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Assiut University 4th year– 1st Semester

Faculty of Commerce Test bank

English language program Course Name: International Relations

Chapter (1)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1- In medieval Europe, The …… Church was one of two institutions with
pretensions to power over the continent as a whole.

A Evangelical C Protestant
B Roman D Catholic
2 - The Treaty of ……. 1648 concluded the 30 years of warfare.
A Geneva C London
B Westphalia D Vienna
3- The word ‘international’ was coined only in 1783, by the British philosopher
A Bentham C Clausewitz
B Morgenthau D Marx
4- Between 1939 and 1945 over 60 million people were killed – around ………
per cent of the world’s population.
A 2.5 C 5
B 7.5 D 10
5- After the Second World War, the military competition continued between the
United States and the Soviet Union. This was known as a ‘…….. war’.
A Cold C Big
B Chemical D Nuclear
6- The two superpowers never engaged each other in direct warfare, but they
fought several wars by proxy such as those in ……. and Vietnam.
A India C Korea
B Spain D China
7- The Church in medieval Europe was the spiritual authority, with its center in
A London C Rome

B Paris D Madrid
8- The ……. In Europe was as the custodian, from Roman times, of institutions
like the legal system and the Latin language
A Army C Empire
B Church D Parliament
9- Sovereignty and formal ……… led to the problem of anarchy.
A Differences C Equality
B Inequalities D Disorder
10- The early modern state was a coercive machinery designed to make ……
A Peace C Conventions
B War D Treaties

Second question:

Decide if the following sentences are True or False:

11- A colonized country is the very opposite of a sovereign state;

A True B False
12- We can talk about international politics as a ‘world stage’ on which the
International non- governmental organizations are the leading actors.
A True B False
13- The Thirty Years’ War is often called a religious conflict since Catholic states
confronted Protestants.
A True B False
14- The large, rich and powerful empires of East Asia were organized similar to
the European states.
A True B False
15- Kings who supported the Reformation could free themselves from the power
of Rome.

A True B False
16- The Thirty Years’ War, 1718–1748, was the bloodiest and most protracted
military confrontation of the era.

A True B False
17- States are not sovereign in relation to each other.

A True B False
18- In medieval Europe most of life was either regional or international.
A True B False
19- In medieval Europe, there were states ruled by clerics.
A True B False
20- In medieval Europe, most Europeans were Jewish.
A True B False

Chapter (2)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1-Military theorist ............... remarked in the early 1800s that war was the
continuation of policy by other means.
A Clausewitz C Marx
B Morgenthau D Huntington
2- The applicable international law that governs diplomacy is the …….
Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961).
A Madrid C Paris
B Mosco D Vienna
3- After the Iranian revolution, a gang of Iranian students invaded the US
Embassy in Tehran in November ………
A 1969 C 1979
B 1989 D 1999
4- In 1962, the world came to the brink of nuclear war in what is now known as
the …….. Missile Crisis.

A American C British
B Russian D Cuban
5 - In July …….. the Partial Test Ban Treaty was agreed.
A 1963 C 1983
B 1973 D 1993
6- In spite of the cold war in the sixties, a period of …….. between the
superpowers began as they sought to engage diplomatically with each other.
A détente C peace
B war D conflict
7- Iran protested that its programme was for ……… purposes only
A war C peaceful
B clash D research
8- The Us considered ……… as the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism
A Iran C Cuba
B Korea D Canada

9- American president ………… repeated the phrase ‘all options are on the table’
regarding dealing with Iran.

A Jimmy Carter C George W. Bush

B Donald Trump D Barack Obama
10- In the years that followed the American invasion, military operations in Iraq
and……. became deeply troubled.
A Iran C Somalia
B Afghanistan D Serbia
Second Question:

Decide if the following sentences are True or False:

11- Diplomacy is a system of structured communication between two or more

A True B False
12- Deterrence means holding a weapon that can wipe out an opponent, such an
opponent is unlikely to attack you.
A True B False
13- The Pentagon is the British ministry of defense.
A True B False
14- The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was a triumph of diplomacy.
A True B False
15- The Non-Proliferation Treaty sought to freeze the number of nations that had
nuclear weapons at the five nations which already possessed them.

A True B False
16- Israel never joined The Non-Proliferation Treaty.

A True B False
17- The Non-Proliferation Treaty sought to freeze the number of nations that had
nuclear weapons at the nations, which already possessed them.
A True B False
18- The war in Iraq was controversial.
A True B False
19- The United Nations refused to mandate the American war on Iraq.

A True B False
20- In 2003, three EU nations :The UK, Germany and France, initiated high-level
diplomacy with Iraq in an attempt to prevent a new war in the Middle East.
A True B False

Chapter (3)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1- A ………level study would need to consider global linkages that go beyond
single interactions between states.
A state C system
B group D individuals
2- A ……… level study would require careful consideration of what kinds of
states we are looking at.
A State C system
B Group D individuals
3- A …….. level analysis would need to try and break the analysis down into
certain kinds of groups.
A state C system
B group D individuals
4- If looking at the actions of ……… , we would likely also need to engage with
the implications of human nature.
A state C system
B group D individuals
5- In the war on Iraq, Tony Blair might have been acting to preserve the Anglo-
……… alliance.
A Scotch C British
B Japanese D American
6- Tony Blair is often remembered for his decision to take the UK to war with
Iraq in ……….
A 2000 C 2001
B 2002 D 2003
7- WikiLeaks is a ……….
A Website C NGO
B Cultural organization D Corporation

8- The global financial crisis happened in ………

A 2006 C 2007

B 2008 D 2009
9- Blair’s personal convictions helped him to forge a common personal bond
with the US president…….

A Donald Trump C Jo Biden

B Barack Obama D George W. Bush.
10- A coalition led by ………. waged a (war on terrorism) after September 11.
A The United Kingdom C Russia
B The United States D China
Second Question:
Decide if the following sentences are True or False:
1- The activist Assange spearheaded a widely publicized whistleblowing
campaign leaking government secrets via a website.
A True B False
2- There was as a shift away from‘trans-national’ (‘across/beyond-states’ and
their borders) to the inter-national(‘between-states’).
A True B False
3- Osama Bin Laden built a global terrorist network (Al Qaeda).
A True B False
4- Empirical theories generally seek to try to explain the world as it is.
A True B False
5- Normative theories mean that they build on principles and assumptions about
how social interactions should occur.
A True B False
6- The ‘arena’ approach focuses on the location, or ‘locus’ of interactions.
A True B False
7- The ‘processual’ approach assumes that international relations can instead be
thought of as a complex web of processes that takes place between people.
A True B False
8- International Relations (IR) traditionally focused on interactions between
international non-governmental organizations (INGOs)
A True B False
9- Climate change has become a topic of International Relations.

A True B False
10- Scholars use theories to explain and capture the meaning of real-life events
in the form of abstract interpretations and generalized assumptions.

A True B False

Chapter (4)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1- ……… in IR was referred to as a ‘utopian’ theory.
A Socialism C Marxism
B Liberalism D Realism
2- …….. developed the idea in the late eighteenth century that states that shared
liberal values should have no reason for going to war against one another.
A Kant C Hobbes
B Huntington D Fokoyama
3- A new theory emerged to explain the continuing presence of war. That theory
became known as ………..
A realism C Marxism
B Liberalism D Socialism
4- Thomas Hobbes proposed that a ‘………Contract’ was required between a
ruler and the people of a state to maintain relative order.
A Political C Social
B Economic D Cultural
5- ………. believe conflict is unavoidable and so war is common and inherent to
A Socialists C Capitalists
B Liberals D Realists

Second Question:
Decide if the following sentences are True or False:
6- Constructivists highlight the importance of values and shared interests between
individuals who interact on the global stage.
A True B False
7- Marxism is a good place to start with critical theories.
A True B False
8- Postcolonialism differs from Marxism by focusing on the inequality between
nations or regions, as opposed to classes.
A True B False
9- Feminism focused on explaining why so few women seemed to be in positions
of power and examining the implications of this on how global politics was
A True B False
10- Marx called the business class (the proletariat) and the working class (the
A True B False

Chapter (5)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1- The European Union law is an example of the …….. law.
A Domestic C International
B Regional D Global
2- ………. law addresses relations involving states, intergovernmental
organizations and non-state actors,
A Domestic C Public International
B Regional D Private International
3- The law of the sea and the law of state responsibility are examples of the law
of ………….
A War C Peace
B Environment D Diplomacy
4- International criminal law has seen a rapid development with the establishment
of the international criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and ……...
A Rwanda C Sudan
B Kenia D Somalia
5- The establishment of the International Criminal Court was in ……...
A 2000 C 2001
B 2002 D 2003

Second Question:
Decide if the following sentences are True or False:
6- The International humanitarian law regulates matters of prisoners of war and

A True B False
7- International law governs relations between independent States.
A True B False
8- The occidental depiction of international law is the only one existing in the
A True B False
9- International humanitarian law (IHL) is the law of armed conflicts.
A True B False
10- A NATO-led intervention in Kosovo in 1999 was executed without the
authorization of the UN Security Council.
A True B False

Chapter (6)

First Question: Choose the correct answer:

1- ……….has repeatedly requested membership of the UN but has had its request
blocked by China.
A Taiwan C Serbia
B Croatia D Poland

2- The most powerful organ of the UN is the Security Council, which has
A 5 C 15
B 10 D 20
3- …….. states are permanent members of the Security Council.
A 2 C 4
B 3 D 5
4- ………. can actually be said to exercise a degree of sovereignty over its
members via law-making powers in certain areas.
5- The (INTERPOL) is an international ………. Organization.
A Economic C Police
B Political D Cultural

Second Question:
Decide if the following sentences are True or False:
6- Only states can be members of the United Nations.

A True B False
7- The Security Council is the only organ that can impose sanctions on states or
deploy military forces on behalf of the international community.

A True B False
8- The Secretary-General who leads the United Nations, cannot take action on its
own and can only appeal to member states to ‘do something’.

A True B False
9- Germany is one of the permanent members of the Security Council.
A True B False
10- The United Nations is an international governmental organization that has
a level of authority above the states.
A True B False

Chapter (7)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:

1- The state’s priorities for the allocation of resources changed in the …… due to
a trend towards the privatization of industries.
A 1950s C 1960s
B 1970s D 1980s
2- The campaign to ban landmines led to the intergovernmental conference in
…….where the Mine Ban Treaty was signed.
A London C Paris
B Berlin D Ottawa
3- The Mine Ban Treaty was signed in ……...
A 1995 C 1997
B 1996 D 1998
4- In the late nineteenth century, the traditional role of women was challenged as
a result of the activities of …….
A Activists C Conservatives
B Feminists D Liberals
5- The first step in cross-border mobilizations is therefore the production of …..
A Steel C Industries
B knowledge D Food

Second Question:
Decide if the following sentences are True or False:

6- The standard definition of civil society identifies it as the space outside of

government, family and market.
A True B False

7- International relations can be fully captured without taking into account the
actions of civil society organizations.
A True B False

8- Realists may understand global civil society as the actor contribute to the
effectiveness and legitimacy of the international system as a whole.
A True B False

9- Liberals may interpret global civil society as a tool used by the most
powerful states to advance their ultimate interests abroad.
A True B False

10- Issues of violence and resistance to political systems are always controversial,
depending as they do on political interpretation.
A True B False

Chapter (8)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1- …….. explicitly added the gains deriving from a system of free trade built
around the principle of comparative advantage.
A Huntington C Ricardo
B Hobbes D Fokoyama
2- …… argued in favor of government non-interference and the superiority of
market exchanges guided by the ‘invisible hand’ of the price mechanism.
A Smith C Ricardo
B Hobbes D Fokoyama
3- The global financial crisis happened in …….
A 2005 C 2007
B 2006 D 2008
4- Greenpeace is a ……
5- ……..was the first nation to implement a points-based system by which entry
visas are granted on the basis of specialist skills or aptitude tests.
A Germany C Canada
B France D Italy

Second Question:
Decide if the following sentences are True or False:
6- Scholars now prefer to use the term ‘global political economy’ (GPE) over the
more traditional term ‘international political economy’ (IPE).
A True B False

7- The early heroes of the liberal approach were Adam Smith and David
A True B False

8- Left-leaning liberals recognize the increasingly global division of labor as

responsible for rising levels of inequality.
A True B False

9- Economic globalization creates ‘winners’ and ‘losers’.

A True B False

10- (ECOWAS) is an important regional organization in Asia.

A True B False

Chapter (9)

First Question:
Choose the correct answer:
1- Religion and culture seem like easy ideas to study from the perspective of
International Relations.
A True B False
2- Following the Al Qaeda attacks on the US on 11 September 2001 (often
called 9/11), studies of religion in world politics decreased sixfold.
A True B False
3- Although the word ‘faith’ can be associated with belief in unseen realities,
humans throughout time have needed to see, touch and smell the sacred.
A True B False
4- The phrase ‘clash of civilizations' came to popular prominence in 2001 as a
way to interpret the 9/11 attacks as a conflict between Islam and the West.

A True B False
5- A United Nations consultative group known as the World Public Forum,
which began an initiative in 2002 called the Dialogue of Civilizations.

A True B False

Second Question:

Decide if the following sentences are True or False:

6- Common bonds can sometimes be forged through family ties, economic
interests or security concerns.
A True B False
7- When Soviet Communism finally collapsed in 1991, US president Bill Clinton
heralded the beginning of a ‘new world order’.
A True B False
8- Samuel P. Huntington suggested that world politics would no longer be shaped
by a clash of ideologies but rather by a ‘clash of civilizations’.
A True B False
9- The first element of culture has to do with common or shared life.
A True B False
10- Soviet Communism finally collapsed in 1985.
A True B False


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