TABLE.........................................................................................................................................III
LIST OF Figure .......................................................................................................................................... IV
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. V
Chapter 1: Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
1-1 Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................1
1-2 Project Objectives ........................................................................................................................2
1-3 Proposed system ...........................................................................................................................2
1-3-1 Student Description ..................................................................................................................2
1-3-2 Teacher Description .................................................................................................................3
1-3-3 Admin Description ...................................................................................................................3
1-4 Project Plan...................................................................................................................................3
1-4-1 Project Functional Requirements ...........................................................................................3
1-4-2 Project Non-Functional Requirements ...................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Literature Review .................................................................................................................6
2-1 Tests ...............................................................................................................................................6
2-2 Emthank ........................................................................................................................................7
2-3 Conduct Exam ..............................................................................................................................7
2-4 Siraj ...............................................................................................................................................8
2-5 Problems and Solutions ...............................................................................................................9
Chapter 3: System Design .....................................................................................................................10
3-1 Functional requirements............................................................................................................10
3-1-1 Student ....................................................................................................................................10
3-1-2 Teacher ....................................................................................................................................11
3-1-3 Admin ......................................................................................................................................12
3-2 Non-Functional requirements ...................................................................................................12
3-2-1 Capacity and durability .........................................................................................................13
3-2-2 Security....................................................................................................................................13
3-2-3 Performance............................................................................................................................13
3-2-4 Usability...................................................................................................................................13

3-2-5 Reliability ................................................................................................................................13
3-3 Actor profile ................................................................................................................................13
3-3-1 Actors ......................................................................................................................................13
3-3-2 Actor Characteristics .............................................................................................................13
3-4 Login Action ...............................................................................................................................14
3-4-1 Login use case diagram ..........................................................................................................14
3-4-2 Login sequence diagram ........................................................................................................15
3-5 Student Action ............................................................................................................................16
3-6 Student use case diagram ..........................................................................................................16
3-7 Student class diagram ................................................................................................................17
References ...................................................................................................................................................18

Table 1-1 Project functional requirements .....................................................................................................3
Table 1-2 Non-Functional Requirement .........................................................................................................4

LIST OF Figure
Figure 2-1: Tests Application .........................................................................................................................6
Figure 2-2 Emthank Application .....................................................................................................................7
Figure 2-3: Conduct Exam Application ...........................................................................................................8
Figure 2-4: Siraj Application..........................................................................................................................9
Figure 3-1: Use case diagram login ..............................................................................................................14
Figure 3-2: Sequence diagram Login ...........................................................................................................15
Figure 3-3: student use case diagram ..........................................................................................................16
Figure 3-5: student class diagram ................................................................................................................17

E-exams are an idea that has been adopted by thousands of universities around the world in
the past few years because it reflects the idea of having a computer program designed for teachers,
universities, and schools to administer exams remotely. By using the e-exam system, students can
take their exams from anywhere, anytime, and get their results instantly. It also helps teachers to
create a bank of questions for each course, which helps in developing and facilitating exam design.
Accordingly, a flutter application written in Dart language that supports both Android and iOS will
be developed to help students apply for the exam. Students can log into the application with their
names and passwords, apply for the exams, and then they can get the result quickly. The project
also aims to help teachers by giving them the possibility to create comprehensive tests of various
kinds. It also helps them to know the academic level of the students by presenting the results of the
students and providing them with statistics about success and failure rates, and recommendations
for suggested subject areas to improve their levels of knowledge. On the other hand, the project
will provide the administrator with the authority to manage the site by managing user data, whether
they are students or teachers.

Chapter 1 :Introduction
Technical development, the knowledge explosion, and the terrible acceleration in
communication technologies have created an environment that relies on technology in all
fields, including the educational field, so that e-learning tools have become widespread in
all schools and universities, and among the most important of these tools are e tests that
measure the extent of learning obtained the student. The idea of designing tests originated
on the Internet, as it helped provide an easy way to evaluate the student electronically, and
helped the teacher efficiently prepare the tests to apply to students and correct them
electronically and instantly, which guarantees credibility and transparency in correction

This chapter will present the existing problem, the objectives behind the project, the
proposed system, and the project plan.

1-1 Problem Statement

There is a great need for an effective application in Saudi Arabia that enables students and
teachers to take exams e, as there are many difficulties that both students and teachers face
in traditional tests:

• Students go through difficult circumstances, such as illness, that prevent them from going
to the examination hall and taking the test
• Students lack knowledge in the nature of test models for subjects.
• Because of the pressures imposed by the traditional exams, the student's mind may
be distracted and he may forget to answer the questions.
• No possibility of availability of interactive questions such as video.
• Existence of the phenomenon of cheating and leaking exam questions.
• Traditional exams require a large financial cost.
• Many students also suffer from a lack of objectivity in some exams, which may
depend on only one part of the curriculum, which is not considered fair as each part
must be given its right to issue a balanced test.

• On the other hand, traditional tests are a burden for teachers in that it is difficult to
accurately monitor data about test quality and results.

1-2 Project Objectives

This project works to achieve the following objectives:

- Allow the student to perform the test at anytime and anywhere without the need to
go to the examination hall.
- Develop and improve the quality of education and learning in the Kingdom of Saudi
- Know the students' level and classify them into groups.
- Alert the students if they forget to answer a specific question.
- Helping teachers get rid of the burdens of correction.
- Recommend suggested subject areas for students' weaknesses.
- Facilitate the process of conducting statistical analysis.
- Save time, effort, and money for the teacher.
- Achieving speed and accuracy in results.
- Preventing the phenomenon of cheating that occurs in traditional exams.

1-3 Proposed system

The proposed system will contain many services that will help students and teachers to
conduct exams-e. The general idea of the system would be as follows:

1-3-1 Student Description

The application will provide many services for students, including the possibility of
creating an account and logging in using their names and passwords, and then it will allow
them to view the tests or search for tests in a specific field, and then the students can apply
for the appropriate test for him and alert him if he forgets to answer a specific question,

and then he can get his result quickly and accurately. The student can also send a complaint
to the admin in the event of a specific defect in the application.

1-3-2 Teacher Description

The application will provide the teacher with a lot of services such as ease of preparing
questions, diversity in objective questions, the ability to attach an audio file, video clip, or
image to each question, with the ability to set the start and end times of the test, display
student results, and statistics about success and failure rates in each test. The application
will also provide the teacher with a service to send Complaint to the administrator in case
of a specific defect in the application.

1-3-3 Admin Description

The application provides the administrator with a lot of controls with many characteristics,
including adding, managing and deleting users, whether they are students or teachers. in
addition to that, the administrator can view and manage complaints so that he can take
appropriate action and resolve them quickly and efficiently.

1-4 Project Plan

1-4-1 Project Functional Requirements
Table 1-1 Project functional requirements

Project functional Description Requirements

Student The student will be able - User interface
to: Create an account in - Account
the system, log in, search - Database
for tests according to - Form
their level, apply for the
test and obtain its results.

Teacher The teacher will be able - User interface
to: Create an account, - Account
log in to the system, add - Database
various tests, and display - Form
student results and
statistical analyzes.
Admin The admin will be able - User interface
to: Log in to the system, - Account
manage user data, and - Database
manage complaints.

1-4-2 Project Non-Functional Requirements

Table 1-2 Non-Functional Requirement

Non-Functional Requirement Description

Usability We will build the system so that it is
easy to use and requires no effort to
use. In terms of using icons that
express the function that you,
Portability The application will be compatible
with all versions of Android and iOS
operating systems.
Availability The system will be available to its
users at all times.

This chapter reviews a study on the importance of having an effective application in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that serves students and teachers in conducting e tests and
presents the problems faced by students and teachers in conducting traditional tests. It also
identifies the objectives of the proposed system and the functional and non-functional

Chapter 2 :Literature Review

This chapter will provide an overview of applications similar to our project in Saudi Arabia
and the world, and we will explain their advantages and weaknesses. Next, the proposed
system will be discussed and how to solve these problems.

2-1 Tests
This application allows teachers to replace paper tests with optional or essay questions with
easy-to-create e-questions. It is also characterized by the accuracy of corrections and the
speed of results, with the qualitative addition that includes e-monitoring, as it prevents the
student from exiting the application during the test.

The problem with the application is that it is not compatible with all operating systems, as
it is intended for the iPhone and iPad only. Its users suffer from many problems, including
the failure to show results sometimes and sending an error message. The application is not
comprehensive for all levels and does not give the teacher statistics about success and
failure rates [2].

Figure 2-1: Tests Application

2-2 Emthank
Emthank is a unique application that includes a wide range of exams for the general
secondary school curriculum in its three grades in Egypt.

Through this application, the student can choose a specific subject, choose the number of
questions in which he wants the exam, as well as choose the time he wants, and he can
enter into competition with his colleagues by entering the application. All exams in the app
have been prepared by dedicated and experienced teachers so that they can easily add new
exams to the app.

The problem with this application is that it does not support all operating systems and is
not comprehensive, as it is intended only for high school curricula in Egypt [3].

Figure 2-2 Emthank Application

2-3 Conduct Exam

Online Exam Software is powerful online exam software that offers solutions through
which institutes, companies, universities and other organizations can easily conduct exams.
Users can take the test in online mode or download the test and then take it offline. The
student can set the date and time in the exam and get the result automatically after

completing the exam. The administrator also allows the entry of different types of questions
and different topics, and he can obtain graphic reports analyzing the students' performance.
The application also supports multiple languages.

The only problem with this application is that it supports iPad and iPhone only and is not
intended to deal with all operating systems [4].

Figure 2-3: Conduct Exam Application

2-4 Siraj
Siraj application is an upgraded version of the Kuwaiti portal for e-learning, which is
considered the richest in educational activities in the State of Kuwait. In addition to
textbooks for all grades in general education and other types of education, the application
contains many e-content activities related to the curricula and derived from the "Siraj"
portal, such as educational pieces, lesson videos, worksheets, period exams and calendar
questions where the student can get what he wants and create the test with ease.

The problem with the application is that it only supports the android system and is not
considered comprehensive, as it is intended for school curricula in the State of Kuwait only
and does not give the teacher statistics about students’ levels [5].

Figure 2-4: Siraj Application

2-5 Problems and Solutions

The problem that was found in most of the previous applications is that they are not
compatible with all operating systems. In addition to that, the tests in them were not
comprehensive, as most of them were for a specific segment only. Moreover, most of the
applications did not support the teacher with statistical analysis of the results of the tests
and therefore, he cannot evaluate the level of students and knowledge of weaknesses.
For these reasons, the project was created to find solutions to the issues mentioned and
present an application that contains comprehensive tests for all students of all levels
includes addition to that, the application will provide the teacher with statistical analysis of
the tests to know success and failure rates, and the application will support both android
and iPhone devices.

This chapter has identified some applications similar to our project and the pros and cons
of each application system. The next chapter will provide an analysis of the project by
describing the system, defining the functional and non-functional requirements, and the
UML diagrams that describe the operation of the system.

Chapter 3 :System Design

In this chapter, an analysis of the functional requirements that are defined will be presented
system functions and non-functional requirements that describe the quality characteristics
of the application as well as create UML diagrams.

3-1 Functional requirements

Functional requirements are the functions that developers must implement to enable users
to accomplish their tasks. They describe the services that the system will provide to its
users under specific conditions [6].

Based on the previous definition, the actors in this system will be:

❖ Student
❖ Teacher
❖ Admin

This section will describe the functional requirements for each actor.

3-1-1 Student
• Register

The student can create an account in the application by entering his basic data such as
name, password, and email.

• Login

The student can log in to the application by entering the name and password.

• Search for tests

The student can search for the test according to his level, for example, he wants a test from
the first, second, or third level. He can also search according to the subjects he wants, for
example, he can choose a test in science, chemistry, and mathematics.

• View the tests

After searching for the tests, the student can display the results and the available tests.

• Apply for the test

Using this application, the student can apply for the test of his choice with ease.

• Obtaining the results

The student can get the result of the test he applied for quickly and accurately.

• Sending a complaint

The student can send a complaint to the administrator in the event of a specific defect
occurring in the application.

• Log out

After obtaining his services, the student can log out of the application.

3-1-2 Teacher
• Register

The teacher can create an account in the application by entering his basic data such as
name, password and email.

• Login

The teacher can login to the application by entering the name and password.

• Add a test

The teacher can add comprehensive tests to the application using multiple methods, with
the possibility of attaching an image, video or audio file to each test.

• View test results

The teacher can view the results of the tests he added.

• View stats

The teacher can obtain statistics on each test to know the success and failure rates.

• Submit a complaint

The teacher can send a complaint to the admin in the event of a specific defect in the

• Logout

The teacher can log out of the app.

3-1-3 Admin
• login

The admin can log in to his site by entering his email and password.

• User management

The admin can manage the data of the users who use the application, whether they are
students or teachers, as he can add or delete them.

• Complaints management

Admin can receive complaints sent by students and teachers and work on resolving them

• logout

Admin can log out when he wants to do so.

3-2 Non-Functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are the characteristics that determine the quality of the
system, as you evaluate its activity, the way it performs the services required of it [6].

3-2-1 Capacity and durability
The system must handle requests from more than one user in parallel at the same time.

3-2-2 Security
Only the administrator can see the information of the users if they are students or teachers,
and no one else can see that.

3-2-3 Performance
Any interaction between the user and the system should not exceed 3 seconds and the
system should be available for use 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

3-2-4 Usability
The design must be neat, clear and uncomplicated.

3-2-5 Reliability
Tests available on the application and their results must be reliable and accurate.

3-3 Actor profile

3-3-1 Actors
- Student
- Teacher
- Admin

3-3-2 Actor Characteristics

1- Student

The user who can search for tests, apply for the test, get its result, and add a complaint to
the admin.

2- Teacher

The user who can add various tests and obtain results and statistics to see success and
failure rates and add a complaint to the admin.

3- Admin

The user who can add or delete users, view complaints and work on resolving them.

3-4 Login Action

Users must log in to the application in order for each of them to obtain their services by
entering their email and password so that the system can verify that they have created an
account in the application.

3-4-1 Login use case diagram

Figure 3-1: Use case diagram login

3-4-2 Login sequence diagram

Figure 3-2: Sequence diagram Login

3-5 Student Action
The following diagrams identify the mechanics of the system for the pupil by detailing the
information by defining the steps he must take from registering or logging into the system
and the ability to search for tests according to the type of test, to apply for the appropriate
test for it, and to obtain its result, then the charts will display the possibility of sending a
complaint to the official and the possibility of logout him out of the system.

3-6 Student use case diagram

Figure 3-3: student use case diagram

3-7 Student class diagram

Figure 3-4: student class diagram

[1] Alyahya, D., & Almutairi, N. (2019). The Impact of Electronic Tests on Students' Performance
Assessment. International Education Studies, 12(5), 109-119.

[6] H. Kaur ،"Non-Functional Requirements Research: Survey".


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