The Cultural Parent

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Transactional Analysis Journal

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The Cultural Parent

Pearl Drego

To cite this article: Pearl Drego (1983) The Cultural Parent, Transactional Analysis Journal, 13:4,
224-227, DOI: 10.1177/036215378301300404
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The Cultural Parent
Pearl Drego

Abstract The Personality of a Culture

Berne's concept of culture is supported by Just as in the individual person there is a part
combined anthropological views on culture. which perceives and a part which responds, so
Etiquette, Technicality and Character form also there is a part of social consciousness
the basis of TA Cultural Analysis, and cor- which governs ways of perceiving and ways of
respond to the Parent, Adult and Child com- responding. The TA method of seeing per-
ponents of the individual person. The intern- sonality through Parent, Adult and Child can
alization of the "personality of a culture" be applied to the study of a culture as we look
is described in structural terms: it forms the at the Parent, Adult and Child of the culture
Cultural Parent of the individual person, and (Berne, 1963, p. 110). The study of a culture's
is diagrammed as three ellipses within the 'personality' can be used as an effective tool
Parent ego state. The Cultural Parent pro- for cultural and social transformation. Follow-
vides a strategy for individual change within ing Summerton (1979), I use three ellipses
a socially unjust environment and a tool for rather than three circles to diagram the struc-
social transformation of groups. ture of a group's culture:

Berne developed a concept of group culture

which is based on his model of individual per- Etiquette - which is related to Parent.
sonality. When a group of people form a social
network or community, they share Parental Technicalities - related to Adult.
values, Adult procedures and Child emotions
which Berne (1963) names Etiquette, Character - which is related to Child.
Technicalities and Character respectively. This
threefold division is in tune with many anthro- Figure 1
pological views of culture. Ruth Benedict sees 'Personality' of a Culture (Drego, 1981)
a similarity between culture and an individual
where she describes culture as a more or less Berne summarizes etiquette as "what one is
consistent pattern of thought and emotion supposed to do, " technicality as "what one has
(Benedict, 1934). Clifford Geertz speaks of to do, " and character as "what one might like
culture as an historically transmitted pattern of to do" (1963, p. 112).
meaning embodied in symbols through which The following scheme of contents is a start
people communicate, and perpetuate and in the investigation of ego states of a culture:
develop their knowledge of and attitudes Etiquette: Culturally inherited beliefs,
towards life (Geetz, 1968). Klukhohn and Mur- ideologies, values, rules, moral codes, beliefs
ray define culture as the historically created about life and death, about good and evil, about
designs for living; these may be explicit and being male and female, about wealth and pover-
implicit, they may be rational, irrational and ty, about fertility and entropy, superstitions,
non-rational, they are potential guides for customs, rituals, social hierarchies, prejudices,
human behavior (Klukhohn & Murray, 1956). expectations of the ideal man, the ideal woman,
Kroeber's (1948) definition includes the con- methods of reward and punishment, etc.
glomeration of learned and transmitted motor Technicalities: Culturally inherited know-
reactions, habits, techniques, ideas and values, ledge, skills, techniques, methods of production
and the behavior they induce. and distribution, economic processes, science

224 Transactional Analysis Journal


and research, planning and organizations, Parent, which is diagrammed as three ellipses
distributions of political power, etc. in the Parent. The Cultural Parent consists of
Character: Culturally inherited ways of ex- etiquette, technicalities and character of a
periencing and of acting out love, hatred, culture as introjected into and lived out by an
pleasure, pain, acceptance, rejection, obe- individual living within that culture.
dience, resistance, hungers, needs, drives,
friendship, jealousy, birth, death, freedom,
identity, fear, hope, fulfillment, and the e>..:;..=:::.\Beliefs and values of the culture
culturally inherited ways of sabotaging or \;:::__<JTechnicalities of the culture
deviating from the cultural etiquette (Drego, ~..J&.--? Emotional patterns and responses
In summary: the etiquette, Parent-type con-
tents of a culture are the transmitted designs
for thinking, behaving and valuing in a par-
ticular society; the technicality, or, Adult-type
contents consist of the actual organization of
the material and social life of a particular
human group; the character, Child-type con-
tents include socially programmed ways of feel- Figure 2
ing, handling biological needs, emotional ex- The Cultural Parent (Drego, 1981)
pressions, especially compliance and rebellion.
Any object, event or pattern in a culture can The process of individual transformation or
be seen in the context of the above three-fold cure requires a re-distribution of the contents .
system. For example, the Dowry system in In- and cathexis of Parent, Adult and Child. For
dia can be seen as follows: the process of social transformation the con-
Etiquette of the Dowry System consists of tents and energy distributions within the
beliefs about women and their status in the Cultural Parent are to be identified and
original family, about their duties to her hus- changed.
band and his family, about the passing of This concept of a Cultural Parent also gives
ownership from one family to another ... a model for the identification of the Parent,
Technicalities of the Dowry System consist Adult and Child of a community. The members
of the procedures for accomplishing the inter- of the community can become conscious of how
family bargain, the sequence of events related these ways of behaving affect the psycho-social
to the handing over of the money or assets, their dynamics of oppression within the community
preservation and supply: e.g., the bridegroom's and in relation to oppressor groups. An in-
family acquires wealth, or the newly-weds ac- tegrated program of social transformation will
quire wealth, or the bridegroom's sister ac- emphasize all three parts of the Cultural Parent.
quires a dowry, ... The transformation of beliefs, opinions and
Character ofthe Dowry System indicates the traditions of the Cultural Parent of a given com-
feelings of obligation, deprivation or satisfac- munity is important because it is this part which
tion, feelings of worth or worthlessness on the justifies and imprisons a given social order by
part of the brides, their feelings of frustration providing legends, rules, punishments and
or compliance, feelings of power on the part rewards for specific types of behavior in the
of the husband's family ... community.
The Cultural Parent The Cultural Parent Influence
All processes of social transformation, for in Daily Decisions
example, in the dowry system will require The Cultural Parent is located both in a social
changes, adaptations and compromises in the group and in the individual, A young economist
whole system of beliefs-options-feelings that who hears her mother-in-law say that if she
constitute the cultural personality. This cultural does not go to the temple, her husband will
personality is located as a configuration within have financial set-backs, is hearing the voice
the individual person, the person's Cultural of the Cultural Parent (etiquette). When the gay

Vol. 13. No.4. October 1983 225


mood of a spring festival surges in the market that work for a reversal of old structures. In
place, or when one group feels disgust towards China today, the children of university
another group, the Cultural Parent (character) graduates are denied a university education
is again in evidence. When a sick person uses while the children of farmers encouraged to get
prayers or creative imagery for healing, the one.
Cultural Parent (technicality) is at work. An unhealthy Cultural Parent is one which
When a young woman decides to marry the wants to (1) repeat old history over and over
man of her own choice, it is the Cultural Parent again without change; (2) keep things the way
that is uncomfortable and wants to stop her. they are, because this is safe and familiar;
When a child is prevented from going to school, (3) assume responsibility for others that these
and is asked to look after the younger children, others can well assume for themselves;
the Cultural Parent smiles with satisfaction. (4) provide punishments for new and untried
When a wife is beaten by her husband, the behavior even where such behavior is life-
punitive part of the Cultural Parent grimly ap- giving and healthy (6) keep power over others
proves, and both parties are caught in its grip. and enjoy controlling them for the sake of con-
The Cultural Parent contains the conscious and trolling; (7) destroy anything, however good,
unconscious boundaries of acceptable behavior, that threatens the maintenance of control.
whether or not what is acceptable is harmful Here in India I have seen my development
or helpful to the individual. When tradition dic- programs that focus on the Child when they
tates that a little baby be massaged, this is "take care of" the needs ofthe deprived or they
helpful to the child, but when it dictates that focus on the Adult when they train people in
it was mother's wet hair which caused damages new methods of agriculture, nutrition, and self-
to the baby's lungs (mother had breast-fed the employment. Many activist programs focus on
baby after having washed her hair), and nothing the Child, stirring up resistance and rebellion
can change it, this is harmful to the baby. When in the people.
a harijan thinks it is shameful to be a harijan, When a community examines its Cultural
and believes that harijans are inferior by birth, Parent, it can decide to keep what is needed so
it is the Cultural Parent which fosters such as to protect a just social order and create new
assumptions. When a landlord thinks that he forms of social interaction beyond the cultural
has rights over the bodies of his workers, when circumference. By modifying unjust values in
a man believes that raping women is his the Controlling parent such as unlimited ac-
prerogative, when teenagers believe that burn- cumulation of wealth, unlimited profit margins,
ing buses is a valid form of protest, it is the autocratic power, destroying others in order to
Cultural Parent in which these beliefs and their meet one's own wants, the foundations of a new
corresponding behaviors are encrusted. While social order are prepared.
the Cultural Parent is one way of looking at the
individual's Parent, it also needs to be seen in Changing the Cultural Parent
its social context, and to be cleaned within the Kanta and Sheila offer two examples of in-
social network in which the individuals relate dividuals who have changed their Cultural
to one another as a group. parents and in so doing, have improved the
The Cultural Parent is formed in the family quality of life. Kanta found that her ethnic
and early socio-cultural environment. It is the group prescribed that she fast regularly so as
process by which children of the landowners to preserve her husband's health. In her society,
are programmed to become like the landowner wives lived with feelings of guilt and fear, rein-
and to imitate his behavior and attitudes, while forced by their acceptance of the cultural belief
the children of the landless laborer are pro- system, that if they did not fast faithfully, and
grammed to be like their forefathers. The more if their husbands fell ill, then they would be
closed the Parenting process, the fewer options responsible. At the same time they felt a secret
will the child look for while growing up and sense of power over their husband's bodies, a
the more the child will re-live the Cultural feeling of triumph that went against the cultural
Parent program of being oppressed or oppres- etiquette of male dominance. The cultural
ing. This is the process that is shaken up by character therefore contained both compliance
consciousness-raising and by those movements and rebellion, while the cultural etiquette con-

226 Transactional Analysis Journal


tained messages of control for the woman and and carry out a trip to another part of the city,
nurturance for the men. they found the Character in their Cultural
Kanta's Before Therapy After Therapy Parent challenged with a new sense of self-
Old Cult.P. New Cult.P worth. They later accepted a new Cultural Eti-
Etiquette Wives must suffer Each spouse is quette of' 'Girls are capable of independent ac-
to preserve responsible for tion and can travel outside the village." To
husband's life. own life.
Technicality Fasting Exchange strokes
avoid family confrontation they gave extra
Character Fearful, powerful. Free, Confident strokes to their mothers: another new
Sheila was furious when she heard that (the
The model of Cultural Parent was also useful
Cultural Parent of) her husband's family for-
for analyzing health practices in the village:
bade her to sleep with him on their wedding
Etiquette: Concept of ideal health, superstitu-
night. She had to sleep with her mother-in-law.
tion about causes of disease, etc.
Her husband took three months to change his
Technicalities: Methods of diagnosis, in-
Cultural Parent. By using the ETC framework,
struments of treatment such as pills, herbs,
the two of them located their conflict in their
chantings, etc.
Cultural Parents, and they resolved this in time
Character: Fantasies of decay or rupture,
to prevent a break-up.
divine punishment, faith in healter, etc.
Husband Shena A common Cultural Parent system in Indian
Etiquette Wife belongs to Spouses belong to villages says "Don't give water to a patient suf-
husband's family. each other.
Technicality Wife sleeps with Joint decision- fering from diarrhea. " By using the image of a
mother-in-law for making. broken cooking pot on the village coals which
first three nights. needs extra water to be added several times in
Character Inferior/Superior Co-operative order to cook the food, some families have ac-
The transformation of the Cultural Parent at cepted a change in their etiquette and
a group level is a longer process. At times a technicalities concerning this disease.
change in technicality will bring about a change
in etiquette and character, at times the process
starts from a change in character or etiquette.
For example, a TA group of village women are
gradually changing their Cultural Parent on the
subject of childbirth as follows, by learning
technicalities of relaxation and breathing. Pearl Drego, MA, CTM, is currently Presi-
dent ofthe TA Society ofIndia. She is Director
Old Cult.P. New Cult.P. of TACET in New Delhi, India.
Etiquette The more the labor Experience of
pain the more . childbirth contrac-
mother loves baby. tions can be con-
trolled by mother. REFERENCES
Benedict, R. Patterns of culture, Boston: Houghton Mif-
Technicality Isolation of mother Mother surround-
flin, 1934.
at childbirth. ed by caring
hands (and relax- Berne, E. Structure and dynamics of organizations and
ation techniques). groups, New York, Grove Press, 1963.
Character Helplessness during Powerfulness in Drego, P. "Parenting in social process," in Tasi Darsham,
birth process. giving life. Vol. I, No.6, New Delhi, 1981.
It may be many years before the village Geertz, C. "Ethos, world-view and the analysis of sacred
symbols," ed. Alan Dundes, New Jersey: Pretnice Hall,
women see that their husbands also have a part
in the childbirth process. Kluckhohn, J., & Murray, H. Personality in nature, society
Another example of change in the Cultural and culture, New York: University Books, 1956.
Parent of a group of village young women came Kroeber, A. Anthropology, New York: Harcourt Brace &
when they decided to go on a picnic. Usually, Co., 1948.
girls do not leave the village boundaries. After Summerton, O. "Transactional analysis - an introduction
using their individual Adult ego states to plan to basic concepts," New Delhi, Manohar, 1979.

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